Thursday, April 25, 2019

What 2 Catholic Altar Boys Won't Tell You

A logic board is sometimes seen as a tool such as a wooden sppon to spank a toddler or juvenile who is not LISTENING to good  instructions.  Here is a sequence of information that should not evade your information intake:

1. Yeshua, in intentional error labeled 'Jesus Christ', is an Israelite that was seeking to be joined to other Israelites , not to be CUT OFF from them so he participated in the 7th day sabbath and the appointed times and feasts that Moshe was instructed to teach.

2. By not participating in the week long feast of unleavened bread, you are actually cutting yourself off from Yeshua who was given a prick name of Jesus Christ by those who pricked his head with thorns.

3. By their own pro-leaven activities during 'Easter' , religious leaders and their anti-Yahweh followers are practicing a form of population control, trying to keep as many people cut off from Yeshua and his Israelite unit as possible in order to increase their anti-Israelite religion.

4. Once you partake in a full week of unleavened bread, you are more likely to continue through the year keeping the feasts that Yeshua, leader of apostles and disciples. kept and are less likely to get CUT OFF from his mercy and grace.

5. If you do not keep the feast of unleavened bread, by default you get attached to another leader or guru such as Lucifer, Thor, Buddha, Satan, the pontiff, Mohommed, Allah. Buzz Lightyear stupidity or a multitude of anti-Yahweh elders who devised a plan to keep you CUT off rather than joined to the chief shepherd of Israel.

6. Ridiculous additional rules and regulations of people who refer to themselves as' Jewish' have discouraged their own kind while they often also have displayed a false witness to  people raised in protestant and Catholic families, while their rabbis profit from selling their 'K=kosher' seal , a sin of greed greater than the acts of Judas Iscariot in my opinion.

Point 2 might not be obvious to the son of perdition; it does not take a miracle to evade the intake of leavened breads for 7 days!!! The miracle happens when you decide you desire to be grafted into not cut off from the man known as Yeshua of Nazareth. Those who intentionally promote activities that keep you CUT OFF from the messiah of Israel lighten the load on Yeshua, since fewer and fewer people actually desire to align with and be attached to the man that PIlate labeled 'King'.

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