A Navy veteran who IS trying to do what is good in the sight of 'the Eternal' regularly hears about Gd but rarely hears about Yahweh, and there is a difference between Gd and Yahweh, just as there is a 1000 Daily cycle difference between 844 days and 1844 nights. For the sake of the CCOG people in India, I am going to point out serious signs of unjust scales and biased prejudices that USA military men often have against the habits of Muslim people, in increments of thoughts and with the intention to make others reconsider why honoring your father and your mother should include refusing to intentionally mutilate your own flesh.
1. I am not familiar with the procedures of the flesh that some Muslims request be done on their toddler daughters, but those procedures have been defined as mutilating the flesh of the female's lower body and such practices are not permissible for Yahweh's people so I would TRY to win a Muslim over to Yahweh's side rather than avoid them as the Navy veteran who was stationed on the ship LST-1162' chooses to avoid Muslims in the USA.
2. The professed Reubenite who sings about the tribe of Gd, prays in Yeshua's name and like his leader, chooses to speak about Gad while avoiding speaking in terms of Yahweh, decided to quote Yeshua's instructions to love our enemies, and his version of loving the Muslims is staying away from them. My version of loving the Muslims is trying to get them to align with Yahweh and against the Vatican's nation of hypocrisy. When it comes to approaching an enemy without tanks, the County Wahkiakum or 155 Howitzers, well trained 'coppers' usually do it better than the USA Pentagon system or 'kill later and get a tattoo now'. Sometimes being ;well' trained includes getting thrown into a pit and hoping you get pulled out like Jeremiah Gambrell.
3. Mutilations of the flesh includes the application of a tattoo. If you have not discouraged your child from mutilating his or her flesh with a tattoo, you are pro-mutilation by default.
4. The most hypocritical human beings think the flesh alterations done on a juvenile female in some Muslim sects is evil, yet as a matter of fact buying and selling breast augmentation on females who already had a healthy set of breasts IS MUTILIATION OF THE FLESH FOR VANITY and is not what Yahweh's people should desire. Worldwide, foolish women mutilate their own body with breast augmentation often to appease an unthankful, unholy and selfish fornication partner that they might or might not be the spouse of.
5. Michael Jackson of Gary, Indiana, equally deranged by the religion of his choice as Glenn Close and Eric Close are deranged by their own staged presentations, mutililated his flesh to change his image. People who seek cosmetic surgery to try to deceive others about their age or physical care practices not only mutilate their own flesh with the approval of their 'religious leader' who is NOT Yahweh, they also do deceive far more people than the typical honest Muslim who has not chosen to align with Yahweh yet.
6. Do not think that you will be in a position to 'judge' Muslim people who have practiced some form of fleshly alteration on their children if you have not openly opposed tattoos,have not openly opposed plastic surgery for vanity reasons only ( face lifts, fat suctioning, or have not openly opposed the worst of all acts of the selfish flesh, namely the demand for female breast implants intended to increase the CUP size of a female in order to draw more attention to her body of unbelief in Yahweh's designs.
Richard Close is referred to as an 'elder' of Bob Theil's CCOG teams and even though his people are still too focused on the tribe of Gd and not focused enough on Yahweh, the remnant tribe of Gd is more likely to head in the proper direction after Yhvdh's 12,000 are sealed than Bob Newhart's gang of actresses and actors.
7. I informed Terry LaFrance and his polite wife that I am still in the feast of unleavened bread and even though his sect of Bible students don't use the sliver of the moon as the guideline for the new month like I have chosen to do, they allowed me to join them for a Shabbat gathering, which makes them not much different to me than the owner and 7th day day staff of 'Litte India'.
8. I mentioned to Mr. LaFrance, a Navy veteran, that I saw a young man wearing a hat with the SIGN OF THE THIRD REICH on his head ( Papa Joe's in Durand, MI). The waiter claimed it was a skateboard company known as 'independent' but I suggested he watch Hogan's Heroes and decide if he still wants to have that sign on his FOREHEAD. Mr. LaFrance doesn't understand Yahweh very well yet, and mistakenly said that Yahweh does not like symbolism. Yahweh has approved of many symbols, and without symbols, it is harder to discern who's TEAM person is with. Mr LaFrance had boiler duties on a ship and is not ashamed of his alligator sign, not was I ashamed of the penguin emblem I had on during our sabbath meeting, which is a sign we desire to be aligned with the scattered Israelites rather than with the Dallas Cowboys and their pontiff of the Vatican.
9. I was informed that the city of Jerusalem was taken into control during 1973, not 1948, so the number 73 is important sign to Navy veteran Terry LaFrance and the state of Israel's existence since 1948 is not one of his guidelines as it is with so many others. Our information exchange edified me and I was invited to return, which makes him more of a caring 'Christian' than my daughter-in-law who is in London, England now making deals with hospitals there. Her activities are being watched by as at least as many people who watched me in Wausau, Wisconsin before they decided to attack me in various legal and illegal ways, and I do fear for my grandchildren's safety but it is up to Yahweh to decide what is best for the children of anti-Yahweh parents.
9F.The 'Jerusalem Bakery' in Lansing on Michigan street sadly had not unleavened bread available so that Jerusalem site has become part of the Vatican system, very much like most of the city known as Jerusalem in the state of Israel. Equally disturbing was the sight of $8.99 pricing on a box of Yahudah matzo wafers in an East Lansing 'health food store', which is practically extortion pricing based on the actual cost of ingredients. I did NOT buy the matzo crackers marked by the ritual of a Jewish rabbi for 'just scale' reasons. Some do pay such ridiculous prices, but I rather show myself some mercy and seek unleavened Indian bread made by people who don't hate Moshe Ben Amram.
10. As a token of our meeting today, I gifted Sharon LaFrance a bracelet designed by Lucretia Garfield and she graciously accepted it on what I considered the 20th day of the year, but they consider as the 7th day of the omer count up to 50. According to Mr. LaFrance, there are only about 50 people in the USA affiliated with the CCOG, and eventually their church of will be faced with leading Asher in a seal process or standing by to observe the prophesy of Ephraim and Manessah opposing HDUHY ( Yehuda) before HDUDY's 12,000 get sealed ahead of Reuben.
11. The number 'eleven' did come up in Bob Thiel's reading from Exodus today, and it had nothing to do with human shoe size. While Terry LeFrance did not know I had 3 layers of clothing on, he also did not know I had Daunte Culpepper's name closest to my heart, under Michael Richter and Paul Coffey. I do not intend to wear a Carol 'Kester 29' jersey. Our attire does send signals to others and people who have been involved in uniform divisions often hide the evidence of ways their flesh has been mutilated with tattoos or vain breast augmentations.
12. Terry LaFrance seemed to be concerned that my observance of unleavened bread MIGHT disqualify from some sort of protection, but the man ( originally from Beirut, Lebanon) from the Aladdin café in Lansing who sold me falafel and grape leaves when I was seeking bread made without leaven did not seem too concerned that I was in danger. Did Yahweh ever say the bread had to be rolled out flat or could unleavened bread balls ne tossed into hot oil and come out smelling like unleavened quick bread?
13. A woman named 'Giselle' from London, Ontario suggested that wine that is blessed and not consumed should be dumped into the soil. I do not recall reading that instruction anywhere in Exodus 12, so once again, the name 'Giselle' might be TROUBLE in a flock and worse at interpreting matters at Michigan hotel baptisms than Thomas Flock.
14. I do not recommend visiting the Michigan state capitol building, since it seems to be annexed by the pontiff, St. Francis of Assisi and the unrepentant adulterer, John F. Kennedy. What I notice at 120 is only the end of 1 game of cribbage. not nearly enough points to even get to a ND 'Dan' line worth 704 points. Whitmer's office is very defiled, and the roads between Shelby and Lansing were rather good, much to my surprise since so many have accused the Richard Snyder administration of gross negligence to the roadways. It is Detroit, the city of Motown records and Baphomet sites, that has financially abused the state of Michigan.
15. Moose lodge 2508 was quite hospitable, and the town of Durand had some very pleasant sites. No one there, including James who 'guested' me, appeared to have mutilated their body by stupidly augmenting the area around their sphincter like a lot of Eric Close call girls and and nasty rapper associates have been known to do. I do not want to disrespect an animal known as an 'ass', so using the sphincter word better defines the area often mutilated by disgusting anti-Yahweh humans.
16. Lastly, even though I left some 'Tom and Jericho' notes for the Spartans to play with at MSU, I was impressed with how clean their campus is. As a UWBadger, I decided not to enter their 'hockey temple' to protest their lack of nearby parking spaces for visitors. The notes I left about about Sean Avery might not be as useful as whatever is in Tabasco, Mexico now but neat, clean and curious students don't always want to find 'Brent Burns #375'.
17. Once again, I noticed that MGM films misrepresented Mosheh. In grave err and with the intent to deceive, Charlton Heston's version of 'Moses' petitioned his 'Lord' to turn from his fierce wrath and not issue a death plague against the 1st born of Egypt, but historically the real Mosheh Ben Amram never requested that the life of Pharoah's son or any other 'taro' of a Helios family be spared. The non-Hollywood Moshe petitioned Yahweh to turn his wrath away from the Israelites that exited with Moshe, and the result was a loss of 3,000 idolaters other than the destruction of the entire nation under the leadership of Moshe Ben Amram and eventually, Yoshua and Caleb. Turning from fierce wrath does not mean the elimination of all disciplinary measures needed to correct intentional lawlessness and intentional hatred of good laws.
18. Because I do have little friends who have heard about Yoshua and Yericho from me, I actually did walk around the Munn ice arena one time.... quietly. This hike seemed like a much better goal than stupidly and arrogantly sending overpriced spacecrafts to defile and intrude on the surface of the earth's MOON. Many world government leaders have approved of acts that are unforgivable and that have damaged more than the reputation of their budget committee.
19. This is like a Charlotte bus addendum about the connection between LST-1162 and 116. 116 is the address of the Moose lodge in Durand, and 116 was the address of my leased 'pit' in Charlotte, NC where I had 2 male visitors. The 1st visitor was evil, did harm to me and was a thief who did not repay the $69 I borrowed to him; the 2nd visitor was a one-of- kind Cornell graduate who not only liked watching an NCAA basketball game with me but also was smarter and more handsome than John McCarron or any person I ever saw at the Macomb Ice rink.
My memory is not hindered by people like Terry LaFrance; it is often augmented!
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