Carbon seems to be the difference between C(6)He(2)Li(3)Os(76) good routes and He(2)Li(3)Os(76) pagan diety routes in Ben Gurion airport. I am going to try to estabish merciful parameters for the keeping of a pesach meal within a 72 hour span; I am not going to try to defend the keeping of a pesach meal at the dark of the moon, since others are trying to defend that position. MGM movie 'The Ten Commandments' have indicated that pesach night did not occur during a full moon when Edward G. Robinson argued his pro-Egypt point. Is an MGM movie the standard for those who kept the pesach meal at the new moon rather than at a full moon? Was that waxing moon in MGM's falcon-pushing flick of idol comparisons the strong delusion that pulled some way from keeping pesach during the time near April 20th?
Isaiah 33:21 has an anti-GALLANT message, namely:
"But there Yehovah will be with us in majesty, a place of broad rivers and streams wherein shall go no galley with oars neither shall gallant ship pass thereby. For Yehovah is our judge, Yahweh is our lawgiver, Yehuwah is our king; he will save us.' I used all three reasonable English forms of Yod Hey Vav Hey rather than try to toss an X in for Y. Tom Gallant and Gerard Gallant have worse habits and conduct far worse than 'Tom and Jerry' cartoon characters.
Brother Essac Israel's group kicked off pesach on April 18th; my favorite non-Martian kept a pesach memorial in her dwelling on April 19th; a few might be keeping the pesach meal the evening of April 20th, and I suppose they should also keep the observance of Firstfruits on the 28th of April when I do. Since I will be observing a pesach meal on the evening of April 21st, I will be one of the last keeping the feast in a 3 day and 3 night period. The timing of the keeping of the pesach meal is based on what sight you trust in to determine the beginning of the 1st month of the year, and that varies due to lack of a unified body of Mosheh, which Michael and Satan have contended about for centuries.
I have an adverse reaction to the typical 'Jewish' seder since the last one I attended did not bring peace between me and Shane David Hendrikson, but did indeed bring a sword between us. I continued on with Mosheh and Yoshua, while Mr. Hendrikson slithered back to the HELIOS group of sun worshippers. When I observed the Jewish rituals, the egg looked like too much of an 'Easter' compromise, so I don't do the 'egg thing' like most traditionalists. I also don't extend the meal to more than about 30 minutes, and eat the meal in haste before setting guard within my dwelling.
A friend of mine asked me about 'blood on the doorposts'. I suppose when Moshe was in Egypt, he was living in housing owned by the Egyptian housing authority.... like a Cabrini Green project. Since I do not dwell in government owned housing, I don't mark my dwelling door but I do mark th temple of the living Elohim. Since the lips are the doorposts of my body, and wine marks my lips before lamb marks my lips, the doorposts of my body have been marked for at least 7 years after they were defiled by Jewish tradition in Wausau. I am not happy to reveal what has gone wrong, but I am thankful better understand the letter Dalet as the doorposts to my body which has not ejected Yahweh nor Yahavah nor Yahuwah nor Yeshua. Yeshua and Easter are opposed to each other, not connected by a chicken egg in a drawn out Jewish seder.
I have considered what trusting in the name of the Vatican line has done for me in the past, and all the Vatican line did was allow my fist unfaithful husband to become a thief and a man who abandoned his own flesh and blood as well as his first wife. I considered what trusting in the name of Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior did in 1995 as a Baptist, and all the name of Jesus Christ did was allow a marriage that apparently Gd did not join to end in divorce at the request of an unforgiving and unbelieving Catholic man who claimed he loved me and wanted Gd to help me. I considered what trusting in the name of Yahweh did, and Yahweh caused a man who HATED me and deceived me for years to flee to Helios and away from me after I chose to trust in the name of Yahweh.
Thus, Yahweh did his duty to protect me, while the Vatican did not protect me. The tribe of Gd is not 'Helios'.
As I gathered up lamb parts that a Muslim man imparted to me, bitter herbs and chapati bread which is not made with leaven and can be purchased in any good Muslim restaurant, I realized the feast of unleavened bread can be kept in almost any Muslim restaurant as easily as it could be kept in the garden of Eden where there is a choice between leavened and unleavened bread. Without a choice, tests cannot be passed because a form of a dictator took over the dining area.
As far as Noachide laws go, unless Yahweh is allowed to be honored and obeyed, they are actually more like blasphemous Noah's Ark stupidity in the Wisconsin Dells. I'm not worried about the vain stupidity that might be centered around Ben Gurion airport or the tables set with abominable hams because those anti-Yehovah acts are not what I intend to perform. I am concerned that many 'shabbat' leaders aren't instructing their congregation to have the pesach meal in their dwelling and than come together the following day for a holy assembly. Holy assemblies are not easy to find in southern Michigan, so people like me start a holy assembly as best we can. On the morning of April 22nd, Yahweh will guide me to a holy assembly, even if the only other beings gathered with me are real birds along the shores of Marine City, the employees of Ban Thai diner in Macomb or the strangers of Lansing.
The menu for my pesach meal will be chapati bread,, stewed Indian lamb, spicy okra in bitter herbs (Little India recipes not Pedigree), Philadelphia sushi rolls ( rice, smoked salmon, cream cheese+cucumber) to oppose Jewish boiled chicken eggs with an undated Ban-Thai sharp knife recipe, some dried dates, mango cubes,Porto Morgado ruby wine dispensed into the Canada 'Eh' cup gifted to me from my favorite non-martian friend and distilled water poured into the most beautiful cup I was ever able to paint with my little wonderful friends named Noah, Caleb, Sean and Lila in the Blue Mountain range of Ontario. 153 fish might go 1531, 1532 or 1533 ways depending on Brian Elliott UW Badger communications. 1532 is a highlighted number of Southampton, Ontario which is north of Jericho and west of the Joshua Crescent rollers, not Danimal house #99.
Tselios is not the same as Helios, as any Tsaddi student knows. Chet is not the same as Hey, as any Hebrew student knows. I rather toss out a seder ritual caution than have too many people trust in liberal Judaism which knows not the way of the holy man Yeshua who came to bring a sword, not peace on earth. Some friends of mine know that the son of a judge is not the same as the judge; likewise, those friends know that the son of Nathan might have the qualities of Nathan, but will have his own name and identity such as Joseph Ben Nathan. A few people near Canadian Legion 498 might know that MakataiMESHEKiakiak was also known as Black Hawk, not Beaver Cleaver.
What I choose to remember is that it was about 370 days between the closing of the ark and the reopening of the ark on the 2nd month and 27th day... which was not in February. I am ejecting the prescribed Jewish cycle of reading this year and as I result, I just read the Noach portion in my local assembly when I noticed the name MESHEK in the Cepher version. Does Chief Black Hawk look like Helios in the Ben Gurion airport now or does Penny Chelios look like Helios at Midway in Chicago? I don't worship Lincoln on or off of a penny, and I certainly do not worship an entity named 'Helios'.
Don't cry if the Winnipeg Jets have less offense than the St. Louis Blues. Hope that the Winnipeg Jets manage to keep the week of unleavened bread and are able to rest on April 22nd and April 28th then remember Jonathan Toews on the 29th. The wisest teams rather not be in the Las Vegas 'pink church of prostitution' during the feast of unleavened bread and understand the role of 'operation centurion'.
Milwaukee Squad 50 isn't Mr. Binnington; Binnington cam be found on the Dan Snyder trail of Owen Sound Attack attached to the number 86 but not to Sergei Krivokrasov and Jason Dawe in a G line. If people have been using the' Shane Hendrikson' ( 01-15-69) hockey family photos from the pink Immanuel Baptist church in Rib Mountain, Wisconsin that legend already collapsed long ago and going to Dallas Stars or Nashville Predators hockey games during Yahweh's feast week is a curse, not a holy rest and a decent blessing.
Good job, Mr. Hellebuyck. Squad 37 is important in a Psalm line. I'm thankful for men like Byfuglien and Little, since good role models look exactly like Bryan Little and Dustin Byfuglien.
The 8th round has started since April 20, 2012 and Yahweh knows when his people need a rest, not a trophy.
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