Monday, April 1, 2019

Yahweh Has to LEAD Gd (God) and Dn (Don)

It's getting easier for me to feel compassion for my son knowing he has never been led to safety by a person who represents more the just the tribe of Gd or the tribe of Judah, but actually represents the spirit of Yahweh.  I am familiar with the spirit of those who say they believe in Gd but then their lips continue onward to blaspheme the spirit of Yahweh because for many years, I had that familiar spirit of only thinking about Gd and had not considered nor been taught to sing about Rueben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dn, Napthali, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph and Benjamin. I was only taught by the Catholics to sing about Gd, never realizing that if Yahweh was not leading Gd in my sight, Gd would become a weak idol system often compressed into statue form in more vain and often ugly statue varieties than Buddha.  Unlike Richard Nixon and Pat O'Brien who compared people to suckers, I think Gentile people are more like sharks who will eat what they can to survive but who are unclean and often intimidating unless buffalo, flounder or goat tactics are used against an unclean shark that is an adversary to the flounder   but not to the bluegill in fresh water or the goat on  high and dry land.

The tribe of Gd probably behaved like the Vikings and it is a difficult tribe to correct, especially since the NFL is not in the  sanctification business even though properly the men do work hard on Sunday. I am going to post another portion of a teaching letter that was sent to my son, who is having a tough time explaining Gad to my grandson, Levi.  I believe the following will logic and facts will be helpful in Doan and Battier anti-tattoo battles that go all the way down to Xavier Tillman the 23rd. A natural stone is not offensive to a holy spirit  and if used properly is much safer and holier sign of identification with a particular tribe than a tattoo that defiles the flesh.  When  surnames are not used,  a transition can be made to a better Shane than Hendrikson in more than 'Nationwide'  narrow gate communications.

I didn't know you had gone fishing with Shane Battier ( a terrific basketball player from Duke, where your favorite president Nixon also went to law school)! LOL   Did you name the muskie 'Benjamin Sheets' and toss a Brewers hat on his head?  Uncle Bob would approve of a Battier line now, another famous 31.

Now, be prepared to be grounded properly. If you won't believe Moshe, you really won't believe Yeshua, and that message was made clear in the 'rich man a Lazarus' portion of Yeshua's teachings as he struggled with unbelievers and  a system who had distorted and mangled what was and is pure and holy law that is a lamp unto the feet of those who also learned that at Jericho, as a lamp was help in the left hand a shofar was held in the right...… Vikings often behave like the tribe of Gad.

The book of Joshua, chapter 4, declared the glory of Yahweh to a leader of the tribes which included the tribe of Gad, which is definitely properly pronounced as GOD, and spelled with only a G(gimel) and a D(dalet). When that tribe was scattered for being disobedient, they scattered to eastern Europe and there stone is a ligure (jacinth aka iolite). There was even a train that had run along the southern part of France to Italy that had been named the ligure, and that indicates a tribe of Gd connection. Gdansk is the area that my father's family came from, which structurally looks like the tribe of Dan and Gd linked up. Yeshua's ministry was to the lost sheep of the house of ISRAEL, and his mission was to restore them and turn all of his flock, including the tribe of Gd,  back to Yahweh.  It is not surprising to me any longer that Gd became 'worshipped' when signs of Yahweh could not be found, since they were mighty warriors and lived up to their prophetic calling, compared to a LION (Deut. 33;20) by Moshe, who you should believe since Yeshua endorsed Moshe.  Gd's father Jacob was not a prophet and required his son Joseph to get him out of his woes, but he saw that his son Gd was able to get over walls.  Even I was able to do that 31  years ago. LOL

Revelation chapter 21 does confirm the use of stones in resetting and rebuilding process. David chose 5 smooth stones , beautiful but not a beast, but only needed one when facing a beast who mocked Yahweh. Without knowledge of the past PROPER uses of stones by men chosen by Yahweh to lead, it can lead to stupidity and superstition. I am not stupid nor superstitious; "STUPID LEFT ME; HE WAS AN UNBELIEVER' would be a fine t-shirt slogan for many of us who now consider the works of Benjamin Sheets.  Satan had a listing of gems he is authorized to 'use' but that list was of 9 stones, not 12. The stones of the tribe of Gd, Asher and Issachar are not part of his arsenal, so to speak in combat terms.   The set I have compiled was compiled with knowledge, and their small combination of beauty is not only a teaching took about how Yahweh will regather his people but a reminder that there is a cornerstone within the 12 that many will REJECT.  I have not rejected that cornerstone, and in final foundations the stone JASPER is laid down 1st, Benjamin, the tribe of Paul whose letters many twist in their process of turning people away from Yahweh and toward some lesser power source.

Now you can reconsider what I have offered you and I will wait to see if you have a change of heart now that you have more information to recall or consider for the 1st time.  I didn't SEE what occurred in Joshua chapter 4 until this year, and maybe your won't see it for another 40 years due to unbelief.  Yahweh can cause spiritual blindness and can refuse to hear prayers from unbelievers... all the Scriptures Benjamite Paul was referring to when indicating rebuke material was the Tanakh… Moshe and the prophets, which Yeshua also read from and trusted in publicly.

Even the commandments tucked into the ark were written on pieces of lapis lazuli- how beautiful those words are on the stone assigned to the tribe of Dan, the 2nd foundation after jasper in new testament declarations of dependence on Yahweh.  As a matter of fact, consider these words:  I am Yahweh that brought you out of Egypt'. Yahweh guided Gd, Gd didn't guide Yahweh.  Moshe, a Levite, guided the tribe of Gd. Caleb, grafted into Judah , assisted Joshua Ben Nun ( Nun is the letter that looks like a hockey stick in it's final form but in the middle of a word is a '50' to combat a Roman L=50 system). 

Music is more likely to make people error in their ways than a collection of stones Joshua was designated to use properly in times of combat. Don't be fearful of that which was formed by Yahweh to be good.  

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