Friday, April 19, 2019

Call 414-483-5666 or Interrogate and Openly Condemn Jeff TInsley

I am going to retype 3rd hand information from  '' instead of trying to type as fast as Olivia DeHaviland.  Since I know Dick Bennett is  not Michael Bennett, I wonder who is at the bottom of the Mark Smith now?  When 1 person's problem get solved quicker when it becomes an entire nation's problem or does the entire nation make the problem of 1 person worse by ignoring it?  I have already realized that since my property are is being 'targeted' by a mentally ill chewing gum dispenser, I am going to pass the evidence into the common area of my subdivision so it affects more than only me and ideally I will not end up like the man who lived across from me at 116 Hollyday Court before some Detroit Redwing fans purchased tha Charlotte homicide site.  Piling up wrong information and intentionally trying to dispense it  for monetary gain is a sin worse than driving too fast on a par 5 golf hole. Intentionally trying to harass good taxpapers by tossing garbage where it does not belong is a sin greater than choosing to observe Buddha rather than Playboy cologne and adult pornography.  My opinions and commentary questions are in bold type on this electronic site, not in the bottom of upper Post Lake in Elcho, WI surrounded by horrid Twizzlers, Budweiser slobs and ugly Coca-Cola cans.

Here is what Jeff Tinsley has reported ( his assumptions in italics) about a Marie Ortiz that was NEVER me, myself and good Minneapolis I9 formations:

adl-1603734687  Notice that another 'Marie Ortiz' not listed as an option in Tinsley's list got pressured into putting unrepentant thief Shane David Hendrikson onto her property title shortly before Shane David Hendrikson served her with divorce papers and was given custody of that property address that started with 1602 on Mary Lane, not with 1603 on Alex Smith Haley Street. Also notice that Theodore Jackson of Milwaukee had a 1st Catholic marriage that occurred on the 6th of March (1982 AD), 734 is exactly between Miroslav Satan's NHL point total of 735 and Andrew Brunette's NHL point total of 733 and 687 is a split between Trevor Daly6 and Sidney Crosby87. The reverse # of 786473061 has Tyler Sequin's Panini number 306 in it in case you think there is a integrity problem with the Culver 23 basketball lines but 786473061 also has good old coach Scott Gomez's 306 ESPN tossed into it.  Did John Hadl contrive 1603734687 without consent from Janet I. Dunn's crystal ball room?  Don't  bother asking Dan Snyder  of  Atlanta, Georgia the answer.

Milwaukee WI
 Age: 58  08/01/1959
AKA Marie A Ortiz, Mary Smyth, Marie Smith, Marie Smyth, Marie A Smith

Democrat Party

Reputation Score: 4.00/5

Marie's Story

 Marie Ortiz was born in 1959. Marie currently lives in Milwaukee. Marie Ortiz   attended St. Catherines HIgh School in Racine, WI and graduated class of 1977. After high school, she went to Milwaukee Area Tech College, South in Oak Creek, WI. She attended college from 2001 to 2008.

Tea Party Supporter

Past Addresses
16*** ****
Milwaukee, WI
29*** **** ( Could it have been 2970 S. Delaware, close to Dick Bennett Street?) 
Milwaukee, WI
29*** **** 
Milwaukee, WI  ( Milwaukee copper link to Daniel Teske, Daniel Bell or Robin Ortiz not included?)
41*** ****
Milwaukee, WI

Past Address
Chicago IL

Family and Friends

 DS DavidSmith e780202516086
St. Frqncis, WI

 SS SamSmyth  e100626600110310
Miwaukee, WI

CC CelesteCenteno   e108910547022
Lowell, MA

PS  PeterSmyth  e783496249668
Milwaukee, WI

SS SamanthaSmyth   e76547148952962
Milwaukee, WI

NyssaSmyth  e14140580286966


SC  Sharon Conde

MB Mike Burns

DN Daniel NOe

DD Dan Dematthew

JP Jim Peterson

Tinsley's computer gang then even suggests you go hunting for another Marie Ortiz and if Tinsley has even 1 'story' fact wrong about Marie Ortiz e133323721992 or Marie A. Ortiz od Milwaukee, he is far more evil and far more dangerous to historians and accurate police department personnel than the apostle known as Judas Iscariot and is equally as evil and unforgivable as the person who stole my police ID from Indian Trail, NC about 8 years ago. Here are the other MO people and their social anti-security numbers that Tinsley forced upon them:

Find Another Marie Ortiz

MO e643416723936    56
Oconomowoc, WI

MO e133323721992    76
Waukesha, WI  

 372 in the middle is tied to Dany Heatley and Eric Lindros, so it is obvious a big band did not cause e133323721992 to be assigned to Waukesha Marie Ortiz

MO  Marie Ortiz  e195784851396    47
Trussville AL

MO Marie Ortiz   e642756636978     58
Gurdon, AR

MO  Marie Ortiz   e643509457422      42
Chandler, AZ

MO Marie Ortiz   e519378108330    no age reported by the Tinsley beast system
Gilbert, AZ

Since I just passed on information that I know is not information I would rely upon when doing research about an MO, how many dollars has Tinsley taken in with his corrupt and inaccurate and PARTIAL  St. Catherine's information  when compared to the small amount of money that Michael Bennett of Milwaukee Technical and Trade High school (  UW-Madison football man)  attempted to get loaned to him using intenionally inaccurate or intentionally untrue information?

Jeff Tinsley is exactly like a plastic Easter egg at mind: he is not doing any good works and is unable to save anyone from the err of their Bill Smith, Bob Papa, Michigan car plate 'DBY 6046' on 5th and Cass St. in St. Clair or Virgil Smith's anti-Canadian USA army ways.

Since the number listed for Marie Ortiz is as easy to read as 414-744-3261 but has a 666 at the tail end, I thought the people who have had compassion for Judas Iscariot's accurate ID section might have reason to rejoice that Iscariot's sins are forgivable, since telling the truth to gain income is much better than LYING and DECEIVING others to gain income.

I'm wondering is Marie Ortiz from Gilbert AZ is more like Antoinette Walker,  Marie Osmond, Gilbert Brown, the unholy Doris night shift and stupid fictional 'Marie Berone' or Gilbert Lopez in age.  

What was Marie Ortiz of Racine's high school GPA in 1977? Did Marie Ortiz of Oconomowoc ever go to Punt Cana in Charlotte, NC?  Is Mitch Berger of the NFL  smarter and tougher than Daniel Berger of the PGA tour according to WFAN not KFAN employees?

Now it has been proven that David Ortiz the 34th and Joe Nathan the 36th are not Nathan Ortiz the brother of Air Force 'dropout' Jarob Ortiz.  Some men don't drop out of their military careers because they actually believe they are part of an offense system that is necessary.

I had intended to wear a Smith26 jersey today, but instead Bennett23 saved my 'back' when facing stupid plastic Easter bunnies and useless Scooby Doo stamps at the Shelby, MI post office.  I was told I got a 'free' upgrade to X press mail for a box of very useful gifts, not an expensive one way ticket to the Detroit Free Press or permission to visit my very sick blood relatives in France.  13 sieves do sift people who think of themselves as fine wheat colored painter material, but might be told they have always been tares in a dye-hard blonde section.

I tested a woman, Barbara Ashley who had been widowed for over 27 years and happens to drive a very distinct Buick Lacrosse, asking her to question Mike Emrick for me regarding whom he would choose if he only could choose 1 hockey player from a double-minded 'bi-polar' piece of Panini paper. Emrick chose Jordan Eberle, not Tyler Toffoli, but in err stated that Eberle's team was not in the playoffs.  Barbara Ashley passed the 'small favor' test, and then we sat down an played pinocle with a 99-year old WWII veteran whom we call 'Al'.  My opinion of Barbara Ashley has improved based on her actions and my opinion of Mr. Carol Scott, also known as Bradford Scott of Vernal, UT, has become worse based on his refusal to get contact information to me for the woman I called 'Issachar', who I shared a camel ride with.  As the season of the year shifts from 'falcon' to 'beaver in some non-Torah writings', has Jerry Mathers done better works than Scott Beaver when it comes to teaching others what is good and acceptable in the sight of people who are not  your actual mother and father but are actually temporary neighbors on earth?

Here is the historical fact that can reboot your mind to non-neutral positions of  employment deeds: Wayne Gretzky lost his last NHL game when Jagr legally slid a puck past Michael Richter.

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