Monday, April 1, 2019

Day 348: Boycott 'Stella Artois' To Be Wiser Than Jezebel

Jezebel is the word of the day, and she became dog chow even though her father was the king of Tyre. When people lack respect for the prophets, they speak like Matt Damon and dress like Sarah Jessica Parker in the most recent nasty 'Stella Artois' commercial , both of which are unacceptable to Yahweh.  A White Russian is a better choice for anyone desiring to avoid the taking the wrong 'mark' in their hand.

Charlie Coyle got the number 348 assigned to him by Panini. Does Charlie Coyle have the spirit of Jezebel, which means he has no regard for the role of a prophet who warns Israelites to return to Yahweh's instructions?  I don't Charlie Coyle, but anti-Yahweh spirit is not limited to females.

Another finding is that the word 'ballet' can be equated to word H1087, Beit Lamed Hey, a combination that means deception and corrupt evil behavior. The attire of the typical ballet person is lewd, they wear out their bodies with vain repetitions and desire more attention that Vashti ever did. Thus, I recommend deterring your children from ballet.

Next on the Hebrew hit list is H1817, I had never noticed this aspect of the dalet before, but the dalet is a formation of the open jaw, and the mouth is the door to your body that must be protected. I can recall the silliness of people who would pray over their pork and ask Gd to bless what he never called food. Would those people  who , in err convince themselves that swine is food fit for the occupied territory of their Judean Jesus they claim is within them, also think Yahweh wants them to pray over a lamb chop and ask YHWH to convert the lamb to an unclean meat status so the swallowers of the lamb don't look to much like Israelites?  Folly is created by mankind, not by the holy and perfect laws from Yahweh.

Word H1819, a familiar number if you have been in and out of the Troy Sports arena, refers to the juices of grapes which are known as the blood of grapes.  Dalet Mem Hey (49) seems to be centered around the womb of a woman, and the blood of grapes does get converted into the bloodstream after it enters the door of the body - the mouth. The role of the 'Pey' seems very different now, since it reflects what exits the mouth more than what enters the mouth. Thus, when Yeshua claimed to be the 'door', the dalet, people who were familiar with the customs of Israelites knew the UNCLEAN was not supposed to enter the door but that the clean could enter the house of an unclean 'door'. Thus, the first pesach you keep properly and with the intent to obey Yahweh, should be the beginning of the days that you guard your own door as Yeshua guarded his mouth's intake.

Day 1462 ( end of the 4th year), another lovely word for locusts pops up: Gimel Vav Beit.  This word contrasts should be in dirrect opposition to Gimel Vav Gimel or GUG, as in Google. Prepare for Magog vs. Google if you know what's better than preparing a roasted pig at Donna Douglas's tomb. ( it is the 24th day of the 12th month, and of course, I love to remember the last chapter of the book of Jeremiah!)  Since the word for locusts does include a Beit ( beth), the housing of a locust is specially designed to function properly, unlike the body of unbelieving whoremongers who have fear of a beautiful foundation stone guarding their heart such as red jasper, beryl or lapis lazuli but did not have proper fear of marring their flesh with nasty tattoos when they decided to play 'god' with their own body and corrupt their flesh with the intent to impress others who are contrary to Yahweh.

A good teacher is often rejected by a bad student. I am a good teacher now, but that has taken time and effort after years of accepting input from the clean lips and unclean lips. We are not able to stop what enters our ears as easily as we are able to stop what enters the door of our body : our mouth.

Lastly, H 1090 is going to be the word of 4/04/19 for end of the 3rd year students who have patiently tried a methodical way of learning Hebrew words and history. Bilhah, mother of Dan and Napthali, was pimped out by Rachel, yet her name was designated as the city of Shimei, not Nathan or Joseph.  Envy is what caused Rachel to pimp out her servant, not the spirit of humility and grace.

Bilhah might have been a very decent woman who was in bondage, waiting for a redeemer and real love that she might have thought Reuben could provide, knowing the husband of Leah did not love her even though his lust may have caused him to consent to Rachel's envious scheme.  Yahweh's words were etched in the blue stone of the tribe of Dan for a reason, and has anyone ever considered that Bilhah felt used and abused, tired and weary and might have gotten some joys from her 2 sons, even though their father did not truly love her?

5,6 pick up sticks. The sons of an unloved mother might be more willing to get involved in a rough hockey game than the sons of a pampered, filthy and wealthy queen like Jezebel or Elizabeth of England who sits on a throne getting served and demanding that others bow to her.

There is no letter NUN in Jezebel, but there is a Nun in Dan and Napthali. Hebrew letters are illustrations that are informative to those who desire important information.

I encourage you to study the relevance of H732, which can look like ARCh ( Aleph Resh Chet), does suggest a traveler in a wilderness. Chris Archer receives and delivers signs as he travels in uncrowede fields surrounded by a cloud of witnesses more interesting than Bill Gates deceiving computer light shows.

Since Jezebel did become dog chow, maybe Jezebel was considered one of the master's scraps that was unfit for duty because she did not bear the qualities of a 'petra' .... a section of a rock usable to builders. Acquitting the guilty is what an unjust judge will do; correcting the guilty is what a just judge must do.

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