For some reason, all letters and attempts to complete a peace treaty with anyone named 'Hendrikson' has failed as quickly as any attempts to deter Hurricane Hugo from causing me and others to 'change direction', I could try sending this information to Autumn Rayne Jackson c/o my Trojan blood line.
Unless the government of France has intercepted my past emails, getting no response from a 'Christian missionary' family who is actually my only next of kin is NOT a good sign. Like any real mother, I worry about my son and his family when I get no response from them or he does not follow up on his words to me. Like any person who knows that 4 years of experience in law enforcement does not make you a VETERAN, a 4 year old is not a veteran of life on earth. ( Dallas Police department error lines are troubling indeed.) It takes about 7 years to achieve enough experience to pass an actual tribulation test! It is not Autumn Rayne's sin that caused her, her family or me to be labeled a Hendrikson temporaily, but the record of sins of the Hendrikson family of Wittenberg have not been done away with, going all the way back to A&W bears and continuing on to corporate felony theft which the sheriff's department was accomplices to by lack of their investigation and proper charges. My son wrongly believes that I have something 'better to do' than to keep countering the lack of repentance of the Shane David Hendrikson gang with non-drug therapy often in editorial form.
If I address a letter to Autumn Rayne Swedowski, it would be as though I agree that my first marriage never occurred because it was annulled by anti-Vatican protestants. If I address a letter to Santa Claus c/o Jay Cutler, would it be better than trying to get the mother of my grandchildren to start commandment-keeping while she is in her 30's for the sake of her family and her children and to improve her relationship with me and Yehovah?
On this 1st day of the 6th month, I am gong to remember who has been the 1st and 6th San Jose Shark, namely, Viktor Koslov. If I were a methodist, I suppose I might remember James Michna rather than trying to forget it is September 12th and I have completed 57 years on earth thanks to both of my ACTUAL parents. Since Autumn Rayne (Swedowski) did live on Jackson Street in the Plover, Wisconsin area, it is not unreasonable to assume that my son has not objected to be associated with the name 'Jackson'.
Be angry and sin not.... it does anger a mother who actually LOVES Yehovah and his Yehovah's instructions when her only son is so much like whoever it is he considers his father that he puts no GENUINE effort into loving his mother like he should and the horrifying effects of a divorce are prolonged, not repaired or mended. That anger will only be gone when my son has a change of mindset and starts responding like a child of God should, which is the only GOOD scenario, my heart stops beating or his heart stops beating like the first-born Egyptian males did when their LEADER did not fear or respect Yehovah's words and his children are left behind to see what it is like to be without a father like he has been. A huge reality check about past history and future tense situations is often necessary when men like Simeon Rice are not nearby to give me advice regarding my options in defending my turf.
Should my son die before I do, I suspect Rachel Hendrikson would continue her lifestyle and do all she can to prevent me from spending time with my grandchildren, but her sins won't be passed on to my grandchildren. I have had dreams this week that my son and his family arrive at my house and declare 'It's Tishri' but I wake to reality and with only the hope that my son and my grandchildren do visit me again someday. I can only watch 'Rocky IV' so any times before I have to remind myself that an unseen adversary is much more difficult to defeat, to teach or to learn from. If you don't like what I just wrote, you could have picked up the Wall Street Journal or 'Soap OPera Digest' to avoid my perspective on the beginning of the month. If you don't believe the words in the final chapters of Deuteronomy, go ahead and safely burn your Bibles for fuel like some people in China have started to do. A real large wooden cross might lift you out of Hurricane Florence's flood waters but it will not sustain life and a metal crucifix is of no use at all when compared to a tasty jackfruit.
The jackfruit I received for a birthday gift was a perfect and very good gift from a true brown friend of mine, much better than the balloons that were left behind behind for me on my 50th birthday at 1602 Mary Lane in Knowlton, WI by some very strange people who were not in the process of peace-starting. Time passes by.... so some of the words of the band 'Orleans' are very true. My next blog will be directed toward Autumn Rayne Swedowski's angel, even if that angel happens to be me and even if the entire world thinks there is no 'Autumn Rayne' with actual Swedowski ties. Sometimes people do get their name changed legally to clarify and correct lies that had been told to them in the past.
It will be a wonderful day when I and others are given a new name, as prophesied in 'Book 66' of the Bible. There won't be a 'Mrs. Shane Hendrikson' in the book of life and often the surname we legally are burdened with on earth is more of a curse than a blessing. I do believe the name we receive at birth is a very serious and important matter and that there actually are unforgivable sins due to lack of genuine repentance.
Indeed, May 16, 1998 ended up being the worst day of my life knowing what I know now yet I never have believed that the divorce that occurred on April 20, 2012 was a laughing matter. Shame on people who think divorce is a laughing matter and something to celebrate in any family. I edited this on the 6th day of the 6th Hebrew month for a D-Day reminder, even though it is not June 6th.
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