Thursday, September 27, 2018

1 of 4000 Isn't A 'Narrow' Gate

As I recall, the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinal released a very biased report on swimming instructor Theodore Jackson, son of Donald Jackson and borhter of Timothy Jackson. I wonder why the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinal neither  bothered to investigate Mr. Theodore Jackson's refusal to pay child support, refusal to appear in circuit court nor  his extra-marital Catholic activities with Carla Derringer?  The anti-biblical media is often actually the leader of strong delusions.

In the presence of  FEW of my friends who aren't at all impressed with images of the Washington monument, I scrutinized the information that PBS released regarding a former USA Air Force man, his mother, his natural father and his step-father. My second reaction to the information was different than my first reaction. For the sake of those people who were nor permitted by the state of Wisconsin to 'always be there' when their child may have wanted them to be, I will attempt to establish some optional mindsets and genuine thoughts at this crucial time of year.

Some of my friends are currently trying to keep a feast of Yehovah rather than rocking around a Christmas tree. I am still preparing for Yom Teruah, and that preparation included watching some Owen Sound Attack golden bears do something much better than prepare to launch chemical weapons at an adversary like Air Force personnel, Playboy cologne buyers and cigarette smokers do. Don't be deceived: committing adultery and truly repenting of such an act is often less dangerous than starting  to smoke cigarettes in the presence of your friends and enemies and never repenting of it. Jarob Ortiz went public with his choice to 'lift up' his step-father and in doing so, he may have been trying to hurt is natural father once again. If Jarob is like his father, he will not think it is important to respond to my attempts to speak peaceably to him and he can continue to be impressed with the Washington monument rather than studying the mother of G-d, Zilpah or the father figure that Yeshua could get him to. I suppose there should be quite a bit of debate whether the father Yeshua was referring to was the father of his tribe of Judah or his step-father, Joseph. Consider the following 'middle men' , knowing that God, the brother of Asher has existed even though his name has often been translated as 'Gad':

Mother Zilpah                                        

God the Son (typically spelled as Gad)

Ligure the foundation


Angel Yehovah

Father Jacob

Yeshua the Son, who claimed no one could access his father except through him but he never made any precise claims about methods to get to his mother's side

Bad habits, such as cigarette smoking and adultery, are often equally difficult to stop  but are possible with  a leader such as the Angel of Gad who has declared the name of Yehovah, not Zool or Mrs. Ronald Haas or Mr. Robin Ortiz. The Angel of G-d is real even if it is not the same entity as the Gad aka 'God' of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  Voices coming from burning bushes are a rather daunting topic and are more difficult to understand than the melting point of phosphorous. I suggest you try to remember that Asher is the full brother of G-d and both are the sons of Zilpah before you continue to consider who you will see face to face, who you have forgiven or who you will refuse to forgive before the next Yom Kippur.

When a person commits adultery, it is because they do not believe their first mate choice was worth defending or remaining faithful to for some reason. When a person resists adultery, they might turn to a huge pork sandwich to 'comfort' them which is also contrary to what Yeshua taught. When a person uses chemical weapons such as cigarettes against their own spouse and children, it might only be the children who did not CHOOSE to  have cigarette smokers in the household because many people have cheosen to be the spouse of a person who has evil habits. A person who legally gets married to a person who they have been mating with in an adulterous situation could be someone similar to King David of Israel but since USA Air Force retiree Jarob J. Ortiz now insists it was his mother's prayers that influenced his job opportunity, let him and other Air Force men conider this scenario:

 If Robin Ortiz decided he not only wanted to retain a woman  he had married after an adulterous encounter with her but also forcibly expected Jarob's mother to be at his side even though his mother has been loved by Ronald Haas with the State of Wisconsin's consent, then Robin Ortiz would be like King David of Israel when he not only had Bathsheba but also recaptured Michel. I happen to know that quite a few people rather read about the Ortiz family than about Joash, Nahum or Adam Rockwood.

It is possible that Ameer Abdullah might contact me sooner than someone like Jarob J. Ortiz or Cody Ceci would, especially since I have been in and out of area 118 and maybe even area 151 a few times.  The important fact is that I have asked for forgiveness from people such as the mother of Jarob Ortiz in the past and she, unlike Yehovah, has been unwilling to forgive me for some reason even though she  eventually chose to love another man other than her first husband and like many others chose to love cigarettes more than her neighbors and family members in the past.

Robin Ortiz might be impressed that his son's pictures are in the Library of Congress, but there are thousands of anti-Yehoavh documents also in the Library of Congress that are not as reliable as a piece of beryl or the stone of the tribe of Levy in a real battle that is often less intense than the battles that occurred inside of the prisoner search rooms at 749 West Street in MIlwaukee, a bit south of Milwaukee Area Techinical College.  It is time for the seller to beware, not only the buyer of images and statutes that cannot save nor can they hear the sound of a puck being launched from a hockey stick designed like the Hebrew letter Nun for a reason.

I know I am not the only person who has been confused by the spelling of Gad which is pronounced exactly like 'God' according to some sources. I know I am not the only person choosing to pray to Yehovah rather than to Father Gad at this time in history. I know I am not the only living saint on earth who has understood that the kingdom of Gad might be within me but also that the kingdom of Gad is subject to the authority of Yehovah, also seen as HVHY in my writings that are not yet on a subway walls to my knowledge.

For the few who are patiently enduring what we believe is the 6th month of the year based on our current understanding of prophetic instructions, make sure you do not judge nor punish those who believe it is now the week of the feast of Tabernacles even if it is not possible to rejoice with them due to burdens or vexation of your holy spirit due to obvious anti-Benjamin, ant-Napthali, anti-Gad and anti-Zebulun  attacks in your vicinity.

I chose to expose some bits of information that PBS and CBS decided not to expose publically because my intent is not only to combat hypocrisy but also to indicate that the early choices some have made before we trusted the WORD of Yehovah might have led to real repentance and harsh consequences. It is the decisions that we make after we chose to believe Moshe Ben Amram and Yeshua that causes us to be rejoice when we hear a Canadiam Muslim in Collingwood openly proclaim that Moshe Ben Amram is a messiah, not a liar and a thief.

 Could 80 degrees 14' 52" West or 44 Degrees 29' 55"  actually be your  earthly  constant now rather than 2510 Stewart Avenue in Wausau?  Have you considered that some people might have a fear of the number 55 or 52 but have not fear  of the number 1532, 5, 13 or 144,000? I just posted those questions for an anti-Facebook anti-Markle Khalil Mack point.

Remember it has been Moshe Ben Amram who has described Gad as a lion even if you refuse to remember that former Milwaukee Police Officer Ronald Reagan's badge number was 1632, not 714 or 1531.

 In order to increase your  'alley cat' skills and hearing abilities, thoughtfully consider which of the following is best suited to pass a 'Twenty Purr Scent' quiz:

A) Barry Sanders, former Detroit Lions #20
B) Tiger Williams, former Toronto Maple Leaf hockey player.
G) James A. Garfield the 20th  elected Hellcat official
D) 4 and 20 blackbirds baked in pie prepared for an unclean feline representative such as a Nashville Predator, a Hamilton Tigercat, a Detroit Tiger, Felix the Cat or for the infamous fake black cat named 'Tom' rather than Tristan Jarry
H) Burt Ward

Friday, September 21, 2018

Ignore The Gospel Theory of Leo as a 'Closer'

Mikell Clayton of 'Joined To HaShem' might be suffering from a case of low pressure. He decided the gospel message starts with Virgo and ends with Leo now. Really? What happened to the verse that  states your adversary, the devil, goes about LIKE a roaring lion and to resist that imitaion lion? Did Yahweh create Eve the 'virgo'  before he created Adam now or is that a questions that only Adam Oates, Adam Burish, Adam Kawatski and Adam-12 stars can discuss publically ?

If heaven and earth are witnesses as Barry Phillips suggests, why have they not noticed and believed the reports of the grain cycles and the lunar cycles rather than  basing their Yom Kippur proclamations on a preset pre-printed calendar? As a matter of fact, it would be more likely that the 'gospel' message would start with equal scales ( mozinee in Hebrew) and be completed with a purified BRIDE prepared to be wed after she avoided being swallowed by Leo like 'Pierre' in a Maurice Sendak book.

There already is a famine when it comes to hearing the actual words of Moses read on a weekly basis, but there are plenty of months opening with their own non-Moses words publicly on whatever day they think sabbath is now. A famous Benjamite often referred to as Saint Paul stated we, those grafted into a tribe of YShRAL  due to our desires,  should go to a place where the writings of Moshe Ben Amram is read, not his letters or staged musical acts loaded up with Chris Tomlin tunes.  That place might have to be wherever you can find peace and safety and read aloud to yourself, thereby preventing famine of hearing the words of Yehovah.

Many might suggest that it does not matter when we 'keep the feast' or the fast of Yom Kippur, but those people might not remember or know that when you go into into a maternity ward with false labor reports, the mother still get a charged for the medical visit which doesn't even prepare her  for the actual labor pains which actually brings forth what she and her husband have been waiting for, trying to protect and have planned to serve and raise up.

Death is like a box of chocolates but life is like a perfectly balanced pesach meal or a super vegan protein shake on a hot autumn day. Tom Hanks is wrong, not the unerring one.

Jarob J. Ortiz: The Decent Opposite of Rebecca Smoker&Eric Frisbee

'Frisbee College' might have been a joke on 'The Beverly Hillbillies' but sadly, the Detroit Lions started heading in an anti-decent direction due to the the addition of Rebecca Smoker's strumpets. The Detroit Lions would have been better off adding a trumpet section to keep Ellen Trudell alert rather than adding    Rebecca Smoker's unholy women to Martha's animal house. The many good messages of Garry Capps  is not forgotten when I reuse the word 'strumpet' and warn against such behavior.

On occasion I search the internet for signs or inforation on people I have been acquinted with, both evil and good people. I suppose this is not much different than working in the Missing Person's Bureau without any hockey players named 'Haggerty' or sergeants named 'Hess' telling me what or who to search for. I could hardly sleep last night after seeing what a wonderful young man my former step-son, Jarob Ortiz, has become and the choices he has made. He hasn't desired to get employed taking pictures of Seattle Seahawks NFL cheerleaders but rather has developed a sense of the phrase 'Be still and know that I am God' as he captures images of that which is decent and often wonderful natural beauty in landscapes and architecture. The tears that came from me last night were not only because I miss being with decent young people such as Jarob Ortiz had been when he was playing hockey or  whining about the vegetables I prepared for him, but also because I was very happy that he has made good choices for himself even though his parents, like so many, have made very bad choices in the past.

What I know about Jarob Ortiz's past is very different than what Jim Axelrod tried to find out about him.   Escaping an environment filled with cigarette smoke is what he and I might both have tried to do with adult steps, not baby steps. He somehow overcame some childhood fears and gained anough confidence and physical strength to get into the USA Air Force just as I had to work hard to pass physical tests to get onto the police department where I was given paychecks but wasn't given instructions on what Yehovah expected of me so I, maybe like Ellen Trudell, did not have a truly good leader at my workplace or in my household.  I don't know if Jarob will read the email I sent him, just as I don't know if Ameer Abuddah is going to read and believe the letter I intend to send him, but Jarob's words during his interview indicates that he not only was a good student in the schools he went to but also that what his eyes are directed toward is DECENT, not useless or perverted.

This content from CBS records might help you as much as it did me when trying to gain perspective of what it means to be blessed after going through adversities as a child that I never faced because my parents never divorced.

National Park Service photographer captures "essence" of American history

This piece originally aired December 13, 2016.
Seventy-five years ago, the secretary of the interior commissioned the legendary Ansel Adams to photograph America’s national parks. Ever since, there’s been a reverence and a sense of responsibility around the job. The National Park Service hired a photographer this year to document the human touch on the American landscape. One of his first assignments involved a little-known part of Ellis Island. For this installment of our “America the Beautiful” series, Jim Axelrod met a man who hopes his work will reveal more of the fabric of our nation.

While at first look his workspace doesn’t look so dreamy, the building – abandoned for 60 years, boarded up and filled with debris – is actually supplying photographer Jarob Ortiz with both a challenge and some powerful inspiration.
 “An area like this, is this a challenge for you?” CBS News’ Jim Axelrod asked.
“This area is very largely a challenge for me,” Ortiz said.
“You’ve got to make something interesting, when it’s actually nothing but big, white, open, empty space,” Axelrod observed.
“Exactly,” Ortiz said.
He continued, “When you’re taking a photograph – and especially the way the public is consuming photography these days, it’s all instant, real quick – so what you have to do is try to find a composition and angle that you know is going to capture people and interest them. That’s where the light comes into play. Usually you can play with light to draw on people’s emotion and bring them through a photograph the way that you want to do.”

Photographer Jarob Ortiz

Ortiz is snapping his way through a forgotten corner of Ellis Island, far from the splendor of the great hall where 12 million immigrants entered the country.
Whether it’s rusted mattress sterilizers or 80-year-old graffiti, Ortiz is making sure all parts of the immigrants’ experience in Ellis Island are remembered. 
Is there a way you can take a picture in 2016 which gives us a sense of the challenges of 100 years before?” Axelrod asked.
“That’s the hard part because I don’t think you can really capture that essence. That’s more to the imagination,” Ortiz said.
“Carved into the wall here: ‘Paul Kettunen. March 20th, 1935.’ That must grab your eye,” Axelrod said, pointing to the letters on a wall.
“Well absolutely, I mean because this is a physical remembrance of this particular person, and obviously, he thought it was important and he knew that there was something big happening here.” Ortiz said. “I definitely think about the emotions. I just can’t imagine what it must have been like to go through that boat ride, coming off and that port – it inspires me to do the best I can because I think it’s important that these stories get told.”
“Ellis Island is important to American history because immigration is important to American history,” said historian Kenneth C. Davis. “One in three Americans is descended from someone who walked through these halls. It’s an astonishing idea but history is not about dates, battles, and speeches. It’s about real people doing real things.”
Ortiz is the newest member of an exclusive club of American photographers – those like Ansel Adams – who captured our national parks for the Library of Congress. And just like Adams in the 1940’s, Jarob Ortiz uses a large format camera. 
“It’s really a control thing. I just have to be honest, it’s like if you’re really meticulous and you just want to have all control over every single aspect of your image, this is the camera to use,” Ortiz said.
“Large format cameras are old school,” Axelrod said.
“They are old school but they’re still used today. The resolution you’re going to get out of that piece of film will blow away any digital photograph,” Ortiz said.
“Really?” Axelrod asked.
“They can’t even come close,” Ortiz said. 
Each shot can take up to an hour and a half to set up and light.  It’s a process involving a lot of math and precision, all for just one split second, burned into film forever. 
“What I’m doing is just trying to capture the essence of history and inform the public of what’s happened in these locations with my photographs,” Ortiz said.
“And why is that important?” Axelrod asked.
“Because I think a lot of people forget about where we came from all too easy,” Ortiz said. “It’s what shapes us. It’s how we know where we got to.” 
© 2016 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved.

 The problem that I have had to overcome was reacting to SIN with more sin  rather than rebuking or fleeing from an unholy leader. Rebecca Smoke is an unholy leader that men like Ameer Abdullah have not had the courage to flee from because of MONEY, which makes Ameer Abdullah similar to a spouse who stays with or is attracted to an unholy household leader to avoid poverty rather than head away from their ungodly companion to avoid sin. A split second of unfaithfulness is burned into history forever and only future images of true faithfulness can counter the real effects of unfaithfulness. Every year I pitch a tent in my parent's yard for the Feast of Tabernacles, images of faithfulness are burned into history while others may have decided to only remember the years I was unfaithful to the entity I used to refer to as 'God' but now I refer to as Yehovah.

I hope to meet  Jarob Ortiz again someday and maybe even talk with him about historic sites such as the water tower on the Mrs. James A. Garfield lands or the specific images etched into glass in the Israelite synagogue near the Pittsburgh University campus, both sites of which I am sure Jarob would appreciate more than a poker chip adored by the children and relatives of my 3rd former husband, Shane D. Hendrikson. Contrast is often what a photographer SEES, but there are contrasts in behaviors that are also seen and DISCERNED by real holy angels that aren't always clothed in Cleveland Browns attire.

Men like Mikell Clayton might not understand why some people cheer and are encouraged after a battle between opposing forces such as the Cleveand Browns vs. the New York Jets that are not fights to the death but are actual physical and spiritual battles. It is perfectly good to encourage young and old people to prefer teams that do not have strumpets, guns and roses on the sidelines but might have trumpets, footballs, shitzu named Mozzie and beef sliders on their sidelines to bring a city or state together to combat the currently unholy mindsets of   Eric Frisbee and Rebecca Smoker.

Men like Jarob Ortiz, Nathan Ortiz and my son Richard should know that I still love them though they are far from me now and I truly hope they have a discerning spirit within them that not only is able to resist sin but also is able to cause them to repent for any past sins.

If you made it to day 157 of a tribulation count, did you think of Jean-Gabriel Pageau, Reggie H. White or maybe even Snoopy as you walked away from 'Choppers' motorcycle outfits stuffing swine into their face? Have you considered that those how lost their lives in the flood waters from Hurricane Florence have been spared from something even worse to come that those still alive will have to face? So many religious leaders focus their speech on 'the father', but there are actually a few truly holy mothers and hurting stepmothers and stepfathers on earth that are sometimes friends closer than a brother.

'And the earth helped the woman.....'

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Scrutiny On The County

Lt. Alex Land is typical of the many in the military who waste taxpayer money to bring glory to themselves. It is fiscal stupidity to ride around in an $80,000,000 plane #306 to 'show off' rather than accomplish a real need in a a community. Doug Gilmour going to his hometown with a Stanley cup in his hands is not considered an act of fiscal crimes against his own people or fellow taxpayers.

The 52nd week  reading were more necessary than watching North Gwinett vs. Walton football game on television, but it was possible to do both with genuine interest. Was it providence that caused the New Haven Rockets to lose 35-0 against the Clawson Trojans  when an obese pork rib seller on the north side of the Rockets stadium suggested that Reggie Howard White was eating pork products while 'off camera'?  I didn't believe the pork rib seller. What I do believe is that it is no coincidence that Isaiah chapter 55 and Deuteronomy chapter 32 both refer to a period of rain that has a purpose. Deuteronomy 32 verse 14 explains that Yehovah's 'blood' is the juice of grapes which aligns with any pesach meal and counters the 'magic acts' the Vatican has been claiming to do for centuries and 32:22 refers to mountains being set on fire.

I also heard stupidity in lyrics today. Why would anyone ask someone to 'set this place on fire' rather than to request peace and safety by restful waters near controlled barbecue pits like Elijah has displayed? I did not have to travel far to go to health care center interestingly run by men from SYLHET, the 8th Hebrew letter included in their home 'turf'. The men who operate 'Little India' in Shelby, Michigan behave more like  Levites or Asherites that have been plucked out of the '8th willow basket' and have been sent on to a '9 hole' like well guarded golf balls.  A man named Ameen was more than willing to spend 6 hours near me while he was getting paid to do so, and yet my son who is paid by Christians has been unwilling to spend 6 hours with me and has been unwilling to serve me with kindness and humility by his own choice. Contrast occurs if you are not blind. Ameen has always spoken to me kindly and has always been concerned about the pain I feel about my son's decision to treat me with contempt. Contempt of court occurs when people are expected to show up as requested and do not.  Ameen plainly stated that he has very close friends in Paris, France and if I ever desire to go there that he will make sure I am cared for and sheltered; such an offer has not come from my own 'seed' and those who represent 'Christianity'  but because they do not believe Moses, they have not yet believed Yeshua or me.

Walton, Georgia is a long way away from the back row of the Milwaukee Police Academy where I sat near Mark Walton and Phil Wehse, behind Thomas Stigler. North Gwinett might be where I tried to see Andrew Brandt as a Gladiator since I never saw him as a UW-Badger. Topsail Beach had been a place I had sadly made a bowling ball and a billiard set out of sand while using a Ovechkin hockey stick to protect myself against dogs on the beach before spending the night sleeping in a car to save some money after the legal 'father' of my son decided to steal from me again rather than save and protect like my Catholic brother protects his wife long after his 'godmother' Florence Pachniak has influenced him.

Sadly, I have ex-husbands who behaved much like Joash mentioned in 2 Chronicles Chapter 24. They have forgotten the kindness my father had shown all three of them, and eventually spiritually destroyed my son and have left me for dead after they stoned me with their diamond rings. The mother of certain kings are mentioned for a reason, and Joash had started to be 'king' at age 7! Joash did fine when under the proper influence of Jehoiada but did evil as soon as the proper spiritual leader had died. Zechariah, the son of Jehoiada, prophesied to try to SAVE his own people from the err of their ways after he saw them depart from the narrow path and good works, and he was silenced and martyred but the Word of Yehovah has continued to be accepted by few and rejected by most. Real tears actually came from me when I read about Zechariah for the first time, knowing exactly how it feels to have my own family members forget how kind my father had been to them and how cruel they decided to be to me, my father and even my 'puppy'.

Places like 'Little India' are a precious to have in a community that has no gathering place for those who respect prophets like Moses. I can read from Moses without being attacked for my faith and even suggest that Deuteronomy 32:15 is a fighter verse to counter obesity while being astounded that it is Gad that 'dwells as a lion' according to Moses and for some reason, Moses did not know what to say about Simeon.

The 9-11 combo of Xavier Lane and Lucky Jackson seems very suspicious to me, but since Robert and Phyllis Holman are more familiar with WKU turf than I am with a Corvette plant, what really is interesting is that 2 number 25's are listed on the WKU men's football roster and that Garland LaFrance looks nothing like Terry LeFrance nor Dorothy LaFrance.  For the few who are comparing 'land contracts', do not confuse Eric Land the MIlwaukee Tech Trojan with Alex Land's wasteful non-dovetail acts of offense in Michigan.

If you don't understand why I mentioned all of the above to lead rather than to mislead people, go ahead and try to understand comics like 'Eric the Circle' or 'Soccer' the black steer #372.  What 'Little India' offered me was perfectly good medicine and my advice is more realistic than Lucy Van Pelt's advice when it seems it might be as it was in the days of Noah in some areas where the soil has not been allowed to rest every 7 years and far too much tobacco has been grown and sold for decades.

D.A.R.E. officers are trained to be anti-cigarette, which might make former squad 91 officer Douglas Zaworski of Milwaukee appear to be a hypocrite unless he quit smoking cigarettes before he accepted a position as a D.A.R.E.  officer in Milwaukee.

WKU football looks more interesting than Henrik Zetterberg and Nick Lidstrom now. Ideally, the next Detroit Redwings captain will forbid the image of 'Santa Claus' on any of his teammates and forbid the coaching of Blashill if possible. The Wisconsin Badgers should never have used 14 and 53 LaCrosse routes as their football tunnel exit strategy nor should they ever rely on a Wahl to Wahl offense or Wahl to Wahl defense Maybe the UW-Badgers football team forgot about the strategy of heavy black 1975 Cougars or the power of a border Collie or Russ Milne vs. Fred Mueller in 'let's block a Deal'. Maybe the UW- Madison bunch underestimated the potential energy of Almond, milk and Canada man 22 who might seem like Jason Arnott to some  ESPN experts or like Dan Boyle to Milton WI middle school people. Ferguson is too often associated with the name Jim Costa, Jr. and not often enough associated with 'Brother Maynard' steel lines or Milwaukee Tech machine shop lines. Thankfully, my religious beliefs prohibit me from placing bets on games of chance or  removing the Y formation from WYoming, CoffeY, Yuengling, WhYte, WYman, Curtis ShaYne Joseph,  RoY, CrosbY, BagleY, Yandle, SlipperY Rock, SouraY, SzYmanski, LavarnwaY, TaYlor, OduYa and BYfuglien. I do think that the UW-Badgers chose a better company than Nike to build their uniforms.

FourTenBary42? My grandmother was born on April 10th and I carefully mothered my son at 410 Russell street while my son's father was already plotting to abandon me and his son for some anti-Christ reasons.  Not everyone is labeled as a 'Robinson', 'Sharper' , 'Bertier' or 'Hendrikson' at 42. Coffey and Whyte seem to be popular names in some LA Kings historic Wilson Park circles but not necessarily in the stupid cigarette world of Walt Disney.

For Louisville trivia, there is a dog named 'Bentley' who resides at the corner of County X and County C in the town of Guenther, Wisconsin.  Bemtley the dog at 'ZPlace2B' looks much better with a nice fur coat than the Louisville Cardinal cheerleaders do in their strumpet outfits..The band 'Cross Movement' from Philadelphia also asks the question 'Why would I need a Bentley?' in certain circumstances that I do not recall because I forgot the lyrics to 'Live It' from 2003 AD but did not forget I hired a maid named 'Meredith' when I thought I was a happily married woman at 1602 Mary Lane.

 A 14 to 6 score looks like an unstable carbon combo to people like me who have actually studied chemistry. The Robert Holman gang might want to pray that  Mr. Avery of Louisville isn't pretending he has an injury like Robert Holman's his 911 mountain biking and fellow 'Christian' Shane David Hendrikson did in Pocatello, Idaho in the presence of their  spouses about 10 years ago. It is not a secret to to the Holman's that my son was born on Flag Day, not on D-Day or with Larry Hovis checking 'Operation Dragonfly' scripts.  In reality, Allied forces did not come onto the beaches of France like locusts because locusts are CLEAN animals and only consume clean foods and meats called 'grains'.

Pey+Samech = a large, long sleeved tunic which would resemble a hockey jersey not Speedo sqimwear on Leonce Rhodes. There are not 2 samech's in this important Hebrew word.  Has anyone other than me noticed that Calvinists are often quite wrong?

I do not agree with  Nehemia Gordon on all matters and I'd gladly burn 'Harry Potter' books with keith Johnson, but our common ground would be that we both agree that we have earned the right to examine the motives and doctrines of people we have trusted in the past and who have affected our current state of mind and influened our past state of health in either positive or negative ways.

WDIV staff in Detroit is as wrong as Detroit's  Fieger Law Office people. Yom Kippur is not on Tuesday, September 18th this year; maybe WDIV should check MIchael Rood's predictions.