Thursday, August 9, 2018

What's A Class of 1980 Troy Michigan Trouble Maker?

Not knowing a person's surname is no reason to call any human being a 'bitch'. Since USA Army  nurse who plays hockey in Lapeer, Chris Chelios's Detroit bouncers, Bernie Kocher, Carmela the Italian neighbor to the west of me and a female trouble maker who refers to herself as 'Karen Marie' ,  claiming to be the daughter of 2 USA Navy people not named 'Osterhaut'  all decided to call me a 'birch', they have a real mental and etiquette problem that I cannot solve, especially since they are not legally blind. Could those people who called me a 'bitch' have been hallucinating something other than 'Scooby-Doo' and 'Snoopy' images? It would be better for those people if they would have been blind or for them to have met my boxer bitch named 'Lightning' face to face rather than attacking me when I was already 'down' and struggling with the effects of being unloved and ignored by my son's family.

Usually there is no major problems in the St. Clair Thursday afternoon card assembly, but today I held my peace after a woman who acted as though she had some expertise in 'bipolar' problems decided to call me a 'bitch' in front of others only because I happened to get a better Euchre hand than she had. Earlier, she had stated that people who roll their eyes are 'immature' but I KNOW it is better to roll your eyes at a stranger than to insult a person without cause.

IN my opinion, if I could be incarcerated for referring to myself as a Gadite when under duress, a person who is not under any pressure and who calls a human being a 'bitch' should be tossed into a mental health center for 3 days and 3 nights since they revealed signs of hallucinating. I do not look like a dog under any circumstances, and 'Karen Marie' who stated she was born ins '61' should not even be employed as a private caregiver since she lacks proper abilities to care for herself or for the SPIRIT of strangers and neighbors.

I told her she offended me and that she reminded me of my former mother-in-law since she decided to insult me rather than even attempt to become one of my allies. Should she appear again at the public gathering, I rather exit the premises than sit at a table with her and I am not ashamed of that very serious act of defense I might have to take. 'Karen Marie' might be better suited to platy Euchre in St. Clair Shores with grouchy Richard and the verbally abisive 'Gasper', but for some reason she decided to be the opposite of a blessing to our typically peaceful gathering.

Sometimes real life situations end up like a jail bullpen situation where many of the people jailed were abortion protesters and person who really is naturally cruel rather tham temporarily unstable gets inserted into a group of well-meaning humans.  A trouble maker is not a peacemaker, so for those people who think they know everything about pointers and Jack Russell terriers, type to answer the following questions correctly:

1) If you are in the presence of actual enemies is it more harmful to say 'I am Gad' or to refer to a human being as a bitch?

2) Since Bill Murray suggested it is permissible and appropriate to declare that you are a 'god' when in a spiritual battle against what he wrongly referred to as a 'prehistoric bitch', should I be able to sue Bill Murray and the makers of the first 'Ghostbusters' movie if his plan of spiritual warfare did not work properly against the unholy Marathon County sheriff's department employees?

3) Since I clearly can choose my own friends  very carefully and Jim Brown claims he can choose his own enemies in 'Ice Station Zebra', I don't desire any of my friends to be referring to other human beings as 'bitches'.  If you cannot stop referring to human beings as 'bitches'  or cannot stop uttering vulgarities, why have you not declared yourself to be no better than a common suburban anti-Christ gang member and admit that you have 'obsessive compulsive sin patterns'?  ( Your corrective actions should be real proper vocabulary health care reform, possibly preceeded by rinsing out your mouth with bitter salt water, rather than risking your own safety by randomly insulting people with inappropriate 'labels' ?

The correct answer to 1 is that it is more of an verbal attack to refer to a human being as a bitch than to refer to yourself as a Gadite and you have clearly taken an 'anti-Christmas' position because you have trusted the words of the prophet Jeremiah.  The answer to question 2 is 'no' since it should not be a crime to say that you are an unspecified 'god' or a Gadite by definition.

Thankfully, I did not consider it a laughing matter when the Troy,Michigan graduate who said she was 'Karen Marie' displayed signs of spiritual illness preceeded by a possible hallucination if she in fact had seen a female dog in the room that wasn't actually there. Most people don't get a first down taking 'baby steps' during a battle. If 'Karen Marie' shows up again, I will try to get her to utter her legal surname in public.

This is a prayer I never have regretted saying on my knees while next to one of my parents:
'Angel of Gad, my guardian dear, through whom Gad's love commits me here. Ever this day be at my side to light, to guard ,to rule and gude 'A' men. '

 It is possible that 'A' men are Asher men.

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