Monday, August 13, 2018

Timeline Checkers: 5th, 6th or 12th Month Matters

The pictured objects actually influenced  me to smile ( and  they still make me smile) in a hotel when I really did not have a permanent address or a place to call 'home' anymore a short time after an unnatural disaster was caused by Stuart Rottier and Shane Hendrikson.  To my knowledge, Stuart Howard had nothing to do with any of the difficult times I faced before seeing his 2016 Girl's Softball Team on a wall in Richmond, Michigan.

A handful of people I know have started the 5th month and even though I looked for the moon in Macomb, MIchigan, I did not see it but I do believe the report that came from North Branch, MIchigan. As the 118 day of the year comes to a conclusion for the handful of us on the 5th month, is it now possible to prove their is a real difference between LeVeon Bell, Michael Cammalleri and Andrew Brunette even though non-random sports media systems all assigned them the number 118?

If you are on a cold trail, I suggest you consider former Atlanta Thrasher, Slava Koslov, rather than Donner or Rudolph as a bright man in a dark world. If you are on a hot anti-cigarette trail, go ahead and see where Paul Coffey and the 6th letter team lead you if in fact you think it is the 6th month. It is not 'mu business' to suggest what indicators or signs people who think it is the 8th or 12 month are trusting in or looking for as their rear guard or front and center holy leaders.

For non-rookie saints, the 3rd year word #857 looks like a female closer;  an Aleph Tav Hey now might be better than day 1589 later. Do what you can to let other know in non-computer ways where you are in your tribulation count and let them consider if they ever trusted a real angel instead of trusting their GPS and their television crews.

Word 1587 looks beautiful indeed and so does #2304.

#1587 Ginel Mem Resh Yod Hey= HYRMG in my non-simple conversion and this combo indicates a protective covering by HY, not HVHY.

Word 2304  Chet Dalet Vav Hey = HVDC and seems to be a word that indicated rejoicing; it seems improbable that the tribulation count is at this point but it is possible and I now will go to celebrate the beginning of the 5th month of the year with true friends, even though some enemies might be in my sight.  I also look forward to a big band concert in an area of Beebe Park adjacent to the 'Shannon Family Field' and nor far from 'Ed Cain Field' that oddly has reminded me of both 1602 Mary Lane in area caode 54455 and Hollyday Court in Charlotte, North Carolina. My exit from Charlotte was safer and a better memory than when I was forced out of 1602 Mary Lane by Marathon county deputies and Shane D. Hendrikson, both enemies of Truth, enemies of Justice, enemies of HVHY and who also happen to be no different in their typical appearance and mindset that  Shannon and Thomas Wahl.  Some people actually do believe they can call themselves 'Christians' and not be subject to paying a penalty for their sins, but those people will be proven wrong and will actually be revealed to be blasphemers  and anti-sanctification beings by their own choice.

If you don't like my opinion, go read the bar code on a Playboy cologne bottle or check yourself into a mental health center to be observed or to observe others who might have gone from 'order' to 'disorder'.

Chlldren don't really need toys, especially if they have farm animals, cookware, ingredients to make a meal, gardening tools, decent clothis that they can exercise and 'play' in and a house they can help their parents repair and maintain. I actually don't fell sorry for children who do not have toys ,especially if they have parents who love each other, good food, decent clothing, safe shelter and healthy body parts.

Make sure you have more than 2 options to ponder during the 5th month. Napthali is sealed 5th, Joseph's sardonyx stone is the 5th foundation and the 5th letter of the 5 books of Moshe Ben Amram is a Yod, not an E. If you insist on resisting LARhSY (Ysrael) tribe affiliations, go ahead and remember the I assigned the orange 5 billiard ball to Eric LIndros ( Flyer colors) and the someone else assigned the number 5 to Richmond, VA money and Curtis Joseph is in 5th place in NHL wins with 454, not 545.   I will not disregard the power of the 5th Hebrew letter Hey, and of course I still believe in the existence and interesting qualities of the non-twin NHL Koslov duo of Viktor and Slava. If you have seen the name 'Joe Lapis' lately, you might want to start considering what the role of the tribe of Dan actually is after Dan's foundation is laid, 2nd down and prior to Asher's and Judah's.

'Batman and Robin' is not a realistic duo to rely upon for spiritual strategies.

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