Thursday, August 2, 2018

The NABJ Assembly is Typical Racism

I started the New Assembly of Uncolored Historians to counter the mentality of the NABJ which some people call the National Association of Black Journalists. I guess the NABJ have completely rejected the message of Martin Luther King Jr. and actually want to be divisive using the color of the skin as their way to divide themselves even though none of the skin tones of those in the NABJ racist group is black but typically is a shade of brown like every other human. By definition, uncolored people do not have any tattoos on the skin of various pigments and variable tones.

If the NABJ can exist and foolishly be encouraged by Detroit business people, I suppose the NAUH can exist and be approved of  by those who know they are not as Black as Shirley Temple Black, Clint Black, James Black or Jack Black.  The employees of local Derroit television stations must be too frightened or too apathetic or too much like Stormy Daniels to point out the totally unjustified racist position of the NABJ, but I have pointed it out for a reason, even though I do not adhere to the anti-Moshe Ben Amram religious sect theories of Martin Luther King Jr.

If other people could change my position from hated, endangered spouse of Shane David Hendrikson to  my current unmarried status during perilous times, there still is more hope attached to my current position than in my past position as a woman forsaken within the household of Shane David Hendrikson who is still  an enemy of Truth, an enemy of righteousness, an enemy of Yehovah and an anti-justice protestant.

People in the NABJ are very much like Shane David Hendrikson because they do want plenty of attention, they do not want to be classified as actual living saints on earth and they want to assemble in a city that is not much different than Las Vegas but is very different from Armada, home of a rubber plant.

The international association of the prophets  was established thousands of years ago and includes the words found in Ezra 5:3, including 'Aleph Shin Resh Nun Aleph', which depicts of wall, not a vapor and not dust. Foolish people change the outcome of Shirley McLaine in a Frank Sinatra movie to try to gain a stupid and rather ugly trophy for acting, but who actually gets sealed in the 144,000 is going to an irreversible process into a position that had to first be desired before it could be achieved by good works caused by a power to resist sinning.

If you wonder why I mention certain enemies more than I mention those who are not my enemies, such as the very decent occupants of Richmond, Michigan squads 52 and 53 last evening, it's because I am choosing to warn others of the biggest dangers I have escaped from. If you want a non-racist suggestion for you local law enforcement officials,  I suggest you have your officers refrain from dancing on duty like men in Halifax since when you are dancing on duty you actually are actually less capable of defending yourself and others AND you are disgracing a uniform division that should have never intended to become a 'dance squad'.  Even Lester Hutchins knew enough to limit his dance to moves to Milwaukee night clubs when he was off duty and was well dressed in spiffy, not plain,  clothes.

Michal was correct when she rebuked King David for his unholy conduct in office. I hope this epistle aided you more than marijuana leaves, since marijuana leaves are not going to get grafted into  the tree of life which is guarded by good angel who aren't dancing on duty.

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