Sunday, July 29, 2018
Waiting Is Not A Game
After a battle has occurred during a real war, rarely is the war completed. It was a real battle to get my grandchildren to HEAR from me, an angel, and see for themselves that a woman named cheryl is not the mother of my grandchidren's father. Once again, my grandchildren have been hauled off to Europe as they stand by and observe their parents represent some entity that is NOT the Way, the Truth and the Life. Leading a person to a narrow gate and to true holiness involves a sealing process that is not a laughing matter.
It will hurt my grandchildren more than it will hurt shane and cheryl hendrikson if they do not learn what I am able to teach them. My son took in his hands a double witness against the husband of Mrs. Cheryl Hendrikson, but it would take a man of courage who has the spirit of Yeshua or the pressure of Abaddon to change the course of actions that has been established by my son which has been contrary to the BEST interests of my grandchildren. When a person chooses to align himself and his children with a liar and a thief, he is no different than the people who said 'we want Barabbas' and then thought they could rid themselves of the Israelite, Yeshua.
My son has to consider for himself what he has done wrong. I deploy public messages expecting those messages to cause others to reconsider their position for or against me and consider their positions toward past, present and future tense situations. If Yeshua could speak face to face with my son, he would also tell him that his unholy, unrepentant legal father is a liar and a thief who has not properly repented of his crimes and his various forms of perjury in and out of courtrooms. Those who do not represent Yeshua or Yehovah will try to convince my son and his children that my grandchldren are safe with the anti-Israelite, anti-Yom Teruah anti-TRUTH toxicity that spreads from religious systems such as Woodlands Church in Plover and the Vatican. I will remember the tears in my granddaughter's eyes when she told me not to be sad and that if anyone tries to stop her from visiting me she will be mad at them, but an innocent child's best intentions are often temporarily or permanently halted by those battling against pro-Zebulun or pro-Napthali people like me because they do not want their own sins exposed and they do not care if they hurt my innocent grandchildren in the process.
Now, I, like many others, must wait and continue to work against those blasphemers who are liars and thieves. MIchigan is loading up with names such as 'Calley' but the 'calley' I recall was the dog of Phil Mirasola. 'St. Francis Xavier of Knowlton had a coniving Catholic priest who named himself 'John James' and some other 'John James' is trying to become an overpaid politician from Michigan. St. Francis Xavier church in Knowlton now has another anti-father pastor who is begging for dinner invitations and the most intelligent of his 'flock' would invite him over and only give him one small cracker and a sip of wine that would not quench his thirst to imitate the meal the Catholic leaders offer to their flock . I won't be able to personally observe men like Chris Chelios leaving the Detroit area to be closer to his mother, but I do believe that a son who is near and protective of his mother is a wise steward of his talents, whether his mother is a widow or a reluctant respondent divorced from a liar and a thief. Protecting and defending an adulterous parent or an adulterous spouse is not wise. Since Solomon decided that an adulterous person has words as sharp as a 2-edged word and the word of Yehovah is sharper than the verbal attacks of an adulterous person, Yehovah's WORD will win the final battle. If you noticed Strong's word #1214, you might have been alerted. If you noticed word #2288, Chet Gimal Vav, is a temporary hiding place, not intended to be a permanent dwelling in a rocky crag.
If my thoughts have emerged as scattered, it is because parts of my life feel shattered and shaken up again. Caring neighbors might ease the sorrow caused by unloving children or cruel and distant family members, but the caring neighbors cannot atone for the sins of a thief or a liar who has aligned with attorneys and deserted his spouse for another unholy sinful and usually unforgivable option. A seared conscience prohibits repentance and men like Shane David Hendrikson do have a seared conscience. As a mother, I now have to wait to see whether or not my son has a seared conscience or if the double witness against Shane David Hendrikson is as weighty to him as the day Nancy Peterson and my son decided to be a douible witness against me after I had been tricked and deceived by Shane David Hendrikson so many times that it literally made me temporarily SICK.
When 10 bowling pins are gathered, it takes real force to scatter them. I feel like a bowling pin now, but I am not sure if I am like the only pin that got struck by a force that has allowed me to become swept away and unseen while the other pins positions have not been changed and they do not expect the same force to strike them down. Maybe I am like the only bowling pin standing, waiting for another force to dislodge me after the other 9 'pin heads' that I sat down at a table in Wisconsin rapids got their position rearranged. Men like David Justice don't seem to be going around wearing shirts with Eric Jordan images or Halle Berry images on them because his life got rearranged in some courtroom. While David Justice was rich and famous in Atlanta from 1989 to 1996, I was struggling to earn a living as a Milwaukee police officer without ever thinking about Yehovah's position against me at the time.
If you keep using the word 'God' , you might as well say God is the brother of Asher since Ginel Dalet is pronounced as 'God' or 'Gad'. Only in certain positions does the name spelled 'Gimel Dalet' have power that is allowed by Yehovah. Other times, it might be the temporary power of the authority of Zebulun, Joseph or Benjamin that allows you to escape the wrath to come.
It is now the 15th day of the 4th month and I do not know where my children are, but my parents know where I am, what makes me cry out loud and how the spirit of Yehovah properly influences me to aid them and bless them rather than ignore them. If my son is ever properly influenced by the spirit of the living Gadites or by Yehovah, he will no longer align with nor dine with people like Mr. Shane Hendrikson and his anti-Israelite wife Cheryl.
Will my son ever be willing to protect my grandchildren away from anti-Yehovah influences such as Cheryl Hendrikson and lead then toward me? I cannot answer that question. Cheryl Hendrikson, the legal wife of Shane David Hendrikson is an unjustified female version of James Costa Jr. Did Shane Hendrikson forget that James Costa Jr. lured Linda Maria Hendrikson away from her Christian commitment to him? Cheryl Brown lured Shane David Hendrikson away from the spirit of Yehovah so that she could profit financially while she actually lost in a real spiritual battle and as a result, Shane David Hendrikson is now legally bound to a person very similar to James Costa, Jr.
What we do after we are baptized publicly as an adult is a very serious matter. Somehow a power source much greater than I must strengthen me and help me to counter real sorrow and endure actual pain and suffering if I am to survive longer than the typical 5 month lifespan of a locust in Snyder, Texas. I suspect I will be rejuvenated by respecting Yom Teruah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot no matter what my location is during those very important appointed times.
If it seems I have outrun my sense of humor, I usually slow down enough for my sense of humor to catch up with me rather than donating it to the 'Left Behind' series of fictional debacles. It might take 7 years before I laugh again, but those 7 years might be as 10 minutes in a hockey penalty box to Yehovah or an apostle often labeled as 'Peter'.
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