Monday, July 2, 2018

Pro-ICE Corrections = Anti-Lawlessness Forces

If  a parent and his children break into your house full of assets and steal your belongings, the 'victim' will typically expect the parents and his children who were PTAC to be jailed, possibly in different areas until proper charges are lodged against them. If a parent forces or encourages his own children to do criminal acts, it is better if his children are taken away from the criminal parent to get instructed in law-keeping rather than being ignorant of the laws.

If a parent and his children break into the United States boundaries, they should not be treated as VICTIMS of a crime but should be treated like any other criminal that has achieved ILLEGAL access to private or semi-private property.

The politicians who are against ICE procedures are treacherous and worse at mind than those who are willfully ignorant of the LAW because the are rebelling against good laws.  The USA politicians who want to disregard current immigration laws or eliminate laws are just as evil as a 'Jewish'  rabbi or Christian pastor the  who instructs  his anti-LAW congregation to bring pork, calamari and escargot to their next pesach meal or Sunday pot luck gathering.

I will not be celebrating on July 4th, 2018 since out nation is disgraceful not full of grace. This might as well be called the start of Tomas Tatar day 76. Parents who instigate illegal activity are not good parents nor are the 'good citizen' material and they need to be CORRECTED not admired.  Even the book of Ephesians warns against fathers provoking their own children to wrath. A child who has been taught to disobey laws should become angry with his anti-LAW father when he is jailed. Every infant that has been aborted with the father's consent also will provoke his murdered child to wrath and a day of vengeance is pending according to biblical texts which typical anti-Yehovah television stations like CNN, ABC, NBC and CBS  apparently still think are fiction.

Nazi forces entered France, Poland, Russia and Austria without abiding by immigration laws and then imposed their 'culture' on nations that did not properly resist Hitler's violent, ill-mannered illegal immigrant to nations such as France.

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