Monday, July 9, 2018

Recalling the Regina Riflemen and Gordon Brown

74 years ago today in the Caen, France area, many very brave Canadian soldiers pushed out Nazi forces from a 'church' they had no intention of remaining at. They did the best job they could with limited resources when facing mg-42 and 88mm quick action military artillary, yet what had they been taught about 'fast action', such as the day of atonement procedures?

I may have been able to scatter a few Nazi types who often refer to themselves as 'Christians', and all they did was 'plant themselves' elsewhere. They fled from me and have cuddled up to likeminded entities or to their next victim who may end up losing more than property and visitation opportunities with their children or their grandchildren. Like the Regina riflemen, I have done my best to keep making progress against a typically unseen enemy when males such as Carl Allen and his drumstick gang decided I wasn't worth their time or effort when he went in and out of Lansing, Michigan like a cockroach. If people like Carl Allen tell me they intend to meet me or people like Shane David Hendrikson make a promise to build me a house on  lot #34 that we used to own, they will answer to more than me when they haven't even ATTEMPTED to verify their own words while they reject the words of Yehovah.

It was a blessing and a privilege, not a right, meet with one fellow high school classmate who is an honest Pope, a king and a president that I always respected, and that man is a rare example of a decent and wise leader in a world full of dishonest and often lazy men who rather play with poker chips than work as a blacksmith and be part of AFL-CIO local 1509.  We did not meet in secret like an attorney and client preparing to acquire assets from a spouse a respondent no longer loved, and any observers should have seen an example of a good meeting of 2 very different minds.

In another instance of fact not fiction, I purchased what I thought was a sketch of a 'Green Bay Packer' for a young man who is also a very good friend of mine. I opened it and was horrified to see that it was 'Aaron Rodgers 12' on the poster, not '00'. I asked my young friend if he wanted the poster in his room, and he said 'yes', so we put up the poster even though I disliked it. A day or 2 later, I visited my friend and the poster of 'Aaron Rodgers' moved to the living room wall. I asked my friend why the poster was moved, and was informed by a mutual friend that the poster of Rodgers scared my friend rather than comforted my friend. My friend was not afraid to tell me the truth, confirmed that he did not like the poster and knew I also did not like the poster, so we took it own and 'Aaron Rodgers' image ended up in the trash. A Wittenberg 'State Farm' agent has been active in trying to ruin my image when his daughter's Linda Maria Hendrikson's supposedly  'sane' behavior was more despicable and more contrary to the spirit of Yeshua than my few bouts with a form of battle fatigue between 1994 and 2009. Gordon Brown knows what battle fatigue is, and the typical church hireling that has taken over the same buildings that Nazi forces desired to occupy usually do not even work hard enough to break a sweat resisting anti-Yehovah forces.

People rarely face a mg-42 rifle, but what is now launched by electronic forces at  people's head is  even more dangerous. Some idiot on a television claimed that in Paris, it is wrong to say you are a 'virgin' , but was she telling the truth or is she just a paid 61st century "Cosbi'? The lyrics in songs by Tim McGraw spew more filth and lies into minds and do more long term damage to millions of people who do not resist lies than one grenade launched by Gordon Brown.

My son has requested I no longer write about his children or his wife and I won't, but if I don't report any good news that may occur between myself and my descendants, my son's request will not actually help his family.  If I share with others memories of my past times in Wisconsin, I am not different than Laura Ingalls Wilder except I am not selling my books. Freedom of the press did not start in 1776 and prophetic writers such as Isaiah, Ezekiel, Obadiah and Zechariah reported more than weather conditions. They reported the literal and spiritual conditions of people they had been familiar with and were inspired to oppose with the intent to deliver corrective actions necessary to change  unrighteous beings into righteous, justified and holy people. There still are people on earth able to do that, because the gift of prophesy has not been done away with even if  a hireling named Butler thinks it has been done away with.

74 years is actually a very short period of time.  Virgil Smith, formerly of Gratiot, Wisconsin and USA Army veteran, can choke on his own words when he claimed that Canadian Army were cowards and he was not courageous enough to tell his own family members, including Shane David Hendrikson, to stop lying, cheating and stealing from people like me who had been willing to serve him for a short period of time.

What I write might help someone else who is struggling with a form of battle fatigue that a pill or a lousy bread wafer on an idle  idol-filled Sunday morning won't cure.  If you don't like what I write, you can ignore it like so many people have ignored the book of Numbers or the book of Amos and write whatever improves your ability to cope with reality and ally with the deity of your choice.

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