Friday, July 13, 2018

Greenheck Center's 'Blaze Hockey' Understands Courage

Don't complain about what I write if you haven't spent 3 hours on a crucifix in the past 3,000 years or have not spent more than 8 hours with me while I have been in full hockey gear.

I have not forgotten how painful and lonely my pesach week travels to London, Ontario were almost 1200 days ago, and the metal 'trumpeter' made of nuts and bolts is a better sign than any cricifix will ever be. Silence is not 'golden', and golden calfs do not feed families. Hypocrisy occurred in a Stevens Point tavern where a Pacelli catholic declared no one in the tavern is supposed to talk about politics or religion BUT then he and his immature companions kept saying 'Oh my God' as vain repetitions emitted from their unholy tongues.

I gave my best effort to play the piano for a member of my family who is suffering in Wood county's 'Atrium', while other Catholics have decided not to visit him at all or that he does not deserve to hear concertina music like my distant and unknown grandchildren might have heard. The last good memories I have of playing the piano include my high school year, but the years I wasted my talents and was 'used' but not rewarded by anti-Yehovah churches such as Woodlands church in Plover, Wisconsin will never be repeated even if they still can be recalled.

I might be called a chalk dispensationalist, but that is better than deploying missionaries to Europe or deploying paintballs toward your 'neighbors' who are are not equipped as well as a hockey goalie. The people who skate at the Greenheck Ice Arena are amazing people with skills I cannot match but with courage I can match. The lest skills you have to compete against others who are more gifted, the more courage it takes to be seen with them or against them. It would be better for people in central Wisconsin to observe the 'drop in' hockey that occurs on Sunday nights than to waste their money on a 'Grease' production full of fiction and ill-mannered actresses.  I know it is a privilege to skate with or against men like Greg Hanson, Andrew Brandt and others who go to 'Blaze' hockey, and they are kinder to me than my own son has been since he got married. Facts sometimes need to be revealed to ENCOURAGE the people who are doing GOOD WORKS at the Greenheck Ice Arena and to make others reconsider the 'broken family' consequences that  years of neglect or abuse of blood relatives has caused.  When I participate in hockey, I don't expect to leave the area being labeled as a 'coward' even if I have been called 'slow and sloppy' by pompous swine eaters from Villanova. I deliver more useful accurate messages while I am in a hockey rink than Dennis Stanchik ever delivered from his houses of bricks.  As I see life today, my enemies haven't earned the right to see me do my best to reject drugs and to fight arthritis, obesity and lethargy by bicycling or putting on my hockey gear and getting on the ice to keep some of my anti-gun self-defense 'battle' skills intact that I have been taught by courageous men such as Dan Bauer, Rodney Weary, Robert Groth, Robert Skaradzinski and Ezequiel DelFino.

I am going to try to write a bit of poetry to exhibit what it might feel like to be a squid, not a statue, observed by children who have not yet been taught to uphold the Torah and make the teachings and instructions of Yehovah honorable yet, and I intend to deploy that expression of my intentional lack of trust  in the  Sunday 'Easter' and Babylonian systems, fruitless 'Christmas tree' pushers and Playboy  cologne owners.  As I mused over the selections of posters in the exit area of Trig's grocery store in area code 54481, I noticed many churches all trying to seduce their neighbors into their pork palaces and unclean game rooms and I was not amused.  Because I love Yehovah more than I love my own parents, I will not be going to 'St. Mary's' in Torun to watch people load their mouths with the flesh of animals declared to be abominations because they are making a MOCKING the spirit of the 'Jewish' woman often referred to as 'Mary' rather than living as she did as a commandment keeper.

It seems I am being weaned from people who had been 'close' to me for a reason and am being connected with people who have never really known me nor the spirit of Elijah nor Elisha yet but who have known familiar spirits such as 'Kessler's' for many years. Andrew Beine will continue to do as he has done with his diligent son Gene Beine visiting him but not preaching about Yom Kippur to him.  People such as Virginia (Alt) Taylor and Lorraine Mielke have been ministering angels to me for years now and although we disagree on the name of our 'diety', we do agree we should be kind to one another and be truthful to one another.  Lorraine Mielke never discarded the gift of a bible I gave to her, but many others have not even bother to discern the difference between Gad(GOD and feared entity of the Babylonians)  and the status of the mother of DG (Gimel Dalet) who is also the mother of Asher. 

The spirit of Rachel's jealousy led to Gad and Asher's place in history and prophesy and it appears as though the spirit of Truth was connected to Rachel the mother of Joseph and Benjamin.  Joseph was very concerned about the condition of his father and his brother Benjamin, just as  I am about the living conditions of my brothers and my father. Their spiritual condition is not something that I can control, and they have been misled by the same people I formerly trusted in. What cannot be erased from any records in heaven is the amount of time they spent with me, the many times they sheltered me, the many times we spoke kindly to one another, even if I am learned to be more like Vashti than Dinah Shore over the recent years, choosing to reject a heavy crown among drunken men and choosing peace and safety under small mountains of sardius, agate,  carbuncles or lapis lazuli, knowing full well which tribes of sometimes adjacent to Judah those small mountains, very light burdens, I move around  represent.

If my home land is where my feet are, what it under my feet gets trampled for a bit of time as I search for ways to remain narrow minded and avoid the anti-Yehovah Broadway mindset. 'Havilah' is the name of a man according to the writings of Moses, and the writers of 'Fiddler on the Roof' have ruined   much more than 'Lion and Lamb Ministries' with their vain repetitions. Will my grandchildren be able to hear the fact that I am actually not a Hendrikson and that I was bullied and rejected by the Hendrikson family?  Eventually, those who trust in Yehovah are given a new name for a good reason.

For those who don't trust the name 'Jesus Christ' for anti-Greek reasons, try to trust Yeshua or me for a female perspective. If you want to be like Yeshua, leave the '99' and do after the '1' who you think has been your first love that you lost.  If you want to be like me, leave the '1' and go after the '99' that Jesus Christ may have left behind. Here are actual 'city of trivia' samples of who I view as a '99' and who I view as a '1':

  List of possible '1' samples I could leave behind to go after the '99':
a Canadian or a USA penny
Martin Brodeur
Jim Brown
Wayne Gretzky
The Tribe of Reuben
Men named 'Adam'
Johnny Bench (high school records)
The Philadelphia Eagles
my first grandchild
my first ex-husband who clearly never loved me as much as he chose to love another woman or another man

( I try not to reject the spirit of levity in spiritual warfare, even though I have to when countering false statements such as 'It's always sunny in Philadelphia.'  )

List of real '99' people I would not be afraid to follow, to try and save or to study as a possible adversary once I leave  the '1' behind:

People who scored in the 99th percentile in their SAT scores
Damien Rhodes, who may have won 99 NHL games
Chris Chelios, who has dipped to #99 in offense and is followed by Jason Arnott's 'High Whey 100' unit
A holy 19 year old  CHILD who was born in 1999, even if he is following a person who is only on day 87 of the tribulation count after keeping the feast of Pesach properly and counting the omer '50' properly, has respected the feast of Shavuot and is preparing for Yom Teruah events.

I am not going to follow Barbara Feldon, since I designated former MIlwaukee Admiral Jason Dawe of North York, Ontario as the new '99' after he claimed he was not smart.

Why is the name 'levi' in levity  and 'asher' in a thrasher? Moshe Ben Amram had the spirit of a true Levite.

It doesn't hurt to increase your Hebrew word power, so let me launch a few anti-Berg 'anti- Cheryl Hendrikson' thoughts your way since I have been a Mirolslav Satan witness but never shall be considered part of the JW.ORG system.

Day 87: Bjugstad  ( Go buy some' scorpion cheese' from the cheese sellers in Rudolph, Wisconsin if ghosts peppers are too mild for you and scorpion peppers don't frighten you.  Yehovah never destroyed all cows for a good reason in the days of Noach, prior to the days of Medad and Eldad's good adventures.  )

Day 468: Elizur ( Aleph Lamed Yod Tsaddi Vav Resh) which might mean 'my elohim is a rock'. My deceased 63 inch amberjack is not my elohim but Dagon might be smarter than the Dagon gangs who reject clean fish and buy ground hog flesh in Johnsonville, Nueske, Klement's, Usinger's or Oscar Meyer.

826: Aleph Shin Pey ( diviners) If this was your badge #, you might want to examine your family history or your scroll saw blade to see which is more dangerous to your reputation. Say Brett Hull, say Brett Favre or say Brett Lindros if you don't want to say 'May a duck kick you' in Polish.

1199 : Beit Ayin Resh Aleph ( brutish, not British) Be careful near brute beasts who no nothing since they may try to learn something eventually.

1556 : To roll up in cocoon style  or as a scroll   'Gimel Lamed Lamed'  Jeremiah 51:25  Amos 5:24  Isaiah 34:4   .... As any saint can see of hear, 'Gimel' words do matter to Yehovah and Abaddon. This is good squad '63' word to try to master if you don't want to get stuck in the ring bearer line of MIlwaukee marriages that occurred on March 6, 1982 at St. Matthew's Catholic church for eternity in a bad Ty Jackson or fishy northern Baptist games.

2273:   Chet Beit Resh Hey  means some sort of 'fellows' who are not always named 'Christine' or 'Raddish' and sometimes end up as Stout hearted men like Robert Swannell rather than like Soo Greyhounds pitted Romeo Bulldogs. Stout is not always the easy way out and Stout does not represent a narrow gate system. When in doubt, remember that it was Kelly Hrudy that stopped 73 pucks not 7 devils from getting into his 'silly string' section. Kelly Hrudy does not have the mindset of the Nickel City sons and he might be too much like Jim Kelly to appreciate the perfect role of a clean locust on earth.


Once again, I am astounded and amazed at the favor and grace I have been shown by Greenheck Ice center 'Blaze' hockey and the owners of 'Goal Line' hockey who have often been closer to me than my own brothers. There is no doubt in my mind that Tom Lentz has been created equal to P.K. Subban now, but he has not been created equal to Dante Culpepper, Irene Ryan, Jaromir Jagr, Paul Coffey, Greg Hanson or  Dustin Byfuglien.

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