Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Are You Facing An Ash Pile Or A Thief?

I don't know what it is like to face a pile of ashes that had formerly been a house BUT I do know what it is like to face an enemy who had been loved by me in the past. The emotions might be similar because there is nothing I could do have do prevent a person who had protected and sheltered me in the past to alter his mindset  in order to steal and sin against me or others.  If people like Roland David Hendrikson, Karen Kae Hendrikson, Shannon Wahl and Slade Eno Hendrikson had been good influences in the life of Shane David Hendrikson, their 'Shane' might have managed to remain on a path of righteousness and increased holiness rather than angling off into a voluntary reprobate who destroyed his own 'testimony' of faith in the man Yeshua who has been willing to revive YShRAL, not endorse people like Cheryl L. Hendrikson who think a divorce is a laughing matter because SHE and her Shane financially profited from it.

When your anger does not lead to SIN, you do have a holy spirit that did not develop overnight but has been protected and allowed to strengthen over time.  My son was not willing to spend as much time with me as the man he calls "Jesus' spent hauling and then hanging on a crucifix because no one ordered to him to be kind to me and to beware of those aligned with his legal surname.  Pleas from the grandparents who helped raise him to escape from rather than rely upon a fool he might call 'pops' and his post-divorce money might eventually break through and have the proper effect  OR men like Shane David Hendrikson will continue to destroy much more than his own anti-Yehovah reputation and the possibility of redemption of others.

There are dozens if not hundreds of people who know how certain people have profited from divorce by lying about their assets or hiding assets, and the people who assisted them or convinced them to behave contrary to existing laws are equally guilty and very unlikely to repent.

When a couple is united in legal marriage, it might seem as though both people are something called 'Christians' as they put a staged and rehearsed show on in front of a few people. When an unfaithful spouse becomes hard-hearted and seeks a divorce, what happens after the 'Christian' couple is uncoupled reveals exactly who had been the person with the proper intentions in the household that was supposedly representing 'Christianity'. The person with the seared conscience gets divorced, often has another marriage plan to another person already, and the person he left that still had an unseared conscience has a choice to keep trusting in a god they have never seen face to face AFTER facing demonic spirits in a worldly divorce courtroom.   Instead of a frugal outdoor laundry line going up at 1602 Mary Lane, Jim Hammond's associates put up a 550 foot outdoor building at 5318 Lakeshore Drive in Rib Mountain to 'protect' all the embezzled equipment he obtained that supposedly was 'nominal value'.  Shane might have impressed his "Cheryl' with the booty he obtained due to the diligence I had in financial matters at 1602 Mary Lane in Mosinee but he insulted and set hmself against the spirit of Yehovah in the process.  Men like Shane Hendrikson won't be angry until their 'winning streak' comes to an end and they, a fake Christians find out that they are no different than Theodore Reynaud Jackson, the man who put on plenty of shows to pretend he was Catholic.

Looking at a place of ashes in Redding has a similar effect to looking in the mirror and seeing that former family members who you had trusted in are gone or what you had formerly invested in and trusted in is gone permanently. Rebuilding after a divorce forced upon you is often financially harder than rebuilding after a flame takes your home because insurance companies don't insure broken marriage covenants even if the insure 'Cheryl's she shed' in Rib Mountain.

The point I really wanted to get to is this: 5813 Lakeshore Road in Rib Mountain (54401) is unholy land that is extremely defiled by the owner/occupants of it and those who are attracted to the Cheryl L. Hendrikson household didn't see her smirking in the divorce courtrroom and didn't see the Shane David Hendrikson and the Marathon deputy sheriff exert their Nazi-mentality onto my family. Those with a seared conscience surely  won't be interested in reading Psalm 91 or studying the Israelite tribe combination of Hebrew letters 'Aleph Shin Resh' .

'Be angry and sin not' was clearly uttered TWICE from me and heard by employees at the Stevens Point office of the Wisconsin Division of Motor Vehicles after  I faced a 'Santa Claus' cup at window 7 rather than facing a holy woman without a Coca-cola agenda.  On the same day, window 3 employee had a 'Hello Kitty' cup, not a Nashville Predator or a Spengler cup.

Everyone with an unseared conscience knows that an unnatural abortion is murder and that miscarriages happen for a reason.  Abaddon is a holy powerful angel for a good reason and might even be opposed to Disney entities known as 'Tigger'.

I don't desire to share a stage with  Lily Tomlin of Jane Fonda in order to release information. 'Chipper' Jones probably should not have boasted about his 'blended family' and could have repented about being unable to keep or uphold his first love and his first marriage. The 'Hall of Fame' ceremonies are like a broad way to nothing that is going to matter when the King of Kings and Lord of Lords appears on earth and will prove he is angry with the mostly reprobate condition of the human inhabitants on earth but HE will not sin.  A good king is not going to be building up little toxic cigarette ash piles next to himself or others. The kingdom of Gad is not going to be anything like Las Vegas, Nevada.

Flood waters and flames might appear as suddenly as a thief in an attorney's office, but floodwaters and hot flames cannot be charged with theft nor can they be punished. I still rather mourn with the real saints than laugh with the sinners. As I recall, OJ Simpson laughed in court so the current Mr. and Mrs. Shane Hendrikson are now no different than OJ Simpson according to their own method of courtroom operation.

Sunday, July 29, 2018


Someone other than me created a FACEBOOK account under the name 'Marie Hendrikson' and there is a picture of a cat with a red hat and a toy gun appears, but of course I am not a cat with a red hat and a pistol, nor do I own or have access to lots 11&12 on Lakeshore Road in Rib Mountain. It seems some building permits were issued very quickly to hide and store equipment that supposedly was 'nominal value'. Jeff Kussow, Dan Dziadosz, Tom Steele, Jim Hampton and Christine Nykiel should be aware of their own err lines and I cannot possibly clear anyone named 'Lawrence H. Hoffman' until charges of felony embezzlement of non-cat business assets are brought up against Shane David Hendrikson.

Even I have limited recall powers, and I know I do not have and never desired a FACEBOOK account.

Does a Marathon county Wisconsin district attorney really get paid to contact me, by phone or by letter , inquiring if I can remember something I can't remember or remember someone I can't remember?  I almost returned the letter I received from the Marathon County district attorney's office with a short explanation of my anti-embezzlement position but then came to my senses knowing Marathon County officials  have not earned my trust in serious matters nor do they deserve any free help from me regarding a business check circumstance I do not recall without even bothering to send me a copy of the original complaint I supposedly had against a person labeled as 'Lawrence H. Hoffman'.

The most recent 'Hoffman' I saw was a deputy working for Anthony Wickersham in Macomb County, Michigan who might have filed a reasonable report on my behalf. The most recent  person who repaid a court ordered debt in full to my 'family' paid $300.00 for being negligent in  the aggravated nurder of a beautiful dog I cared for named 'Elmo'.  

How many people have gone wrong thinking that movies such as 'The Shawshank Redemption' have very sinful and very illegal ideas worth repeating?

I can remember Mr. Hurlbutt, coach of the St. Lawrence hockey team.  If this post seemed flippant to you, it might be flippant indeed.


Marie Hendrikson

Idiom Bunny Test

In order to pass this test, you might have to think like Kevin Dineen, Donald Brown or Camille Jenich. Try not to think as wrong as Jimmy Howard in a 'Santa Claus' helmet or like 'Punchy' the Rocky Balboa dog character.

26. In a Shane Doan flip-flop strictly football option, which side would you try to align with in case of a real anti-cheerleader emergency:
W) Brock Osweiler @103 with the Cleveland Browns
X) Ben Roethlisberger @117 with the Pitssburgh Steelers

25. 'Shirts that say ' Choose White or Green' are visual traps designed by people who only want you to think 2 ways  instead of thinking anti-bipolar and trying to think at least 4 ways. When emerging from MIchigan State Spartan thinking, what 2 word phrase should you never add as an option while expanding James Madison routes:

24.  A barren womb is most like:
T) A soccer ball that need to get behind a K= keeper
W) A football that some people try to protect and others kick away
I)  An inflatable Utah beach ball
X) A basketball that is often misdirected by a bottomless pit crew known as 'basketball players'

23. A ' sterilized' man still has his '810''s but might be criticized by the Vatican but not usually by an adulterous women who do not really want to have any of his children. What is a steriilized man like?
T) A used golf ball that some people believe has more than nominal value
W) A potential angel who is least likely to criticize a barren woman
I)  A baseball that can still do a lot of damage if deployed toward fragile objects
X) An ox, not a bull

22. If you have made it to day 2288 and now know that Brent Burns is NOT a good leader of men due to the voluntary distortion of his own flesh, what number 22 should you use as your holy constant against anti-Moses men such as Brent Burns or his identical overpaid NBA equal, LeBron James?
T) Ray Trudell
R) Jesse Raczek
I) Dan Boyle
C) Brett Hull
K) Chris Tancill
S) Andrew McCutcheon

21. If you are part of an 'AWAY' team, do not focus on IUPA Local 21 methods of operation. Which 21 should you align with in order to increase your chances of appreciating Scandium
B) Brian Gionta
U) Chris Chelios as a Wisconsin Badger hockey  conquering his version of 'Fort Smith'
N) The number 300 and the Hebrew letter 'shin', not a Peter.
N) The facts of scandium
Y)  Robert Scott Smith, the 21st pick in the NFL draft

20. I slowed down enough today to let my Sequoia municipal parking space appear to be better than a water ski team. What is the best front guard for a really smart Bunny trying to make it into the animal kingdom of Gad?
H) Tim Couch orange carrot root teens ( real carrot tops are actually green)
A) Flip Flop C Philadelphia money
R) Rob Deer outer brightness
R) Michael Richter and the Blue Velveteen Rabbit Chow Testers
Y) Willy Parker and the 39ers

19. If there is a conflict of state of inertia interest between Dan Plesac the 19th and Robin Yount the 19th, which 19 will least likely be in a state of inertia while facing a conflict of interest?
D) JuJu Smith-Schuster
A) Jonathan Toews
M)  Potassium molecules
R) Sergei Fedorov in a 91 'reverse read' situation
O) The  Tsaddi team
W) The state of Michigan Route 19  which departs from Michigan Route 3

18. If you have a relative or friend that thinks bringing pork to their household is a sign of love, what should you do if they get very angry with you for obeying Yehovah's commandments instead of their anti-Yehovah request for pork:
P) Be angry at them but do not sin while giving yourself time to reconsider your options when being confronted by angry, anti-Yeshua people
U) Remember that pigs will destroy their own offspring and that people who consume pigs most likely have a denomic spirit that is hurting the swine-eater as well as and trying to hurt others in the demon's vicinity
N) Sing the lyrics from REO Speedwagon's catchy tune ' That ain't love, I believe you've got the wrong emotions'
T) Tell them they are free to go and purchase their own pork products if in fact they are not incarcerated in order to prove they do not really trust  Yeshua of Nazareth as their personal LORD and savior nor do they really admire or desire to be like  the holy 'Jewish Mary'  nor do they believe in the very fair warnings of Moses and the prophets. Most people will still go and buy their own pork products, but a few might stop buying pork products when they realize they have been anti-Miriam and anti-Moses when consuming unclean animal flesh.

If you answered all of the above 9 questions, you passed the test since there were no options for answers that were incorrect. I had to to check into and out of a Muslim health care facility in order to regain my strength,  complete an act of nutrition and retain my right to ' HATE PINK'  and be anti-Victoria's Secret' at the same time.

Since 2/28/8 is not 2/28/9, do not forget that I openly repented of my past involvement with married men who did not love their spouse and I was harshly disciplined by the Messiah figure I chose to rely upon. How much worse will it be for those who never repented for being tempted by and then mating with a human who was  married to another person. Word #2289 has to do with 'arrogant attire', and many former sinners have been lured by people wearing 'arrogant attire'. Which outfit seems most arrogant to YOU, knowing they all fit the definition of an arrogant outfit ?

S) A 'Playboy' bunny outfit
N) A USA military uniform on a person not currently active in the USA military ( movie versions of military personnel)
A) A cheerleader outfit similar to 'Hooter's' work uniform division
K)  male 'Speedo' swimwear
E)  bikini swimwear that has less coverage than the pajama or clothes most decent daughters would wear in front of their own faithful, holy, good and loving father
P)  Police or fire fighter gear on a person who is not currently employed by a real police department or a fire department (fake movie or television versions of police or firefighters)
I)  a female gymnast outfit
T)  a figure skater's or  dance team's typical flashy, immodest attire

Now read Ezequiel chapter 23, including verse 15. In a few isolated cases, belts around the waist have been worn for good reasons and most TaeKwonDo programs utilize a  belt system properly.  It is much easier task to correct your outward appearance and choose modesty rather than arrogance before you are able to correct your reactions to the many evil situations mankind has willfully created. Preventing yourself from sinning is only a portion of a battle against those who choose to do evil rather than good, and an even larger chunk of grace is required to counter-attack those who have provoked you with their sin. Yeshua did tell the adulterous woman to DEPART from him as well as telling her to stop transgressing the holy,practical laws and instructions intended to sanctify and purify humans who desire to be aligned with rather than enemies of Yehovah.

I gave me and YOU something to think about  while I have kept Gordon Brown and the Regina's Riflemen in mind. If I focused on the housework that needs to be done in my household, I might have been too much like Martha Stewart and not enough like Camille Jenich.

Waiting Is Not A Game

After a battle has occurred during a real war, rarely is the war completed. It was a real battle to get my grandchildren to HEAR from me, an angel, and see for themselves that a woman named cheryl is not the mother of my grandchidren's father. Once again, my grandchildren have been hauled off to Europe as they stand by and observe their parents represent some entity  that is NOT the Way, the Truth and the Life. Leading a person to a narrow gate and to true holiness involves a sealing process that is not a laughing matter.

It will hurt my grandchildren more than it will hurt shane and cheryl hendrikson  if they do not learn what I am able to teach them. My son took in his hands a double witness against the husband of Mrs. Cheryl Hendrikson, but it would take a man of courage who has the spirit of Yeshua or the pressure  of Abaddon to change the course of actions that has been established by my son which has been contrary to the BEST interests of my grandchildren.  When a person chooses to align himself and his children with a liar and a thief, he is no different than the people who said 'we want Barabbas' and then thought they could rid themselves of the Israelite, Yeshua.

My son has to consider for himself what he has done wrong. I deploy public messages expecting those messages to cause others to reconsider their position for or against me and consider their positions toward past, present and future tense situations. If Yeshua could speak face to face with my son, he would also tell him that his unholy, unrepentant  legal father is a liar and a thief who has not properly repented of his crimes and his various forms of perjury in and out of courtrooms. Those who do not represent Yeshua or Yehovah will try to convince my son and his children that my grandchldren are safe with the anti-Israelite, anti-Yom Teruah anti-TRUTH toxicity that spreads from religious systems such as  Woodlands Church in Plover and the Vatican.  I will remember the tears in my granddaughter's eyes when she told me not to be sad and that if anyone tries to stop her from visiting me she will be mad at them, but an innocent child's best intentions are often temporarily or permanently halted by those battling against pro-Zebulun or pro-Napthali people like me because they do not want their own sins exposed and they do not care if they hurt  my innocent grandchildren in the process.

Now, I, like many others, must wait and continue to work against those blasphemers who are liars and thieves. MIchigan is loading up with names such as 'Calley'  but the 'calley' I recall was the dog of Phil Mirasola. 'St. Francis Xavier of Knowlton had a coniving Catholic priest who named himself 'John James' and some other 'John James' is trying to become an overpaid politician from Michigan. St. Francis Xavier church in Knowlton now has another anti-father pastor who is begging for dinner invitations and the most intelligent of his 'flock' would invite him over and only give him  one small cracker and a sip of wine that would not quench his thirst to imitate the meal the Catholic leaders offer to their flock . I won't be able to personally observe men like Chris Chelios leaving the Detroit area to be closer to his mother, but I do believe that a son who is near and protective of his mother  is a wise steward of his talents, whether his mother is a widow or a reluctant respondent divorced from a liar and a thief. Protecting and defending an adulterous parent or an adulterous spouse is not wise. Since Solomon decided that an adulterous person has words as sharp as a 2-edged word and the word of Yehovah is sharper than the verbal attacks of an adulterous person,  Yehovah's WORD will win the final battle. If you noticed Strong's word #1214, you might have been alerted. If you noticed word #2288, Chet Gimal Vav,  is a temporary hiding place, not intended to be a permanent dwelling in a rocky crag.

If my thoughts have emerged as scattered, it is because parts of my life feel shattered and shaken up again. Caring neighbors might ease the sorrow caused by unloving children or cruel and distant family members, but the caring neighbors cannot atone for the sins of a thief or a liar who has aligned with attorneys and deserted his spouse for another unholy sinful and usually unforgivable option. A seared conscience prohibits repentance and men like Shane David Hendrikson do have a seared conscience. As a mother, I now have to wait to see whether or not my son has a seared conscience or if the double witness against Shane David Hendrikson is as weighty to him as the day Nancy Peterson and my son decided to be a douible witness against me after I had been tricked and deceived by Shane David Hendrikson so many times that it literally made me temporarily SICK.

When 10 bowling pins are gathered, it takes real force to scatter them. I feel like a bowling pin now, but I am not sure if I am like the only pin that got struck by a force that has allowed me to become swept away and unseen  while the other pins positions have not been changed and they do not expect the same force to strike them down. Maybe I am like the only bowling pin standing, waiting for another force to dislodge me after the other 9 'pin heads' that I sat down at a table in Wisconsin rapids got their position rearranged.  Men like David Justice don't seem to be going around wearing shirts with Eric Jordan images or Halle Berry images on them because his life got rearranged in some courtroom.  While David Justice was rich and famous in Atlanta from 1989 to 1996, I was struggling to earn a living as a Milwaukee police officer  without ever thinking about Yehovah's position against me at the time.

If you keep using the word 'God' , you might as well say God  is the brother of Asher since Ginel Dalet is pronounced as 'God' or 'Gad'.  Only in certain positions does the name spelled  'Gimel Dalet' have  power that is allowed by Yehovah. Other times, it might be the temporary power of the authority of Zebulun, Joseph or Benjamin that allows you to escape the wrath to come.

It is now the 15th day of the 4th month and I do not know where my children are, but my parents know where I am, what makes me cry out loud and how the spirit of Yehovah properly influences me to aid them and bless them rather than ignore them. If my son is ever properly influenced by the spirit of the living Gadites or by Yehovah, he will no longer align with nor dine with people like Mr.  Shane Hendrikson and his anti-Israelite wife Cheryl.

Will my son  ever be willing to protect my grandchildren away from  anti-Yehovah influences such as Cheryl Hendrikson and lead then toward me? I cannot answer that question.  Cheryl Hendrikson, the legal wife of Shane David Hendrikson is an unjustified female version of James Costa Jr.   Did Shane Hendrikson forget that James Costa Jr. lured Linda Maria Hendrikson away from her Christian commitment to him?  Cheryl Brown lured Shane David Hendrikson away from the spirit of Yehovah so that she could profit financially while she actually lost in a real spiritual battle and as a result, Shane David Hendrikson is now legally bound to a person very similar to James Costa, Jr.

What we do after we are baptized publicly as an adult is a very serious matter.  Somehow a power source much greater than I must strengthen me and help me to counter real sorrow and endure actual pain and suffering  if I am to survive longer than the typical 5 month lifespan of a locust in Snyder, Texas.  I suspect I will be rejuvenated by respecting Yom Teruah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot no matter what my location is during those very important appointed times.

If it seems I have outrun my sense of humor, I usually slow down enough for  my sense of humor to catch up with me rather than donating it to the 'Left Behind' series of fictional debacles.  It might take 7 years before I laugh again, but those 7 years might be as  10 minutes in a hockey penalty box to Yehovah or an apostle often labeled as 'Peter'.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

If Josiah Could Be King, Children Should Handle The Truth Eventually

What I write today will prevent me from committing suicide, prevent me from going to a psych ward as well as ensure people who actually witnessed my grandchildren with  me FOR THE 1st time in 2018 that I am not going to 'bullied' into a '5th Amendment' test.  I still have the right to express what I saw, heard, discerned and did not rule nor reign over and my right to bear 2 arms, 2 feet and one head above my shoulders. This is not intended to prevent you from crying if your conscience is not seared and you also have been treated very cruelly by  former or current legal 'in-laws' who do not yet fear Yehovah's reaction toward unrepentant sinners.

My son tried to put a free 'gag' order on me because he does not believe his children DESERVE to hear the truth about their grandmother at a young age. What kind of parents lead their children to believe that they came out of their step-mother's 'tummy'? Seemingly, some  Hendrikson lead my grandchild to believe that Marie Elizabeth was not the mother of Richard Isaiah Hendrikson by default, that it, by lack of telling them facts about me or by claiming motherhood. I suppose it is possible that Cheryl Hendrikson tried to mislead my grandchild, but suspicions of lack of truthfulness do arise when 3 grandchildren all of school age only have been told that their father's real mother was the piano woman at their wedding.

When a child cannot hear the words ' I was not loved by Linda Maria Hendrikson so she divorced me' , they might believe that  a respondent in a marriage did not try to keep the vows to the woman he impregnated at a young age. My grandchildren,, ages 5 to 10, did not know ANYTHING about me other than I played the piano at their wedding and their parents are guilty of  more than destruction of property even though their children are still rather innocent. I think they could handle hearing me say ' I am living alone now because my son's father  stopped loving me and decided  to marry another woman.'

I did not think it was possible to love my own grandchildren in a short visitation period of only 2 hours, after they have been held like hostages away from me and have been allowed to be in the company of Mrs. Cheryl Hendrikson who stood in a courtroom smirking and waiting to stake her claim to laughing Shane David Hendrikson, including his stolen goods and family tree trunk. Shane David Hendrikson should have been jailed the first time he stole an A&W bear, but parents who not love their children do not want their children discplined o the point of genuine repentance.

I do want my son to repent of eliminating me from his and his grandchildren's life for years, but it is unlikely that he will . Until yesterday, I was a complete NOTHING to my grandchildren, and now they have to wrestle with people who are more like 'Rolf' in the 'Sound of Music' than like Moses, Ezequiel Delfino or Elisha. I wept for hours last night, not fearing for my safety but knowing my son is unwilling to believe or report the Truth about divorce matters and the power that unrighteous attorneys, corrupt judges have been given in unrighteous courtrooms.

Is there a difference between Rachel Snyder Hendrikson and Rachel Reynaud the non-Jackson? Maybe not if both of them have rejected the notion that Yehovah is a angel and that angels appear in the flesh. I brought many gifts, all good and used, not 'new', that were appreciated my grandchildren. Autumn Rayne knew of the story of Joseph as she clung to me with a genuine hug, not knowing if she would ever see me again because her parents insist that it is inappropriate for their children to know I was eliminated from the Roland Hendrikson family because they hated me, not because they loved me.  I came out clean, and the Hendrikson's remained dirty in their tactics and pompous in their attitude..... except for Levi, Havilah and Autumn Rayne.

I saw for the first time that Havilah Hendrikson has a face that looks mine as a child, even if my hair isn't curly. I saw for the first time the total lack of concern that Rachel Hendrikson had for the husband of her husband's cousin, and she appeared to me as unjustified in her attitude as Linda Costa, who also became a master of keeping her children away from a household where the Old Testament writings had been taught and respected....... until their step-grandmother Cheryl entered my house unawares to me. If I had not made a genuine conversion away from Vatican theories to fearing Yehovah, I might have disobeyed the court orders that were deployed my way from the hands of sons of perdition.

If I was a judge, my son would have gotten a few lashes for aligning with a den of thieves rather than defending his mother who still LOVES him more than any of his pop figures ever will. Instead of slapping him in the face for failing to tell his children about me, I let him kiss me on the cheek in public. He was so suspicious that I was suggesting he was a Judas Iscariot type that I had to tell him that my father kisses me on the cheek and my father respects me and has never abused my mother physically nor financially.

I don't care if the waters in Wisconsin turn to blood and if property values plummet near 'Lake Wausau'. What I do care about is my grandchildren, and the kindness and respect they showed me had nothing to do with the way their parents mishandled  them after I declared my first marriage as a 'Christian' was in fact irretrievably broken. My 3 grandchildren treated me kindly and with respect because of WHO I AM and how I behaved toward them, even though Autumn Rayne claimed she did no like police officers, which happens to be what I am at mind most of the time.  I cannot explain why my son thinks he children are too stupid or too young to know I was clearly unloved by his father and eventually unloved by my son due to anti-Truth anti-Law influences, but maybe if and when Richard Isaiah Hendrikson is gifted with a change of heart, he will return to me in tears, knowing I have always loved him even thought my choice of husband's had been anything but 'good'.

I read about cities of refuge, understanding now why people who are not yet accused of murder by family members are allowed to be kept safe within boundaries. Once a chief priest dies, they are released without charges if no person claimed they killed another without being provoked by the deceased.

I will continue to love Yehovah with all my mind, soul and strength , but who will really love my grandchildren as only I am able to and teach them what only I can teach them about lies and consequences? Speaking the truth in love leads to much different consequences than lies, and can even lead to incarceration if you are RIGHTLY pleading guilty to crimes you have committed. The current Mrs. Shane Hendrikson is NOT a virtuous woman, nor will she ever weep if my grandchildren are taken away from her.

Writing these opinions, like a probably cause report, will anger those who are opposed to Truth, but I have friends in Canada who read my blogs and they have suffered through similar anti-Israelite Nazi-type encounters, while holding on to a small thread of hope that all our sorrows and sufferings will lead to the unjust liars being condemned and the righteous bearers of Truth being rewarded eventually.  Leading a person to repentence is superior to ignoring sinful behavior.

Shane David Hendrikson knew I did not like like his parents and they didn't like me; we had felt they were very wrong to help Linda Costa keep his children away from him, yet I still visited them more than once a year and had chosen gifts on occasion that I thought were good gifts.  It may have been better if my son appeared without his wife, but seeing his wife's attitude once again almost eliminated my hope that my grandchildren will ever be able to hear more about me FROM me with plenty of witnesses to confirm rather than rebuke my truthful testimony.

My father stated he can forgive, but he can never forgive Shane David Hendrikson for what he did to our family. It would be better if my son was more like my father and less like  Roland Hendrikson, since my father loves me more than Theodore Jackson or Shane David Hendrikson loves my son.... my only son.  My grandchildren wrongly believed that their mother went to a Christian college, so why didn't my son say it was inappropriate for me to deliver them correct information, namely that their mother is a 'pointer' by association, not a badger or a Yale girl? My son is still double minded due to his own high opinion of people who never changed his diapers, never saw his 'dung pile' and never will get credit for 'time served' at Superamerica stores very far away from  Wisconsin plate ES4026.

I rather stand corrected than sit down and deliver lies to the people who I love most. This might be the only place my grandchildren can someday get a dose of reality that HGTV cameras and FACEBOOK and UWM.ORG  public family advertising didn't cover.

A system of 13 sieves are far more important than 'Channel 13' and the results of a 'Billy Joel' concert.

 Maybe once I am convinced that my grandchildren know about my past and my present, there will no longer be a reason to let this post be public, since my goal is to reveal feelings and part of my family history that has been intentionally quenched or twisted by my enemies. There are a lot of wonderful and pleasant things I would like to tell my grandchildren about involving their father's childhood days, but I would have to be allowed time with them to do so. No pleasant things have really happened  between 2 missionaries to France and myself between the years  2010 and 2018, so should I have written about nothing particles and big mermaids?

Millions of people might have felt short-changed if some authors never took the time to write about  Nellie Oleson, Curtis Joseph's childhood feline enemies, Michael Vick's grandmother or Elijah vs. Jezebel.

Monday, July 16, 2018

An Epistle to All Former or Current Montreal Canadiens

It is not a simple task to protect your parents, but it is possible if they respect your ability and desire to keep the feasts that Yehovah has ordained and they have demonstrated their love for each other and their children.

When a ' pastoral' son and his wife of any denomination haven't taken the time to house, feed or shelter his mother  they most likely are guilty of the same acts of the non-apostles mentioned in Jeremiah chapter 23 and Ezequiel Chapter 34...... but I am not the judge who is going to punish my son. Ideally, swift discipline will occur after my son 'donates' a very short period of time to me with his children.

Only a fool would believe that people  'love' them who have not visited, sheltered, clothed or fed her since she was ordered by a unholy, ungodly judge OUT of a family such as the the Roland and Shane Hendrikson family. The anti-fools know who has fed them, clothed them, sheltered them but not worshipped them because they might have understood the love of Yehovah instead of loving the cash they 'ask' for. Typical missionaries and modern churches are no different than politicians, and such do not have a place even in the expanded version of Gad, which probably has had more latitude in the sealing process than any other tribe.

The owners at 'ZEST' coffee shop have sheltered and fed me, but not clothed me so they actually are serving others and earning legal money. Because today is a day of mourning for me, not a day of rejoicing, my own parents did not understand why I left their house feeling sick,weak and upset because my son delivered a lie, a delusion, that HE believed to me.*  My parents had a tremendous victory at St. Mary's in Torun when they paid for 2 chicken dinner ticket, waited an hour in the heat and then were told only pork was available when it was their 'mealtime'. They left the unholy priest, got a refund and went to eat at Chili's instead. Angels were rejoicing in heaven when they refused the swine, yet I could not rejoice with them this morning. I am confident that repeated messages such as ' Yeshua and the apostles did not pork'  has been heard enough time that they considered the content of the message while loving the DELIVERER of the message.

Today is a difficult as going to the Marathon County courthouse on April 20, 2012. Since I have been amputated from the Hendrikson family, I have been spiritually grafted into a fruit-bearing tree system, not a 'Christmas tree' system. A band aid system will not stop the blood loss from the Hendrikson body I was amputated  from. Someday, my grandchildren might get grafted into my family tree, but vain genealogies are to be avoided, since flesh and blood does not inherit a certain kingdom under 1 specific king.  1 or 2 hours with children who have not been well versed in the sufferings of Joseph, the writings of Jeremiah or the necessary harsh corrective discipline that Abaddon's unit graciously bestow upon those who have failed to PROPERLY repent  way rather than completely trust in a man of Judah who declared that he did not come to bring peace on earth, but came to bring a sword to divide and test those who have rightfully rejected 'Fiddler on The Roof' vain repetitions.

Day 90 has arrived, and I chose Wood county as a venue to meet those who have ignored me rather than loved me for the past 7 years.  No officer from Wood County has ever abused me or laughed at me, and the same cannot be said about the representatives of Portage County or Marathon County.  Scott Walker remains party the activities and occurrences that occurred when 'The Interrior's Department, INC.' was heisted by Shane and Cheryl Hendrikson, the former Cheryl Brown. Maybe Mr. Brown and his Air Force buddies know more about the current Mrs. Shane Hendrikson know than Slade Enos Hendrikson knows, and as a result I might even have some  Air Force people who have aligned with me in this actual spiritual battle that will not be won with 'strange fire'.

When secondhand information comes your way, it might be called an epistle and if anyone other than Montreal Canadiens has read this information, why did you disregard who the letter was 'addressed' to?  Are you an Ephesian or more like 'away land' security checking non-private information from a sorrowful mother who has the potential to be a perfect grandmother to a few, not to many.  I've seen the acts of  many anti-Simeon anti-Zebulun  congregations of divided Christianity before, and they are not even as good as the acts of the locusts.

The 12,000 elect of the tribe of Dan will not be divided, but will be united and set on a firm foundation before the LIGHT foundation stone of Asher is laid down and that process if still in the future and will occur without staged acts of people such as Robin Williams or Judy Garland.  I am not in 'Shea Weber' gear, but I do know that the number 96 means something to squad 22 and to MIlwaukee district 6 people, as well as to people who have  legally rejected .22 caliber 'Savage Arms' and Harley-Davidson noisy ways and opted the use the 5th amendment out of courtrooms .

 Charlotte NC police officers do  understand bicycle therapy and Raleigh fingers better than I understand why people still insist on believing a lie to me and suggesting to me that anyone named 'Rachel' loves me. A struggling wife known as 'Nurse Jenny' loves me, and she is not a dog. Nurse Jenny understands that silence is sometimes not an option, it is the only possibility.  No one named 'Rachel' ever fed my sheep but Jimmy Morris did feed my hand-picked sheep named 'LeBrun' because he was brown. Jimmy Morris, a shepherd in Knowlton, did shelter me in his barn next to his lambs when I was discouraged, lonely and unloved by every Hendrikson on the face of the earth for YEARS, not for days.  The Jimmy Morris family loves me, even though I am not Catholic anymore.

If you are only up to 'Yellowman' vs. Jim Russo, don't forget about St. Kitt's and Nevis. It could be 42 months before I am able to spend time with my parents again, but that is only half of the time I survived without seeing my grandchildren and my parents, like a few others, have already proved they are not AGAINST the appointed times and activities  of Sukkot.

A real hockey puck is not offensive to saint, even if the people who launch it are extremely offensive and against Yehovah on and off the ice. It is not simple filling 12,000 spaces set aside for the tribe of Judah, but that mist occur before the faithful Reubenites drop into their slot formation.

It will be a struggle to keep my parents out of the battle I am in against the seed of men like Theodore Jackson, Robin Michael Ortiz and Shane David Hendrikson, but if I was able to keep my parents out of my police uniform, I will be able to keep them out of the battle I have against men who have financially and verbally abused me and others. My parents are strong for their age and are not as  BEGGARLY as the politician or  a hireling of anti-Yehovah ministries.  Be careful, since you may find out soon that  the pro-tattoo desire of your unrepentant heart has become your worst enemy.

Adoph Hitler's gang are not the only beasts that decided to  tattoo people for their own profit, contrary to the prophets of Yehovah.

Friday, July 13, 2018

The Philadelphia Zoo View

A squid won't care if heard and seen
only once by a cruel family

Who would go to see a squid
instead of Marie's current lid?

Who would eat their mother's tears
labeled 'mock calamari ears' ?

I do not fear being observed and seen
By children who aren't very mean

I do not want to be seen nor loaned
To brute beasts who reject Gad's stone

I have seen some animals just one time
Who still remain within my mind

The bird I saw on Cleveland turf
Was dead before I saw it hurt

I tucked the bird into some leaves
Unlike Las Vegas 'Mr. Reaves'

I can do what squids can't do
I don't love many.... just a few

A few, a remnant, will believe
In Gad and me, not their golf sleeve

If my seeds think 'maternal source'
I might be seen as a tough horse

If my family really loves my life
They'll visit me..... a holy  'ex-wife'.

I am not clothed like royalty
My covering matters very much to me

No longer caged, I roam on earth
Just as an alley cat with girth

If your like Abaddon's men to me
I might study you, not simple tea

I'll survive day 1203
Like an angel in Wood county

(Shakespear and others such as Kareem Abdul-Jabbar  have wasted far too much  time writing way too much fiction and not spent enough time studying the  element Ru44 or a rod or iron.)

Greenheck Center's 'Blaze Hockey' Understands Courage

Don't complain about what I write if you haven't spent 3 hours on a crucifix in the past 3,000 years or have not spent more than 8 hours with me while I have been in full hockey gear.

I have not forgotten how painful and lonely my pesach week travels to London, Ontario were almost 1200 days ago, and the metal 'trumpeter' made of nuts and bolts is a better sign than any cricifix will ever be. Silence is not 'golden', and golden calfs do not feed families. Hypocrisy occurred in a Stevens Point tavern where a Pacelli catholic declared no one in the tavern is supposed to talk about politics or religion BUT then he and his immature companions kept saying 'Oh my God' as vain repetitions emitted from their unholy tongues.

I gave my best effort to play the piano for a member of my family who is suffering in Wood county's 'Atrium', while other Catholics have decided not to visit him at all or that he does not deserve to hear concertina music like my distant and unknown grandchildren might have heard. The last good memories I have of playing the piano include my high school year, but the years I wasted my talents and was 'used' but not rewarded by anti-Yehovah churches such as Woodlands church in Plover, Wisconsin will never be repeated even if they still can be recalled.

I might be called a chalk dispensationalist, but that is better than deploying missionaries to Europe or deploying paintballs toward your 'neighbors' who are are not equipped as well as a hockey goalie. The people who skate at the Greenheck Ice Arena are amazing people with skills I cannot match but with courage I can match. The lest skills you have to compete against others who are more gifted, the more courage it takes to be seen with them or against them. It would be better for people in central Wisconsin to observe the 'drop in' hockey that occurs on Sunday nights than to waste their money on a 'Grease' production full of fiction and ill-mannered actresses.  I know it is a privilege to skate with or against men like Greg Hanson, Andrew Brandt and others who go to 'Blaze' hockey, and they are kinder to me than my own son has been since he got married. Facts sometimes need to be revealed to ENCOURAGE the people who are doing GOOD WORKS at the Greenheck Ice Arena and to make others reconsider the 'broken family' consequences that  years of neglect or abuse of blood relatives has caused.  When I participate in hockey, I don't expect to leave the area being labeled as a 'coward' even if I have been called 'slow and sloppy' by pompous swine eaters from Villanova. I deliver more useful accurate messages while I am in a hockey rink than Dennis Stanchik ever delivered from his houses of bricks.  As I see life today, my enemies haven't earned the right to see me do my best to reject drugs and to fight arthritis, obesity and lethargy by bicycling or putting on my hockey gear and getting on the ice to keep some of my anti-gun self-defense 'battle' skills intact that I have been taught by courageous men such as Dan Bauer, Rodney Weary, Robert Groth, Robert Skaradzinski and Ezequiel DelFino.

I am going to try to write a bit of poetry to exhibit what it might feel like to be a squid, not a statue, observed by children who have not yet been taught to uphold the Torah and make the teachings and instructions of Yehovah honorable yet, and I intend to deploy that expression of my intentional lack of trust  in the  Sunday 'Easter' and Babylonian systems, fruitless 'Christmas tree' pushers and Playboy  cologne owners.  As I mused over the selections of posters in the exit area of Trig's grocery store in area code 54481, I noticed many churches all trying to seduce their neighbors into their pork palaces and unclean game rooms and I was not amused.  Because I love Yehovah more than I love my own parents, I will not be going to 'St. Mary's' in Torun to watch people load their mouths with the flesh of animals declared to be abominations because they are making a MOCKING the spirit of the 'Jewish' woman often referred to as 'Mary' rather than living as she did as a commandment keeper.

It seems I am being weaned from people who had been 'close' to me for a reason and am being connected with people who have never really known me nor the spirit of Elijah nor Elisha yet but who have known familiar spirits such as 'Kessler's' for many years. Andrew Beine will continue to do as he has done with his diligent son Gene Beine visiting him but not preaching about Yom Kippur to him.  People such as Virginia (Alt) Taylor and Lorraine Mielke have been ministering angels to me for years now and although we disagree on the name of our 'diety', we do agree we should be kind to one another and be truthful to one another.  Lorraine Mielke never discarded the gift of a bible I gave to her, but many others have not even bother to discern the difference between Gad(GOD and feared entity of the Babylonians)  and the status of the mother of DG (Gimel Dalet) who is also the mother of Asher. 

The spirit of Rachel's jealousy led to Gad and Asher's place in history and prophesy and it appears as though the spirit of Truth was connected to Rachel the mother of Joseph and Benjamin.  Joseph was very concerned about the condition of his father and his brother Benjamin, just as  I am about the living conditions of my brothers and my father. Their spiritual condition is not something that I can control, and they have been misled by the same people I formerly trusted in. What cannot be erased from any records in heaven is the amount of time they spent with me, the many times they sheltered me, the many times we spoke kindly to one another, even if I am learned to be more like Vashti than Dinah Shore over the recent years, choosing to reject a heavy crown among drunken men and choosing peace and safety under small mountains of sardius, agate,  carbuncles or lapis lazuli, knowing full well which tribes of sometimes adjacent to Judah those small mountains, very light burdens, I move around  represent.

If my home land is where my feet are, what it under my feet gets trampled for a bit of time as I search for ways to remain narrow minded and avoid the anti-Yehovah Broadway mindset. 'Havilah' is the name of a man according to the writings of Moses, and the writers of 'Fiddler on the Roof' have ruined   much more than 'Lion and Lamb Ministries' with their vain repetitions. Will my grandchildren be able to hear the fact that I am actually not a Hendrikson and that I was bullied and rejected by the Hendrikson family?  Eventually, those who trust in Yehovah are given a new name for a good reason.

For those who don't trust the name 'Jesus Christ' for anti-Greek reasons, try to trust Yeshua or me for a female perspective. If you want to be like Yeshua, leave the '99' and do after the '1' who you think has been your first love that you lost.  If you want to be like me, leave the '1' and go after the '99' that Jesus Christ may have left behind. Here are actual 'city of trivia' samples of who I view as a '99' and who I view as a '1':

  List of possible '1' samples I could leave behind to go after the '99':
a Canadian or a USA penny
Martin Brodeur
Jim Brown
Wayne Gretzky
The Tribe of Reuben
Men named 'Adam'
Johnny Bench (high school records)
The Philadelphia Eagles
my first grandchild
my first ex-husband who clearly never loved me as much as he chose to love another woman or another man

( I try not to reject the spirit of levity in spiritual warfare, even though I have to when countering false statements such as 'It's always sunny in Philadelphia.'  )

List of real '99' people I would not be afraid to follow, to try and save or to study as a possible adversary once I leave  the '1' behind:

People who scored in the 99th percentile in their SAT scores
Damien Rhodes, who may have won 99 NHL games
Chris Chelios, who has dipped to #99 in offense and is followed by Jason Arnott's 'High Whey 100' unit
A holy 19 year old  CHILD who was born in 1999, even if he is following a person who is only on day 87 of the tribulation count after keeping the feast of Pesach properly and counting the omer '50' properly, has respected the feast of Shavuot and is preparing for Yom Teruah events.

I am not going to follow Barbara Feldon, since I designated former MIlwaukee Admiral Jason Dawe of North York, Ontario as the new '99' after he claimed he was not smart.

Why is the name 'levi' in levity  and 'asher' in a thrasher? Moshe Ben Amram had the spirit of a true Levite.

It doesn't hurt to increase your Hebrew word power, so let me launch a few anti-Berg 'anti- Cheryl Hendrikson' thoughts your way since I have been a Mirolslav Satan witness but never shall be considered part of the JW.ORG system.

Day 87: Bjugstad  ( Go buy some' scorpion cheese' from the cheese sellers in Rudolph, Wisconsin if ghosts peppers are too mild for you and scorpion peppers don't frighten you.  Yehovah never destroyed all cows for a good reason in the days of Noach, prior to the days of Medad and Eldad's good adventures.  )

Day 468: Elizur ( Aleph Lamed Yod Tsaddi Vav Resh) which might mean 'my elohim is a rock'. My deceased 63 inch amberjack is not my elohim but Dagon might be smarter than the Dagon gangs who reject clean fish and buy ground hog flesh in Johnsonville, Nueske, Klement's, Usinger's or Oscar Meyer.

826: Aleph Shin Pey ( diviners) If this was your badge #, you might want to examine your family history or your scroll saw blade to see which is more dangerous to your reputation. Say Brett Hull, say Brett Favre or say Brett Lindros if you don't want to say 'May a duck kick you' in Polish.

1199 : Beit Ayin Resh Aleph ( brutish, not British) Be careful near brute beasts who no nothing since they may try to learn something eventually.

1556 : To roll up in cocoon style  or as a scroll   'Gimel Lamed Lamed'  Jeremiah 51:25  Amos 5:24  Isaiah 34:4   .... As any saint can see of hear, 'Gimel' words do matter to Yehovah and Abaddon. This is good squad '63' word to try to master if you don't want to get stuck in the ring bearer line of MIlwaukee marriages that occurred on March 6, 1982 at St. Matthew's Catholic church for eternity in a bad Ty Jackson or fishy northern Baptist games.

2273:   Chet Beit Resh Hey  means some sort of 'fellows' who are not always named 'Christine' or 'Raddish' and sometimes end up as Stout hearted men like Robert Swannell rather than like Soo Greyhounds pitted Romeo Bulldogs. Stout is not always the easy way out and Stout does not represent a narrow gate system. When in doubt, remember that it was Kelly Hrudy that stopped 73 pucks not 7 devils from getting into his 'silly string' section. Kelly Hrudy does not have the mindset of the Nickel City sons and he might be too much like Jim Kelly to appreciate the perfect role of a clean locust on earth.


Once again, I am astounded and amazed at the favor and grace I have been shown by Greenheck Ice center 'Blaze' hockey and the owners of 'Goal Line' hockey who have often been closer to me than my own brothers. There is no doubt in my mind that Tom Lentz has been created equal to P.K. Subban now, but he has not been created equal to Dante Culpepper, Irene Ryan, Jaromir Jagr, Paul Coffey, Greg Hanson or  Dustin Byfuglien.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Recalling the Regina Riflemen and Gordon Brown

74 years ago today in the Caen, France area, many very brave Canadian soldiers pushed out Nazi forces from a 'church' they had no intention of remaining at. They did the best job they could with limited resources when facing mg-42 and 88mm quick action military artillary, yet what had they been taught about 'fast action', such as the day of atonement procedures?

I may have been able to scatter a few Nazi types who often refer to themselves as 'Christians', and all they did was 'plant themselves' elsewhere. They fled from me and have cuddled up to likeminded entities or to their next victim who may end up losing more than property and visitation opportunities with their children or their grandchildren. Like the Regina riflemen, I have done my best to keep making progress against a typically unseen enemy when males such as Carl Allen and his drumstick gang decided I wasn't worth their time or effort when he went in and out of Lansing, Michigan like a cockroach. If people like Carl Allen tell me they intend to meet me or people like Shane David Hendrikson make a promise to build me a house on  lot #34 that we used to own, they will answer to more than me when they haven't even ATTEMPTED to verify their own words while they reject the words of Yehovah.

It was a blessing and a privilege, not a right, meet with one fellow high school classmate who is an honest Pope, a king and a president that I always respected, and that man is a rare example of a decent and wise leader in a world full of dishonest and often lazy men who rather play with poker chips than work as a blacksmith and be part of AFL-CIO local 1509.  We did not meet in secret like an attorney and client preparing to acquire assets from a spouse a respondent no longer loved, and any observers should have seen an example of a good meeting of 2 very different minds.

In another instance of fact not fiction, I purchased what I thought was a sketch of a 'Green Bay Packer' for a young man who is also a very good friend of mine. I opened it and was horrified to see that it was 'Aaron Rodgers 12' on the poster, not '00'. I asked my young friend if he wanted the poster in his room, and he said 'yes', so we put up the poster even though I disliked it. A day or 2 later, I visited my friend and the poster of 'Aaron Rodgers' moved to the living room wall. I asked my friend why the poster was moved, and was informed by a mutual friend that the poster of Rodgers scared my friend rather than comforted my friend. My friend was not afraid to tell me the truth, confirmed that he did not like the poster and knew I also did not like the poster, so we took it own and 'Aaron Rodgers' image ended up in the trash. A Wittenberg 'State Farm' agent has been active in trying to ruin my image when his daughter's Linda Maria Hendrikson's supposedly  'sane' behavior was more despicable and more contrary to the spirit of Yeshua than my few bouts with a form of battle fatigue between 1994 and 2009. Gordon Brown knows what battle fatigue is, and the typical church hireling that has taken over the same buildings that Nazi forces desired to occupy usually do not even work hard enough to break a sweat resisting anti-Yehovah forces.

People rarely face a mg-42 rifle, but what is now launched by electronic forces at  people's head is  even more dangerous. Some idiot on a television claimed that in Paris, it is wrong to say you are a 'virgin' , but was she telling the truth or is she just a paid 61st century "Cosbi'? The lyrics in songs by Tim McGraw spew more filth and lies into minds and do more long term damage to millions of people who do not resist lies than one grenade launched by Gordon Brown.

My son has requested I no longer write about his children or his wife and I won't, but if I don't report any good news that may occur between myself and my descendants, my son's request will not actually help his family.  If I share with others memories of my past times in Wisconsin, I am not different than Laura Ingalls Wilder except I am not selling my books. Freedom of the press did not start in 1776 and prophetic writers such as Isaiah, Ezekiel, Obadiah and Zechariah reported more than weather conditions. They reported the literal and spiritual conditions of people they had been familiar with and were inspired to oppose with the intent to deliver corrective actions necessary to change  unrighteous beings into righteous, justified and holy people. There still are people on earth able to do that, because the gift of prophesy has not been done away with even if  a hireling named Butler thinks it has been done away with.

74 years is actually a very short period of time.  Virgil Smith, formerly of Gratiot, Wisconsin and USA Army veteran, can choke on his own words when he claimed that Canadian Army were cowards and he was not courageous enough to tell his own family members, including Shane David Hendrikson, to stop lying, cheating and stealing from people like me who had been willing to serve him for a short period of time.

What I write might help someone else who is struggling with a form of battle fatigue that a pill or a lousy bread wafer on an idle  idol-filled Sunday morning won't cure.  If you don't like what I write, you can ignore it like so many people have ignored the book of Numbers or the book of Amos and write whatever improves your ability to cope with reality and ally with the deity of your choice.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

153 Point 4Brad Maynard Steel Deal Report

Did you enjoy 'Gus Nyquist Day 78?' I did, and the sinners are not much more fun than the real angels of Abaddon. Don't rely on 'Bill Joel' in the age of Richard Sherman's 460th Panini err lines.

When young people have adults that mislead them away from Yehovah in public, private or home schools and toward overpaid anti-Yehovah males such as Matt Stafford or LeBron James, it takes more than one counter-stupidity effort to undue the damage that has been done by giving a person an evil gift. I could spot a 'Revere 2' shirt at an Orioles game more easily than as I could spot  a golf ball launched at me by Carl Zuberbier at Kettle Hills.

Maybe my adversaries need to know that I rarely use physical force to regain control of an anti-Yehovah situation. Maybe my friends need to know that praying is usually like dead works unless a righteous man prays and the tribe of Judah knows that righteous men are difficult to locate. I failed at an attempt to sway a young man away from an image of the arrogant non-King, LeBron James but I first got permission from the young man's father to gently sway the young man in a better direction.  The young man's grandmother (not me) seems to think that the image of LeBron James improves if it came from the hands of a public school teacher to one of her students, but LeBron James image is still anti-Yehovah.

Because I protect people who have protected me after I decided to accept Abaddon as a 'good angel' not a demonic spirit, I am not going reveal the names of the juveniles who have been misled by anti-Yehovah school systems. I will reveal why 3 females made a good choice and 1 young male did not.

Last night, I joined an 'atypical' family researching basketball players who did not have tattoos. Names like Shane Battier and Chris Paul popped up and we agreed they were talented and were wise not to get a tattoo voluntarily. Today, I purchased 3 much better paper poster options to the picture of LeBron James in an attempt to get an image away from a child possibly more dangerous to a child's behavior and mindset than a KitKat bar. I purchased a #16 and a #2 poster from Walmart ( dinosaurs or a map of the earth) plus one soccer player with a #8 (Ramsey) and attempted to make a trade with my young friend. Unfortunately, he wanted the dinosaur poster AND the picture of LeBron James, so I held my position and did not make a 'trade' deal with him. I even offered him all 3 posters if he would give up the picture of LeBron James but he still said 'no deal'. Instead, the 3 posters went to 3 young girls who were very polite and appreciated a very DECENT gift from me, and I am like a stranger to only 2 of the 3 girls. The parents of the young man who is mentally attached to LeBron James were not at all upset with me for trying to sway him away from an image of LeBron James because they understand my intent is for him to choose a better image for his turf. Pictures of Mark and Mike Strobel were in my former dependent's room  when he was a young child, but when  anti-Yehovah people swayed him toward pro-tattoo thinking, he no longer appreciated the 'Mike and Mark Strobel' approach to advertising and outward attire decisions. My hope is that pro-Yehovah people enter the lives those who have trusted in the wrong diety.

It could be just as difficult to get a rosary away from a Catholic in Mexico or take images of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Marilyn Monroe out of an anti-Yehovah church as it is to get young people to start looking toward living holy men or to a brown woolly sheep for advice in proper anti-tattoo anti-cheerleader tactics. It would actually be better if the teacher had given my friend a poster of all the United States presidents (available at the dollar store) than for her to unload "LeBron James' on a young man that foolishly trusted his public school teacher.  Virgil Smith of Bonduel was just as much as a horrible follower when he gave 'Britney Spears' CD's to his granddaughter, which only proves that he did not gain any discernment after being a Catholic for over 80 years and surviving less time in Germany than I survived in the Milwaukee Police Department.

Parents do not always want to get into a 'tug of war' with their children, but sometimes they have to in order to protect the interior of their household from demonic spirits. Now, I can make a choice of not entering the room that has "LeBron James' image on it and I can tell the truth about why I do not want to into my young friend's 'turf' to try and defend my own right to believe Yehovah and reject images of a type of a beast who is going to be judged negatively by the colors of  his skin of tattoos when he encounters any real, strong good angel.  If I did not think it was possible that my young friend would trust me more than he trusts the anti-Yehovah decision of his public school teacher, I would not have bothered to try and make the trade. I tried, and once again, I could not correct the damage that the NBA and public school teachers who disregard the Scriptures did to my young friend.  There has been no one in the medical field that could correct the damage that was done to my by Phil Arreola's decision to push secondhand smoke my way when I worked in the Milwaukee jail, and I eventually made better decisions about my own health than Chet Ulickey 'the smoker' did.

Someday, I hope my young friend gets as angry with what LeBron James represents as I have gotten with what 'Love Pink' or 'Playboy' cologne represents. 'Be angry and sin not.' I am not ashamed of the hope that my young friend will eventually trust Yehovah more than he trusts his public school teachers in Wisconsin.

The 3 young girls and the young man all had excellent etiquette while I was in a battle for Yehovah against one unholy paper image of LeBron James. No flesh wounds occurred in the battle, but the spiritual battle is real and ongoing. Tomorrow, day 79 for 1st year tribulation rookies, I am once again going to visit 2 honest, courageous veterans who thankfully are nothing like Virgil Smith, grandfather of Shane David Hendrikson.  Virgil Smith was very wrong when he said that the Canadian soldiers were cowards during World War II.

Thankfully, I do not have amnesia and am not opposed to pictures of frogs or Patrick Roy. Now I am going to see how many lies have been pushed out of the lips of Harrison Ford in 'Raiders of the Lost Ark', knowing full well I am not officially retired until October of 2018 AD.  If it has a 'V' listing has the violence in movie been approved by Johnny Bench? I have a sudden craving for Pitt Panther chow, also known as 'popcorn'.

Special K. Cornell non-fiction notes and questions regarding District 5 protocol: Has anyone other than me noticed that the chorizo at the Milwaukee Brewers game looks a lot like former MIlwaukee County Sheriff 'David Clarke' .... or is Clarke supposed to be spelled Clark? I'd cast a vote against Anthony Wickersham before I'd ever vote for a  'Robert Ostrowski'. Bob Crane is selling houses in Portage County, Wisconsin but his image does not match the image of any of Marjorie Wahl nor the image of Robert Bushman. If I am in '206' not '405', does it matter that Max Paccioretty is listed as #106 and Pitt University was ranked 204th by Steve Forbes before they got upgraded tp 154th and well ahead of Marist at 201?

Bobby Sherman, the somewhat popular singer who might have tried a bit of deputy work, isn't a combination of the Seattle Seahawks Bobby Wagner and Richard Sherman.

I suppose some people might want to 'censor' my memory, but Laura Ingalls Wilder remembered facts about her life and 'booked' them for others to CONSIDER even if they did not agree with her view of life, view of family and perception of others and of herself. If 54000 write what they approve of in your life and 1 writes warnings about other people's choices, the 54000 people might only have THEIR best interests in mind because they have 'profited' from someone else's efforts that may have been done with the intent to show love. Keep in mind 144,000 sealed saints have about a 1 to 55,000 ration on earth and the 144,000 do not think like LeBron James because they have a pro-Yehovah mindset as I do. Being outnumbered 54,000 to 1 does not mean that being pro-Yehovah is WRONG, but it does mean pro-Yehovah people will have to have courage to face the 1 odd pro-Yehovah person in the mirror as well as deliver the Truth to those want to CONSIDER it before they believe or remain as unbelievers and reject both Moshe Ben Amram and Yeshua.

I gladly received a wonderful chuck roast dinner from a wonderful Milwaukee family on day 79. I then gave a good 'used' gift to the wonderful family of mine, namely a puck with a 68 on side 1 and 405 on side 2.  Neither the dinner nor the puck is 'nominal value' to those who appreciate good usable gifts.

Why Your 'tithe' To Churches Could Ruin You

I don't need the information that Grant Wahl is dishing out, but a few should review the information I am about to redeliver without Victor Moses or Moises Gomez.

There is somewhat of a debate of when restoring double what was obtained illegally is appropriate, but when has this sequence been taught to you by a 'paid' or hired employee of a Sunday church gathering?

1. If you have stolen or cheated your neighbor out of property or assets, 120% should be returned to the victim if possible.
2. If you cannot find the victim of your crime or the victim is deceased, the 120% minimum restoration of assets is supposed to go to an heir, usually a relative. Stealing 'between' family members is typical occurrence when divorces are handed out too easily by horrible, unholy judges but discerning who deserved to get stolen assets retored to their family funds id not that difficult if you actually have a holy spirit and are not afraid to question family members regarding the current location of the person you should have tried to find in step 1.
3. If you have stolen or cheated your neighbor and not restored in full plus 20%, your tithe to the form of a 'priest'  or congregation leader will not count in your favor because you did not first settle up with the the neighbor, family member or stranger you had been UNFAITHFUL to in property or financial matters.

Sure, I expounded a bit on Numbers 5:6 to 8, but Yeshua also suggested that if your brother has a matter against you to first settle that matter before you bring your 'gifts' to the altar of a priest who has the role of a priest of the LORD.  How many times have you believed the lie that your past sins disappear when you accept 'Jesus' as your personal Lord and Savior because you were not told that by searching the Scriptures endorsed by Yeshua you would learn about the proper process for getting your past sins and debts 'forgiven' over time? It typically will take years not an instant or 2 seconds of time to have your past sins forgiven once you admit to your past sins and try to obey orders to rectify the matter as Yehovah would rectify it.

Strong's Hebrew Word #4475 and 7544 are extremely interesting and better to rely on than Andre Drummond's offensive tattoos or the number 0. Esther Drummond helped my parents decades ago in Milwaukee and Detroit Piston types are contrary to Yehovah's family values. Thibaut Courtois probably couldn't handle the type of pressures Terry Courtois has in the past, so I recommend you ignore 'Draftkings' for 7 years and remove yourself from 'FACEBOOK' connections and invest your time into more productive positive or negative good works. "FACEBOOK' is a venue that has no seen perimeter and contains material donated or dissected by computer  junkies that is far worse and filthier than a plague of locusts on earth.

Sadly, some people only are familiar with my short piano playing 'donations' when I was married to a male who was unfaithful in finances AND was as unfaithful as Linda Maria Hendrikson was to him with or without  Bob Priest or Robert Betz to approve or condemn their anti-commandment forms of lawlessness (anomia).

Being honest and faithful in business or 'safe-keeping' matters is possible but often more difficult than being physically faithful to a beautiful  or attractive wealthy spouse. Being faithful in finances is a reasonable expectation of anyone who claims to believe in the instructions from Yehovah, the angel of Gad's 12,000 sealed saints.

Monday, July 2, 2018

Pro-ICE Corrections = Anti-Lawlessness Forces

If  a parent and his children break into your house full of assets and steal your belongings, the 'victim' will typically expect the parents and his children who were PTAC to be jailed, possibly in different areas until proper charges are lodged against them. If a parent forces or encourages his own children to do criminal acts, it is better if his children are taken away from the criminal parent to get instructed in law-keeping rather than being ignorant of the laws.

If a parent and his children break into the United States boundaries, they should not be treated as VICTIMS of a crime but should be treated like any other criminal that has achieved ILLEGAL access to private or semi-private property.

The politicians who are against ICE procedures are treacherous and worse at mind than those who are willfully ignorant of the LAW because the are rebelling against good laws.  The USA politicians who want to disregard current immigration laws or eliminate laws are just as evil as a 'Jewish'  rabbi or Christian pastor the  who instructs  his anti-LAW congregation to bring pork, calamari and escargot to their next pesach meal or Sunday pot luck gathering.

I will not be celebrating on July 4th, 2018 since out nation is disgraceful not full of grace. This might as well be called the start of Tomas Tatar day 76. Parents who instigate illegal activity are not good parents nor are the 'good citizen' material and they need to be CORRECTED not admired.  Even the book of Ephesians warns against fathers provoking their own children to wrath. A child who has been taught to disobey laws should become angry with his anti-LAW father when he is jailed. Every infant that has been aborted with the father's consent also will provoke his murdered child to wrath and a day of vengeance is pending according to biblical texts which typical anti-Yehovah television stations like CNN, ABC, NBC and CBS  apparently still think are fiction.

Nazi forces entered France, Poland, Russia and Austria without abiding by immigration laws and then imposed their 'culture' on nations that did not properly resist Hitler's violent, ill-mannered illegal immigrant to nations such as France.