Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Love is Interesting to Observe

Today, on the closing day of the Feast of Unleavened bread.....

 I observed many facets of love. I saw St. Theresa of Wanaga Beach get as excited about choosing stones tied to the tribes of Israel as I get. We both love stones and we both .

I observed a couple showing perfected love for each other after being married for 33 years and I felt compelled to give them a wedding gift, apologizing for being so late to their wedding.

I observed three children as they displayed courage, hospitality and a very kind spirit TOWARD me without expecting anything in return,

I realized I still love Canada even though bad things sometimes happen in Canada.

Silliest of all, I was told I have been pronouncing 'socks' wrong by a brilliant and kind child. The names Noah, Sean, Vegan and Caleb are now easier to remember and cherish than the grandchildren I do not know at all.

Day 5 of the omer has commenced.  I always remember Milwaukee District number 5.

Have a jolly Paul Ranheim Day #759 or try to survive Viktor Koslov's annual 'Hey' day!!!!

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