Thiis post is extremely serious and will be sharter than Chris Chelios' autobiography.
Enemies of the Messiah of Israel often lie to influence 'figure heads' and they also stand around and do nothing other than socialize in places where other spiritual warriors are trying to accomplish more than the Pentagon ever will be able to.
Telling the truth about an incident IN WRITING is weightier than verbal testimony. Today, I deployed myself to the privately owned Lapeer Ice Rink with certain objectives which included preparing to face enemies that have not yet arrrived in person as well as get adequate physical exertion appropraite for a moderately severe asthma condition. I signed in forst wearing a 'Curtis Jeseph' Toronto jersey, and only 6 other people signed in for what was advertised as 'drop in hockey', not 'sticks and pucks'.
Most of the people who go to 'drop in hockey' on Tuesday are like recreational snow-boarders. They take a lot of breaks and don't seemed mentally prepared for anything other than a Bud Light or a Coca-Cola conversation. The 6 that followed me in decided to play 'northern half ice' and all other than me were shooting against an old male who always wears a 'SHAGIE' shirt with a cartoon figure on the front. I don't play half ice because it is not good for my back condition, so I stayed on the south end of the rink and did not disturb their 'play time'. The other 6 chose to stop 'playing' about 30 minutes before the DROP IN HOCKEY time was over. I approach 'Drop In hockey' seriously because I have more to accomplish during that time than exercise.
2 humans, one 66 year old woman who signs in as 'KAT' and her young male companion who wore a 'OO' ( something about a chicken shack was also on his jersey) on April 11th, 2017 under his #17 helmet stood around on on the hockey surface talking while I was still trying to accomplish certain objectives on the hockey surface. A asked them to go off the ice if they were only going to talk FOR THEIR OWN SAFETY, but they not only refused , 'OO" then started swearing ate, threatened bodily harm to me if I return and demanded I not return to the rink. He is neither part of the staff nor the owner of the business. I explained I did not them to get hit in the face by a puck, and the dangerous male told me I did not have any skills and could not even get the puck to his face level. He is a liar, because I do have skill, and his nature and attitude is almost EXACTLY like Shane David Hendrikson's was before he got courts and police to assist him in a felony against me.
After the 'OO' was done swearing and me and done verbally threatening me, I continued with my training, and the puck I had traveled between the feet of 'Kat' and 'OO' on the ice surface at a rather slow rate of speed, hitting the bottom of 'KAT's hockey stick as if it were a put in a golf game. I either proved that I do have very accurate skills OR iif what 'OO' stated was true, my skills are so bad that the puck went were I did not want it to go. IN either case, I did not do anything against actual drop-in hockey rules and they were standing around like Democrats during a filibuster when they should have taken their socializing to the bench area or out of the rink.
The staff said nothing like what happened today has ever happened before at Lapeer's rink, whcih I find hard to believe but I reminded the people that this is the anniversary of the day Egyptian warlords ordered Moses out of Egypt and nothing like that had ever happened in Egypt before. If people bring up 'Easter', they should be prepared to hear about other non-rabbit activities that include ram roasts and year of the chicken.
The staff's attitude was somwhat confusing under the circumstances. They called a sheriff's deputy and he stood by and listened but I have no idea what he thought when the staff emember clearly stated that anyone intentionally hitting a player with a puck would be banned from the facility. Does that mean I can't pass the puck to any players anymore if I am there? Does it mean I should stand on the puck for 100 minutes to avoid anyone making a false claim that I was trying to hit them with a puck if my lack of skills causes a soft landing on a unmasked face? Does it mean no one can shoot toeard the goalie anymore, no matter who it is? If I were the manager on duty, I would have advised the two chatteboses to exit the hockey rink unless they are at least ready to receive a 'pass' rather than defend their right to interfere with my hockey routine. If the manager stands by his claim that people regularily do and can stand around and hold aconversation on the ice while others are trying to conduct a drop in hockey competition, what will they do if on Friday a few paying customers just decide to break all the rules of real hockey and chit-chat at center ice when more serious and better hockey players paid for ice time? 'OO' stated pucks should never be shot toward anyone on the ice, so I hope he follows his own 'law' and never again sends a puck anywhere near me, since that is the only way he can live up to his own 'demands' that he expected from me today.
I did not injure anyone, and I did ask the elderly woman and her 'OO" firiend a request that was very reasonable. Instead of copperating, they decided to eliminate an opportunity to demonstrate good hockey sense. In addition, 'OO" refused to make peace with me even though I clearly stated that was my desire, even though he should be threatened serious bodily harm to me in a manner slightly less dangerous than Vincent Locicero. Keep in mind I was triying to get what I paid for, namely drop in hocky time, not figure skate around a couple who were no longer interesting in playing hockey. I had tried to get my money returned from Vincent Locicero, and Macomb deputies did not handle the case properly and got their report wrong.
So far, only deputy Doan in St. Clair county seems to know how to handle a real case seriously and with proper skills, and that is based on actual complainant perspective. I could have backed down when 'OO" threatened me and told me to leave the rink, but I did not draw bacm because I knoew my perspective of drop-in hockey time was accurate, and he and KAT are better siuited to go to 'stick and puck time'', where men like Justin McHigh might be able to teach them a lesson they have not learned. Indeed, a partially disable woman named 'Brottany' has more social skills and hockey wisdom than 'OO" and KAT. Ir is a shame that I was so vexed and SORROWFUL after being threatened by the thug wearing 'OO' that I drove only as far as the Lapeer police department, told them briefly that a man threatened to do bodily harm to me at the hockey rink and I was too upset to drive any farther. I asked if I could sit in the lobby until I felt calm enough to drive safely, and the wise public servant said I could.
Another shame was all the beer cans, some still containing alcohol, left behind in the hockey rink by people that had arrived there before I did. It is extremely difficult to find hockey rinks as good as the Greenheck Center in Wisconsin or the Eble Ice Rink in Waukesha county here in Michigan, but I keep looking for rinks that know how to accomadate more than beer drinkers and Detroit redwings fans fairly and with a willingness to learn about something more important than the difference between a bitch named 'Lightning' and a pitbull named 'Struggle'.
If my use of the owrd 'bitch' is problematic, it is less offensive thsn the word 'fuck' to the typical student of Chinese calendars. Elton John, Bill Murray in 'Ghostbusters' and Milwaukee police retiree Bernie Kocker have no problem using the word 'bitch' in public without getting their tongue cut out, so I suppose I have to go back to 'Army dog tag' lines when it is impossible to tell if a human is female or male. Maybe if Cheli's CHili Bar bouncers hadn't used the word in my presence, I might not be as casual with permissable Michigan slang as I am now. I guess next time I'll say I'm talking to the spirit of Lassie, and people that do not want to hear words in Webster's dictionary can try to go deaf. NO one can prove I wasn't talking to the spirit a boxer named 'Lightning' or 'Lassie', just like no one other than God Almighty knows that 'KAT' called me an asshole because U was wearing a Heatley jersey, and 'OO' didn't come to my defense when the Army dog tag taker used common animal talk. I don't eat ass, , so I am not an ass hole.
Call me a donut hole, since I do eat donut. Thank goodness for the Lapeer police employees and kind staff at Brian's restaurant in Lapeer where I safely soughtt mental health and medical attention after being verbally abused and threatened by "OO' after the Army veteran was upset by a slow moving hockey puck contacting the bottom of her hockey stick that was being held upside down while she was impeding spiritual angelic traffic..
I won't be a 'Ted LIndsey' type, and certainly might decide to switch to Tae Kwon Do, drop hockey completely and avoid teaching any other hockey players about pro-Israelite thinking without getting paid. More likely, I'll see how Friday drop in hockey goes at Lapeer when more people don't want others standing around socializing when others are trying to work on real hockey practice and see just how reasonable the staff is at Lapeer compared to the Suburban Sports group employees. If I left my own home in Knowlton after being verbally threated by an angry, unholy man, I'm anti-siocidal enough to leave other areas taken over by the dangerous males who might be able to deceive a deputy, but sdidn't decieve me while I was wearing a bright orange "bauer' jersey instead of a Titanium orange from the Shane Hendrikson Wittenberg wardrobe department.
Very often, people who commit crimes do not want those fighting crimes in their 'turf'. Should I assume that KAT might be supplying 'OO" with some type of drugs that made his act irrationally after a reasonable request was made during 'drop-in' hockey time, since 'OO' was elearly under the influnce of something. other than the Holy Spirit.
If my open reporting helps the owner advise his staff that he does not want law-abiding, partially disabled citizens or experienced police officers turned away from his rink, then the owner is a wise guy not someone playing 'Army favorites'.
As it is in the streets of MIlwaukee, Detroit and Milwaukee, so it is in many other parts of the world where peace on earth is delayed by lawlessness and people who make rules they are not even willing to try to abide by. The brown people near Racine and Hamburg were less dangerous to me when they cleared the roadway on Mother's Day a couple years ago. Yes indeed, there are some people who recognize the word 'ephod' to be as holy as the word 'SIEVE'.
Shane David Hendrikson made a claim that I am not 'special'. OO...... if I have no skills, who wrote this investigative report?
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