I'm not in a suburban Michigan state of mind, and I am thankful I remember telling my child to pick up to go on 'garbage patrol' in front of 1003 South 31st in Milwaukee in the 1980's. It was actually cleaner in MIlwaukee in the 1980's than it is in Macomb based on population comparisons. The amount of trash on the roadways in suburban areas of Detroit such as Macomb is a disgrace and a shame. I guess people that won't mow their own lawns also are too lazy or too wealthy to humble themselves and take some time to clean up at least a small portion of the earth in their congressional district to combat the continual illegal dumping that occurs statewide in Michigan.
The following are not problems, conundrums or dilemmas that can be cured by one person and they were not caused by the Detroit Redwings 'Russian Five':
1. One legal abortion committed in the United States is forgivable by a merciful redeemer, especially if there never is a second abortion committed by the legalistic murderer. A forced, unnatural abortion still is murder, but it s legal murder in many anti-Messiah nations such as the United States. The parent(s) of the aborted person have to admit their child ended up in the trash, but wasn't thrown out into the ditches like a piece of litter. Littering is still illegal in most states, and people who refuse to stop littering are worse than a person who has one abortion and then repents of their sin.
2. Since Michigan roadways are still extremely filthy in most areas, a more truthful advertising campaign slogan should start, such as :' Visit Michigan If You Want to Be Discouraged about the Environment' or 'Impure Dirty MIchigan Awaits Your Arrival' or even better 'Snnta Claus and the Easter Bunny Still Haven't Done Good Works in Michigan. Come and Donate Your Garbage Patrol Skills To MIchigan for FREE! I hope you appreciate my realistic opinions about the lazy, Michigan youths who should clean up the state on April 16th instead of sitting in anti-Israelite church pews like a bunch of Playboy bunnies waiting for pigs to fly into their Mock Chicken Aldredo.
3. Choosing to become a 'believer' in the Messiah of Israel is like choosing a fishing vessel to work on until you 'grow cold' (death, hopefully natural). 'Captain Messiah' is a true Israelite, not a unclean beast trying to get into a water-ski show next to Santa's elves and the yeast-filled, anti-Messiah pork-laden Easter buffets. Once abound 'Ship Salvation', if you do not do as the true Israelite instructs you to do, at best you get a 'dishonorable discharge, which means that 'Captain Messiah' won't kill you, but he also can't give you a good recommendation. By default, you automatically end up on anti-Messiah's squadron, and your heart and mind will not get holier. Increasing in unholiness=God hardening your heart. Liars lure you and then the unholy mind is attracted to fellow liars and deceivers, resulting in a complete and usually permanent lack of attraction to those who represent the Truth and the way of the commandment-keeping Israelites.
4. I did my nearby 'garbage patrol' alone, since my son is no longer a good citizen of the United States. It is not fun to observe just how much filth and lawlessness is present in the town of Macomb, but it ia even worse to be as a blind person who refused to face the local damage to the neighborhoods caused by habitual sinners and habitual illegal dumpers. Indeed, every piece of trash that is intentionally thrown onto the earth becomes as serious of an offense as an abortion by request. Take that fact and get ready to boycott activites at 'Little Ceasar's Arena' if you realize that 'bigger and more expensive entertainment centers' is usually very unwise in a nation that is still too undisciplined to repent and obtain mercy from 'Captain Messiah'. Any good leader rather see his enemies clean up their neighborhoods and a pray for spirit a of sobriety to reduce the amount of derision in battle zones. 'Little Ceasar's Arena' is as unwise as 'Dollywood' or 'Willow Creek Church' in suburban Chicago, but only the wise see the folly of overspending on electronics and underspending on vegetable gardening tools. Only a few really do trust and obey 'Captain Messiah', and those few then behave like struggling Israelites rather than behaving like popular game show participants or politicians who keep disregarding official signals from the prophets and the elect delegates and allies of the Israelite 'Captain Messiah'. .
5. 'Captain Messiah'' is Zebulon ark-type terminology similar to 'Pure non-Michigan Agent#26', 'Holy Shaliach', all of which are less likely to get attacked than 'HaShem' is by Michael Rood's anti-'HaSehm' bunch of trinket-sellers and televised beings.
Spirit of the Vav Report: The lamb which I purchased on the 10th day of the Israelite new year is still being observed here at 'Stalag 1'. So far, the lamb is very docile and handling the cooler temperature very well. The lamb is beautiful and much healthier than any piglet,octopus or squid I have ever seen other animals consume. I am quite sure it will be very tasty and good on Streit's matzos for a handmaiden like me who trusts 'Captain Messiah', and can easily reject Billy Sims pork piles on leavened bread. The lamb I bought will be consumed on the end of the 14th day if I outlive the lamb, which is April 12 Wednesday evening, so I am on the same schedule as Keith Johnson I am not sure if I am going to eat my very small lamb parts hot or cold, but I will not eat my lamb lukewarm. Since the lamb I bought is extremely small, I won't have to worry about inviting any 'neighbors' to my prepared lower room like I had done at 1602 Mary Lane in Knowlton, WI, shortly before Nazi-type powers hardened the heart and mind of Shane David Hendrikson and his anti-commandmentiist crimes became evident to my true, family members who at least respect and abide by the local laws.
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