Sunday, April 30, 2017

Day 386 Basic Cheiftan Warning To Vatican

The current pompous Jesuit pope of the Catholics should correct HIMSELF and then his own 'flock' rather than try to correct Muslims. The ugly fact remains that every 'father' who was baptized into the Catholic faith as an adult and who subsequently abandoned his wife and child without providing financial support is typical of the anti-biblical  apostacy deposited into the mind of the typical anti-Israelite 'catholic'.  The Vatican has yet to be wiling to really allow the tribe of Judah remnant to be their personal Lord and Savior, so Catholics remain as divided as the typical post-divorce unholy family.   The Vatican has yet to understand or teach the meaning of Strong's Hebrew word #1837 and as a result only a few will escape the unclean claws laid into them by the Vatican system. It would take a miracle to get the Vatican to force Theodore Reynaud Jackson, son of Donald Jackson, to live up to his 'Catholic' expectations and at least provide financial support for his first wife to reverse his pattern of disc-jockey chasing, adultery, theft of child support  and social security number deception that has more than tarnished the image of Milwaukee Tech swim team! Rough Riders matter as much as JuJu Smith Schuster and Trijans to 'God'. I already figured that it would take a voluntary minimum of $50,000.00 to go from the Theodore R. Jackson family to my current household funds to change Theodore Reynaud Jackson's 'beast' image  to that of a peace maker.  I would take an offer of  ten times that voluntary amount  to  try change the image of Shane David Hendrikson from 'beast' to 'typical adulterer' or 'repentant ex-employee'.

With forms of  judicial system violence that doesn't leave contusions,  spouses are often robbed of their financial resources by attorneys in family courts when petitioners are not expected to keep their vows by apathetic family members. Sadly,attorneys who claim to be 'Jewish', 'catholic' or 'Christian' often  offend the true God of Israel because they choose to defend liars and covenant breakers in order to gain filthy monetary gain and in the process they are anti-righteous. Violence erupts in households and in city streets when mercy and justice is not offered to the VICTIMS of crimes committed against them in anti-commandment courtrooms and by predators who are not yet reformed because they have not yet truly repented. A 'reformed predator' is not going to call a pimp like MIke Fisher his 'captain' but should have been willing to align with the Lion of the Tribe of Judah or even the tribe of 'Dalet Nun' pronounced 'dawn'' o r 'don'  at times.

If I do not take the time to warn and try to correct the demons of the Vatican who clearly are still 'double minded' , it would mean I did not care about the careless flocks who still trot into their Baal systems of anti=commandment captivity every Sunday morning worldwide.  Has anyone ever considered that when the Truth 'sets you free', it might actually mean you are not worthy of being protected by the Messiah and you are released to prove the intent of your mindset?  Being 'set free' is often as bad as having a faithful spouse divorce as unfaithful spouse, letting the unfaithful  get loosed from a household that often remains sorrowful becuase they learned the truth about the unfaithful spouse.

Hebrew word 1126 is 'Benjamin', which means 'son of my sorrow'. the Israel patriarch Jacob should have been sorrowful he did not take heed and try to be content with Leah after being too complacent at the time of his first wedding night to know who he was mating with. WHat happened in Jacob's tent didn't stay in Jacob's tent and what happens in Las Vegas is often the beginning of a repulsive system of liess unholy money games and extremely immoral stage shows..

Now it's time to review my Chase Drake and Marshall University paw patrol attitude in case I failed a good bowling alley cat test. There might be a very WIDE margin between the 387 and the 389 teams after all if social security numbers really matter in Ethan Allen furniture history and Xavier  Woods err lines. The closer the earth gets to being prepared to receive Abaddon,  the more obvious the err lines will be.  NBC's 'Chicago Justice' show typifies irrational development and serious immoral err, not good police work. Thomas More's David Justice is safer to study than television fiction not suitable for a Nun.

Chess games and plastic guitar picks do not save lives. It takes a living saint to properly judge and then be willing to try to correct a thief.

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