Sunday, April 30, 2017

'Nun Chet Lamed Hey' Way Day 16 of 50

Whether I spell a Rushing stream with 'Noon' or 'Nun',  the word pronounced 'naklah' still starts out with a Hebrew 50, not 40.   On the omer count, it is now day 16.  There used to be an Egyptian family in the Wausau, WI area known as 'Ed' and 'Tony' Nahkla (spelling might be incorrect) that were in some computer business, but like many past 'Christian' acquaintances, I are not currently in the same flock as they are.  As a result, a new family has repaired a breach in my life like Elmer's glue repairing a fragile mother of an uncaring son.

It did not take very long for me to appreciate the kindness shown to me by the Rushing children of Wasaga Beach, Ontario. For quite a while, I was called 'Hey' and they were called 'Vegan'. Calling me 'Hey' is about equal to calling Yeshua, 'Jesus'. Even though I responded tp 'Hey' for awhile because I don't mind the number 5, eventually the Rushing children started calling me 'Marie'. I was so happy to be called by the name my parents chose for me that I gave the first child that called me 'Marie' a hug!  After that, it seems all the Rushing children wanted a hug and I heard the name 'Marie' so many times that I must've given out a couple hundred hugs to only 3 children. Conversely. when I called the Rushing children by their given names, they gave me a hug in a very important 'name recognition' class.

I participated in an art class with the Rushing children and their grandmother, and all of us painted vessels of clay, not feet of clay. We know we are grafted into the same Tree of Life because we have all agreed to uphold the Laws of Yahweh to the best of our ability, not dispose of them. Forms of living water  emerged from the Rushing children to counter the intentional lack of attention and the cruel drought caused by the removal of my actual grandchildren from my life.  We struggled with our pottery but did not fight with one another since we all have the same Israelite Messiah and we know what He expects of us.  All of us had a peculiar appreciation for the stones of tribes of Israel, and it is no secret that Richard Isaiah Hendrikson denied an opportunity to learn about the value and purpose of connecting with a beautiful natural piece of the earth rather than with video cameras and protestant stage shows.   I cannot understand how the love from a son can disappear so intentionally and the love from strangers can appear so perfectly during the time of First Fruits, but I am thankful that former strangers are now my friends.  There is a song by a band named Orleans' called 'Time Passes On' and indeed the words to that song reveal how GENUINE kindness is not easily forgotten, especially during times of sadness of loneliness. Sadly, intentional cruelty during times of distress or sickness is also not easily forgotten for a reason, namely to be able to testify against the cruel and wicked.

The Hebrew word 'naklah' is a form of a stream, and comparing Isaiah 66:12, Jeremiah 47:2, Psalm 36:8 and Psalm 18:4 is not a waste of time. Psalm 124:4 has a different variation, best described by having 2 pucks underneath the 'Chet' rather than one 'small boxing bag'.  When I thirst here at 'Stalag 1', I now can lift up a flowered cup or a custom painted cup, better than any Stanley Cup, that will remind me of my friend Theresa and the Rushing children.  The 4 letters on my non-Stanley cup are: 'Lamed Pey Yod Dalet' which means 'My God, the Consuming Fire'.  At the bottom, my former City of Milwaukee Police Badge #1532 reminds me that I DO have excellent skills that cannot be taken away from me and that are meant to be used for good, not to do evil.  A crimson dot and a grey dot on the painted cup also remind me of the old Milwaukee Saint Matthew's Greyhound colors  which are as important in my history as the colors of jacinth and beryl.

I really do have friends in Canada now, and I hope the Canadian borders always remain open to me since the nation of Canada is precious in my sight. Heck, they even know it is better to have multi-colored  money so it is easier to differentiate between currency sometimes known as V's, X's, XX's and L's! Indeed, Owen Sound and Guelph are no less important than Haifa and Joppa. It wasn't too difficult to look at a banner of Andrew Brunette while Erie Otters were zooming around near Ezequiel's Synagogue. The hockey was rather excellent in Owen Sound Attack zone from a spectator's perspective. Now, I just seriously wonder why the University of Guelph has such an easy entrance exam and such a nasty looking creature as it's symbolic statue.

Day 386 Basic Cheiftan Warning To Vatican

The current pompous Jesuit pope of the Catholics should correct HIMSELF and then his own 'flock' rather than try to correct Muslims. The ugly fact remains that every 'father' who was baptized into the Catholic faith as an adult and who subsequently abandoned his wife and child without providing financial support is typical of the anti-biblical  apostacy deposited into the mind of the typical anti-Israelite 'catholic'.  The Vatican has yet to be wiling to really allow the tribe of Judah remnant to be their personal Lord and Savior, so Catholics remain as divided as the typical post-divorce unholy family.   The Vatican has yet to understand or teach the meaning of Strong's Hebrew word #1837 and as a result only a few will escape the unclean claws laid into them by the Vatican system. It would take a miracle to get the Vatican to force Theodore Reynaud Jackson, son of Donald Jackson, to live up to his 'Catholic' expectations and at least provide financial support for his first wife to reverse his pattern of disc-jockey chasing, adultery, theft of child support  and social security number deception that has more than tarnished the image of Milwaukee Tech swim team! Rough Riders matter as much as JuJu Smith Schuster and Trijans to 'God'. I already figured that it would take a voluntary minimum of $50,000.00 to go from the Theodore R. Jackson family to my current household funds to change Theodore Reynaud Jackson's 'beast' image  to that of a peace maker.  I would take an offer of  ten times that voluntary amount  to  try change the image of Shane David Hendrikson from 'beast' to 'typical adulterer' or 'repentant ex-employee'.

With forms of  judicial system violence that doesn't leave contusions,  spouses are often robbed of their financial resources by attorneys in family courts when petitioners are not expected to keep their vows by apathetic family members. Sadly,attorneys who claim to be 'Jewish', 'catholic' or 'Christian' often  offend the true God of Israel because they choose to defend liars and covenant breakers in order to gain filthy monetary gain and in the process they are anti-righteous. Violence erupts in households and in city streets when mercy and justice is not offered to the VICTIMS of crimes committed against them in anti-commandment courtrooms and by predators who are not yet reformed because they have not yet truly repented. A 'reformed predator' is not going to call a pimp like MIke Fisher his 'captain' but should have been willing to align with the Lion of the Tribe of Judah or even the tribe of 'Dalet Nun' pronounced 'dawn'' o r 'don'  at times.

If I do not take the time to warn and try to correct the demons of the Vatican who clearly are still 'double minded' , it would mean I did not care about the careless flocks who still trot into their Baal systems of anti=commandment captivity every Sunday morning worldwide.  Has anyone ever considered that when the Truth 'sets you free', it might actually mean you are not worthy of being protected by the Messiah and you are released to prove the intent of your mindset?  Being 'set free' is often as bad as having a faithful spouse divorce as unfaithful spouse, letting the unfaithful  get loosed from a household that often remains sorrowful becuase they learned the truth about the unfaithful spouse.

Hebrew word 1126 is 'Benjamin', which means 'son of my sorrow'. the Israel patriarch Jacob should have been sorrowful he did not take heed and try to be content with Leah after being too complacent at the time of his first wedding night to know who he was mating with. WHat happened in Jacob's tent didn't stay in Jacob's tent and what happens in Las Vegas is often the beginning of a repulsive system of liess unholy money games and extremely immoral stage shows..

Now it's time to review my Chase Drake and Marshall University paw patrol attitude in case I failed a good bowling alley cat test. There might be a very WIDE margin between the 387 and the 389 teams after all if social security numbers really matter in Ethan Allen furniture history and Xavier  Woods err lines. The closer the earth gets to being prepared to receive Abaddon,  the more obvious the err lines will be.  NBC's 'Chicago Justice' show typifies irrational development and serious immoral err, not good police work. Thomas More's David Justice is safer to study than television fiction not suitable for a Nun.

Chess games and plastic guitar picks do not save lives. It takes a living saint to properly judge and then be willing to try to correct a thief.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

'Firsts' Are Not Always Good

'First Fruits' is a appointed time that few people decide to study. When you get first hand news from good people, the news is not always good even if the messengers are. 

A) I received bad news from good Canadian people today. I am deeply troubled that Donald Trump does not appreciate having Canada as a bordering nation, and a 20% tax on lumber imported from Canada is BAD NEWS to anyone who knows that it is unwise to show lack of business courtesy to a nation with as many good qualities as Canada has.   

B) On the 10th day of the omer count, I received bad news from a bad (rude and unkind) Canadian person. For the first time, I was told I could not visit in a Canadian Legion (#6) because I was 'not a member'. I do not know if the Israeli hockey jersey I had on affected her decision to turn me away when my intentions were good, just as they always have been when visiting a Legion and trying to learn about history. Maybe if I had not been unrighteously 'tossed off' of my own property in Wisconsin I might not care when I am deeply saddened when I am 'rejected' when my intentions are very good.

C) On the 9th day of the omer count, I saw my first synagogue building in Canada with the name Ezekiel' on it, but of course it would be better spelled Ezequiel with the Qoph in it. The steps under the name 'Ezequiel' were a good place to try to recover from being turned away At Owen Sound Legion 6, and it is possible but not always easy to remind myself that the other Canadian Legions (#134, #8, #525,#410 and a tough training unit marked with a 'coyote') who welcomed me had a better spirit and attitude toward strangers. Legion 6 reminded me of the Shane David Hendrikson attitude during the time he was planning an act of  treason against me and my family members while I was still his spouse.

D) I was blessed to be part of a painting class with 7 of my newest good friends in the Collingwood area. I am now waiting to see what my first golf hole design looks like in the bottom of a cup large enough for 3 sand traps, a couple water hazards and a very nice thunderstorm approaching with lightning bolts included. Some of my high school classes were just as good and mentally refreshing.

E) Often, people like Donald Trump or even Patrick Fellows do not realize how important the 'King of Steers' is and that the best case for Christ is always going to be a cold case of Joseph Schlitz beer.  I don't know how many terrible 'firsts' might be ahead, but there are a remnant of saints who still know how important it is to bear  GOOD fruits of the Holy Spirit and keep counting onward to another Shavuot. When optimist clubs seem unrealistic, I keep focusing on the duty of the 144,000 elect sealed Israelites on the face of the earth to behave as living saints rather than as politicians and casino gamblers.

It isn't the first time I feel like the eye of a hurricane with trouble all around but pe

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Love is Interesting to Observe

Today, on the closing day of the Feast of Unleavened bread.....

 I observed many facets of love. I saw St. Theresa of Wanaga Beach get as excited about choosing stones tied to the tribes of Israel as I get. We both love stones and we both .

I observed a couple showing perfected love for each other after being married for 33 years and I felt compelled to give them a wedding gift, apologizing for being so late to their wedding.

I observed three children as they displayed courage, hospitality and a very kind spirit TOWARD me without expecting anything in return,

I realized I still love Canada even though bad things sometimes happen in Canada.

Silliest of all, I was told I have been pronouncing 'socks' wrong by a brilliant and kind child. The names Noah, Sean, Vegan and Caleb are now easier to remember and cherish than the grandchildren I do not know at all.

Day 5 of the omer has commenced.  I always remember Milwaukee District number 5.

Have a jolly Paul Ranheim Day #759 or try to survive Viktor Koslov's annual 'Hey' day!!!!

'Joined To HaShem' 'Tigger' Grade: F+ !!!!!!

Hockey players are like water thirsty mammals, not blood suckers.  F+  isn't as bad as getting expelled like unwanted traces of 'undisclosed pork' eliminated from a human sphincter, but if you want to get up to 'D' level  or deeper to 'G' level you at least have to understand the defense of Eldad and Medad was superior to obtaining a gun permit in the USA. There are times when I choose to feed my enemy and there are times when I choose to increase the funds of an adversary so that I might be a cheerful giver AND so that financial institutions can 'trouble shoot' areas of real frauds and forms of extortion such as my HOA board is bordering on  while others request donations continue to allow struggling saints to keep struggling through through tough situations to increase our inner and outer temple convictions based on knowledge of facts rather that generated from 'Wizard of Oz' unrealistic stupidity.

I did have my first bad experience in Canada, but it took over 55 years for that to occur. Bad Experience (B.E.) include an 'R' level-headed response.

B.E. 1. Hearing Mike Clayton say that visiting 'Haifa' is nothing important when I asked if his tour to Israel might incclude a trip to the Haifa Hawk training facilities troubled me greatly. When paid leaders of specific 'faiths' focus too much on rubble sites and places where 'Jesus' walked, they have lost a heart for the places like New Stanton, Warsaw or Mosinee, which might not be much different than Haifa. I saw a male named 'Jesus' walking in the North Carolina/ Charlotte Salvation Army site so maybe Clayton should start saving airfare and show his amigos the 'Jesus' cup in the NASCAR museum.

1R) Take people to see where my English teacher Mrs. Christ walked in Milwaukee and try to find out what Mr. Christ's first name is. I did have a terrible experience in Israel, and this coming year might be the time that Mike Clayton has a perfectly terrifying time in Israel when even he has to fear something other than an urge to start complimenting Canadian coins or seeing Super Soakers outperforming his handgun in spiritual warfare . Maybe Mike Clayton's tour group should consider going to the mental health complex in Jerusalem after he reveals his first legal name to his audience,  then he can lodge among those trying to fight off demons  screaming throughout the night or trying to fight off persecution of saints that hasn't yet reached 'cruxifiction' level but which is a way to face modern day Israel REALITY. That is my serious 'copper' response to  B.E. 1. I also donated about as much money to Mike Clayton's ministry as I would be willing to spend to see a professional hockey game, and that only meant I paid to observe a real battle and in the process discovered some living saints mixed in with a lot of people who chose breast-feeding mothers as their 'sightseeing' goal.  If I don't offer a diplomatic suggestions after hearing a total lack of respect for the city of Haifa,  I have 'unjust scales' since the Haifa area is far more important that THE DEAD SEA area, considering since the dead sea waters can't sustain human life.

B.E. 2; It is unwise to insult a nation's currency after they have admitted you onto their land of possession. Mike Clayton had way too much time to insult Canadian currency while in Canada; he insulted it's structure and design and as a result INSULTED a sign of intelligent LIFE of a nation more decent than France or most Carribeean Islands.  United States has EGYPTION pyramids on it! Is that really what Michael Clayton wants to verbally defend and idolize? How would Michael Clayton do in Israel if he started mocking the holy half shekel while he held up a coin with the adulterer, John F. Kennedy on it?  An apricot looks better than a rubber orange bullet to a hungry police officer.   I have learned to respect the people of Canada and it is a fact that they make it much easier to convert USA dollars here than the USA is willing to convert Canadian dollars because of a HAUGHTY USA spirit.

2R) I called Michael Clayton a 'Gunite', let him take an iolite to his wife , and hope  that he can make his own words true when he said 'I'm not rich'.  The iolite gift was not much different than letting Joel Widmar gather flowers from my garden to take home to his wife after he provided lawn-mowing services at my former house at 1602 Mary Lane in Knowlton, Wisconsin. The fact is that if  Kathy (Cathy?) Clayton could afford to get moved to Franklin, NC without a divorce as the reason for the voluntary move, it  means she is wealthy even if her husband is not totally truthful about his financial state. Better yet, Mike  Clayton should openly repent on his video, admit that he is 'rich'  and pray he does not end up like Jim Staley if the Canadian government chooses to make a point against him as strongly as Israel decided to pierce me with horrible and terrible drugs rather than treat me as kindly as a wonderful woman named 'Arlene' in a Lion's Head, Ontario diner today. I know what it feels like to get permanently kicked out of an ice arena after I donated food to the employees and I never  intentionally disrespected the ice arena staff , so I would consider it fair if Mike Clayton is ordered never to return to Canada again based on his oral disdain for their currency. Personally, I suspect that Canada is still much safer than the United States or Israel because of their gun control laws.

B.E. 3) I ordered lasagna and a Ceasar salad without croutons in some 'pig sty hotel' with the word 'Princess' in it at the northomost point of Bruce County peninsula. I asked if the lasagna had beef in it or a beef and pork mix, I was told it was only beef and then placed my lasagna order. The 'Greek' decided to deviate from anchovy meat and toss bacon bits in the 'Ceasar' salad, which is breaking from a clean tradition that was good. I was disgusted after I realized unintentionally ate swine, I felt ill for a while, paid my bill without leaving a tip and wondered why 2 local fire department males kept saying 'keep it simple'. 'Simple' doesn't lead to safety, simple leads to unholy women  ihat lure in people seeking something other than perfection. It is not simple to attain perfection after departing from past sins, but with the proper intent it is possible to be forgiven for unintentional sin.  I did not consume leaven on the 6th day or the passover week to my knowledge,

3R) I overpowered and diluted the bacon bits with 3 charcoal tablets and Sealtest product #6442010083, which is strong product of a clean animal; I will call this a 'bear clan chaser' after an attempt by anti-Yeshua types to injure my digestive system. I also desire that the Catholic Papal figure  'Francis' and  Prince Charles of Wales do not sleep more comfortably than I do for the next 7 years, and Monte Judah might agree with that desire.

B.E.4) A woman who claimed to be into astronomy as well as a retired ancient history teacher seemed to be quite arrogant after asking me a lot of questions while I did not have an attorney present in 'Lion's Head'. Later, I suggested she might be a good border patrol agent since she was so inquisitive of me while I was wearing my 'Nathan36' jersey. She said 'I don't need a job' in a rather arrogant tone.

4R) It's my desire that she and other anti-Israelite teachers end up being forced into a job that she dislikes but is capable of doing very well  so she can feel like someone who pays more attention to the beet patch and the current history of men named 'Charlton' and less attention to Pluto, Jupiter, Daughtry, and balls of fire ( distant stars) she can never survive on.

B.E.5) Cancer still exists in Canada since foolish people are selling plastic daffodils to bring attention to cancer problems.

5R) It would be best to stop selling plastic trinkets that are not capable of improvong life since they end up in landfills and ruin the soil. It would be wise to put up signs  that say 'Try to grow your own vegetables to fight cancer and stop contributing to unknown and uncertain foundations.'

G.E. 1: My good experience was finding a 'Jay Cutler Chicago Bears' jersey in Thornbury at a reasonable price. This is an excellent replacement for the 'Mark Sanchez New York Jets'  jersey I  evolved into an irregular, filthy rag suitable only to squish stray moles, dangerous insects or other  public nuisances without using  firearms or creepy scarecrows.

G.E. 2. My second good experience was changing USA currency for Canadian currency at the BMO bank in Thornbury, being charged a very reasonable fee of 2.50 for the transaction.

I managed to fill the rest of the day with joyful experiences, including providing myself with my own 'talk show' , including a natural laugh track and plenty of good music including a Gene Krupa song which brought me to tears, since it was so beautiful. I also got a  2 hour long counseling session with a smart local Canadian woman and it only cost me as much as a bowl of soup and a cup of coffee instead of $125.00 per hour, which is what the typical greedy attorney charges to accomplish nothing good.

The Central Church of God in Charlotte and Loran Livingstons staff would get an 'anti-Zebulun' U- for their attitude, so 'Joined to Hashem' still got a passing grade from flouride to' Neon the cat' level. An 'U-' means I only  was allowed to leave like a U+ (Positive Reggie White  disciple) from Loran Livingston's pig sty in North Carolina. Getting up to a Ne=10 code isn't terrible since Clayton kept telling everyone he is a firearm's instructor. Let me remind humans that the 'straw man' in the Wizard of Oz also was a type of 'fire arms' instructor,  but not a good one since he was cozying up to unholy witches not studying good bitches in canine units.

'F' is also on Atlanta currency, so some people think 'F-Troopers' aren't actually failing yet. U is still part of the United States in spelling bees.

It's the 4th day of the omer count, and I have a oneg gathering scheduled with a living saint and a new friend tomorrow a bit south of the 45th parallel, not near a 33 record spin zone with a fooish ancient history teacher.

( St. Joseph of Wanaga Beach informed me that Mike Clayton is listed as 'Mikell Clayton', so location matters when spelling variances occur.)

Monday, April 17, 2017

Deuteronomy 32 vs. Mermaid Trouble

Since I now know that lightning is a better sign than wormword, I am better prepared for the aftershock of a day of obvious intentional provocation in 'Area 12'. Sighting of the Wittenberg name 'Esker' are sober reminders that evil females named 'Lori' do exist and that  loyal, holy pro-commandment females do not participate in 'beauty' pageants so are more likely to be able to take proper precautions against 'beast' situations.

'372' is a Jeezer zone, and indeed there are times I know I am as a newborn unable to go on offense against improper behavior in what is SUPPOSED to be a gathering of people who desire to submit to the instructions for Israelites. The 'leader' Craig is merely a small counterpart of someone like Coy Sawyer. He is literate, confident but like a tendon between a Salmo lure and some very thin fishing line; he might not even know who is trying to 'catch fish' through him, but the fisherman knows the line might break and 'Craig' could end up swimming around in wormword tainted waters rather than ending up in the proper tabernacle system.

Provocation #1: Male 'm' 'volunteers' to read Book 2, Chapter 15. This combo reminds me of Canadian Flag Day, but I am amazed how few Canadians know when Canadian Flag Day is.  Male then declares he WILL NOT SING the song of Moses, knowing it SHOULD be sung. The spirit of stiff-necked non-compliant Bible readers such as Roland Hendrikson is as plentiful as used tampons.

Response to Provocation #1:  I left the assembly of what equaled a 'low mass' in a Catholic church and checked on the isolation room where juveniles are kept apart from their parents for some very wrong reason during a serious week of testing. I asked a young man if he would sing the Song of Moses, and at first he said 'yes' but then he drew back and did not even try, even though I sang the first verse as an example of OBEDIENCE.  I then continued outside an sang the rest of the Exodus Chapter 15, solo with not apparent 'audience'. Did it matter that I was wearing a Penguin#68 jersey? To me it did, since it was not a mermaid suit. When stubborn  male 'm' was identified at a dinner table, I refused to lift up his dirty plates and states since he did clearly rejected the notion that songs are to be SUNG, I told him I was not going to lift his burden. He may not have understood what I said, but he did respond to my verbal request even though he did not respond properly to the written Word of Yehovah!  I felt like I was working a shift in the MIlwaukee City jail.

Provocation #2 and #3:  2 young females were both warned on the regular sabbath that nursing children in a public gathering in front of men who were not there husband was improper behavior for a woman who has good discernment regarding modesty. Although I did not have a 'Word' at that time to back up my position, my position was based on what  my own mother and other very decent women  taught me.    On the regular sabbath, both women seemed willing to take the 'boob tube' process to a different area, but on 'Firstfruits', they reverted to their lack of holy sense and were 'giving suck' amongst many married men. I later found it described as a TERROR (Deuteronomy Chapter 32, vs:20-30) when nursing is going on in groups that have grey haired men.  Both females did not respect the sound advice given to them by ME, and they disgraced the whole assembly, having the mentality of a mermaid or, as Michael Rood would not have enough English abilities to utter without a script, : "The boob-tube girls were acting as if they are auditioning to be bare -breasted fertility goddesses lacking  PROPER SECURE coverage on their upper bodies before descending to the ping-pong synagogue of Honolulu 666."

Provocation #4: 'Craig' is not a strong enough leader to correct the problem with the lack of wisdom displayed by the 'boob tube' girls .  Just because their actions are 'legal' in Canada does not mean they would be fit to be allowed 'giving suck' to other men's children in the presence of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords in a public assembly.  I later advised 'Male m' to read the same verses and see if his eyes detect the day of provocation trouble spots. I contemplate what a person like Dean Noonan would do if his flock started 'boob tube' moves around the men he was trying to save from the wrath of God. Maybe the 'boob tube' girls might decide to change the menstrual pads in the middle of a social 'kosher' meal gatherings to keep pushing their improper female agenda to the current generation of spiritually lukewarm bystanders they seem to attract.

Provocation #5: Obese female chose to be aligned with the Roman crucifixion system rather than with the stone of Judah or the stone of Joseph when given a 'multiple choice' test. Later, the crowd was reminded by a speaker that it was typical for a Nazi to wear a crucifix while committing acts of terrorism against Israelites and Jehovah's witnesses, but the obese female was not present during that recent  World War II history reminder. Her attitude was similar to my son's, Richard Isaiah Hendrikson, since both showed no interest in learning about the Rock of Salvation  and they only spent about ten minutes with me before they decided to remain my enemy  rather than at least upgrading to adversary. An adversary might at least hand a wooden twig with nails in it on their neck since they insist the pushing the crucifixtion reminders and they then refuse to advance to positive Israelite-approved cold stone methods of  self-defense.   Barabas types might like seeing an empty crucifix, but I know even Barabas can not be acquitted by HaShem units for his crimes, even if his unjust peers loosed him rather than exibiting justice and righteousness in judicial situations.

Squad 36 Memo: District 3 Eleph( bullpen) Angels know a replica of a crucifix is NOT the Tree of Life Club, so they are not even going to attempt to guard crucifix trinkets nor will they risk their own safety to try to defend someone else's right to reject a Rock of Salvation system. A crucifix symbol cannot sustain life and is just as anti-Torah as the State Farm Trinity of Inedible Watermelons.

Item of Interest: After anchoring myself in the south east corner, I noticed Simeon was not mentioned by Moses in his closing speech but that Jeshurun was. Later, the fishing line controller asked the mixed group representing many nations to come and gather around a symbol of Jerusalem, namely a blanket. I remained in my corner as relaxed as a black rook; thankfully a hockey goalie named 'Joseph'  and his very kind and beautiful wife remained in the corner with me. Was the group representing many nations actually rising up against a symbol of Jerusalem, and if so, was prophesy fulfilled? If a group rises up against a city emblem that is in the process of falling, will they let it fall or will their surrounding forces uphold the 'emblem'?  This reminded me a bit of the day I did not go to the temple mount area in Jerusalem and stayed near 'the bus'. Later, I realized I made the proper decision since I did not want to align with the 'boob tube' girls in a mixture of people I did not KNOW, even if they wanted to surround an symbol of Jerusalem like others might choose to surround Cam Talbot and 'Ghostbuster' emblems.

Good News: A male in a Canada Coast Guard shirt was on the scene for a period of time, and he did not have the 'red stripe' on his leg. Since I do not rely on firearms anymore, maybe the Franklin, NC Army lure  leader' (given the stone of Gad with silver on the 3rd day of the Week) might decide someday that carrying a firearm is not as good of a defense as wearing a good baseball or hockey jersey in rough areas.

+1 Way News: Wormword (H3939) does not have the letter 'Pey' in it after the Lamed; 'flambeau/lightning/flame'  (H3940) does have a Pey in it after the Lamed. The staff you are attracted to can lead you to a flame by night or to wormword.  When letter combinations become essential to notice, I noticed that without the ability to speak (prophesy) natural light gets extinguished and wormwood becomes a serious 'bowl' topic.

Squad #53 News:  After the 'boob tube' girls tried to pretend to be my friends in the basement of 'Area 12' , I refused to answer their questions, citing the 5th amendment. There is no sense conversing with or 'faking fellowship' with foolish girls who already disrespected me and ignored my sound advice which was '1532' based.  Both 'boob tube' girls reminded me of my son's wife, Rachel Snyder Hendrikson and that is not a compliment at this time

The name Yeshua has a 'shin' in it and adds up to 391, not 26. In contrast, the word alphabetically assigned # H391 means a FRAUD, a liar, and is the opposite the concept of 'Truth'.  I believe in 'Sum Body 391'  and there is a 365 mathematical difference between names pronounced 'Yeshua' and 'Yehovah'. The last time I saw a squad numbered '365', it was a University of Michigan Campus Security car with a dog in it. Squad details mean something, even if Bradford Scott doesn't notice or respond to them properly.

If you survived 'Jeezer' day, and did not get up to Henry Aaron day 755, you should follow the 'yellow team', not try to align with or interfere with the Milwaukee Northside District #5 (Orange team) billiard unit. The 'yellow billiard ball' Titleist team should know enough to ,draw you away from those 'giving suck' and get you back into decent Joseph or Benjamite  standing, where fleeing from froward women is sometimes essential rather than wrestling with them like the fool 'Paul Blart'.  It was easier to correct Wayne Bloom than the 'mermaid' minded females who are no better than Janet Jackson in the 'method of provocation operations'.

Thankfully, I have the skills necessary to respect Canada, defend myself and prophesy while in the presence of people who openly rebel against the expectations that the God of  Levi, Issachar and Asher has had  prepared for them and has delivered to them, even though they have the capabilities to be obedient to the instructions for Israelites.

'Area 26' (greater outskirts of Michigan outdoors) is truly spectacular, even if mockers of the tribe of Joseph and pro-crucifix nuts are occupying it for now. I look forward to diving the 'Firestone' name for the sake of George Washington and anti-pimp pro-decency uniform division.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Not A Silent NIght Shift

As  I think of my godfather's family going through very sad times this week, it is good to KNOW that my Aunt Evelyn Biene will be on the right side of my God and our Savior. She sheltered and fed me many times when the Nazi-type systems devised by brute beasts like attorney Stuart Rottier and corrupt Marathon County Sheriff's employees aligned with Shane David Hendrikson, one of many anti-Messiah brute beasts, and carried out their plans to steal and obtain possessessions at the sam etime they were proving their own lack of saving grace.

There will be cries tonight across the world, just as there were in Egypt when the Israelites remained in their dwellings while an angel of death precisely did his duty against a cruel Egyptian leader who did not care about the HEALTH and safety of his nation's best workers, the Israelites.


I prepare to serve myself again with the spirit of a widow
Despised by a son who rejects the Torah
Shamed by former husbands
Struggling  to remember that 'Hope maketh not ashamed'

"The Bear Clan Spirit of a  Andrew Biene's God Child"

 At tableside  their is a stick
Loosely held by a bear thats slick
Sergei is not a game of chance
He comforts me because statues CAN'T

Some tears will fall, just as in Egypt
My lamb behaved, now I must eat it
I don't follow Jewish tradition
Tonight I'll read a psalm edition

I will read psalm 89
The spirit of Evelyn will help me dine
On Casey's Orchard  table line
I how I hope that my loved ones are fine!

I'll be alert until midnight
And trust that my friends stay 'skintight'
The Torah scrolls.... tight lambskin rolls
Lead us to learn a bout 'the bowls'  

Now I wait and trust my boulder
My Lord  allowed me to get older
Their still are burdens  upon my shoulder
They'll strengthen me ... and get me colder!

Cold is a refreshing way to be
In a very lukewarm community
I know that now the light it dim
But bright enough to sing  a hymn!

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

False Advertising Or Favoritism At Lapeer?

Thiis  post is extremely serious and will be sharter than Chris Chelios' autobiography.

Enemies of the Messiah of Israel often lie to influence 'figure heads' and they also stand around and do nothing other than socialize in places where other spiritual warriors are trying to accomplish more than the Pentagon ever will be able to.

Telling the truth about an incident IN WRITING is weightier than verbal testimony. Today, I deployed myself to the privately owned Lapeer Ice Rink with certain objectives which included preparing to face enemies that have not yet arrrived in person as well as get adequate physical exertion appropraite for a moderately severe asthma condition.  I signed in forst wearing a 'Curtis Jeseph' Toronto jersey, and only 6 other people signed in for what was advertised as 'drop in hockey', not 'sticks and pucks'.

Most of the people who go to 'drop in hockey' on Tuesday are like recreational snow-boarders. They take a lot of breaks and don't seemed mentally prepared for anything other than a Bud Light or a Coca-Cola conversation. The 6 that followed me in decided to play 'northern half ice' and all other than me were shooting against an old male who always wears a 'SHAGIE' shirt with a cartoon figure on the front. I don't play half ice because it is not good for my back condition, so I stayed on the south end of the rink and did not disturb their 'play time'. The other 6 chose to stop 'playing' about 30 minutes before the DROP IN HOCKEY time was over. I approach 'Drop  In hockey' seriously because I have more to accomplish  during that time than exercise.

2 humans, one 66 year old woman who signs in as 'KAT' and her young male companion who wore a 'OO' ( something about a chicken shack was also on his jersey) on April 11th, 2017 under his #17 helmet stood around on on the  hockey surface talking while I was still trying to accomplish certain objectives on the hockey surface. A asked them to go off the ice if they were only going to talk FOR THEIR OWN SAFETY, but they not  only refused , 'OO" then started swearing ate, threatened bodily harm to me if I return and demanded I not return to the rink. He is neither part of the staff nor the owner of the business. I explained I did not them to get hit in the face by a puck, and the dangerous male told me I did not have any skills and could not even get the puck to his face level. He is a liar, because I do have skill, and his nature and attitude is almost EXACTLY like Shane David Hendrikson's was before he got courts and police to assist him in a felony against me.

After the 'OO' was done swearing and me and done verbally threatening me, I continued with my training, and the puck I had traveled between the feet of 'Kat' and 'OO' on the ice surface at a rather slow rate of speed, hitting the bottom of 'KAT's hockey stick as if it were a put in a golf game. I either proved that I do have very accurate skills OR iif what 'OO' stated was true, my skills are so bad that the puck went were I did not want it to go. IN either case, I did not do anything against actual drop-in hockey rules and they were standing around like Democrats during a filibuster when they should have taken their socializing to the bench area or out of the rink.

The staff said nothing like what happened today has ever happened before at Lapeer's rink, whcih I find hard to believe but I reminded the people that this is the anniversary of the day Egyptian warlords ordered Moses out of Egypt  and nothing like that had ever happened in Egypt before. If people bring up 'Easter', they should be prepared to hear about other non-rabbit activities that include ram roasts and year of the chicken.

The staff's attitude was somwhat confusing under the circumstances.  They called a sheriff's deputy and he stood by and listened but I have no idea what he thought when the staff emember clearly stated that anyone intentionally hitting a player with a puck would be banned from the facility. Does that mean I can't pass the puck to any players anymore if I am there? Does it mean I should stand on the puck for 100 minutes to avoid anyone making a false claim that I was trying to hit them with a puck if my lack of skills causes a soft landing on a unmasked face? Does it mean no one can shoot toeard the goalie anymore, no matter who it is?  If I were the manager on duty, I would have advised the two chatteboses to exit the hockey rink unless they are at least ready to receive a 'pass' rather than defend their right to interfere with my hockey routine. If the manager stands by his claim that people regularily do and can stand around and hold aconversation on the ice while others are trying to conduct a drop in hockey competition, what will they do if on Friday a few paying customers just decide to break all the rules of real hockey and chit-chat at center ice when more serious and better hockey players paid for ice time?  'OO' stated pucks should never be shot toward anyone on the ice, so I hope he follows his own 'law' and never again sends a puck anywhere near me, since that is the only way he can live up to his own 'demands' that he expected from me today.

I did not injure anyone, and I did ask the elderly woman and her 'OO" firiend a request that was very reasonable. Instead of copperating, they decided to  eliminate an opportunity to demonstrate good hockey sense. In addition, 'OO" refused to make peace with me even though I clearly stated that was my desire, even though he should be threatened serious bodily harm to me in a manner slightly less dangerous than Vincent Locicero. Keep in mind I was triying to get what I paid for, namely drop in hocky time, not figure skate around a couple who were no longer interesting in playing hockey. I had tried to get my money returned from Vincent Locicero, and Macomb deputies did not handle the case properly and got their report wrong.

So far, only deputy Doan in St. Clair county seems to know how to handle a real case seriously and with proper skills, and that is based on actual complainant perspective.  I could have backed down when 'OO" threatened me and told me to leave the rink, but I did not draw bacm because I knoew my perspective of drop-in hockey time was accurate, and he and KAT are better siuited to go to 'stick and puck time'', where men like Justin McHigh might be able to teach them a lesson they have not learned. Indeed, a partially disable woman named 'Brottany' has more social skills and hockey wisdom than 'OO" and KAT. Ir is a shame that I was so vexed and SORROWFUL after being threatened by the thug wearing 'OO' that I drove only as far as the Lapeer police department, told them briefly that a man threatened to do bodily harm to me at the hockey rink and I was too upset to drive any farther.  I asked if I could sit in the lobby until I felt calm enough to drive safely, and the wise public servant said I could.  

Another shame was all the beer cans, some still containing alcohol, left behind in the hockey rink by people that had arrived there before I did. It is extremely difficult to find hockey rinks as good as the Greenheck Center in Wisconsin or the Eble Ice Rink in Waukesha county here in Michigan, but I keep looking for rinks that know how to accomadate  more than beer drinkers and Detroit redwings fans fairly and with a willingness to learn about something more important than the difference between a bitch named 'Lightning' and a pitbull named 'Struggle'.

If my use of the owrd 'bitch' is problematic, it is less offensive thsn the word 'fuck' to the typical student of Chinese calendars.  Elton John, Bill Murray in 'Ghostbusters' and Milwaukee police retiree Bernie Kocker  have no problem using the word 'bitch' in public without getting their tongue cut out, so I suppose I have to go back to 'Army dog tag' lines when it is impossible to tell if a human is female or male.  Maybe if Cheli's CHili Bar bouncers hadn't used the word in my presence, I might not be as casual with permissable Michigan slang as I am now.   I guess next time I'll say I'm talking to the spirit of Lassie, and people that do not want to hear words in Webster's dictionary can try to go deaf. NO one can prove I wasn't talking to the spirit a boxer named 'Lightning' or 'Lassie', just like no one other than God Almighty knows that 'KAT' called me an asshole because U was wearing a Heatley jersey, and 'OO' didn't come to my defense when the Army dog tag taker used common animal talk.  I don't eat ass, , so I am not an ass hole.

Call me a donut hole, since I do eat donut.  Thank goodness for the Lapeer police employees and  kind staff at Brian's restaurant in Lapeer where I safely soughtt mental health and medical attention  after being verbally abused and threatened by "OO' after the Army veteran  was  upset by a slow moving hockey puck contacting the bottom of her hockey stick that was being held upside down  while she was impeding spiritual angelic traffic..

I won't be a 'Ted LIndsey' type, and certainly might decide to switch to Tae Kwon Do, drop hockey completely and avoid teaching any other hockey players about pro-Israelite thinking without getting paid. More likely, I'll see how Friday drop in hockey goes at Lapeer when more people don't want others standing around socializing when others are trying to work on real hockey practice and see just how reasonable the staff is at Lapeer compared to the Suburban Sports group employees.  If I left my own home in Knowlton after being verbally threated by an angry, unholy man, I'm anti-siocidal enough to leave other areas taken over by the  dangerous males who might be able to deceive a deputy, but sdidn't decieve me while I was wearing a bright orange  "bauer' jersey instead of a Titanium orange from the Shane Hendrikson Wittenberg wardrobe department.

Very often, people who commit crimes do not want those fighting crimes in their 'turf'. Should I assume that KAT might be supplying 'OO" with some type of drugs  that made his act irrationally after a reasonable request was made during 'drop-in' hockey time, since 'OO' was elearly under the influnce of something. other than the Holy Spirit.

If my open reporting helps the owner advise his staff that he does not want law-abiding, partially disabled citizens or experienced police officers turned away from his rink, then the owner is a wise guy not someone playing 'Army favorites'.

As it is in the streets of MIlwaukee, Detroit and Milwaukee, so it is in many other parts of the world where peace on earth is delayed by lawlessness and people who make rules they are not even willing to try to abide by.  The brown people near Racine and Hamburg were less dangerous to me when they cleared the roadway on Mother's Day a couple years ago. Yes indeed, there are some people who recognize the word 'ephod' to be as holy as the word 'SIEVE'.

Shane David Hendrikson made a claim that I am not 'special'. OO...... if I have no skills, who wrote this investigative report?

Monday, April 10, 2017

Evidence Most Bible Owners Despise The Messiah of Israel

I'm not in a suburban Michigan state of mind, and I am thankful I remember telling my child to pick up to go on 'garbage patrol' in front of 1003 South 31st in Milwaukee in the 1980's. It was actually cleaner in MIlwaukee in the 1980's than it is in Macomb based on population comparisons. The amount of trash on the roadways in suburban areas of Detroit such as Macomb is a disgrace and a shame. I guess people that won't mow their own lawns also are too lazy or too wealthy to humble themselves and take some time to clean up at least a small portion of the earth in their congressional district to combat the continual illegal dumping that occurs statewide in Michigan.

The following are not problems, conundrums or dilemmas that can be cured by one person and they were not caused by the Detroit Redwings 'Russian Five':

1. One legal abortion committed in the United States is forgivable by a merciful redeemer, especially if there never is a second abortion committed by the legalistic murderer.  A forced, unnatural abortion still is murder, but it s legal murder in many anti-Messiah nations such as the United States. The parent(s) of the aborted person have to admit their child ended up in the trash, but wasn't thrown out into the ditches like a piece of litter. Littering is still illegal in most  states, and people who refuse to stop littering are worse than a person who has one abortion and then repents of their sin.

2. Since Michigan roadways are still extremely filthy in most areas, a more truthful advertising campaign slogan should start, such as :' Visit Michigan If You Want to Be Discouraged about the Environment' or 'Impure Dirty MIchigan Awaits Your Arrival' or even better 'Snnta Claus and the Easter Bunny Still Haven't Done Good Works in Michigan. Come and Donate Your  Garbage Patrol Skills To MIchigan for FREE! I hope you appreciate my realistic opinions about the lazy, Michigan youths who should clean up the state on April 16th instead of sitting in anti-Israelite church pews like a bunch of Playboy bunnies waiting for pigs to fly into their Mock Chicken Aldredo.

3.  Choosing to become a 'believer' in the Messiah of Israel is like choosing a fishing vessel to work on until you 'grow cold' (death, hopefully natural).  'Captain Messiah' is a true Israelite, not a unclean beast trying to get into a water-ski show next to Santa's elves and the yeast-filled, anti-Messiah pork-laden Easter buffets. Once abound 'Ship Salvation', if you do not do as the true Israelite instructs you to do, at best you get a 'dishonorable discharge, which means that 'Captain Messiah' won't kill you, but he also can't give you a good recommendation. By default, you automatically end up on  anti-Messiah's squadron, and your heart and mind will not get holier. Increasing in unholiness=God hardening your heart. Liars lure you and then the unholy mind is attracted to fellow liars and deceivers, resulting in a complete and usually permanent lack of attraction to those who represent the Truth and the way of the commandment-keeping Israelites.

4. I did my nearby 'garbage patrol' alone, since my son is no longer a good citizen of the United States. It is not fun to observe just how much filth and lawlessness is present in the town of Macomb, but it ia even worse to be as a blind person who refused to face the local damage to the neighborhoods caused by habitual sinners and habitual illegal dumpers. Indeed, every piece of trash that is intentionally thrown onto the earth becomes as serious of an offense as an abortion by request. Take that fact and get ready to boycott activites  at 'Little Ceasar's Arena' if you realize that 'bigger and more expensive entertainment centers' is usually very unwise in a nation that is still too undisciplined to repent and obtain mercy from  'Captain Messiah'. Any good leader rather  see his enemies clean up their neighborhoods and a pray for spirit  a of sobriety to reduce the amount of derision in battle zones.  'Little Ceasar's Arena' is as unwise as 'Dollywood' or 'Willow Creek Church' in suburban Chicago, but only the wise see the folly of overspending on electronics and underspending on vegetable gardening tools.  Only a few really do trust and obey 'Captain Messiah', and those few then behave like struggling Israelites rather than behaving like popular game show participants or politicians who keep disregarding official signals from the prophets and the elect delegates  and allies of  the Israelite 'Captain Messiah'. .

5. 'Captain Messiah'' is Zebulon ark-type  terminology similar to 'Pure non-Michigan Agent#26', 'Holy Shaliach', all of which are less likely to get attacked than 'HaShem' is by Michael Rood's anti-'HaSehm' bunch of  trinket-sellers and televised  beings.

Spirit of the Vav Report: The lamb which I purchased on the 10th day of the Israelite new year is still being observed here at 'Stalag 1'. So far, the lamb is very docile and handling the cooler temperature very well. The lamb is beautiful and much healthier than any piglet,octopus or squid I have ever seen other animals consume.  I am quite sure it will be very tasty and good on Streit's matzos for a handmaiden like me who trusts 'Captain Messiah', and can easily reject  Billy Sims pork piles on leavened bread.  The lamb I bought will be consumed on the end of the 14th day if I outlive the lamb, which is April 12 Wednesday evening, so I am on the same schedule as Keith Johnson   I am not sure if I am going to eat my very small lamb parts hot or cold, but I will not eat my lamb lukewarm. Since the lamb I bought is extremely small, I won't have to worry about inviting any 'neighbors' to my prepared lower room like I had done at 1602 Mary Lane in Knowlton, WI, shortly before  Nazi-type powers hardened the heart and mind of Shane David Hendrikson and his anti-commandmentiist crimes became evident to my true, family members who at least respect and abide by the local laws.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Complicate The 'Game' For A Test Case

'Descalation' is a process that is neither 'flight' nor 'fight' when outnumbered by any of the following mindsets in a serious physical conflict situation:

1: Arrogant military retirees
2. People who do not respond correctly to free safety instructions
3. People who congregate more like Outlaws or Hell's Angels than like actual good neighbors or kind adversaries

In contrast to the verbal abuse that usually leads to a 'fight back or flight it out' situation, many times arrogant poople refuse to respond to very reasonable requests in combat or serious competitions of mind  and/ or physical strength.  For instance, if a bystander refuses to be quiet when a golfer is getting set to swing, he is unlikely to cause any physical damage to his oppnent, end the opponent has to make a choice of how to handle the  bystander. Golf situations are EASY to handle compared to hockey game situations. I did not intend to 'complicate' a hockey game today, but because I was surrounded by many simple-minded  amateurs, I had to make a few compllicaed moves. The complicated moves were as follows:

1. After #27' The Perfect Pool' male did not respond properly to the same request I made politely on Wednesday, I once again moved to the 'other team'. #27 did not get verbally abusive, he just was stubborn and displayed lack of a 'good neighbor' spirit, like most people who lack the Holy Spirit.
2. Since I was wearing a 'Toews'  Chicago Clackhawk jersey when I made the request, I had been in 'black', so before I went to the south 'guest' bench, I put on a bright red jersey #97, 'RICE". Upon arrival to the 'all white' south guest team bench, I was told I HAD to wear white or it was too confusing for the people there, such as 'KAT' the woman who claims she is an miltary retiree and who was wearing Redwing top. There was no other person on the north 'home' team wearing red, and many of the south bench players had red on them, such as red hockey pants, red helmets and even quite a bit of red on the old KAt woman's jersey. There was a 'Cherry 23', a white '10', some speedy skater named 'Paul' in a Montreal top who did not complain about my complicated move, and a number '11' on the south bench who had the same terrible and dangerous habit thaat #27 'The Perfect Pool' representative had, namely, not keeping his hockey stick in the bench area while he was not on the ice. I was a bit surprised at number 11, asked him to be respectful of the players on the ice and pull his stick back, but he didn't. #11, like #27, did not verbally abuse me, he only ignored my free safety advice given in a very serious tone. I now know that the mental character of 'KAT', #11, #10 , Cherry#23 and #27  who 'played' today  is  not only intolerant of a  Simeon Rice  type moderate mindset in combat situations, but they are also more likely to do harm than good to a stranger who is NOT LIKE THEM at mind or at methods of operation.
3. After #27 left he north home bench, I returned to the same side I wanted to be on in the first place.  There are times when it is worth the effort to try and 'relocate' yourself to what possibly might be a better 'team', but once you get there, you might find out that there are more than one simple-minded troublemakers who insist that you either dress like them or behave as unruly as they do. The game looked like it was just another 'white vs. black' game, but I know there are more colors that need to be represented in real combat and spiritual warfare situations. Red is a color worn by Catholic priests on Pentecost, white is either worn by altar boys or brides often pretending to be 'virgins' , and therefore I often do not even LIKE wearing white. The 'white' team seemed like a bunch of Shane David Hendrikson types and the 'black' team was more like the father of my children's team, namely the Donald Jackson family of talented folks with uncaring lukewarm  attitudes when a  retired 'copper' makes a good anti-injury suggestion.
4. Nobody was wearing 'brown' on either team and the 'King of NOthing' wasn't available to give me advice in a situation where I needed the physical therapy and at which time I wanted to conduct a test of familiar spirits in a north vs. south hockey rink. I did not choose 'flight' and I did not choose 'fight' but tried to reduce the impact the careless players had on me. Yehovah knows I did not desire to be on the same team with 'KAT' even for a small time, but if I could survive some time with people like Gabriel Bedoya and John Koch in the past, I still have enough skills to survive for a short period of time with other unholy, biased and rude human beings in order to get my own physical therapy in at the lowest price possible.

Short Torah portion commentary: without an actual altar made of stone available nearby to have a perpetual fire burning, consider your own gastric system as a continual place of internal combustion that should only accept clean vittles as a free-will offering. It is not proper to force yourself to vomit after considering your body the temple of the living God.   Even if you are surrounded by hundreds of others who are offering unclean vittles to the anti-Israelite godhead, your own temple's internal altar can remain or become undefiled if you are cautious in your eating habits.  This example is no different than comparing a synagogue of  the new and holy Jerusalem to the typical pork chop palaces controlled by anti-Judah folks like Tony Evans, Sr., the current Vatican Dagon reps or  any other anti-commandmentist 'disobedient Christian' assemblies  unsanctified due to lack of faith in biblical instructions for the people of  the Israelite Elohim sometimes referred to as 'I Am'.

Since it once again the tenth day of the year, I will let lamb parts be depositied into my internal combustion center, and then I will observe myself as I try to be sheepish not asp-like in nature. Please note that the word 'hell' is in shellfish, so let that be another flippant reason not to consume shellfish.

Holy stone pushers are safe to study on the sabbath. Mr. Brad  Gushue is very precise and knows he needs no headcovering during his non-Satanic assembly of what appears to be some form of agate or chalcediny handlers.  While watching Brad Gushue, I was listening to one of my adversaries, Bradford Scott, ( Bradford Scott is an adversary because he ignored a reasonable request to get my Israel #35camel-ride companion's contact information to me) do a presentation where he continually used an illustration of the 'original good guy' in some train station wearing a red shirt and a black hat. Today, while my Simeon Rice#97 shirt was red, my helmet was black with a Pabst sticker and a Pittsburgh Steelers logo on it ...... and no one else was in those colors!   My messages at the hockey rink weren't intercepted, they were just ignored by people who might be just like Bradford Scott, possibly receiving different messages from others who intended to do evil communications rather than good works while in a 'bench' area.

I admit that curling, as compared to hockey, looks too frightening for me to try to participate in. No helmets,no shin guards, no elbow pads and then almost running on ice while pushing an arm wand extremely hard and close to stones that are not supposed to be touched...... that takes a tremendous amount of courage and skills that I lack at this point in my life.  

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Prepare To Avoid The Wrong Cloud

A good 'cloud' of witnesses is going to be very UNLIKE the Microsoft Cloud people.  Microsoft specialized in the unnatural and is tampering with mosquitos  as if they are some sort of plastic army men. The owner of Microsoft, like any other billionaire, is a problematic fool, not a wise steward.

At a certain point it is time to stop being 'impressed' with tax-deductible donations given by men who would go into a major panic attack, or worse, if they had to sell and donate almost all they had to decrease the federal deficit, and start over with only about $25,000 in cash to their name., which is more than most people have to start with after high school graduation.  Someday, that may be the only way that United States currency can be prevented from failing completely. Men like BIll Gates can go out and be cashiers at Burger King, apply for loans and live in housing suitable for a person humbling themselves enough to be 'saved' somehow, but the rich and greedy top 1% may not be eligible for such a miracle to occur to their mind.

I just left the '99' to go after the 1% of people who are causing, not preventing, a worldwide financial crisis which could occur.

A 'cloud by day' that moved the Israelites away from an unreasonable workload was holy, pure and natural. Microsoft's Cloud is unholy, anti-Puritan, and too unnatural for any real saint to rely on, work for or to invest in.

There's plenty of real clouds disturbing the peace in the United States right now, and too many computer games and too many heathen electronic displays such as 'Dancing With The Stars' might actually be part of the cause of weather related woes spreading across the United States like a plague.  Michigan is a pile of mud with onlu a few slides nearby, and a lot of homeowner's have waterfront  property in Michigan now if you consider the country road ditches to be scenic waterways.

End of the 8th Day Adventists Quiz:

Choose the worst choice to fill in the blank:
On the 9th day of the current Hebrew year, ______ allowed hockey to continue.
 1) The Most Low and Inside God
 2) Zebulon and the Zillner Trojans
 3) Miroslav Satan
 4) Simeon Rice
 5) Jaromir Jagr
 6) The Frozen Four
 7) Harold Zirbel
 8) Mark Few
 9) Mark Recchi
10) Michael Preston
11) Daunte Culpepper
12) Bruce Golembiewski
13) Scott Golenbiewski

I chose to avoid the 'Jehovah's Witnesses' because they are to dependent on their computers from what I have seen and not willing to believe Isaiah Chapter 66. I already passed on enough information to Jacob Masters at the Washington, Michigan site to consider  the shape of a hockey stick as a form of a Nun which is also a form of 'fifty', not Zero or L.  If the Jehovah Witnesses have any other questions, they know where they can find me.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Ignorance or Intentional Physical Attack?

Today was typical of a day on Squad 21 Late shift in MIlwaukee. All of the following occured and were 'advised' by me with no arrests occuriing:

A) A male dressed in white, while sitting on the 'Guest Bench' at 4150 Dove Street,  intentionally was pushing his hockey stick out of the bench area and into the acrive hockey player's area , which was dangerous to others but not to himself. I advised him to pull his stick back because he was increasing the potential for a real neck or back injury to any player in that area. He refused to coperate with my request EVEN THOUGH I WAS ON THE GUEST TEAM ALSO. INstead, the pale male dressed in white decided to start verbally abusing me, his teammate and repeatedly started saying 'Fuck you''. Even worse, a Jehovah's Witness leader sat bext to him and said nothing , which was evidence of extreme cowardice. A good spiritual leader would have told the male in white to stop verbally abusing a teammate and pull his stick in for the safety of the active players.  I called the Jehobah's witness a coward, and since I did not want the ignorant and abusive male's words stuck in MY mind, I relayed his words to his wife Dana, who usually plays a goalie.  She did not seem shocked by such language so I suspect her and her husband just lack etiquette and have no good expectations of each other or others when it comes to conduct. A person later suggested to me  that if a person verbally attacks you, you shold look them in the eye and say 'I love you', but that plan would not have worked in this hockey situation, and rebuking an ignorant, dangerous male and a silent Jehovah's witness is a from of showing 'love', in the hopes that somebody repents Eventually, with no good results from the 'guest team', I switched to the 'home' team for the duration of the game to avoid a bench brawl and to protect myself from their method of ignorant and abusive operations. The 'Jehovah Witness, 'Chris' qualified as a 'bad Samaritan', since he did nothing when he could have done something to try to defend me, his teammate All this occurred while I was in a 'Hedberg1' Pittsburgh Penguin jersey, not  a Playboy Bunny. outfit

Keep in mind that if a male from a household attacks a female from another household, his entire household is represented in that act, just as if a police officer acts contrary to the laws and  as a consequence, sometimes other police officers experience more hostility from the household that was abused and treated with extreme disrespect.  This is sometimes how real gang wars get ignited, and the pale male in white should have just pulled his stick back like a decent hockey player with a good mind. It is possible the pale male in white is mentally ill, but maybe Jerome Andres could 'play god' and asses his state of mind and his response to a real request to increase all of the hockey players personal safety in this scenario.   Jerome Andres is not  an expert in self-defense nor does he have proper training in  how to handle sensitives crimes which is why he committed serious errors in judgment in the past.

B)  I took USA money into the Fifth Third's Bank in in Marysville. I had $10.00 in dimes, $5.50 in dimes and over $2.00 in nickels bagged and divided by type, not mixed together. They told me they would not take my money unless it was in rolls. First of all, it is safer for a bank to see what it is they are getting, since coin rolls could contain something other than coins, so their 'policy' is not only stuid, but it should be illegal. However, 'Citizen Flippant' attitude helped me give them 49 dimes and 39 nickels to deposit , which they had to count anyway and which I did not have to role, since I was just under the 'roll' limit. I then made another deposit of 49 dimes into another account, which also could not be rolled.  I told them Nazi's also had stupid policies and sometimes policies need to be changed, but Melissa Sue Anderson was not there to back me up like she did for some 'Adam Kendall' character.

C) I went to Arby's and they were much better at handling legal USA coins with the proper attitude than Fifth Third Back tellers. The Arby's staff seemed more intelligent, counted out over 60 dimes and sold me 2 gyros, to their credit not to their disgrace.

The rest of my shifty day improved, as I met and spoke with some very nice citizens in bowling alleys, health care zones and dining areas before returning to 'Macomb Stalag 1' where I now have time to wonder why more people are not as kind and honest as my aunt, Evelyn Swedowski Beine, who has suffered from cancer treatments that did more harm than good to her in the past year.  If it weren't for the criminal acts of representatives of the State of Wisconsin against me  that have still have not been rectified properly, I would have been able to  be closer to my uncle and godfather, a Korean war veteran who also is a kind human being and I would be able to help him in his time of sorrow.

The 'Jehovah's Witness' should be the one most ashamed of his lack of willingness to defend me, and sadly he now is as hypocritical as Thomas Wahl and Shannon Wahl in a matter that involved personal safety issues.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Don't Repeat The Marshall University Huge Error

I studied a version of 3 different battles. In a MIlitary History Channel opinion of Moses, they looked upon him as a military leader, not some pacifist watching dancing girls in desert tent shows.  Michael A. Gabriel had opinions as serious as Stan Ellsworth, a United States history student who might or might not have a Brigham YOung Universoty slant in his opinions. John Bell Hood is a name that is as serious as Ehud in history, and in order to be more intelligent than LeBron James, you need to look back to obtain information. It's very easy to be wiser than LeBron James.

What I considered was the ooach that Marshall University's football coach allegedly said to his team after their last football game in 1971. 'Winning Is Everything' is not what a wise coach will drill into the minds of the team he is leading. His statements put unrealistic expectations on the follow-up Marshall Unversoty team, which included Nate Ruffim. How you compete does matter, and in games of chance, winning is not always a probability, even though it is a possibility.  I do have a soft spot fot Marshall Universoty, but what West Virginia football coaching staff did  did to try to help  Marshall University's replacement coach was an act of kindness few adversary's ever will be able to match in sports competition.   What happened to John Cady since them is as important as what happened to Pilar GOmez since she was my teammate in MIlwaukee Tech's  new girls softball program. We lost many games, but we knew winning a n athletic competition   wasn't as important as graduating from high school and having proper respect for our parents.

I would have liked an opportunity to coach a squirt hockey team after I was certified to do so, but unjust powers in the state of Michigan did not help me 'win' an opportunity to coach youth hockey. Technically, I lost a battle against the State of Michigan and the Suburban Ice Group of ignorant money changers, but I played by the 'rules', and they didn't. Winning by forms of cheating or forms of discrimination against people who use methods of strategy that are 'different' to approach conflict. I lost a battle, but others lost my GOOD INFLUENCE in their 'turf'.

The most important aspect of athletic participation is improving your mental and physical health. Without any opponent, there are still plenty of ways to improve mental and physical health with the goal of rejeting legal and legal drug pushers. With real opponents, losing every game of skill and chance is better than losing every spiritual battle you face in the future.   Sometimes winning a spiritual battle is as easy as changing television stations from something rated PG-13 to something rated G'. Sometimes, you have to try to win a battle against the cruxifixtion pushers, and that can be done with the following system of counter-attacks to a viscious image:

1. Ask the wearer of the crucifix who is 'on the cross' if it has the form of a human body on it.
2. If they claim it is 'Jesus', tell them one of the following
 A) It looks the idiot who macked the Tribe of Judah to his right.
 B) It could be Barabas, since after he was  released, he might have gone on another crime spree that he didn't get away with.
 C) It looks like Thomas Wahl, not Jesus. ( This is to draw attention to current people guilty of sins of ommision.) YOu can replace the name 'Tom Wahl' with whatever guilty party, enemy or  anti-Truth adversary you have not seen in the past 2 years. )
D) You'd be better off with a millstone around your neck.
E) That's not defense, that's offense.
3. Tell them the crucifix looks ugly and it won't save them from their sin.

When it comes to people paying attention to 'stations fo the cross', maybe it should say 'The tribe of Judah fell the first time', instead of mislabeling the identity of those who have been grossly mistreated and abused by Romans. If Steven Weingartner is correct, it is still more merciful to behead a person with a swoard than it to crucify a human being who is not even physically ATTACKING or counter-attacking their enemy.

Here at stalag ! in Macomb, I still have a serious 'messmger' system  that not many people understand, NOTICE or appreciate, but the few who do understand my methods know we are all still in a war, and mine happens to be against Nazi-types and against those who have intentionally harmed me and stolen from me and have not yet been brought to the point of repentence for some demonic reason.. If I ''lose' a few people I was trying to 'save', it's only because they resisted good forced and were attracted by anti-holy forces much more evil and much more deceptive than the typical chocolate rabbit.

Stan Ellsworth should try to get the proper backing run for United States president. I'd vote for him, since he seems like he has decent instincts when it comes to United States  areas of conflict that have not yet been resolved properly.   I suspect he might do better than Donald Trump when it comes to spiritual warfare, and that is usually over 90% of every battle that has occurred and that will occur.