Tuesday, November 17, 2015

When Wordpress Fails, Move Like An Adder in The Way

It seems a like a chess match problem when numbers start colliding into each other and start blocking computer arteries. My early writings are not unable to be edited for some reason, possibly because some beast system is wroth with me, so I'll consider this site a good opportunity to improve and have less spelling errors. ( In 2020, I'll start editing my blogs intentionally.) I cannot control which blogs end up next or prior to mine, I can only say clean Rice and kidney beans beats Ronald McDonald's swine slices.  Going to the Superbowl is not the same as receiving a strong safety worth 2 points.

Blogging saves money because it can prevent going to attorneys, going to counselors or wasting time trying to hide true information in a diary. If information is true, there is no need to try and hide it. Never choose a dare instead of Truth, but sometimes a dare brings out the Truth.

The most recent insight I have had regarding suspicious post- meal nausea was at a 'Red Lobster' restaurant. After feeling quite ill after a meal of flounder, I was reminded of how easy it is for an enemy to attack food supplies. Criminal types do not just screw around with drinks, as may have been the case with Darren Sharper.  It is possible I got sick to my stomach after realizing just how cruel it is to an unclean animal to be kept in a tank with its only bodily defense restrained until its unnecessary death. Time to start keeping bottle of activated charcoal in your portable first aid kit to avoid going to and getting mistreated in the typical United States hospital. There's a short pro-Leviticus sample of my D.A.R.E. bear program mentality.

If food poisoning symptoms seem possible, never return to your own house immediately, especially if you do not have a trustworthy family or roommate(s). It is best to go to another local restaurant that you trust, order some tea, and remain there until symptoms of possible food poisoning diminish or disappear. If you remain in a public place, not only is it better for you to get help if you pass out but it limits the possibility of the guilty food server of claiming it was not their food supply which caused you to become physically ill. A man named 'Jack Chick' comes to mind on occasion considering he was very unpopular with the Jesuits.

Also in unclean nation combo news:
The United States and Japan teaming up in a Bukotu school revealed clear stupidity when it comes to training the mind against unclean and very low-end spiritual deities. Little children were  being trained to take physical attacks against by adult instructors them as 'funny and comical', thus responding with less than full force against their instructors. Worse than that, they were playing 'Simon says' and the instructor was ordering them to bow to him; wrong move for anyone who worships a true and holy creator, who I often list as HVHY. Remember that Japan did ally with Hitler earlier and there is no blue in the Japanese flag. Colors matter, so Martin Luther King Jr. was very wrong on more than one issue. Tattoos alter the skins natural color, and HVHY's people have to be anti-tattoo, so the color of your skin WILL be judged if you believe in Moshe Ben Amram and beyond through all typically accepted books of the Bible. Your school's basketball record doesn't matter on Yom Kippur, but your physical and spiritual condition does matter.

It will take me some time to build a new site, but it is necessary since Wordpress became 'uncooperative'. It will be a typical winter, and keeping useful information to myself when I received it freely would prevent me from getting more free guidance from above my own neck. If you already celebrated the fall feasts with your family, don't feel pressure to travel again at the end of November especially if you are a head of a household of 1. Send some food to your family and a note for them to read Psalm 91 on your behalf.  Study the Greek word #1315, which is rather negative and compare it to Hebrew word #1315 which is the name of a wife of Esau and a daughter of Solomon. Keeping in mind November 27th is day 1316 in a hard count, the related Greek word means to depart and to remove oneself. There are times when resisting national gatherings that are not biblically based is a good practice just in case you have never been forced away from your family as I have been several times.

Day 1321 comes up quickly, and that word is used only once in the book of Daniel.  Maybe in 2020, there will be a Burns13/Game 21 combo from the Anaheim Ice dogs, but in 202 it will be foresight information, not hindsight.  Biblical '3 timers' are significant, not minor details that a fake blonde female on NBCSN propped couldn't comprehend due to lack of spiritual and literal intelligence. Who denied being an apostle of Yeshua 3 times?

Noodles the Dog Memorial Proverb: "Do not trust any Denzel other than Denzel Ward for defense if you can't find vegetarian Purina Ground Hog Chow.'

If you want to refer to my past 6 years of public releases, go to:

Aren't you glad I didn't write 'go to Helsinki?'

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