Tuesday, November 24, 2015

M9> Trying To Understand A HUGe War About 'Inner Space'

It is extremely odd to watch 2-state arguments, and it has been declared that a vertically minded nation opposed to a horizontally minded nation has the right to strike first if a perceived enemy enters its airspace.  I am thankful I am not in the military trusting in guns and politicians, but let me attempt to reveal to the  atypical family how a similar situation occurs on a small but NO LESS IMPORTANT scale.

True historical scenario:

2 individuals representing two different nations are sharing the same living space on earth. After a dispute within the horizontal system, the two parties maintain different sleeping areas and different bathroom areas. I represent the mindset described as pro-Moses anti-Nazi; Shane David Hendrikson represents the mind of a Nazi and became anti-Israel, and he crossed into my bathing area after previously declaring his hatred toward me. Past attempts to defend my privacy and my safety by simply locking the bathroom door when I was in bathroom resulted in Shane David Hendrikson filing a false report to the Marathon County Sheriff's department, claiming I was threatening suicide and had a gun. The sheriff's department then committed a grave sin against me and believed  a liar rather than believing me, who understands that lying to an officer is supposed to result in criminal charges of obstructing. Shane David Hendrikson is guilty of obstructing officers and therefore, obstructing justice.

On a subsequent occasion, while trying to remain safe in an area that I still had rightful ownership of but was in the presence of enemy Shane David Hendrikson, he entered MY BATHROOM, my airspace and I delivered one weak and non-fatal strike to defend myself since I had been arrested before for LOCKING THE DOOR for my safety. As it is in Turkey, so it was at 1602 Mary Lane, in Knowlton, Wisconsin.  Once 2 parties have split mentally and no longer worship the same 'God', peace within any space, be it indoor home space or outdoor national space never occurs. I ended up being a refugee who was forced out of my family's turf, so I am no different than a Syrian who does not feel safe in Syria now. However, there still are no barbed wire fences between Wisconsin and Michigan, but there might be a day when we cannot even relocate from state to state  because the United States is like a giant version of a dysfunctional family that has a severe lack of love of the commandments and the peace-making methods explained in the Torah (the scrolls, not a girl named Torah) . The spirit of most of the people of United States population has a strong, evil seemingly unquenchable desire for sin, has marketed sin in the media and spread their filth all over the world. It is not easy to remain clean, holy and anti-sin when surrounded by the deranged practitioners of lawlessness typified by the typical politicians  and most unholy religious leaders.

  People such as Stuart Rottier have done all that they could do to ruin my reputation by lying, ruin my chances to even earn extra money in Marathon County due to his filing of a restraining order that did not allow my business to compete against my enemy,Shane David Hendrikson and his illegally formed  business. Rottier acted with hatred and hostility toward my father and toward me, and he lied in a courtroom. Such a man should never be able to claim I ruined his reputation by revealing facts about him and his type, and the Rottier type is anti-Moses and therefore equal in mindset to Hitler. Hitler despised the Laws of Moses and tried to destroy the people who did not reject the  teachings of HVHY, and that fact is indisputable.

A house divided in mindset is just like an earth's population divided in mindset. My airspace in my bathroom at 1602 Mary Lane was as serious to me as Turkey's airspace. It is not always mercy to give an enemy what they want, and giving an unrighteous anti-Moses man a divorce ends up being a curse on the petitioner and the attorney who despise the concept of counseling and reconciliation. Blessings are a reward for working righteousness rather than practicing lawlessness.

Wausau Police Department and/or a male who claims to be 'Officer Peterson' is still trying to contact me by phone regarding my blog post on October 12, but they did not state a year. There seems to be some kind of concern over my delivery of free pork to the doorstep of Stuart Rottier's office, but I certainly know that delivery of food that was paid for in full and not declared illegal in the United States is not a crime. If they want to cite me for littering, what a shame that would be to Wausau Police Department.  At least I wasn't dressed like an Easter Bunny or Santa Claus when  I left food for my enemy instead of leaving cigarettes for him. Since I made a safe underhand pitch, technically I made 'pig fly' for a short period of time.

Here is a copy of my report that is concerning to Wausau for some reason, and remember that 'beat to a pulp' can mean a race for some orange juice. Idioms can be used to the peaceful person's advantage. There are some spelling mistakes, just as there are in many court documents, but I am unable to correct them since access to my Wordpress blog is still  unavailable due to computer err.

Bait Warning:’Consider The Ant’

As I prepare to rejoin my bowling team in Shelby, I feel the need to write a short report, especially since I have one friend who actually wrote me to see if anything was wrong since i hadn’t been writing. One friend, even if unseen, writing to me to check on my condition might be like the apostle Paul writing to Timothy.
Since there still is a virtue known as ‘patience’ that exists in me (corrected from my), it is not a substitute for ‘vengeance’. When a person wants to destroy a colony of ants that might have infiltrated their house, they are able to set bait traps which seem sweet but are actually poisonous to the ant. The ant, who is unable to read the instructions on the bait traps, takes the poison to its colony which infiltrated the dwelling(house) without the invitation of the other dwelling occupants.
If a person or animal is invited into my dwelling and gets my scraps at table side, they will get clean scraps from me. Since Stuart Rottier entered and infiltrated my dwelling without my permission, thereby defining him as an enemy’. I decided to ‘feed him’, just as I had fed other enemies. I searched for just the right bait, and even Twizzlers were too good for an attorney like Stuart Rottier. I chose to deliver ‘Neuske’s Bavarian Sausage’, a legal purchase in the United States but unfit food for even the dog of a good master. I even delivered it to the doorstep of his pathetic anti-Christ ‘law office’, since Rottier will never be invited to my house for a good meal unless he tries to redeem himself by paying me a huge cash settlement for his sins and crimes against me and against my father.
It is not necessary to feed your enemy that which will make them stronger than you when trying to apply the spirit of the Law’ to a civil or uncivil war. You may feed them according to their religious belief and anti-Israel appetite, since even Wisconsin lawyers have the opportunity to read Leviticus and read the the bait label before they ingest unclean animals parts.
What I did was legal in the United States and better than assaulting Stuart Rottier. If he needs to be arrested and/or beat to a pulp in order for him to repent, let someone else do it. I have to behave like a lady, not a Arizona Cardinal cheerleader. I also do not even want to touch the flesh of a cruel beast such as Stuart Rottier unless I have to try to defend my body against him or those like him again.
I will expound on my holy week later. By the way, the one friend that checked on me was NOT my son. My son is still too busy eating the unhealthy bait set for him in France that anti-Israel types led him to. I did leave a free message for him at his ‘non-Philadelphia church’, and I left a free gift for his mother-in -law, Lynn Snyder, in Stevens Point, WI., even though the gift was of ‘nominal value’ . I did not deliver the gift to Lynn Snyder’s house, since I do not want anyone to think I am  a Coke salesman or behaving like ‘Santa Claus’. Even hypocrites like free gifts that can’t save them.
If my recollection is accurate, November 1st will be exactly 1290 days after my divorce date of April 20th IF I was divorced in 2012. Does the year really matter to anyone other than a computer? Happy Columbus Day! I like locusts better than ants because the locusts aided Moses when Moses did not personally destroy the Egyptian Pharaoh assigned to his jurisdiction. I also am not afraid of frogs.

Maybe a few clarifications on here will aid Wausau Police Department and set there attack in a direction other than against me:
A) When an attorney speaks to you in court, the power of his words emit as sound waves and literally infiltrate your personal dwelling because his words can destroy your mindset. A living person always dwells in their flesh and has a right to defend their most basic dwelling which is their body.
B) As far as giving gifts to another person who you may have sinned against, it only gets counted as righteousness if you give the gift voluntarily, not by a court order. There is nothing preventing Stuart Rottier from giving me a generous cash gift which is considered unearned income and will not cause me to lose my  police department disability payments. Rottier already took far too much money from my family's cash assets in the form of attorney bills.  
G) A saint views pork and unclean animals as toxic to the body, but United States laws were not written by saints. I did not taint anything I purchased, since I prefer to have my enemies learn to live in fear of HVHY than die before they repent." Perfect love casts out fear." I guess I do not know what happened after I left the unclean meat delivery and it is possible that another person might have picked it up before Rottier or his staff did but I still did not commit any crimes. Perfect love also has to retain a sense of humor as well as sense of personal defense including 'the right to remain silent' and not return phone calls from people who are not your real friends.
D) Rottier is a cruel beast who attacked me financially and mentally when I was very weak and fragile. An unsaved human is mammal which is a beast often more dangerous than a German Shepherd named 'Noodles'. 

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