Although it is a bit baffling and even spurs my curiosity when Wausau Police Department supposedly wants to talk to me by phone about a blog. This is a time when I must think like a crouching feline an fight my own curiosity so that I do not get killed by biased police officers from Wausau. Advice for law enforcement officials is sometimes necessary to prevent them from being charged by angelic forces with ignorance regarding unjust scales. Sometimes good angels or even worse actual demons do charge the unjust, just as they charged into the flesh of swines and became part of an Israeli dive team. Demons might also try to charge the just, but fail to make the charges 'stick' since the just end up with good angels to defend them.
A) Unjust scales can blind the guilty to a point where they feel as though they can get away with crimes . For instance, if I would be evil and would see one person commit a crime, observe that he was not punished by officials in Marathon County, I might be foolish enough to try to commit the same crime against the person who first committed a crime against. Thankfully I am not foolish and rather let someone more powerful than me eventually execute judgment against my enemies.
B) I was told by Marathon County Sheriff that diary writings, even though they might make a person fearful, in and of themselves are not grounds for arrest or even worth keeping a copy of in case the writer followed through on his intentional thoughts of cruelty and sin against me. That also has to mean that Marathon County and its personnel should not even bother to be concerned about any blog since electronic postings are NOT secure sites, which means there is always a possibility that an unknown party tampered with the blog.
G)Keeping B in mind, a blog is not a signed affidavit or a sworn testimony. It would have been easier to prove that Shane David Hendrikson intended to commit bodily harm against me by attacking my mind with fear and intended to commit adultery since handwriting is weightier proof of authorship. If under oath in a trial, a person might want to admit they wrote a blog but certainly does not have to and can choose to remain silent, thereby leaving the actual guilty people fearful and clearing the person who tried to come up with peaceful ways to react to assaults against them by lawyers, unjust police officers former friends and former employees. Stuart Rottier was a former employee of mine since I hired him to write a will for me many years ago. Since I committed no crimes against Stuart Rottier, I was shocked when he chose to aid Shane David Hendrikson to obtain much more than 50% of our estate and become my enemy.
D) When I had left unclean sausage for the Marathon County Sheriff;s department in the city of Wausau, no one from the Wausau Police department contacted me to thank me for donating a paperweight to my enemies. Frozen sausages also could be used as a weapon if thrown at a person's body and the sheriff's department might have needed some more non-explosive ammunition. I don't approve of explosives but am not afraid to try and defend myself with snowballs, nor am I afraid to warn my enemies that they are more likely to commit sin and break the Law than I am since I still have a conscience that works according to the Holy Spirit.
H) If Stuart Rottier is nervous or afraid because he received legally purchased sausage at his place of employment, that proves that Stuart Rottier is mentally unstable and possibly paranoid. It might be best if Wausau Police Department locks up Stuart Rottier for 3 days to observe him in a mental health facility since he definitely is a danger to society based on his works.
V) Remember to use face to face or live courtroom testimony as a weightier matter than any blog, since true authorship of any blog is impossible unless at least 2 witnesses saw a person write a blog. There is often more danger to an ignorant anti-saint to waste time reading blogs from people they do not believe anyway than there is believing in the Bible and instructions such as 'feed your enemies'.
Z) Choices of legal gifts are not always profitable. If I get no positive return after leaving pork sausage sticks for an attorney, I should not be surprised but at least Neuske's profited from my purchase after I beat someone else to a ground hog line. BY beating someone else to a ground hog line, I prevented another customer from making an unclean meat purchase and possibly prevented a sin against HVHY.
C) Sin prevention is a super high angelic level of crime prevention. I believe in sin prevention, especially after thoughts of sin might have occurred. I hope I have prevented the Wausau Police Department from trading their beaten pulp for a pork sausage stick in 'let's make a deal before going to trial'. The toilet paper I donated to Wausau Police Department after they were cruel and unhelpful to me is paper pulp, and if they beat someone else to a pulp line that isn't fiction, I hope the pulp contained vitamin C and was in the from of a lemon or an orange. Beating someone to a battery charge or filing an emergency detention often reveals just who made a false report or an exaggerated a report due to very wrong understanding of battery or mental illness. Mentally ill people divorce faithful spouses and mentally ill people steal, cheat, lie and continue to corrupt themselves rather than morally and spiritually rehabilitate themselves. Many police officer due suffer from mental illness and wrongly believe that they will not be tested by God. Without an interpretation of a writing, there is often more than one definition for the same word such as 'God' or 'ground hog' or 'Warren Moon Pies'.
T) If you have come to a tet in the road, you are still only on the front 9 which is wider than the back 9, since the back 9 is really 18. There is a difference between Ronnie Bass, Sunshine, Warren Moon and Moonshine. If you listen to the Warren Polka, it might be smarter than listening to Warren Rivette. Officers who are not saved often lose their sense of humor and obtain fear of the religious correct rather than proper fear of God. If Wausau's next step is suggesting that Stuart Rottier send me an apology and a donation, they will be taking a holy step. If they tell Rottier they do not get involved in Levitical matters and refer him to Eric Dan Danson for counseling, they would be equal to a Catholic priest who knows nothing about the day of atonement procedures.
Y) I know Y, but have not mated with Y. Something to think about as you take a drive through the Bevent area.
Have a safe period of time until the next spring training notice and ripe barley notice from Israel. Try not to sin against your parents, siblings or your fellow citizen, and I will try not to sin either.
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