Monday, November 30, 2015

M15> Aristotle Err Lines Causes Many To Choose Unrighteousness

Melissa Sue Anderson did a better job of delivering Psalm 15 to many people than Jesse Jackson, Jr. or Kevin Hermening, both males being nothing more than unsaved and unholy money changers who lack discernment due to improper training they had in they past.

Actually, I am not sure how you spell 'Aristotle', but Greeks usually get more wrong than a rabbit when it comes to wise decisions.  Poverty if NOT the parent of crime; greed and hatred of Truth is the parent of crime. I have known very many poor people who are extremely honest and not criminals, and I know and have watched very many rich people get richer by stealing, lying and developing war machines. A brief television clip on Al Jezeera television revealing the crumbling state of public schools in Philadelphia at the same time that congressional swines redecorate offices and fly around in expensive jets reveals that the biggest criminals are still holding political offices and are stupid enough to believe Bill Gates instead of believing Eldad and Medad.

An octopus on the  old 'Addam's Family' shows has done less harm to humans in history than the typical anti-Yahweh philosopher or the typical attorney who gets rich aiding and abetting criminals and unrighteous divorce  petitioners. Trying to avoid the audible traps of lies spewed out on news bulletins and sports events is like trying to figure out who the next Minnesota Vikings  Xavier Rhodes will be.  Red Lobster 1968 analogies and an 82nd Airboune division Santa Klaus nut wearing a jackass tie is not a what the elect of Yahweh will 'raise up'. Communications are important, but identifying the liars and breaking the legends that mislead and deceive is as important as understanding the 1320th day after a divorce hearing in Marathon county where the petitioner was laughing at the mother of the boy he adopted legally and then ruined spiritually. Disgraces come to families when unholy parents do not rebuke and discipline their stealing, lying, cheating and violent children starting at a young age and they become stealing. lying, cheating and violent adults rather than peace-makers that are blessed eventually.

There is no Greek or Roman messiah, and there is a point in time when Joseph became the son, not the Gd of his father Jacob. Gd the brother of Asher should have provided food, clothing shelter and safety for those under him and rather suffer than act contrary to the laws of HVHY.  If I or you get physically ill suddenly, particularly feeling of nausea, it can actually be due to shock to the brain caused by seeing or hearing something so contrary to the Truth that it makes you literally sick. At such a time of nausea, deciding to leave the area you feel sick in is as serious as seeking a squad partner that may be lost or injured in an area you are not familiar to. I know that that there are certain frequencies that can actually make the body feel ill and weak, and that it very easy for queer and despicable scientists to try to destroy the flesh and mind of the true living saints. If you are one of which is still able to play hockey, golf, bowling, baseball or similar  sports with decent uniform coverage, you have chosen to challenge your body and the mind of others in better ways than loading missile launchers with toxins, needles with heroin and cigarettes with tabacco.

This past morning, an old man asked me who I was talking to, and I said I was talking to my guardian angel. If he didn't like that answer, he did like the dust mite answer but I also could have told him I was talking to my best student, which is still me. When Best, Beste and Boston lines split like a dog named Elmo in a fishing tackle box rather than in an expensive burial container, it might come down to a huge problem at  between Daunte Culpepper's 0-16 Detroit Lions versus Jimmy Howard's 0-16 2020 failure act after he openly desired Santa Claus on his head rather than an emblem of truth and reality.   New York Times Best sellers are inferior to the 1st and Second epistles of the apostle Shimon (Peter), and it not fiscally sound to waste your money or literal spiritual war efforts AGAINST the few people willing to be honest with you rather than flatter you into a shroud of haughtiness. No matter how poor you are, do not steal or commit a crime, and get ready to prove the false Chinese and week Greek mythological beasts to be wrong on more than escargot and calamari.

Don't expect a logical solution to anything from the typical 'Christian pastor'. A brief speech by a 'Lutheran pastor' about a rabbit driving a truck was evidence of lack of a sound mind during a CAIR assembly in front of Aljazeera cameras after the shooting of 31 people in Orange County, California.. There are a multitude of 'Christian pastors' who are a disgrace and seared in conscience because they literally blaspheme when they claim there is no other instructions to followers of Yeshua other than to love one another as he loved us. Without specific instructions that not only are meant to be read but are meant to be obeyed, humans are incapable of properly loving one another according to Yehovah's very fair standards.

When did Yeshua feed his guests octopus, oysters and pork sausages? Never, because he was loving his neighbors as he loved himself to health and strength and the ability to face what many others were too unfit to face.

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