Friday, November 27, 2015

M12>Good Rebound for Marine City Shore to Skor Security

The original Noah's ark did not sink, but a lot of other ships did. The ferry that goes from Marine City to Sombra is a beautiful vessel, much nicer than any Disneyland ride, ski boat or cruise ship I have ever seen because it is not only humble, it is useful and affordable to ride on. Bigger isn't always better, and Sabrina Carpenter is not a good role model for Detroi area youth.  An actress becomes a professional at tring to escape reality, and thus often leads other fools into their strong delusion lines. The voices that know how to sing 'The Battle Hymn of the Republic' or 'It is Well With My Soul' without camera crews are rarely heard but wiser than an actress fuzzed out in fur who then looks more like a teenage  witch than a living saint.  The Detroit Lions are not a reliable spirit guide even though their sidelines are as decent as the typical gay bar in Charlotte. A powder blue lion is as much of a fake as a blue ox. If I have heard some history correctly, the Dodge Brothers were of Israeli peruassion and were disliked by the Ford people, which is something to consider if you are still a Pittsburgh Steeler fan like I am.

Not all police departments work as well as the MIlwaukee Police Department Jain staff when Ramone Galaviz was in charge. Since Wausau POlice Department is acting very suspiciously, I went to get a second opinion from another public servant with more authority regarding my decision not to respond at all to telephone solicitation and possible continued harassment against me by the Wausau area 'gestapo types' who might never  fed an enemy or even worked in a jail bigger than the one 'Sheriff Taylor' played games in on TV. When I asked the HOmeland Security officer if my decision not to discuss any serious matters over the phone with people who I certainly could not vouch for or identify, he agreed i was better off ignoring the Wuasau POlice Department; maybe he already knows as well as I do that I did not commit any crimes by suggesting a lawyer pay me damages voluntarily for lying to the court officers about me and aiding a liar named Shane David Hendrikson. A saint can suggest a way to avoid prison time, but a fool will keep trusting in games with too mush risk and not enough of an ability to admit that they were wrong for representing a petitioner. An attorney can reject business as easily as a cake maker or Suburban Sports Group  can.

The Homeland Security office is not a place I feel uncomfortable in and because of that I am not afraid to exchange good information with those on duty. I have never been treated rudely by the staff in Marine City and they should have enough of my records to know that when I go back and forth between Canada and the United States, It is not any different than going from Cape Hatteras to Okracoke Island. I might hope I can live at peace in Canada someday since it is much safer than trying to live on Okracoke Island or any small island for that matter. I have never had a bad experience in Canada and have never had a bad experience on Okracoke Island.

It is not always a blessing to celebrate with the Jive Turkey groups on Thursday. Thanksgiving is as much of an 'add-on' as 'Mother's day', and the fact is that if you do not obey the commandments of HVHY he knows your prayers are in vain and you end up with a false sense of security. The 'Puritan attitude is a scarce as the attitude of George Washington, and it actually much easier to find a wise Ojibwa than a wise Democrat in Canada or in the United States.  Respecting nature matters to an extent, but nature can turn against you if you apply your force to those who are below you too many times. A lobster is meant to be in the ocean , not in the human stomach, just like a horseshoe crab. 

I am thankful I had a beautiful day in southeastern Ontario, am thankful that Homeland Security trusts me and that I have peaceful neighbors to the easr in Canada  Millionaires serving food in front of cameras is not  as impressive as watching shift after shift in the Milwaukee Jail go by with very few officers other than me ever getting bit by a prisoner.  We won a lot of fights in the jail booking rooms, and served many of our enemies pork products which they could have rejected if they were saints since our bologna wasn't clean. We never tried to trick anyone on Yom Kippur, but none of us even knew about Yom Kippur as far as I know, and the Puritans didn't think they needed to follow the instructions left by Moses for some reason. The typical poilce academy was and probably still is  too busy pushing the homosexual agenda along with military tactics that have failed than  to teach us how to sanctify ourselves by obeying all the good laws and to use our hands or a stick properly instead of escalating to costly firearms..

Don't expect the Marie Osmond types to try and release you from their web; the snares of Brigham Young are as bad as the snares of Ringo Starr who will amuse you but never be able to save you. Steve Basting is more likely to understand the gospel of Luke than Steve Young, especially since Steve Basting had a lot of training from me.

If you ever make it to Bayfield, Ontario, take alook at the Belmore Trophy, which is better loking than the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC.  Richard Belmore is not a joke and neither is a good PeeWee Hockey team. If you are wise, you will realize the promoters of stupidity like 'Mobile Strike' are ignorant Germans that have gotten too much power from ignorant voters and movie-goers. In hockey, power plays are temporary, and eventually a 6 on 6 situation returns again, just like in any good ephod and complete breastplate&ephod living stone system.

My parents quit smoking without taking Chantix; if only their non-Philadelpha church leaders would tell them to stop buying unclean meats. The greater sin will always be with the teacher of wrongs than those who understand the hockey right wing from the hockey left wing that thankfully never will permanently adhere to John Travolta the blasphemer.

John the Baptist  never tried to impersonate Michael the Archangel. Travolta clearly is mentally ill, which is why I play 'Jive Turkey' instead of the BeeGees.

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