Monday, November 30, 2015

M15> Aristotle Err Lines Causes Many To Choose Unrighteousness

Melissa Sue Anderson did a better job of delivering Psalm 15 to many people than Jesse Jackson, Jr. or Kevin Hermening, both males being nothing more than unsaved and unholy money changers who lack discernment due to improper training they had in they past.

Actually, I am not sure how you spell 'Aristotle', but Greeks usually get more wrong than a rabbit when it comes to wise decisions.  Poverty if NOT the parent of crime; greed and hatred of Truth is the parent of crime. I have known very many poor people who are extremely honest and not criminals, and I know and have watched very many rich people get richer by stealing, lying and developing war machines. A brief television clip on Al Jezeera television revealing the crumbling state of public schools in Philadelphia at the same time that congressional swines redecorate offices and fly around in expensive jets reveals that the biggest criminals are still holding political offices and are stupid enough to believe Bill Gates instead of believing Eldad and Medad.

An octopus on the  old 'Addam's Family' shows has done less harm to humans in history than the typical anti-Yahweh philosopher or the typical attorney who gets rich aiding and abetting criminals and unrighteous divorce  petitioners. Trying to avoid the audible traps of lies spewed out on news bulletins and sports events is like trying to figure out who the next Minnesota Vikings  Xavier Rhodes will be.  Red Lobster 1968 analogies and an 82nd Airboune division Santa Klaus nut wearing a jackass tie is not a what the elect of Yahweh will 'raise up'. Communications are important, but identifying the liars and breaking the legends that mislead and deceive is as important as understanding the 1320th day after a divorce hearing in Marathon county where the petitioner was laughing at the mother of the boy he adopted legally and then ruined spiritually. Disgraces come to families when unholy parents do not rebuke and discipline their stealing, lying, cheating and violent children starting at a young age and they become stealing. lying, cheating and violent adults rather than peace-makers that are blessed eventually.

There is no Greek or Roman messiah, and there is a point in time when Joseph became the son, not the Gd of his father Jacob. Gd the brother of Asher should have provided food, clothing shelter and safety for those under him and rather suffer than act contrary to the laws of HVHY.  If I or you get physically ill suddenly, particularly feeling of nausea, it can actually be due to shock to the brain caused by seeing or hearing something so contrary to the Truth that it makes you literally sick. At such a time of nausea, deciding to leave the area you feel sick in is as serious as seeking a squad partner that may be lost or injured in an area you are not familiar to. I know that that there are certain frequencies that can actually make the body feel ill and weak, and that it very easy for queer and despicable scientists to try to destroy the flesh and mind of the true living saints. If you are one of which is still able to play hockey, golf, bowling, baseball or similar  sports with decent uniform coverage, you have chosen to challenge your body and the mind of others in better ways than loading missile launchers with toxins, needles with heroin and cigarettes with tabacco.

This past morning, an old man asked me who I was talking to, and I said I was talking to my guardian angel. If he didn't like that answer, he did like the dust mite answer but I also could have told him I was talking to my best student, which is still me. When Best, Beste and Boston lines split like a dog named Elmo in a fishing tackle box rather than in an expensive burial container, it might come down to a huge problem at  between Daunte Culpepper's 0-16 Detroit Lions versus Jimmy Howard's 0-16 2020 failure act after he openly desired Santa Claus on his head rather than an emblem of truth and reality.   New York Times Best sellers are inferior to the 1st and Second epistles of the apostle Shimon (Peter), and it not fiscally sound to waste your money or literal spiritual war efforts AGAINST the few people willing to be honest with you rather than flatter you into a shroud of haughtiness. No matter how poor you are, do not steal or commit a crime, and get ready to prove the false Chinese and week Greek mythological beasts to be wrong on more than escargot and calamari.

Don't expect a logical solution to anything from the typical 'Christian pastor'. A brief speech by a 'Lutheran pastor' about a rabbit driving a truck was evidence of lack of a sound mind during a CAIR assembly in front of Aljazeera cameras after the shooting of 31 people in Orange County, California.. There are a multitude of 'Christian pastors' who are a disgrace and seared in conscience because they literally blaspheme when they claim there is no other instructions to followers of Yeshua other than to love one another as he loved us. Without specific instructions that not only are meant to be read but are meant to be obeyed, humans are incapable of properly loving one another according to Yehovah's very fair standards.

When did Yeshua feed his guests octopus, oysters and pork sausages? Never, because he was loving his neighbors as he loved himself to health and strength and the ability to face what many others were too unfit to face.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

M14> A Divorce Ends Peace on Earth and Starts A New War

I do try to understand the heart of HVHY, and I was rebuked by the words in a Proverb regarding not laughing when my enemy stumbles. What caused the person to stumble is a serious matter, and if you do not notice what caused them to stumble you may end up falling in the same manner.

Heavy crosses make people stumble, and crucifixtion is not a laughing matter and it certainly was designed as a method to correct HVHY's people. One method of operation that I know is true regarding the love of HVHY is that there is no need to pursue those who you know hate you. It is wise to try to escape people who hate you and it is fair to let your enemies destroy your enemies during times you have sought genuine peace and safety. Once you have stopped fearing due to trusting in the proper God, there still must be time allowed to mourn, escpecially if your enemies were of your own household, exactly as the prophecy states.

Faith of a mustard seed is not enough to gain salvation. Any human is capable of moving mountatins, especially small ones and even large ones with enough machinery. I actually suspect that Yeshua was not complimenting those who only had faith the size of a mustard seed, since a mustard seed is NOT the tree of life.  Maybe Donna Oates has the faith of a mustard seed, but a broccoli seed produces more a more edible little TREE.  If I say 'Grinker' instead of 'Sowka' to another person, I might be trying to indicate that your body is suceptible to demonic possession to warn you, but the typical human might only think of the silly songs about 'Donna' after exiting the Donna Reed show era.  Donner is a name of a demonic spirit, but so is 'Paul Blart'. A quiet warning system is better than destroying your enemy or causing him or her to stumble into  your own yard in a drugged up of drunken state of derision.

A virtuous woman does not pursue a man she desires, since it is first up to HVHY to deliver him and correct him so that he is able to pursue and save the proper helpmate instead of the typical 'Playmate'. A viruous woman will never help her husband sin, and might even have to flee from him rather than cover for him or try to teach him any more lessons.  As some people with 2020 hearing will learn " When a wicked spouse wants a divorce, Yahweh is then able to provide more protection to the respondent if he or she resists wickedness.   Vashti resisted wickedness, and an wicked king wanted her out of his turf to take in a woman who may actually have been more vain about her 'looks'

The role of a good angel is not easy, nor is it simple. Being a good angel is actually a volunteer position, not a role that any being is forced into, just as angelic beings are not forced to sin against HVHY and lose the benefits of the 7th, 8th and 9th stone systems in the breastplate and ephod system. Many cornerstones have been laid for buildings that have proved to be useless and never lasted during floods or similar tests of natural forces.

Psalm 68 matters, and so do panthers. Wealthy hypocrites  like Ray Wolski, Joel Breitzman, Shane David Hendrikson or Al Towle  go on a real safari and hunting trips to kill and maim that which is not FOOD according to Yehovah, the Elohim of Go;,  rather than feed a flock, this vile unclean foursome might even laugh or openly rejoiced when the animal they destroyed fell or stumbled. Discernment enables a person to tell the difference between a fool and a prophet, but discernment is not the same as the gift of prophesying which is better than a can of shark fin soup or a safe filled with guns and bullets.

 Prophesying actually does save souls and spares the flesh of those who are close enough to hear with their ears.

M13> A Loaded Hockey Clip

I have seen how a wonderful lady named Lorraine Mielke copes after losing her son to cancer and her husband to old age. Lorraine was a Mosinee Indian just like my mother and has seen me deal with the loss of my son, even though I lost my son because of a form of hatred that turned into what probably be permanent absence.  When a person truly hates Yehovah, they come up with their own laws rather than respect his and they love their own ways rather than submit to the laws of Yehovah.

I watched a clip early this morning of Joe Pavelski from his high school days while playing at KB Willett arena, and a small if Mosinee high school caused me to replay the clip over several times just trying to see if my son was in the clip. His old number 23 was, but if it was in 2002 it wasn't my son to the left of the Mosinee goalie who probably was Mike Peterson. Some people travel ridiculous numbers of miles to see a absolute stupidity like Las Vegas shows, Broadway shows and the pope, and I found myself crying remembering days when my son loved me rather  than ignored me.

When I heard that my son had gotten onto the show 'House Hunters International', I was ashamed of him and never did even want to see him degrade himself by stooping to the equivalent of 'Oprah Winfrey' level. When a bullet comes out of 9mm that nearly hits you or just grazes you, it causes pain but not death. Seeing the Joe Pavelski and Mosinee Indian clip caused  me pain but not death. I how how wished he had a father that loved Yehovah as much as I do and would steer him in the proper direction, but his father is unfaithful, a liar and thief. Without two good parents, it is almost impossible for a child to grow in 'good soil'. Everything I had taught him about Yehovah seems to have gotten choked out by his German&Irish wife and his German and Norwegian father, but I know for a fact that it was not hockey that pulled him in the wring direction.

A brief sighting of the current hatred for Jewish people in Warsaw, Poland confirmed the fact that those who trust in the Vatican have little to no chance of being saved, and there is no denying that the Protestant church groups are huge branches of the Catholic anti-Truth root.  The desires of my heart have not been met yet, and thankfully all my dreams have not come true, since many of them have been nightmares over the years. I do know that I am blessed to have a father who  is faithful and who ever was away from home for days or weeks at a time playing games with adults in professional sports or with other people's children in religious cults. My father stayed home and played cards with me, played the concertina for me and taught me how to fish and hunt.  I realized that is possible to repent and be forgiven for unknowingly breaking a commandment but forgiveness if improbable if you took part in CHANGING a commandment or statute of Yehovah and then continue to teach people outright lies about what the will of Yehovah really is.

I do not know what today or tomorrow will bring, but television clips and politician's lips are usually more dangerous to the  mind, ear and eye of a sinner than any book in the Bible with the exception of the book of Esther.

I might as well be thankful I know how to load my hair into a hair clip, as well as how to fast and pray from time to time. Without an ability to study the Scriptures freely, I might have ended up being as dangerous as a Barbie doll or John Travolta with fake wings attached instead of being as wise as a cobra but as gentle as a dove.

Friday, November 27, 2015

M12>Good Rebound for Marine City Shore to Skor Security

The original Noah's ark did not sink, but a lot of other ships did. The ferry that goes from Marine City to Sombra is a beautiful vessel, much nicer than any Disneyland ride, ski boat or cruise ship I have ever seen because it is not only humble, it is useful and affordable to ride on. Bigger isn't always better, and Sabrina Carpenter is not a good role model for Detroi area youth.  An actress becomes a professional at tring to escape reality, and thus often leads other fools into their strong delusion lines. The voices that know how to sing 'The Battle Hymn of the Republic' or 'It is Well With My Soul' without camera crews are rarely heard but wiser than an actress fuzzed out in fur who then looks more like a teenage  witch than a living saint.  The Detroit Lions are not a reliable spirit guide even though their sidelines are as decent as the typical gay bar in Charlotte. A powder blue lion is as much of a fake as a blue ox. If I have heard some history correctly, the Dodge Brothers were of Israeli peruassion and were disliked by the Ford people, which is something to consider if you are still a Pittsburgh Steeler fan like I am.

Not all police departments work as well as the MIlwaukee Police Department Jain staff when Ramone Galaviz was in charge. Since Wausau POlice Department is acting very suspiciously, I went to get a second opinion from another public servant with more authority regarding my decision not to respond at all to telephone solicitation and possible continued harassment against me by the Wausau area 'gestapo types' who might never  fed an enemy or even worked in a jail bigger than the one 'Sheriff Taylor' played games in on TV. When I asked the HOmeland Security officer if my decision not to discuss any serious matters over the phone with people who I certainly could not vouch for or identify, he agreed i was better off ignoring the Wuasau POlice Department; maybe he already knows as well as I do that I did not commit any crimes by suggesting a lawyer pay me damages voluntarily for lying to the court officers about me and aiding a liar named Shane David Hendrikson. A saint can suggest a way to avoid prison time, but a fool will keep trusting in games with too mush risk and not enough of an ability to admit that they were wrong for representing a petitioner. An attorney can reject business as easily as a cake maker or Suburban Sports Group  can.

The Homeland Security office is not a place I feel uncomfortable in and because of that I am not afraid to exchange good information with those on duty. I have never been treated rudely by the staff in Marine City and they should have enough of my records to know that when I go back and forth between Canada and the United States, It is not any different than going from Cape Hatteras to Okracoke Island. I might hope I can live at peace in Canada someday since it is much safer than trying to live on Okracoke Island or any small island for that matter. I have never had a bad experience in Canada and have never had a bad experience on Okracoke Island.

It is not always a blessing to celebrate with the Jive Turkey groups on Thursday. Thanksgiving is as much of an 'add-on' as 'Mother's day', and the fact is that if you do not obey the commandments of HVHY he knows your prayers are in vain and you end up with a false sense of security. The 'Puritan attitude is a scarce as the attitude of George Washington, and it actually much easier to find a wise Ojibwa than a wise Democrat in Canada or in the United States.  Respecting nature matters to an extent, but nature can turn against you if you apply your force to those who are below you too many times. A lobster is meant to be in the ocean , not in the human stomach, just like a horseshoe crab. 

I am thankful I had a beautiful day in southeastern Ontario, am thankful that Homeland Security trusts me and that I have peaceful neighbors to the easr in Canada  Millionaires serving food in front of cameras is not  as impressive as watching shift after shift in the Milwaukee Jail go by with very few officers other than me ever getting bit by a prisoner.  We won a lot of fights in the jail booking rooms, and served many of our enemies pork products which they could have rejected if they were saints since our bologna wasn't clean. We never tried to trick anyone on Yom Kippur, but none of us even knew about Yom Kippur as far as I know, and the Puritans didn't think they needed to follow the instructions left by Moses for some reason. The typical poilce academy was and probably still is  too busy pushing the homosexual agenda along with military tactics that have failed than  to teach us how to sanctify ourselves by obeying all the good laws and to use our hands or a stick properly instead of escalating to costly firearms..

Don't expect the Marie Osmond types to try and release you from their web; the snares of Brigham Young are as bad as the snares of Ringo Starr who will amuse you but never be able to save you. Steve Basting is more likely to understand the gospel of Luke than Steve Young, especially since Steve Basting had a lot of training from me.

If you ever make it to Bayfield, Ontario, take alook at the Belmore Trophy, which is better loking than the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC.  Richard Belmore is not a joke and neither is a good PeeWee Hockey team. If you are wise, you will realize the promoters of stupidity like 'Mobile Strike' are ignorant Germans that have gotten too much power from ignorant voters and movie-goers. In hockey, power plays are temporary, and eventually a 6 on 6 situation returns again, just like in any good ephod and complete breastplate&ephod living stone system.

My parents quit smoking without taking Chantix; if only their non-Philadelpha church leaders would tell them to stop buying unclean meats. The greater sin will always be with the teacher of wrongs than those who understand the hockey right wing from the hockey left wing that thankfully never will permanently adhere to John Travolta the blasphemer.

John the Baptist  never tried to impersonate Michael the Archangel. Travolta clearly is mentally ill, which is why I play 'Jive Turkey' instead of the BeeGees.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

M11>Nicholas Schilkey's 64th Islander Tooth Test for Tooth Case Time

Although it is a bit baffling and even spurs my curiosity  when Wausau Police Department supposedly wants to talk to me by phone about a blog.  This is a time when I must think like a crouching feline an fight my own curiosity so that I do not get killed by biased police officers from Wausau. Advice for law enforcement officials is sometimes necessary to prevent them from being charged by angelic forces with ignorance regarding unjust scales. Sometimes good angels or even worse actual demons do charge the unjust, just as they charged into the flesh of swines and became part of an Israeli dive team. Demons  might also try to charge the just, but fail to make the charges 'stick' since the just end up with good angels to defend them.

A) Unjust scales can blind the guilty to a point where they feel as though they can get away with crimes . For instance, if I would be evil and would see one person commit a crime, observe that he was not punished by officials in Marathon County, I might be foolish enough to try to commit the same crime against the person who first committed a crime against. Thankfully I am not foolish and rather let someone more powerful than me eventually execute judgment against my enemies.

B) I was told by Marathon County Sheriff that diary writings, even though they might make a person fearful, in and of themselves are not grounds for arrest or even worth keeping a copy of in case the writer  followed through on his intentional thoughts of cruelty and sin against me.  That also has to mean that Marathon County and its personnel should not even bother to be concerned about any blog since electronic postings are NOT secure sites, which means there is always a possibility that an unknown party tampered with the blog.

G)Keeping B in mind, a blog is not a signed affidavit or a sworn testimony. It would have been easier to prove that Shane David Hendrikson intended to commit bodily harm against me by attacking my mind with fear and intended to commit adultery since handwriting is weightier proof of authorship. If under oath in a trial, a person might want to admit they wrote a blog but certainly does not have to and can choose to remain silent, thereby leaving the actual guilty people fearful and clearing the person who tried to come up with peaceful ways to react to assaults against them by lawyers, unjust police officers  former friends and former employees. Stuart Rottier was a former employee of mine since I hired him to write a will for me many years ago.  Since I committed no crimes against Stuart Rottier, I was shocked when he chose to aid Shane David Hendrikson to obtain much more than 50% of our estate and become my enemy.

D) When I had left unclean sausage for the Marathon County Sheriff;s department in the city of Wausau, no one from the Wausau Police department  contacted me to thank me for donating a paperweight to my enemies.  Frozen sausages also could be used as a weapon if thrown at a person's body and the sheriff's department might have needed some more non-explosive ammunition. I don't approve of explosives but am not afraid to try and defend myself with snowballs, nor am I afraid to warn my enemies that they are more likely to commit sin and break the Law than I am since I still have a conscience that works according to the Holy Spirit.

H) If Stuart Rottier is nervous or afraid because he received legally purchased sausage at his place of employment, that proves that Stuart Rottier is mentally unstable and possibly paranoid. It might be best if Wausau Police Department locks up Stuart Rottier for  3 days to observe him in a mental health facility since he definitely is a danger to society based on his works.

V) Remember to use face to face or live courtroom testimony as a weightier matter than any blog, since true authorship of any blog is impossible unless at least 2 witnesses saw a person write a blog. There is often more danger to an ignorant anti-saint to waste time reading blogs from people they do not believe anyway than there is believing in the Bible and instructions such as 'feed your enemies'.

Z) Choices of legal gifts are not always profitable. If I get no positive return after leaving  pork sausage sticks for an attorney, I should not be surprised but at least Neuske's profited from my purchase after I beat someone else to a ground hog line.  BY beating someone else to a ground hog line, I prevented another customer from making an unclean meat purchase and possibly prevented a sin against HVHY.

C) Sin prevention is a super high angelic level of crime prevention.  I believe in sin prevention, especially after thoughts of sin might have occurred.  I hope I have prevented the Wausau Police Department from trading their beaten pulp for a pork sausage stick in 'let's make a deal before going to trial'. The toilet paper I donated to Wausau Police Department after they were cruel and unhelpful to me is paper pulp, and if they beat someone else to a pulp line that isn't fiction, I hope the pulp contained vitamin C and was in the from of a lemon or an orange. Beating someone to a battery charge or filing an emergency detention often reveals just who made a false report or an exaggerated a report due to very wrong understanding of battery or mental illness. Mentally ill people divorce faithful spouses and mentally ill people steal, cheat, lie and continue to corrupt themselves rather than morally and spiritually rehabilitate themselves. Many police officer due suffer from mental illness and wrongly believe that they will not be tested by God. Without an interpretation of a writing, there is often more than one definition for the same word such as 'God' or 'ground hog' or 'Warren Moon Pies'.

T) If you have come to a tet in the road, you are  still only on the front 9 which is wider than the back 9, since the back 9 is really 18. There is a difference between Ronnie Bass, Sunshine, Warren Moon and Moonshine.  If you listen to the Warren Polka, it might be smarter than listening to Warren Rivette. Officers who are not saved often lose their sense of humor and obtain fear of the religious correct rather than proper fear of God. If Wausau's next step is suggesting that Stuart Rottier send me an apology and a donation, they will be taking a holy step. If they tell Rottier they do not get involved in Levitical matters and refer him to Eric Dan Danson for counseling, they would be equal to a Catholic priest who knows nothing about the day of atonement procedures.

Y) I know Y, but have not mated with Y. Something to think about as you take a drive through the Bevent area.

Have a safe period of time until the next spring training notice and ripe barley  notice from Israel. Try not to sin against your parents, siblings or your fellow citizen, and I will  try  not to sin  either.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

M10>Defeat the Spirit of 'Denzel' and Remember Ed Henry&Swedowski

Important 'anti-State Farm' note: It is the 9th month, the 12th day of a very difficult year for those who wait for the declaration of a lunar Hebrew 'yaroch' sign rather than trying to steal a copy of Declaration of Independence from the Smithsonian like a beast known as 'Nicholas Cage'.

Hearing Marshall University Daniel Withrow speak  kindly to me was much better than having Wisconsin and Marquette attorneys lie to me or lie in courtrooms because they have less ethical standards  than a living dog,   Richmond Spiders are not a joke, and neither was the Rose of Sharon I left in Atlanta before finding my way into the Philips Arena to see Brian Little and just missed Chris Chelios. Badgers are more interesting than most beer commercials and badgers do not accept the concept of 'Stay thirsty.'  Boston games are tricky when David Ortiz is involved and professional sports match-ups often more rigged than a Gecko and a Javelin team dumped into Marquette Golden Eagle illegal activitiy seminar.

I do not know if the following numerical details are correct, but these are what were used in Disney's rendition of 'Remember the Titans':

'Rev' - 10
Ronnie Bass 'Sunshine -'12' and he went onto South Carolina, just like I did after my 'sunshine' faded into a protestant failure line
'40' Petie, who took over at defense for 'Allen 48' at the game against Marshall
'81' Julius Campbell
'42' Gerry Bertier
'73' the obese linebacker

Confusion might still be at the number '42'., and it does not make it any easier when in St. Lucia, there was a Peter Campbell and a whole bunch of 'rev' types. Since Shane David Hendrikson chose some new unsaved woman to shack-up with named  'Sheryl' or 'Cheryl' who clearly wasn't Yoast nor a beautiful godly woman, you might as well try to give Sharper, Stock and Chelios a mulligan at '42'. There is no 'Superman' anymore, since Bertier is as dead as Ronald Reagan.

Try and update your reality checks  with the following fact:
Donald and Ronald Brown went to Milwaukee Marshall and became real detectives that actually did more good than a bottle of Coca-Cola in their community even though they failed in many ways as many humans do.  Luke Donald is a professional game boy who is of nominal value when it comes to spiritual warfare evalution.

I don't play 'fake 23'. I know that a holy God rejects scumballs like Jason Alexander and Denzel Washington as easily as I can reject holding a conversation with a police officer who has less real experience than I do when it comes to substituting a banana for a Bavarian ground hog stick and tossing it to a loser who wasn't even there to make a reception. I don't try and save pigs but I do try to save humans from a pattern of sin by warning them. No one is going to beat the chocolate out of me, and I know that blue and red are more important than black and white when it comes to Ark of the Covenant time. There is no blue in the German flag or Polish flag for a reason.

There is much bribery and cheating going on in sports and legal battles as there was in the time of Jerry Harris and the Titans Virginia ball era. I can detect a problem at 1405 as easily as I can detect a problem at an ESPN #4005 and bad Wolverine problems. Amanda Garfield isn't Mike Peterson of Mosinee; even  Jack Campbell team from Port Huron could tell the difference between Garfield and Peterson 20 years after they graduate from high school.

 I appreciated my high school education and I despise actors like Denzel Washington who pretend to be a 'good guy' and then obviously are actually very bad humans. Don't let Denzel ruin the reputation of a man like Ronnie Bass or Bill Yoast or Ed Henry. Some men are able to coach 'all white' or 'all black' teams because that is all they have to work with.

My son Richard used to be my 'sunshine' and he used to be number 15 on a Mosinee Indian team. Now, he has gone the  wrong way just like the rest of the anti-Philadelphia church and it might be impossible to get him to return to Yehovah's plan.  Buzz Lightyear and Forrest Gump is a path to mental destruction and spiritual depravity, not to reality.  I still have a good memory of South Carolina and Sidney Rice to keep as a bright spot in these very dark days, and no plastic toy can replace real soil and real people.

When strong men fight too hard to get away from holy women, they break a lifeline that had been there to try and land them in a boat with the apostles. Even big fish get destroyed by real sharks, but not by Swimmy. There is often a game fish within game bird, and agent 77 handed out bananas in 'Get Smart', not Bavarian sausage sticks fit for a Hindu. Pfizer is not a name you can rely on and many people lose their 16th tooth to Reggie Westphal types.

M9> Trying To Understand A HUGe War About 'Inner Space'

It is extremely odd to watch 2-state arguments, and it has been declared that a vertically minded nation opposed to a horizontally minded nation has the right to strike first if a perceived enemy enters its airspace.  I am thankful I am not in the military trusting in guns and politicians, but let me attempt to reveal to the  atypical family how a similar situation occurs on a small but NO LESS IMPORTANT scale.

True historical scenario:

2 individuals representing two different nations are sharing the same living space on earth. After a dispute within the horizontal system, the two parties maintain different sleeping areas and different bathroom areas. I represent the mindset described as pro-Moses anti-Nazi; Shane David Hendrikson represents the mind of a Nazi and became anti-Israel, and he crossed into my bathing area after previously declaring his hatred toward me. Past attempts to defend my privacy and my safety by simply locking the bathroom door when I was in bathroom resulted in Shane David Hendrikson filing a false report to the Marathon County Sheriff's department, claiming I was threatening suicide and had a gun. The sheriff's department then committed a grave sin against me and believed  a liar rather than believing me, who understands that lying to an officer is supposed to result in criminal charges of obstructing. Shane David Hendrikson is guilty of obstructing officers and therefore, obstructing justice.

On a subsequent occasion, while trying to remain safe in an area that I still had rightful ownership of but was in the presence of enemy Shane David Hendrikson, he entered MY BATHROOM, my airspace and I delivered one weak and non-fatal strike to defend myself since I had been arrested before for LOCKING THE DOOR for my safety. As it is in Turkey, so it was at 1602 Mary Lane, in Knowlton, Wisconsin.  Once 2 parties have split mentally and no longer worship the same 'God', peace within any space, be it indoor home space or outdoor national space never occurs. I ended up being a refugee who was forced out of my family's turf, so I am no different than a Syrian who does not feel safe in Syria now. However, there still are no barbed wire fences between Wisconsin and Michigan, but there might be a day when we cannot even relocate from state to state  because the United States is like a giant version of a dysfunctional family that has a severe lack of love of the commandments and the peace-making methods explained in the Torah (the scrolls, not a girl named Torah) . The spirit of most of the people of United States population has a strong, evil seemingly unquenchable desire for sin, has marketed sin in the media and spread their filth all over the world. It is not easy to remain clean, holy and anti-sin when surrounded by the deranged practitioners of lawlessness typified by the typical politicians  and most unholy religious leaders.

  People such as Stuart Rottier have done all that they could do to ruin my reputation by lying, ruin my chances to even earn extra money in Marathon County due to his filing of a restraining order that did not allow my business to compete against my enemy,Shane David Hendrikson and his illegally formed  business. Rottier acted with hatred and hostility toward my father and toward me, and he lied in a courtroom. Such a man should never be able to claim I ruined his reputation by revealing facts about him and his type, and the Rottier type is anti-Moses and therefore equal in mindset to Hitler. Hitler despised the Laws of Moses and tried to destroy the people who did not reject the  teachings of HVHY, and that fact is indisputable.

A house divided in mindset is just like an earth's population divided in mindset. My airspace in my bathroom at 1602 Mary Lane was as serious to me as Turkey's airspace. It is not always mercy to give an enemy what they want, and giving an unrighteous anti-Moses man a divorce ends up being a curse on the petitioner and the attorney who despise the concept of counseling and reconciliation. Blessings are a reward for working righteousness rather than practicing lawlessness.

Wausau Police Department and/or a male who claims to be 'Officer Peterson' is still trying to contact me by phone regarding my blog post on October 12, but they did not state a year. There seems to be some kind of concern over my delivery of free pork to the doorstep of Stuart Rottier's office, but I certainly know that delivery of food that was paid for in full and not declared illegal in the United States is not a crime. If they want to cite me for littering, what a shame that would be to Wausau Police Department.  At least I wasn't dressed like an Easter Bunny or Santa Claus when  I left food for my enemy instead of leaving cigarettes for him. Since I made a safe underhand pitch, technically I made 'pig fly' for a short period of time.

Here is a copy of my report that is concerning to Wausau for some reason, and remember that 'beat to a pulp' can mean a race for some orange juice. Idioms can be used to the peaceful person's advantage. There are some spelling mistakes, just as there are in many court documents, but I am unable to correct them since access to my Wordpress blog is still  unavailable due to computer err.

Bait Warning:’Consider The Ant’

As I prepare to rejoin my bowling team in Shelby, I feel the need to write a short report, especially since I have one friend who actually wrote me to see if anything was wrong since i hadn’t been writing. One friend, even if unseen, writing to me to check on my condition might be like the apostle Paul writing to Timothy.
Since there still is a virtue known as ‘patience’ that exists in me (corrected from my), it is not a substitute for ‘vengeance’. When a person wants to destroy a colony of ants that might have infiltrated their house, they are able to set bait traps which seem sweet but are actually poisonous to the ant. The ant, who is unable to read the instructions on the bait traps, takes the poison to its colony which infiltrated the dwelling(house) without the invitation of the other dwelling occupants.
If a person or animal is invited into my dwelling and gets my scraps at table side, they will get clean scraps from me. Since Stuart Rottier entered and infiltrated my dwelling without my permission, thereby defining him as an enemy’. I decided to ‘feed him’, just as I had fed other enemies. I searched for just the right bait, and even Twizzlers were too good for an attorney like Stuart Rottier. I chose to deliver ‘Neuske’s Bavarian Sausage’, a legal purchase in the United States but unfit food for even the dog of a good master. I even delivered it to the doorstep of his pathetic anti-Christ ‘law office’, since Rottier will never be invited to my house for a good meal unless he tries to redeem himself by paying me a huge cash settlement for his sins and crimes against me and against my father.
It is not necessary to feed your enemy that which will make them stronger than you when trying to apply the spirit of the Law’ to a civil or uncivil war. You may feed them according to their religious belief and anti-Israel appetite, since even Wisconsin lawyers have the opportunity to read Leviticus and read the the bait label before they ingest unclean animals parts.
What I did was legal in the United States and better than assaulting Stuart Rottier. If he needs to be arrested and/or beat to a pulp in order for him to repent, let someone else do it. I have to behave like a lady, not a Arizona Cardinal cheerleader. I also do not even want to touch the flesh of a cruel beast such as Stuart Rottier unless I have to try to defend my body against him or those like him again.
I will expound on my holy week later. By the way, the one friend that checked on me was NOT my son. My son is still too busy eating the unhealthy bait set for him in France that anti-Israel types led him to. I did leave a free message for him at his ‘non-Philadelphia church’, and I left a free gift for his mother-in -law, Lynn Snyder, in Stevens Point, WI., even though the gift was of ‘nominal value’ . I did not deliver the gift to Lynn Snyder’s house, since I do not want anyone to think I am  a Coke salesman or behaving like ‘Santa Claus’. Even hypocrites like free gifts that can’t save them.
If my recollection is accurate, November 1st will be exactly 1290 days after my divorce date of April 20th IF I was divorced in 2012. Does the year really matter to anyone other than a computer? Happy Columbus Day! I like locusts better than ants because the locusts aided Moses when Moses did not personally destroy the Egyptian Pharaoh assigned to his jurisdiction. I also am not afraid of frogs.

Maybe a few clarifications on here will aid Wausau Police Department and set there attack in a direction other than against me:
A) When an attorney speaks to you in court, the power of his words emit as sound waves and literally infiltrate your personal dwelling because his words can destroy your mindset. A living person always dwells in their flesh and has a right to defend their most basic dwelling which is their body.
B) As far as giving gifts to another person who you may have sinned against, it only gets counted as righteousness if you give the gift voluntarily, not by a court order. There is nothing preventing Stuart Rottier from giving me a generous cash gift which is considered unearned income and will not cause me to lose my  police department disability payments. Rottier already took far too much money from my family's cash assets in the form of attorney bills.  
G) A saint views pork and unclean animals as toxic to the body, but United States laws were not written by saints. I did not taint anything I purchased, since I prefer to have my enemies learn to live in fear of HVHY than die before they repent." Perfect love casts out fear." I guess I do not know what happened after I left the unclean meat delivery and it is possible that another person might have picked it up before Rottier or his staff did but I still did not commit any crimes. Perfect love also has to retain a sense of humor as well as sense of personal defense including 'the right to remain silent' and not return phone calls from people who are not your real friends.
D) Rottier is a cruel beast who attacked me financially and mentally when I was very weak and fragile. An unsaved human is mammal which is a beast often more dangerous than a German Shepherd named 'Noodles'. 

Monday, November 23, 2015

M8a>Beware of Jebulum's 202-931-6507 Leaven ( Jimmy Pepliski Version)

The computer is not my best friend, and it seems as though I once again accidentally erased my first edition of this editorial.

A serious warning has to go out when too many mentally dangerous people such as Frank Finney  take on the role of a dictator and are no longer to listen to reasonable solutions to a problem either in person or by letter. Since I was forced out of 1602 Mary Lane, I have some very successful face-to-face conversations with members of police departments who not only treated me as an equal, but actually seemed to care about my safety. Those departments include (as of 2019):

Charlotte, NC
Rhinelander WI
Troy, MI
Richmond, MI
Chicago, IL
Marine City. MI
St. Clair County, MI Sheriff's Dept.
Ontario,  CA Provincial Police
St. Clair Shores, MI
Pittsburgh, PA
Ottawa, ON
Port Huron, MI
Berea, Ohio

Departments that did not care and that I left behind for my own safety include Schofield, WI, Wausau, WI, Bloomington MN, Shawano County and Marathon County, WI. If I get a phone call from a department on behalf of Stuart Rottier, I am not going to respond over the telephone to a person who cannot even verify they are who they claim to be.. Wausau Police department already got their donation of toilet paper from me before when they failed to respond professionally or seriously to my requests for service; they can go buy a Torah scroll if they want to learn more about the Law than I know. I wouldn't doubt if a male like Stuart Rottier bribed someone to  harrass me since there is obviously a huge problem in the Cutler statue area of central Wisconsin now or I wouldn't have gotten  a suspicious phone call from area code 715.

It is time for me to 'watch and pray' about the things I can see and maybe about the things I cannot control, just like hymn 191 of the Dawn Blakeman and Anders Lewis hymnal suggests. I will not protect  people who choose to push their anti-Yah religions into common public areas rather than restricting their 'church' to their own private property.  Richard Lawson is the only attorney in the Wausau area I  could recommend as honest even though he might lose some cases. If Rottier and Stacker do not like my review of them, let them write a blog report about themselves and post it wherever they like, even if it is on the doors of the vatican like Luther did. Verbal sparring is no different than written opinions that are non-violent legal rebuttals. Don't read what you do not believe in. I don't read the Book of Mormon even if there is something untrue in there written about me. There is no sense dragging into weak court systems what is going to be handled in spiritual realms now or very soon from now. I have no desire to injure another human unless I have to in self-defense so Stuart Rottier can tell Wausau POlice department to try to save their own families. If Wausa PD recovered property that belongs to me, they can send me a written notice just like Santa Claus is supposed to do this time of year. Of course, since I do not have any faith in Santa Claus, I do not expect to get any dangerous weapons such as BB guns that would clearly make me appear to be a threat to myself or others. Rice games seem like they are getting out of hand, and any parent who does not want their child to look dangerous to an armed police officer should let him or her walk around with boxing gloves and a Bible, or with a football or a hockey stick. I have seen serious bodily harm occur from BB guns, so I will even pray for the Cleveland Police Officer who did the proper move when he saw a real  gun, that could have disabled him, even if it was a small caliber BB gun.

Some people waste their time causing trouble for others and other people waste their time in parades. This is a time to try to keep your home safe and your body spiritually holy in spite of all the unholiness that permeates society. If any charges are going to brought up against Stuart Rottier, I suspect it will be at a higher level than Wausau, Police Department. Whether I believe in a system run by Phil Sosnowski, , Yahweh,  Moses, Justice or Grace=Probation, I know it a better system than Santa Claus, Jimmy Howard, Matt Nichols and Stuart Rottier.  I am not in a position to try to pressure people to make peace with me, which would include restitution. Maybe 'nominal value' is now 1 grape, but I guarantee that the value of a face-to-face conversation with me is far above 'nominal value'. If people who are not my friends want to talk to me, they can schedule an appointment to meet in public and can be prepared to pay me in advance for my time at whatever rate I feel my time is worth. I am literally sick of unrighteous attorneys aiding and abetting criminal divorce petitioners, and collecting way too much money from their clients in the process.

There is no sense dragging telephone conversations into Marathon County courts what is now in the hands of the spiritual leaders and those who I have not left behind.  The Wausau POlice department is no better than Linda Maria Meyer Hendrikson Costa in my viewpoint, which means I do not want them calling me. Whether you believe in David  Justice or  Henry Aaron might make a difference on a judgment day that isn't going to be handles by women and men wearing black robes..Could it be there is a bigger problem at 1775 shekels than Tretter, Pizza 73 and Skaradzinski73 could understand? Could it be that list in which I indicated that Karen and Roland Hendrikson got an F instead of a P now matters, since they were listed at number 73 in a list of people, including enemies, I had prayed for in the past? There is no F in Hebrew, so if you did not get a P, you might have offended a real prophet or a real angel of the tribe of Yoseph.

As a closing architecheral statement, let me indicate that the new venue for the Minnesota Vikings looks wonderful, and hopefully they never again decide to let scumballs like Tim McGraw and Faith Hill lie to them in public again.  'One of These Days' is blasphemy, not a song about how salvation is achieved.  Michael Redmond is not archangel material, so beware of seducing spirits.

In HVHY I trust.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

M7> Luther4 Isn't Geiger4: Games Won't Deceive the Elect

The results of same name games are laughable as long as you aren't gambling. Let me share some strange coincidences regarding scores involving Carl's team' and Ty's team. Methodists might like my M plan better than a Y plan, but the Y plan is tough because there are fewer options at Y.

A) McDowell is tricky in Charlotte, but let me assure Spartans that a Geiger counter team might be trying to hang onto a Tony Mandarich line closer than they will be able to hold to a Navy line. Packer fans often go too BROAD in Ashley&17 games tied to the exterior of the Suburban Macomb Sports Arena, and '86' is wickedness when associated with Victoria's Secret models. My family was more likely to save a injured animal or seek out natural stones than play with geiger counters and try to find useless jewelry, abandoned watches  and rusty old coins that aren't ever going to be worth a holy half-shekel. The Virgil Smith family does lean toward chasing after easy money sooner than they'd apologize to a representative of HWHY.
B) The Call Box, an amateur newspaper run by a lot of genuine bigots who are retired from the Milwaukee police department, switched to 'Carl's' for their anti-Meir party this year.
C) Carl, the 3rd person on my weak bowling team, wore a Northwestern shirt on November 19th and mysteriously, Acquine Jackson's UW-Badger team lost to Northwestern but scrummed up 7 points. Carl, a somewhat disabled Army veteran from the 82nd Airborne division, is my bowling teammate on Friday but is not part of the elect even though he has paid for a few of my meals.  The elect know that the consumption of unclean meats will disqualify a 'Christian' from being part of the sealed elect. My teammate 'Carl' nor my other teammate Donna will be bowling with me next Friday when I have to face the 'Mellow' team alone on 'black Friday'.
D) Urban Meyer stopped at 14 even though he is part of the Robert Scott Smith team. There may be a big split coming up when Terry Redlin lines tied to Philip&Bonnie Meyer hypocrites and their Green Bay associated State Farm  agents do not hold up well against Michael Sieve lines, Allstate lines and the Michael Gartner 'double trouble' checkers, especially when Ty Rice stays in the MSOE Jeffrey Brezovar mix.
E) The Big Ten football teams don't have anything to lose by losing a game unless they are gambling on their own teams like the idiot Peter Rose. I've seen smarter hockey players go from the north side of the Gardens rink at St. Clair Shores in order to 'beef up' the Richmond5 team, but I have not seen nor heard of see any forms of intelligent and holy choices come from the children of Shane David and Linda Maria Hendrikson since they made up lies regarding me and their father during anti-Halloween placement times. There might be a 'Linda in the Middle' instead of 'Mallory' in the middle, since my Darren Sharper jerseys were stolen in the state of Israel.
F)  F is for Atlanta.
G) My shaky 8th place but still Team#1 'Locusts' bowling team seems to be more intuitive than my 'Yo-Yo' team, but when at least 2 of the team members are trained in the martial arts, there is a defensive advantage not tied to any realty company. When in doubt, do not despise the teams that refer to the plagues against Egypt, including the lowly frog.

I hope the above 7 Lightning fast points  lead you to a path in which you remember Elmo, my brave dog who attended more anti-Christmas gatherings than most.  Brian Berg and the blasphemers who openly deny the  original declaration of the sabbath day and openly have sided with the Vatican have led more people away from salvation than the donkeys who strayed from Kish.

* Shifty 8 team: Be careful at element 86 and it's corresponding weight, which is not the same as Calgary Nurse25. Max Domi isn't Max Headroom.. Too many games with Coca-Cola  and fictitious room numbers will continue to prevent humans from gaining knowledge required for salvation. John McCain's works aren't good enough for him to escape the wrath of HVHY, but Shane Doan's might be. When you claim you want term limits, stop running for re-election to prevent being numbered with the hypocrites!  Yehovah's elect don't try to be elected to public office.

M6> Tishri Is Not the New Year

A clarification by Monte Judah about why the turn of the Hebrew year is set after 6 months is now acceptable to my mind, but the turn of the year is not when the annual day count begins. It does make a bit of sense to admit you must get past the halfway point of anything to be closer to the  to the proper end zone than getting dragged back to 'Day 1' and keep trying getting stuck at Shavuot because the Pentecostals ignore Yom Teruah for some reason. It is near the end of day 244, and I clearly remember that a Milwaukee squad numbered 245 backed me up as I went into 700 S. 4th Street in Milwaukee to get my high school records. I appreciated the police presence as I went into a zone that was no longer  as friendly or familiar as it once had been to me.  245 w. Lincoln is also the address of District number 2 in Milwaukee, where my son was seriously punished, with the wise approval of the District 2 commander back in about 1989. My son was not physically injured after I had discovered that he had been stealing money from my grandmother; maybe if I had whipped him like some parents do he would not have stolen from me or anyone else again.  I certainly did more to try to correct my son's sins than Roland Hendrikson ever did to try and correct his son's sins. The blind do not see lightning, but they can hear thunder.  Good parents do spank their children from time to time but do not use electrical cords or wire hangers; a good wooden spoon or spatula is safer to use as a paddle to try to correct a child than turning him over to a foster home or an emergency detention center. A man named Dean Noonan knew exactly how good physical punishment should be administered, namely by the child's parents in the presence of a witness who would be willing to protect the child  with his own life if necessary. Dean Noonan isn't perfect but he had more courage  in family intervention than Brian Berg and Doug Allord's followers and certainly warned those willing to listen to him in a more stern manner than Keith Johnson ever warned the Minnesota Vikings when it came to proper attire and conduct befitting of saints. I dedicated the lyrics to a song, still without music, to Dean Noonan.  A few adjustments toward Moses and away from Santa Claus can make a huge difference in the outcome of a 'church' or 'state'.

There is an 'n' in English Thunder, and there will be a long pause, maybe days or weeks or months before I complete the following 'good I formation' sentence:

I _am being sanctified by Yahweh________________________.

H5: Is Colleen Gartner Equal To Colleen Mullaley?

Since I am unable to make any adjustments in one venue, namely Wordpress, I will continue to try and do repairs on this site. I am going to post a copy of my work without Ruben Burgos looking over my shoulder since the isn't Ken Werner's math class.

Where there is a Will Herring, there's is a split at Kennedy and Saph.  I had written a few wills in the past and they were constructed very carefully so that unholy and ungodly people would not use my money like drunken, gambling fools. Once I got divorced, all my past wills became obsolete, and my existing will is Trojan-based, not Mosinee Indian based.   Without a son willing to assist me in the recent past of near future, those who have shown me hospitality after my divorce get remembered, not dismembered in my will.

In the interim, know that Will Zahn's family is very different than Will Holman's family in my history, yet there was a time both of those 'William' people were never anything like Mary.

Here is a special  squad legend intended only for those who know I'm not nor ever will be part of Sam Bernstein's family since Yahweh's team has to be far more just and more righteous than any USA attorney.  Here's a 'Elmer Poppendieck' type of education, online o course.

Non-Random History and T.Monk Key Bar Exam Challenge

Is this a holy card? No, because Muppets are unreliable witnesses.
Is this a holy card? No, because Muppets are unreliable witnesses.
According to some calenders, hard count day 1335 is the last day of Chanukah, which I do not celebrate since it was an ‘add on’ in a Talmud era.
#1327:  Not quite 1335, which is December 14th, 2015 according to some strategic hard counts
Strong’s Hebrew#1327:’to break into pieces/desolation’
#1295: Alfie Michaud’s birthday, also known as November 6, 2015
Scott Gomez: ESPN 312
Patrick Sharp: Panini Dallas mark #311
All of the above items of interest are good and Gooder topics of intelligent discussion  than Oprah Winfrey's menstrual cyclists.
I don’t have  to go to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to call out or pray to my Yehovah, since Jerusalem is no safer than going to a Las Vegas show with Adam Burish. I should have had the right to get free access to all my ex-husband’s bank accounts while we were still married, but that access was denied by Sandra Marcus, the unrighteous daughter of a coupe. Will Nechuta Glick fight for my right to regain what once belonged to me? I doubt it, because he does not consider  my former house to be an important site where holy events took place and subsequently was taken over by lovers of money. It seems as though Nehemia Gordon and Keith Johnson have fallen into a snare. They do not realize that the most precious sites on the face of the earth are places where you can plant crops, pray, EAT A CLEAN MEAL, sleep safely,celebrate the biblical feast days and expect to serve or be served by people who have the Holy Spirit within them. Precious sites sometimes have to move, and the name of HVHY might be left behind as a witness against the occupants of the site. For instance, my name will always be on the records of 1602 Mary Lane, Mosinee, WI even though I can no longer go there to pray or feed others as I once had. 1602 Mary Lane, Knowlton, no longer has the presence of a person who loves me or my family on the premises, but my family name remains on the deed history. My current dwelling has the presence of a person who loves Yeshua, and who could be considered an angel of the church of Sardis since I deliver messages to people who still don't meet the standards of the 'Church of Philadelphia' .
Jerusalem was a trap when I was there and still is a spiritual trap   to those who do not understand the spirit of Truth. An ‘open door’ is not always a safe door to enter. I am thankful I have the freedom to go to Sombra, Ontario and pray, read and study my neighbors and the Scriptures on the sabbath.  Strangers can see me from a hockey bench or the banks of the St. Clair river, but true friends are often no where to be seen to  keep a protective eye on me or listen to my plea for the addition of a loving husband, foot-picked especially for me and my household for  my remaining days. Although I am not afraid of such an iconic site as ‘the Temple Mount’, I know that  the Temple Mount is not as important as where I set my feet down. If HWHY's name is not on your mind or property, you will slip into deparavity quicker than a Raccon Baseball team owned by old Michael Gartner of Iowa.  Some writers continualy writes as opposition of Yehovah, but I am not opposed to Yehovah nor Yahweh nor Yehuah as long as those three are not opposed to my HWHY=26.  I and others who believe as I do need to start viewing their own  house as being a house of worship, a place you are willing to defend and a place you can consider to be a HOLY place if you are on the premises. People who do not believe in me will not enter into my house because of their disbelief. Even men like Keith Johnson get drawn offside into religious site areas at times when being at his wife’s side protecting his turf would be more angelic and wise.  Who has forgotten the directive to pray unseen, as in a closet? The Temple Mount area is not the same as the Mount of Olives, is it?   If you don't believe I exist, why would you knock on my door other than to invade and commit crimes against me?
English Note: Stop using the word ‘unbelievable‘ to describe events that have happened or that could happen. ‘Unlikely’ or ‘improbable’ or UNDENIABE are better words to describe events that are a rare occurrence that have already happened.  It is undeniable that the movie ‘Back To The Future’ is not Truth and was not prophetic.
Avoiding, walking away or running away from corrupted danger zones filled with unrepentant anti-Christs is not a sign of ignorant defense, even if you are wrongfully punished for defending yourself againsy evildoers. Joseph fled Potipher’s wife.
Getting out of the Dallas Cowboy system is like getting out of Babylon and getting a chance to at least get to the Central Church of God in Charlotte, NC on Sardis Road for a rematch against religious hypocrites. There is no shame in withdrawing safely from a venue that is without signs of the Way, the Truth and the Life that is pleasing to a holy God. A hireling might feel’ forced’ to stay in an area, but if he or she is a real lost sheep, they will leave the danger and the money games at the sound of the correct voice, whether literal or internal.
If you feel tied to the tribe of Dan or the color blue, you have to avoid being sucked into the Michael Rood military attitude when it comes to such important issues as ‘keeping the feast’ of sukkot or passover with a sound mind; taking a dog tag and fatigues and shouting ‘kill, kill, kill we will’ shows a lack a proper training by USA goons in the military and contradicts the foundations many MOTHER AND FATHER teams might have laid for their children.  When a woman learns to trust a psalm  to protect her mind and temper instead of trying to ‘convert the stubborn non-elect’ , the woman will strengthen her arms and get rid of her explosive ammunition.  Learn to dress like a actual human living saint that refuses to believe the lies that emit from the Vatican and from Washington, DC elected humans that are not part of the elect of Yehovah.
Staying opposed to  unholy and evil practices such as witchcraft, casino tripping and oyster bars  might cause you to lose ‘popularity’ but not your chance of being part of the tried and tested elect of HVHY. Sadly, the Minnesota Vikings sidelines still look like a pimp line or a bunch of St. Pauli trash that even Herb Kohl would take to his room sooner than he would start obeying Moses and the prophets. I am no longer a Milwaukee Bucks fan, just as I am no longer a MInnesota Viking fan, but  I do have to wear clothes that will cover me better than a bikini in public. Bruce Springsteen sings and looks for concubines to ‘cover’ him, but I rather keep decent clothes and hope teams like the Minnesota Vikings CHANGE to become more like the Pittsburgh Steelers and New York Giants; spiritual maturity should cause you to denounce women that have the attire of a strumpet in public and in private they fool themselves into thinking they are  born-again Christians or some sort of good role model.  Some veryf good women have lost their title of ‘Mrs.’ due to a divorve from a husband who  eventually was attracted to another man. Some kings are as ignorant as Larry King, but few kings are as wise as Evil-Merodoch. People might want to start praying for the Vikings, and remember that Napthal (deer)i is a better name than  ‘Milwaukee Bucks’ . A tribe assigned to warn will be blessed if they complete their task and refuse to sin in the process. The entire MIlwaukee area may be have been tricked into an ESPN 4289 Gartner problem instead of being guided by the influence of Rhinelander 4287, a telephone number that became a legend on 'Hogan's Heroes'.  Army=Ashley Maria Henrikson, not sanctification.  I can see that the Detroit Piston owners are  just as despicable as Shane David Hendrikson,since they wrongly think that a child with cancer would be 'blessed' by being taught NBA 'dance squad' nastiness rather than be instructed from the book of Leviticus.   A horrible man allows  his children to be cursed since he despised the instructions of Yahweh and thus despised the LAWGIVER. Yah.  If the NFL is afraid of the letter L, they should be; switching to ‘Superbowl 30’ instead of sticking with the Roman L=50 reveals just how careless the NFL is at mindset.

 The best teams know how to avoid being part of the present day Superbowl, which is filthier than a sanitized Crane toilet. A business that stops doing  good righteous deeds and deploys wickedness is commonplace in the media, so uncommon measures have to counter the ongoing plague of wickedness in order for the good fruits to survive.  Relying on revised numbering systems can lead to failure of the system, since once a constant is removed instability occurs in communication.

Some people would rather have a 'Sally Rogers' position than a 'Aaron Rodgers' line that is subject to the wrath to come in the same wave that frogs were deployed in Egypt.  It is actually impossible to please HVHY without submitting to His good and holy laws and promoting pork sausages isn't pleasing to HVHY. First and 10 is when a lamb is picked; 7th and ten and its Yom Kippur, and this may be your last call and opportunity to clean up your home or AWAY turf. The Pittsburgh Steelers are part of the few that realize a good man won’t let his team get entrapped in a 'We hate NOBODY' situation.  Once you learn to trust NOBODY, you might decide to behave as though you love Yahweh by learning to do what he expected Yeshua to do. 
I understand why Yehovah’s chosen people are supposed to break the neck of a heifer if the find a dead human body that they did not murder; if you don’t understand the reasoning of that commandment, seek me out and I will explain it to you. Using chalk on the ground to review local USA history is better than forcing tattoos on someone else such as the Hitler administration did.
Equal Lefts Fact: Based on the artwork in the Macomb Corners Park, I would say it should be fine for any citizen to have a anti-abortion protest sign with them in the park. I don’t like the picture of Vincent Van Gogh, and am not opposed to looking at the reality of just how evil the United States is at the present time. I have joined in an anti-abortion rally in Charlotte, and protesting abortion is better than the Lebron James gand wearing ‘I can’t breath’ shirts, which is actually a LIE, not the truth if the wearer if still breathing.  I hope Lebron James gets shirts that say ' I can breathe until I die.'

The tough brown sheep I bought from ‘Wintersong’ and chose to keep  for awhile to learn what it like to lose an animal that you viewed as ‘the best of the flock’ had more sense and was  much cleaner than Lebron James or James Brown, the nasty dancer of 'Rocky' movies.
When Shane Hendrikson removed an expensive landmark known as a deer-hunting stand from my parents land in Knowlton, he violated a very serious law, more serious than my one biblically approved defensive strike to his forehead before wrongly trusting the sheriff’s department in Marathon County for JUSTICE. If Shane Hendrikson’s father had corrected him when he stole the A&W bear in his high school years, maybe he would not have tried to get away with as much illegal activity as an adult.  I am still Shane Hendrikson’s  accuser, not his defender nor will I ever again be his ‘lover’, his friend nor part of his family since my memory is still GOOD and the probability is that he will never be able to properly repent of his post-baptism revolt against Yahweh's people.  Men who steal without regret are undeserving of my love or my affection, but he can have all the attention he wants from the Lori Esker and Linda Maria Costa types. At least I knew enough not to grab him by his genitals before I fled from ‘1602’, which is the opposite of the number of a wolf.#2106.  Those who are paying attention to ‘opposites’ might notice Reggie White’s ESPN# is 157, not Royal Oak squad #751 in Michigan. 
Trying to correct  a stubborn fool is more important than doing nothing and letting the stubborn fool become and remain as evil as Frank Finney.  Releasing facts is necessary in order to see who really cares more about fact than December 25th 'Christmas' anti-Yahweh fiction.
The 28th of Av is When Moses Descended from Mt. Sinai, On the 29th, of Av, a perfect hand wrote the commandments again on tablets Moshe Ben Amram had to remake.    Michael Bennett of Milwaukee’s  primary  college was Wisconsin. Who decided to change the facts about Michael Bennett on his ESPN file? I noticed the change but few others would. There is a Michael Bennett #72 on the Seahawks and there was Michael Bennett#53 on Ohio State  Buckeyes. Changing facts to mislead is disastrous at  spiritual and literal level, so its time to think of topaz as the 9th and sapphire as the 2nd in order to keep away from the false advertising of Las Vegas, Nevada and to make sure others know that Michigan  actually isn't pure and the Department of Transportation is loaded with corruption.  Greek word #500 is actually the word for anti-Christ but not for Ed Jovanovski.  Don’t worry about a ‘tradition of winning games’; think about surviving wars and plagues, and stop using vain repetitions.

 It requires holiness to even be considered for tribe of Simeon and Truth ultimately matters more than your financial status. The miracle I long for is this: the wrath of my Elohim is poured out on those who refuse to repent even though they have been given many YEARS to repent.  When it comes to what you believe about Milwaukee Tech football history, it’s be time to be aware of Michael Korducki, Dennis Ware and Andrew Momon  types since not everybody ends up like Michael Bennett.   Colors suitable for ark of the covenant coverings matter, you not only have to take and pass  many tests but will fail some tests in the process that you cannot retake.  A Czech Republic remnant probably has more intelligence in spiritual warfare and courage than James Craig  Detroit types do, but that is my opinion based on the continual anti-Yahweh agenda that James Craig prefers.  I have  taken some  time to backcheck on media lines, but not all people survive long enough to do that and end up like the victims of Lori Esker or become as complacent as Marge Beine when failing to respond to an important message.

Since so many people have tried to cut the Bible in 2, I will eliminate segments of this post that some people have had 4 years to review.

 Don’t try to get ‘saved’ by gambling or trusting electronic numbering systems that have too much wrong information to pass an accuracy test.  Robert Skaradzinski, when matched up against Jon Pounders, might  decide to burn his Freemason attire. Adjusting to local decent dress codes is not deceiving others, since others can always question why you are attired as you are sooner than Larry Walker could explain why he chose 'Sponge Bob Square Pants' instead of a 'Jason Dawe' hockey jersey.     I never had any access to while we were still married, his M.O. is  Nazi, not ‘saved Christian’ and his attorney is party to his crimes that still have not been atoned for.  Intentional sin is not eliminated by grace; it is reviewed prior to a merciful or harsh disposition.

 Consider this thought: ‘I want to partner financially against ____________.’   I might put in 'Prince Charles' or 'Gretchen Whitmer'.  Hot-headed  types  like Steve Basting or Chris Chelios  do not trust everybody. People like me are smart athletic oddballs who oversee more than wildflowers and   have very serious information in their brain and which happens to be more real and reliable than ‘Paul Blart’ or ‘Everybody Loves Raymond’. Hating people who side with Israel but is not a good plan in short or Howie Long term systems, but its easier to identify the friends of Israel if you have a Israel flag up instead of Christmas decorations and the USA flag especially since the USA courts have gone anti-Zebulon. It is a BLESSING to be able to know who your friend is because you know to try and protect them. I’ve heard enough anti-prophet  talk to appreciate a good clean meal, even when surrounded by  adversaries.  I’ll leave the task of correcting them  to Abaddon or Satan or some good Muslim.

 At some point of entropy testing, Jesse Raczek= Bob James=Brad Ausmus, meaning neither has done me any harm that I haven't been able to survive.   I prefer TRUTH and non-drug ways to face life, including warning  hypocrites as needed.  If I only have to supervise myself with the very real guidance of the Holy Spirit, I can still say ‘Before I die I want to get married to a man who loves the Word of HWHY and me, or I want to be a paid spiritual warfare coach for a college  hockey team, a professional baseball team or a football team like the Pittsburgh Steelers, Chicago Bears,  or Green bay Packers so I can get out of debt and out of the ‘anti-Elijah' Frank Finney block of Air Force arrogance.   A human is grown up at about the age of 30 but mature at about the age of 50 IF you are on a realistic N=50 system.  If I am not getting negative results, I remove names that I think are too similar to me.  ( This will occur in 2020, AD). Positive and positive don't produce proper electrical currents.   No elect saint is afraid of studying the Scriptures, since correction is within what many refer to as 'the old Testament'. Titles matter and can mislead the careless very easily. Preparing to move from a place crowded with skanks and lying political prostitutes commonly labeled as 'congressional leaders' or 'mayor' to a place of solitude actually takes mental preparation.

 Brian Urlacher is not void of physical defensive strategies ( the area of Ur has been covered by Jon Pounder, not me) and the unjust Shane David Hendrikson has been void of GOOD spiritual defensive strategies put not void of understanding his check book .  My mind has been repaired through Yahweh's strategies, not by pills or believing anti-Scriptural methods.   Many wrongly have believed that abortion is the ‘best choice’ to try and hide their sin of uncontrolled lusts out prior to marriage. Sheldon Souray has a fair chance to be a spiritual warfare rookie and a sealed tribe of Yssachar member eventually.

If you got this far, you are starting to understand what 'the 5 hole' is really like.  If you reject anti-drug sound methods of re-evaluating past facts and refuse to accept facts into your brain, you can guarantee you will be considered brilliant by those of a sound mind.  I’d be thrilled to be able to move to a less expensive house in a community closer to a good hockey rink but moving is not simple and I’d rather not do it alone unless I have to  prevent myself from committing a crime against a stubborn pagan.

If you want to be active in a 'Bon Duel' against evil, corruption and spiritual stagnation, study these squad revisions before your put on your next numbered jersey. Again, if I can help a few become pro-Yahweh, I am a good guidance system operator!

SPIRITUAL SQUAD LINE UP: A) Michael Gartner's A=Boston unit.    Church games  often lead to real international trouble; be careful not to be affiliated with groups that wrongly believe that talking anti-depressants is how saints handle stress after being victims of harassment.  If you do not inform the suspicious that their suspicions might be appropriate  and not paranoia, you are  as dangerous as a demon and you won’t have a Michael the Archangel mindset.     This is actually squad '59' now, based on Gartner's non 1938 DOB.

(It is now time to pause to observe the Philadelphia Flyers... More revision should be occurring soon.)
B. Jaromir Jagr’s  Black Bonnet Penguins and  Orange Belt  Unit. No actual descendent of Shane David Hendrikson will ever be able to defeat this team, and blood relatives or spouses of Shane David Hendrikson can't qualify for this team according to my plan.  There is no 2 in 54499, but there is in 55027. Family arrogance is a serious problem which leads to failure to repent and thus, failure to obtain mercy and forgiveness from HWHY.   Go to squad 54 if you won't believe that the Beit is the 1st letter of the Torah scrolls, not a T.  This squad WILL BE anti-Macomb Mavericks and Anti-Rochester Rattlers and can’t be anti-Philadelphia for Keystone state reasons. Men like Richard Geske might have been going in the right direction; Catholic masses do less good than a pinocle card game with a meal at home if you are allowed to speak about the Bible at home.
G) Thomas STIGLER's Middle G=Sheldon Souray's Elk Point  Strategists.  Only the tribe of Gd has a G in it, so this has to be a narrow minded jacinth=iolite team.  Go to Squad   A if you can't believe that Sheldon Souray has more potential to be sealed than Robb Stauber. 
D. D=500 Ed Jovanovski Corner Stones.  ‘Be4 is in Beryl.   Be careful at 5=E, because the 4 can = Cleveland teams in 4th up situations and can equal Team Lindros in 4th down situations. 
H)   Hey is For Haggai,Hedberg and Koslov.  If you reject the  Yehovah=YHVH plan,  go back to the A=Curtis Joseph team.  If you neglected to flee from Playboy figures, you won't pass Wayne Bloom and Michael Enos in a 1st Yehudah seal test. 
V. Don Sweeney's Bruined 166th Manessah Unit. Motto: ‘ The W team is our adversary, not our enemy’.   Make sure your Yahweh or Yehovah is able to deploy actual offense against Mrs.  Thomas Wahl,  Mrs. Shane David Hendrikson and Roland Hendrikson's anti-Yahweh religion.
Z.  Sharper Richmond Spiders Band #83.   Steve Forbes can't even buy his way into the 144,000 even though many schools have played his 'Rankings' games.  Your household depends on your ability to detect frauds and reject obvious pro-Santa Klaus systems in power; alleviate fears and don’t envy people who went to Super Bowl LIII.
C. Common Carbon Level RaCCoON Squad: This is the team suitable for Christopher Jaeck and his chemistry friends from Milwaukee such as Colleen Mullaley that may have departed toward Iowa rather than toward Ottawa's Michael Alfred Gartner. All you have to do on this team is try to remember: 88+6+27+8+7=136, not 13.386.
T. Ron Soreanu’s Top of the 9th Topaz  Unit. This is the alternative to ‘too may unrealitic actresses, Olympians and politicians’ who might try to save a dog before they would try to save a marriage or keep the commandments.  History and knowledge of places like Mt. Horeb and Mt. Sinai matters. People who fail to rebuke themselves after studying the Bible for years end up like the widow of David Snyder or Thomas Wahl, which means they fail to comprehend just scales. 
Y. Rodger Dykes Bowling Split & Sean Garnet Whyte's Y Keepers. Maintain an ‘Anti- witchcraft’ position.  Try to be Badger, billiards and Alexander Hamilton smart@Ten. If you have to do a Pm move, go to 16=S which is the Hebrew reverse of 61.
K.  Bruce Mountains Ontario Special K. Cornell Squad. Motto:Only a suicidal demon would sing:’ Take My Breath Away'.  My grandmother’s garden was better and fed more people than any presidential lawn ever did, unless we go back to the president’s who knew how to farm and actually work for their food supply.
1532.  Ben Hogan's '53 in the Middle' Schobert team and Southampton Silent Train Unit.
L. Brett Lindros,  Jarome Iginla&Johnny Oduya’s  ‘Anti-Carrie Underwood’ Deep Red Robert Scott Smith Lobsters.  This anti-fiction unit is not open to any Sunday worship  ministers or anti-1532 people.  Warning to blasphemers:Don’t name your child Levi unless you respect and are prepared to  teach and follow the order of Levites. This team must be anti-3979 and should be anti-5288 tp resist becoming lukewarm.
M. Michael Vick and Mario Fate's  Mem=Mannesah 13'ers.   Be  alert, not complacent when politician deputized uniformed officers are nearby; they might be lost Gd sheep…. or playing stupid  for BERYL 8's sake. 2 Michigan Wolverines might qualify for this team.
N. Nitchke's Special Capital N unit. This team is the equal and opposite of the Pittsburgh Penguins and Mario Lemieux.
S. Slippery Rock Entropy and Samech Specialists: Since this letter is part of Samatha Ponder's name is  it nothing like the Sh=300 unit. Motto: The Samech doesn't PLAY  60, we are Squad 15!
P. Paul F. Stanton;s ‘Anti-Deaf’  German Cold Chocolate Penguins.  Keepers of the Hebrew P Body  must refuse to tale any political position in the USA or Canada in order to remain set apart from stupidity and hypocrisy.
81. Miroslav Satan's anti-Abaddon  and anti-Lucifer Unit. 
Q. Phil Quigley's Milwaukee Road Queen of Spades Crew ( 'Little Ricky' caused trouble for the Queen of Spades on the 'I love Lucy' show when 'Carlotta' showed up, so we have to revive this  card unit and reject Freddie Mercury.
Lithium Squad 3. Mark Messier's Point Beer Fishy Canadians (This team does have to choose between V and W as the 6th letter of the Hebrew alphabet and then go to that team as soon as possible to avoid being bi-polar in crucial decisions.)
22.  Russell Kempka’s Extremely Even Steven Kream Team.  Being excluded from a private party does not prevent you from going to  a public restaurant to feel welcome and have food and shelter during the tribulation period. Reactions to sudden exclusions can be anywhere from ‘ We do not need YOU since we are Yahweh and me’ to ‘What the hell is the cause of your pro-Lightning Anti-Bear coaching problem?'  Mitchell Leather briefcase matters as much as a ticket out of France, so 'Thou Shalt Not Steal' is not going to be done away with in the kingdom of Yahweh!
356.  Lean Pennsylvania 'Golf Buffalo' Club. The Ark cannot have wheels, so get your spiritual head out of the gold rings and Olympic games and into thinking your feet are your first line of transportation when putting.  Health matters and when you have  choices at L but not at P.    Notice hats, colors and numbers on people and disregard or REBUKE people who talk about ‘magic kingdoms’.  We can buy and read Bibles but can't buy Dusty Kleiss anymore.   Keep your current and past ‘canine’ units in mind, as well as remembering who wouldn’t help you when they SHOULD have. A good MEMORY system includes knowing who who the liars are and who hasn't yet repented. Your literal body needs to remain sober and operable to prepare for safe and good security measures in a community still overrun with computerized idiots and unholy spirits who rebel more than the New Jersey Devils. 
1. ‘Psalm 1 Way’  749 West State Street 'Tricky Bob' Puentes People. Injuries are an expensive matter. 
623. Milwaukee School of Engineering Jeff Brezovar Spare Coffey Shop Parts and Ty Rice  Checkers.  This unit should try to avoid the arrogance of the Forbes magazine people.  Suffering and curses to those who disobey Yahweh's protection is unavoidable.  Modesty alone is equal to dressing in hockey gear; even Hitler gave out modest uniforms to his soldiers and allowed them to eat foods that are not intended for the tribe of Reuben.  Once you can depart from your private school problems and try to get past any other trauma you suffered, try to understand Dan and Napthali viewpoints. A medal from the Pentagon has NO actual value when compared to a holy half shekel.
77. Thick Pittsburgh Interstate ‘Anti-Blart’  Steelers.  This squads biggest problem is Everyone named 'Finney'.  Go to Squad B if you can’t handle objecting to Air Force arrogance.  Don’t be pro-divorce unless you can prove your spouse committed adultery without your consent. ( If you sent your spouse away to another man or woman to tempt them and cause them to stumble, you gave your consent for their activities and cannot press charges against them.)
4. Robert W Smith’s Parking Lot Wise Specialized Slippery Rock Lions. 
5. Shari Wharton,Jackie Presley, Pilar Gomez&Eileen Wolf’s control Unit of ‘Pujols'.  Study the letter Hebrew letter Yod!
6.  Church of Philadelphia, Paul Coffey and the Hebrew V team.
804. St. Matthew’s Technical St. Jerome Pinkus Squad  ‘Anti-Vincent Howard’ Groundwork  Strategists. This is a Patrick Roy team which can't be Squad 91.   This is known as the ‘reasonable cause squad'. (: Seeing the Macomb Sheriff deputies walk into the same restaurant where I was eating alone=having to look at Linda Maria (Meyer/Hendrikson) Costa when she dropped off her children for visitation; she never represented goodness and kindness or any form of biblical intelligence. I literally lose my appetite and feel sick to my stomach when I have be near someone like Costa who I knew literally hated me without just cause and who thought she was ‘better’ than me(deputy sheriff’s often have the same problem).  I didn’t have  the same negative feeling when squads backed me up in Milwaukee when I went into Bradley Tech to get my excellent school records departments, and  was glad to see a Shelby,MI Police Officer show up last Friday at the restaurant I usually go to. My ‘gut’ feeling is usually correct. As I recall, Costa said ‘I’ll apologize to you when pigs fly’.
8. Mark Recchi and Sam Lenda’s Asher Primary  Line .  Study the letter Lamed!
9.  Andy Bathgate's Yssachar Sneakers. That's the way the of the Penguins, not the Cross Movement!
79. Milwaukee Tech Girl’s Softball&Sister Smart ‘Assos’ Unit. This team should be anti-tattoo because the ‘gold’ standard is serious (remember the table of shewbread and remember Y=10 is a good Bryan Little and Chris Chelios Badger hockeY  constant). Go to squad 77 if you are not eligible to be on this pure alumni team.
11. Gregory Hanson's 'Beth Kar' Pet Food Detective Unit
10.  Benjamin Sheets ‘Pro-Truth&DARE Program’ David Akers Tough Musical Score Board. Yu must remain  ‘anti-Shane Hendrikson42’ on this Bryan Little Thrasher team.  This is a  ‘non-Jones’ method of using audibles and visual signals to draw attention to holy teams or steer saints away from possible trouble situations at Greek 715 (bears) vs. 517(mother). A ‘green beret’ who goes to Pete Carroll easily gets cut from the GA seals.   Divorce attorneys and Army are not superior to a Bill&Beth Cloud and Macomb Baseball chalk lines that don’t need or want Seahawks cheerleaders. Exchanging truthful information  is easier than exchanging vows and keeping them. Wittenberg,WI can try to put pressure on their ‘alumni’ at any time if they want to try to save their reputation or their souls.  Roland Hendrikson’s lack of proper correction of his oldest son, Shane during his second divorce resulted in a clear show of lack of morals in the Roland Hendrikson household. How far you can run doesn’t matter, but who gives you shelter does matter.(Serious clearance note: Wauwatosa PD should be able to re-interview Richard Isaiah Hendrikson (taken in by France) formerly known as Richard Edwin Ortiz if they want to clear an attempted child abduction case that was reported in about 1993 or 1994 at 84th and Wisconsin Ave. Richard admitted to me he made up the story  to avoid punishment for being late to class. What he did was far less problematic than the public officials who ‘legalized abortion’ but there might be consequences for lying to teachers and to Milwaukee Police officers, which included ME .Reducing crime is important, right?
41. Andy Brandt's Coach's Corner Back Tracking Squad.  This requires ignoring fiction  and destroying the ' anti-Marie'  strongholds at Rachel Hendrikson,Tony Dungy,Shannon Wahl and Ashley Hendrikson lines. Steve Brown the pulmonogist has a reasonable advantage over Steve Brown the Milwaukee police officer due to Larry Mizewski’s huge anti-Bible attitude. Requests from anti-Bible people to ‘stay away’ from their private property is still legal but  will hurt the anti-Bible person more than it will hurt the person who was rejected for their interest in the Bible's contents.   Reaching the 144,000 maximum sealed 7th day sabbath keepers requirement has to precede an order for Abaddon to proceed with his prophesied offense and for the best 7 angels to start becoming more than just a theory.
151.  Chris Chelios ESPN Lab Crabs   - humans shouldn't  eat crabs, since it leads to cancer!
61.  Milwaukee Trade and Technical Year of the Ox  Level  Ethical Standards of Physical Safety and Decent Dressing Unit .  Wise saints don’t even try to get on teams wth cheerleaders.  Try to  move along to at least squad James Bradley, Jr. level and away from the Minnesota Vikings Rudolph lines. Roll terrible ‘KMA-367 Gus Corbin’ eyes if you are in the vicinity of people who are obviously in an anti-holy state of mind. It is not the duty of good saints to deter veterans from their own self-destructive pride problems. The  USA military has had access to plenty of Gideon’s Bibles so they are without excuse if they have chose to continue in sin.
71.  Israel Idonije's Bear Skins Game Board of Correction Unit
388. Baby Ruth Pitawankwat’s  Holy  Tishri  Anti-Drug Trauma Recovery&Tribe of Benjamin Management Unit.  There is slight room for error at 3 but not at 151 due to the Y formation.   My doors are open to decent people but liars have a tendency to try to hide or deceive rather than repent of their sin.  I’ll pull a hockey puck ball out of a hockey net before I’d try to help a Linda Maria Costa or Roland Hendrikson's  team, but I won’t prevent a Hendrikson,Jackson,Snyder or Ortiz from repenting and getting out of their own anti-1532 hole. My son and his wife have a very uncertain future due to their anti-Yahweh standards of the past 14 years.  Just agreements require tough choices, and the city of Milwaukee is better than most when it comes to communications.
86.   John Mack was 51, not 86. This is a Jason Dawe team!
91.  Sergei Fedorov’s Zircon Smythe 91.224 Special Urim Unit (Ignore fake blondes and Kathryn Tappen types who are unwise and focus on ‘Team Am’ , ‘Team Pa’ , ‘Team Ag’ or team ‘Ga’ as well as good Pittsburgh  Panther kitchen table talk methods. Avoid horse races completely and do not trust fiction methods due to too much ‘Wizard of Oz’ and ‘Elizabeth Montgomery’ and not enough ‘EM=517’ vs. ‘Arktos’ tests. Professional sports systems and amateur sports teams might try to cheat in real games to pass money and assets to gamblers and criminals tied to politcal systems.. ‘Too Much Michael J Fox and not enough Michael Brophy tuins your perspective of trouble with doubles’.  Go to squad 50  or 10 if you are stuck at ‘Benjamin Franklin=10000 pennies’ and try to remember why the omer count is as important as Tishri 10, which have been set in place  like Sudbury and Elk Point, Canada.
20. Jermey Capps Mentor Ohio Garfield Hellcats. Remember your manners and honor your mother and your father!
12. Laura Wagler’s Technical Senior High &Inside ‘Pass’ Team.   Try to keep this team on a cautious amethyst or ‘Joseph is 12th, and Robert Smith is like a Lamed’  mentality, remembering that protecting pro-commandment humans in danger or leading them away from tempatations they can’t handle is more important than protecting dogs,cats and trophies.  Be ‘Anti-State Farm’ to stay Best Western wise this Purple D4 December 2nd&Brett Lindros  ‘birthday mark’. Eliminate ‘sagitarius’ thinking to avoid getting complacent about stone,mineral and anti-cult studies.
SIEVE EM: Eric Moore and Andy Shier's   ‘Pitch, Put and Potato Chip Wise’  Code 9 Team.
42. Weird Fluke University Dropouts . This must be an  anti-abortion squad that must be kind to rational Muslims.
52. Complete Book of Jeremiah Prudent Adults

62. 'Upgrade to Paul Stanton or Downgrade to Nash'  due to squad reductions.
72. Carlton Fisk's Dark Navy Bean Vegetarian Soup Group
245.  Byfuglien's  ‘anti-Shane Hendrikson’  Atlanta Fringe Sardius team. (This squad is not open to people with more than 1 house, and those who have declared themselves to be anti-commandment men. Without studying  you can’t help another human get out of sin patterns with then proceed to disciple level. A clean sense of humor can aid in times of physical distress, but is not a substitute for repaying debts or restitution after committing crimes against your ‘neighbor’.)
82. Aedan Hanley's Superamerica Front Line Candy Bar Code Kids ( yes, as in goats!)
92. Levi Watts Pizza 73 Ground Beef Unit. 
372. Sean Hill’s  New Badger Bowl  Unit. Be prepared for the unexpected around you, but do not get pulled into physical fights if possible. Brave holy women don’t reveal their cleavage nor their belly in public! A holy  pitcher has to make more decisions than a catcher.  Catchers do not save, and are not goalies in an hockey system. This is NOT a Macomb Sheriff Dept. Squad and is not a Raczek team. Try to follow or try  to lead  defense or offense properly. 
31.  Milwaukee Tech ‘Anti-Santa Claus’ Adar Fair Warning Cribbage Unit. 'Moshe Ben Amram was a leafer until he was 120.'
23.  Joel Lundqvist's Salmo 23 Team 
33. Olaf Kolzig's Placement Quest Team
43. Sprecher Entrance Exam and Ramp Art Smart Freeway Techs
53.  Sidney Crosby's Anticipation Squad : 'We are not always 58'.
63. Mr. Wronski’s  Tricky March 6th Wedding Watchers
73.  Wisconsin Rapids Water Ways and anti-37 Leaven Checkers
40. Patrick Lalime's Aat. Louis Blues Hues.... 'Behave like a locust if you can't behave like a lobster or a crab'
26. Sidney Rice's South Carolina Crimson Thread Heads
135.  Garth Snow's W Club.  The corrupted must become uncorruptible, that is, they must reject any form of sin and must reject lies,myths and visual delusions.  This is not a fable: ‘Shane David Hendrikson’ is still a felon who has not been charged properly because of corrupt government officials, and traffic stops are not more imprtant than restoring assets that were taken contrary to business law. If an evil man demanded that he be allowed to keep stolen property in the course of the divorce, a wise woman lets him keep the evidence that will be counted against him and will try to protect herself, hoping that government systems with MORE power than the ‘family court’ systems eventually do their duty and help her regain the right to SAFELY restore her assets. 
24. Jim Peplinski's Legal Chalk Art&Point  Les Brown Jazz cats. Look Up word Strong’s#5785 before you say you want ‘a bonus room’ instead of repenting for lying to officers,deputies, courts and submitting false information. 
34.Turk Broda's Weight Conscience G people. ( This team has to align with Sheldon Souray's team.)
44. Dick LeBeau's Robert Clary Style Walkers  ( You aren't pitcher material.)
54.   Waupaca Culver's Burger Jacks. ( This team is not King material.)
64.  Anti-Wickersham Gd Haven Ravens - be willing to feed a person who prophesies!
74.  Camel Island W Club ‘Anti-Samuel Jackson,jr.’ anti-Ashley Hendrikson’ Ultra Slick 4th And Bruce Golembiewski Bear Clan Squad. Real amateur teams are better than Paul Bunyun, Babe and computer-generated character  methods. (Be careful at Caldwell- Pope level; remember James Miller is not a good route&David July methods are decent and much better than LeBron James or Jayne Cler teams.)
84. Clint Cabbage's Texas Style Loose German Sauerkraut Makers. 
94. Jeffrey Zillner’s Outer Drive and Barrie Sound Water Snakes.   Be extremely careful at Xavier Rhodes splits, since Rhodes College is not Xavier University.
19.’ Anti-Jill Falstad’  Regular Hero Candidates.  Hiding financial assets during divorce proceedings should have been corrected by a good and honest judge but there apparently was no  good judge or any good sheriff’s deputy in Marathon county. My address was never 1618 Cty Highway C and misleading court records=misleading a judge and jury. This team sign should believe Psalm 19 or Marie E. Hendrikson, the author and editor or this non-Scripture production. 
15. Ezequiel DelFino’s ‘Anti-Lawlessness ‘ Zelma O. Lea School of Pasta Wise Olive Garden Testers.   What does "Donald Red phosphorous glow mean from  the lips of the German band 'Bride' ?
25. Viktor Koslov's Special Flint Stone Alliance
45. ‘Anti- Suburban Sports Group’ 'Spirit of Rob Deer' Bluejackets
Green 55. Sergei Gonchar Mosinee Zip Code Leaners Don’t get caught unprepared to change your ‘goalie perspective ’ to 50 or 39  if 1 or 7 doesn’t fit your numerical mindset.  
50.   Mosinee Indian Class of 1950 Shifty Dombrowski Sliders.  My father taught me how to fish without a boat, on shore or on ice, as we rested together on the 7th day of the week: Make sure you go to track 9 ‘ Keepers’ in case the wrong song pops up: . The 13th number ( Osgood) is known for chaos&waters, not for inner&outer stability.
75. Robert Delgadillo's Amarillo Ark Animals
85. Jon Michelizzi  Goal Line Change UP Squad.  You must be able to correctly write or say ‘The USA president is not my god.’  This is the only way to correct the Sonnentag Marine team. Establishment of the winning ‘B’ team is needed for Boron team. Harsh correction of family teams is allowed by Torah  if individuals do not confess and offer restitution as needed for crimes and their sins. (If Marathon County, Wisconsin courts&law enforcement won’t correct inaccurate information about me given to them by Shane hendrikson,they are party to a crime of obstructing and felony theft. As an honest citizen/stockholder, I should have the right to seek felony charges against the sheriff, DA and family court officials who disregarded state law. Any honest law officer understands my law enforcement position was compromised; onstructing justice should be the minimum charge against those who aid unfaithful spouses who defraud their employer/respondent.
243.    This Team can be an old  record and Bevent ‘Hoppy’ team, not a Phil&Bonnie Meyer  team. This might be where the ‘participant’  trophy types say ‘There we go Kermitm not here’ to get into the right Alexander combos ( Michael and Steve) and Lake Ontario levels.
60.Extra Green Wild International Feline  Style  Legal Anti-Las Vegas Samech Troop. If you have never been to Las Vegas after getting ‘saved’, continue to boycott Las Vegas and boycott all casinos. If you are stuck at Sudbury, stay with the Andrew Brunette team.
16.  Chad Pennington's Tennessee Glee Club ' " Be Thankful for anti-abortion mothers.'
480.  Sergei Krivokrasov's ‘Lumen Numen' ESPN Trombone Slide Lines
36.  Dalton Young Stir Sticks and Stock Market Observers
46. Wayne Rooney’s Grass Tips  and Clipping Squad (You can say ‘Up your Game With  a Prophet’s Name’ to be anti-Travolta and then say 'Nahum!)
56. Bob Bassen's Pick UP Sticks anti- Poker Chipmunk Unit
66. Stevens Point Highway Tourism Addition.  Very few humans are worth their weight in  Shekels due to wrong use of their intelligence. Safe houses work better than drugs to fight anxiety, insomnia, stress, temper tantrums and ‘post-vow deficit disorder’ which the respondent in a divorce is more likely to suffer from than the petitioner who lied to the wedding witnesses. Kissing can lead to adultery and fronication but is not in and of itself adultery and fornication if you are unmarried. 
76: Os can start Osgood, but GoodEr gets 68.
86: ’Anti-Colette Hubner’ Anti-suicide Plan of Jordan Binnington's Owen Sound Thinking
96. Dan Boyle's Standard Line of ESPN Demarcation Squad
89.  Basic Joe Cannan Wildcat Stick Smart Canna Squad (Do not think you can go ‘undercover’ on television shows or in movies and get literal bodily or spiritual protection;expect the worst case scenario if you have tried to make a mockery out of good REAL police department personnel such as myself,whether retired or active)
70. Rob Steffans&John Dorsey’s Central Ohio Street Techs 
27. Donald Brown's  Tricky NFL Tooth Communications and  Beryl Blue Jersey Unit. Past team affiliations can affect choices; for instance, I can choose to think like  a Wisconsin Badger, A  St. Matthew Greyhound, a Milwaukee Tech Trojan, A Doerfler Hawk,A MSOE Raider, a Pineville Chequer, or a Brownie based on past team and my alumni affiliations. 
37. Adam Kawatski&Lisa Swedowski's Paper Airplane  Veteran Tips& Nerve-Racking Billiard Unit.  .
47: Monica Moussai and Mark Wagner’s Good Accurate Ag=Silver Badgers.   This hard reality squad can legally accuse any person who has spoken wedding vows in a movie,play or television series legally married and therefore an actual polygamist. Words we speak ‘for money’ often amount to perjury or misleading the witnesses at hand. Giving account for our words matters, and police officers are often far less guilty of ‘false witness’ than the typical movie maker.
57.  'My Name is Havalah, not Shane!' Swift Current Bible Students Against Deceiving Spirits Unit
77. Steve Van Buren and Marie Hendrikson's Pineville Water Closet and Interstate Wise Carolina Lining Crew.  This team has be honest with and try to improve  their  own household systems.
87. Reformed Vice Lord Trail& Old School Nifty  Shifty Melvin Givens Crew (Jill Falstad should never have signed a court order that listed me, Marie Hendrikson, with an address of 1618 Cty Road C because at that time my address still was 1602 Mary lane; Falstad is should be charged with gross negligence and assisting a felon, Shane Hendrikson in his plot to teal from his employer and cheat me, his former and very honest wife, out of a proper % of our assets  Shane Hendrikson submitted a false  official report by listing my address as 1618 Cty. Road C in addition to lying to the sheriff’s department, claiming that my s-corporation did not exist when it most definetly still did exist. Lorraine  Mielke provided  emergency shelter to  me, an abused wife and victim of felony theft after a terrible court system used unjust scales  favored and assisted Shane David Hendrikson in his ‘takeover’ of my home and my business for some unknown reason.  
97. Kreuger Wholesale Floral Moral Standard Improvement Squad
80. Andre Rison's Unique Hitch and anti-Witch Brown Agates
18. Super Supper Club of Psalm 18 
68. Jarimir Jagr's non-Hoffman Drop-In Hockey Squadron
224.  Leroy Shaw’s Old School  Urim Stone Aged Cheddar Heads
28.  Nickel City Daughters Canadian Appreciation Unit
38. Milwaukee Howell Avenue Anti-Speeding Unit
87. Francium Secular Yellowjackets
88. Straight Swann Chief Musician&Key Republican Protection Planners
98. Minnesota Vikings Final Joseph Test Case and Point Root Beer Receivers
90. Elusive Vlad Namestnikov's Lightning Flash Signalers
29. Michael Vernon's anti-Uppity Shark Suit and Thai Game People of Johnny Oduya

Lots of revisions seemed necessary.  Bon Chance!