When decent, real police officers are murdered or severely injured, it is a rare occurrence to have the surviving family member sue the police jurisdiction since it is typically the family who wants to improve a community that has a police officer in it's household. A sin more wicked that the 4 murders that already occurred in Oxford, Michigan is now in progress and could have been prevented if the surviving parents of shooting victims had sought Yahweh instead of a greedy Michigan attorney who's name is too vile to type into my post.
What good will it do to financially penalize every other family in the Oxford school district? It will do no good, only will do more harm as the parents of the injured or murdered children seek unjust mammon that hopefully they will never receive. Rarely does family even take out a $500.000.00 life insurance policy on the family member who provides family income by working, so why think the victim of another act of unjustified violence is worth more of a 'death benefit' than that amount? It's horrific attorneys that come up with preposterous money demands and eventually more hate toward the victim's family is aroused than toward the juvenile who became spiritually depraved in a society that is loaded with spiritual depravity.
Here is a difficult question but one that needs to be asked? Did any fellow student invite the Oxford shooter to the school's Bible club meetings? Sadly, aren't there Bible clubs like Milwaukee Tech, a public high school, had in 1977 allowed in Oxford in 2021? How many children in the high ever attempted to invite the Oxford shooter to a church youth group gathering when they suspected he might have been as prone to anger as former Marine Jeff Sonnentag of Wausau?
The attorney who was hired by the parents of a murdered child is now the Anti-Oxford beast, and I'm not taking his name in my hand or on my head lines.
Reading Zechariah 12:10 is brand new to me now, since I view being pierced as being tattooed or needled to death by various unsafe, unclean concoctions that are not food nor nourishing to their bodies. Do the parents who hired a greedy, pompous attorney really want to punish the entire community more than they have already suffered or add more taxation to their neighbors burden without their Oxford District school neighbors having proper representation? If so, those parents have a seared conscience and lost their sense of reality due to trauma, which is an unholy condition that their attorney will only exacerbate.
🟡 A yellow light usually means caution when moving through a congested or dangerous traffic area. It's also in the middle of the Colorado state flag who's Governor finally made a good decision by rescinding the demand to mask it's occupants.
A lack of just scales toward your 'neighbor' also exists in thousands of college sports venues such as UWSP and Michigan State buildings. Ask a non-deaf person why the basketball players or hockey players are not forced into a mask that any honest doctor or educated 21-month old patient will admit inhibits their air exchange but the spectators are expected to comply with an facial masking order that inhibits proper natural air exchange in their lungs? Your not going to be able to go to George Matick and ask for a replacement heart valve or a new EGR sensor and only get an invoice for less than $1000.00, Once your human body parts are injured at a slow rate of speed due to abuse, those body parts not replaceable and might be able to be rehabilitated after learning how to better care for your own body.
If I didn't care about strangers, widows or orphans, I wouldn't express my anti-artificial thoughts here freely without sending a bill to or fining by taxation the reader of this site which releases thoughts from my temple area.
H3977 still is the Strong's code for just scales, not G3979. There's no clear blue skies in sight anymore.
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