Why is Napthtali Bennett is pimping out his state without any objections? As whorish women trample the unholy state of Israel with Steve Harvey leading them to the stages that are set up worse than a mouse trap with cheese from Rudolph, Wisconsin, let me assure you that such Steve Harvey acts are worse than anything Vashti has ever been accused of in Persian history. I wonder is Esther rolled herself into such an abomination when entered into a competition for attention and a pompous crown? Did Esther roll up her upper body garments like silly Green Bay 'Gary' #52 to get the attention of a lousy king?
I shouldn't be surprised that the state of Israel is so full of evident wickedness, but it still grieves me to know there is no regard for any of the warnings presented to any of the nations involved in the strumpet- filled 70th Miss Universe contest. Other stupidity occurs when a male named 'Esaac Israel' hurls insults against those who don't write the name of the occupant of the burning bush that Moshe saw as he does, namely YHWH, yet he did not have enough sense to use a Y instead of an I in his own self-made false identity while he acts a fool while using Scriptures, totally making light of Jehovah Witnesses who in fact do have some decent community behaviors. Esaac Israel jested at those like me who observe the blue fringe ruling as very practical rule, so without his fringes he does have something in common with the JW.ORG people. Unfortunately in the current Earth War in progress , those on defense as I AM have to be aware of what the enemy is doing in order to plan a countering defense system that prevents the spread of such a revolt against Yahuah in the area I am part of.
My life was extended in Green Bay, Wisconsin by Herbert Coussons but he couldn't prevent the divorce that ripped up my household like a Mayfield, Kentucky storm. Lambeau Field is rated G with the Chicago Bears running around in it's cold frame tonight, at the same time that Steve Harvey is aiding and abetting the ongoing defilement of the state of Israel, which tonight has become the habitation of strumpets, harlots and is rated X. Frankly. Harvey the rabbit of Jimmy Stewart clearly has more discernment than Napthali Bennett and Steve Harvey.
Vashti knew when to leave a zone so full of lusting men, even if the hypocritical occupants of Jewish assemblies try to portray her as an unfit, unholy queen in their annual Purim version of Halloween, which I was exposed to in Wausau, Wisconsin in about 2010. In the interim, it time to recall the Darrel Scoville scale, since Merrimack has been as a college specified for World War II veterans, many of whom also might have been lured into strumpet-filled USO shows rather than being redirected to FAST and pray. The governor of Kentucky did much harm to his own state as current Democrats like California's governor typically do, and now is it the governor who will tell those who experienced losses to consider the book of Job for a dose of reality?
Yes, there is a FAST #71 near Ethan Bear the 25th. Be somewhat thankful if you are in Lambeau Field tonight rather than at the Miss Universe debacle in Israel which has been designed to defile, not redeem any participant nor supporter of such immodest atrocities. Yes, I do believe the first part of Idonije means knowledge in Hebrew, as YDON. Yes, I do believe that Juan Carlos of 'Light to the Nations' has the most reverent presentation for a sabbath available freely to those who can afford to power up a computer. Yes, I do know that the number 1335 is related to a cut-off point rather than to dove's dung.
Would Jennifer Kujawa be able to explain the difference between the body of Shane Doyle of Linsdsay, Ontario and Shane Doyle the USA Crow if Jim Doyle was in the middle? Would Jill Zillner be able to understand Jill Stout, the mother of Mitchell Lewandowski? Is Stout the easy way out, since she reportedly has had to work 3 jobs to let her adult son play college hockey rather than making Bob Lewandowski work 3 jobs? Why did Michigan Wolverine #6 feel it was necessary to shove Guzzo#71 into Noah West#31? Was he trying to make a 7131 combo be self-evident rather than considering the more docile acts of bowling league #131? Behaviors might be getting worse due to whatsoever was actually injected into college athletes at the demand of those openly opposed to natural health care options? College students could have left college like some parents have been forced out of the USA military by the Biden dictatorship. As dar as ships go, the Bellavia is stuck out off the coast of California and I doubt if Chris Vadala is hidden inside of it with a load of FLuTeS.
Evil might be spreading like Green Bay tree, but evil seems to be gaining momentum in the state of Israel now while those of Yshra'el are scattered in various locations for individual retraining purposes. I suspect there are many Chicago Bears who would rather reside in Green Bay than in the city of Chicago in it's current extremely violent condition. As a Titan named 'Campbell' supposedly uttered to Garry Bertier #42, attitude reflects leadership.
Ideally, you can appreciate my non-ballet attitude rather than write me off as a corporate loss. Since numbers mean addresses in Milwaukee, why is it that Steve Harvey is on channel 1002 and the Green Bay Packers on are channel 1004 in Marine City's AT&T assignments? 1003 in the middle has never been a joke on Milwaukee's southside 31st Street, where Noah West nor Erik Portillo has not yet saved anyone. I suppose Michael Woodson vs. Charles Woodson is better than watching females in pay-per-view brawls to see which Ball game will be taken and which Ball game will be left when it's Dan Ball vs. Denita Ball rather a a volleyball named Wilson vs. Fedex workers.
Is it the Bellin Health Care Gate in Green Bay that encourages and allows murdering babies in the womb against YHVH's will and without the baby's consent? Yes, I used a V to represent the 6th letter of the Hebrew aleph beth, as is possible in Polish translations. What would Beryl Novak of Greaney, MN have used? As for UWSP trivia buffs, don't forget that the David Clarke that appeared in 'The Narrow Margin' with Marie Windsor was never the 64th sheriff of Milwaukee county. Also, Naralie Wood's act of praying to 2 candles and a statue of woman dressed better than a Barbie doll didn't bring Bernardo back to life in 'West Side Story'/
Henry Black is now of interest to David Oduya's 41-way test.
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