Mikell Clayton is bordering or already shifted to a form of Calvinism, since he is fully convinced that there is only a plan A for the world, not a plan B or even a plan D/ Such absolute inflexibility is not what Yh'wh is all about in my opinion. Yh'wh might have delivered a set of laws, rules, statutes and ordinances intended to improve the outcome of a community or household that believes his administration is preferable to the edict debacles emerging from various corrupted forms of government.
What's FEMA to you? Try the Balderdash options if you rather not ever again want to believe that emergency federal management is going to protect or defend freedom of religion or the right to end life naturally rather than by deadly experiments so wicked that even Frederick Nicholis of Canada is willing to say' no' to chemical sorcery in his veins like a well-trained non-hypocritical DARE officer should be trained to do.
FEMA options:
A) Federal Emergency Management Army
B) Former Eric Marienthal Audience
G) Former Eastern Michigan Athletes ( Charlie Batch is an example of the FEMA option which should be superior to any Biden plan that ever has been concocted by Biden the bigot
D) Football's Ephraim Menasha Assembly
H) Fictional Eddie Murphy Ass
V) Flyer Eric Manlow Airways
Z) Future Elect Men of Asher
Thus, there can be plenty of FEMA options, but the best option will never be A in the above scenario unless Mike Dewine is correct in assuming that going into a FEMA camp is optional for people who don't feel safe in their own home, and that then makes option A seem less 'Hitler-style' to those who are don't even have a car to live in for a couple weeks.
Plan A means all sort of things to various people. In Boston, it means the letter of Boston money, In hockey, it means an assist. In some schools, it meant being correct 93% to 100 % in a chemistry test. In sports teams, it means 'alternate captain' , etc. In some codes plan A is Curtis Shayne Joseph, and that is not the plan I am stuck in, though I understand that adopted children are sometimes not treated very well though the mother who chose not to abort her child probably hoped her child would be well protected. What if Plan A is Armada and Asher, then where is Plan L as in Lefty Smith? Once a set of blueprints is designed for plan B as in Breathing, our behavior affects our outcome or destination within something as essential as plan B as in Bethlehem Ben Salma or B as in Boron or B as the natural 3rd left side key on a piano. High B is 87 on a full 88 keyboard, not 85.
Deuteronomy 28 clearly shows there is more than a plan A, since plan A might be 'astonishment of heart'. I would define the heart disease induced by Iblis 147 AKA 'FAuCI' as astonishment of the heart, and such astonishment can be deadly to those who chose to be more like DeMarcus 'Boogie' Cousins and rather than being more like Kirk Cousins. It sure seems to me that being smitten ( slapped/whipped/flogged) was considered a just penalty for open disregard for Yh'wh's rules and regulations when the death penalty was not applicable but correction and public safety were a priority. Experimental stabs into people who put their trust in Fauci are not going to improve public health nor family relations. As a matter of fact, it is evident those injections were designed to make people reject the concept of discerning between the clean and the uncleam and those who know the contents of those sorcery injections also KNOW they are unclean, thus making it unlawful for plan Y as in Yahwehist people to choose F as in FAuCI.
The Mavericks Cousins+Chriss are always going to be inferior to the Wild's Brunette+Backstrom, not because of skin color, but because of unifrom division at -46. -46 is terrific, since it reflect that Biden is not really legitimately the 46th president of the USA, even if Kamala Harris has turned into a doggie-style pointer.
Terry O'Neill is not Terry Porter. Which of those Wisconsin Terry people is more like Courtois than Terry Bradshaw? Tell a Porter he is Terry, and ask who's Plan A's 'Scary Gary'?
At 235 HR's, Dan Uggla isn't Elisha Manning's total of non-scrimmage competitions, yet both have the potential to recognize Eric Boulton at 234.
Mikell Clayton has become too much like Michael Revere and not enough like Michael Alexander or Michael Korducki from the Robert Ziarnik recruit class of 1986. Clayton and Revere can decide which of them is able to improve their attitude when they hear an angel say 'Stop in the name of Yahuah or go in the name of HaShem'.
When it comes to a legend at 21, I suspect a Cinnamon Teal or Scandium is more encouraging than King Zedekiah, the 21st king according to the History Channel tonight. Sanctification is a process that requires a pro-Yehovah volunteer, not an AI artificial formation or a corrupt forced government injection.
It might be time to put the kabash on a situation, but for that a ram is required and a warthog is not acceptable. A locust is too smart to ask to be injected with biological warfare experiments and a locust also will not seek a tattoo. As for the intake of dogs, cats and other unclean animals into human housing, I now believe that is just as despicable and unjustified as the Catholic church hoarding 'Indian' children into their boarding schools and keep them apart from their real family and natural surroundings. Why have all the 'poor polar bear' commercials and act as though a polar bear has more rights to live a natural life than a cute puppy? When are real students of the Bible going to start viewing the property they put an accepted offer in as their 'promised land' and start behaving as the sealed elect rather than not wait to float over to Haifa?
When will someone preach, 'Blessed are the PACE makers, since they will see plenty of blood lines' ? Blessed are the pourin' spirits, for they shall buy and sell ginger brandy....right?
Raven Brown is a Murray State housekeeper, not Baltimore and Cleveland. Be care at MSU tests. I think people who trust Fauci with their children's health and future are similar to King Zedekiah letting his children get swarmed by the Babylonian army men because those parents have chosen not to repent and have chosen not trust the Creator's plan for health management and disease control.
Freedom of religion has consequences. Freedom of speech needs to be used carefully and truthfully, with age-appropriate context in the venue you choose to 'speak' through and with the intent to avoid gaining a teammate forcibly and with violence.
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