Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Test the Spirit of Yerimiyahu 4&5 For Replacement Action

 For this urgent message, I am using the 'Halleluyah Scriptures' and I am on page 476, not Neal Page/Steve Martin fiction. 

4:1  The word IF means returning to Yh-wh is a choice for Yisra-el, not a tyrannical mandate or unrighteous order to get stabbed or tattooed. 

4:3 It is imperative that the men who return break up their tillable land to sow a garden. Specific mention is made not to sow among thorns, so I understand that to mean that sowing in a crown of thorns  zone will not provide the type of output a household needs to survive. Have you ever tried to till up soil in a raspberry patch and plant crops among the raspberries? It's illogical to do so, and maybe plopping a crown of thorns on Jesus was a government judge's way of referring to Yerimiyahu's warning.

4:11  This verse is timely, for Yerimiyahu indicates a deception has been allowed. When a sword reaches the heart, it seems to be like Fauci's plan causing cardiac problems, which it does. In order to counter an allowed deception, the observer of the deception has to be willing to indicate what is not deception. Since Fauci tortured beagles, refer to a masked person as a Fauci beagle rather than as a dog who is willing and able to resist and defeat it's tormentor.

4:13 Mention of chariots and a whirlwind section blowing toward the daughter section (Dynah?) are not the same as 'Merry Vibes', but  Vibes are more neutral than 'Christmas'. If you cannot deploy Christmas trees out of your household, you have a 'Barry Awe' problem, namely, you have refused to choose to be part of  Yahwehist  Local #3068 and that is a medical option for many people.  For some people, erecting a Christmas tree or decorations is like self-medicating with an attraction that does less harm than a needled injection from the desk of Fauci, the tormentor of little animals. However, those who placate themselves with childish rituals are described in 4:22.  Thus, who will show them how to do good and wean themselves from a vain ritual that can be overcome with a wiser fiscal choice? I am going to try and fulfill the prophecy of 4:31 by suggesting an improvement to fiscal recklessness  that Joe Biden's Christmas partiers WILL partake in because they are not the elect of Yh'wh .

Cinnamon Teal Local 21 Deal*: For those considering the ways of typical Chanuka practitioners, deviate from that indulgence starting a real FAST on December 30th and  for 8 days, rely on the oils within your own body to provide fuel for you. Drink water as needed, but do not drink wine nor intake any  food that containers any type of oil for 8 days. No fried food frenzy like the P&C (Purim and Chanuka) Jews usually buy and gain weight with or sell and profit from during this season. Study about what oils do for your body, but essentially, you'll be preparing for a bodily oil change and seeing if there is a miracle within your own oil reserves.

Common Elder 34 Reaction*:  For those who have logically explained to their children why the spirit of Christmas is the spirit of deception and why erecting a dead tree in the house is nonsense that equates them with the dishonorable mention unit of Yirmeyahu 5:12. If at 6:17 you really have wanted one blessing, it should have been to be the blower of the ram's horn, not the person who refused to listen. 6:20 even mentions a SWEET CANE that Yh-wh doesn't need nor desire, so don't even accept a candy cane if you really want to re-present the spirit of Yerimyahu to the sugar loaf gangsters.

Trumpeter Swan Section 46*:  Go ahead and get an Inspector Geilow dill pickle stand or buy a large pineapple 🍍, Detroit  'purple gang' zucchini πŸ†, a Pulaski apple 🍎, a Roger Bartlett pear 🍐 without a partridge in it  or a grapefruit πŸ™‰ and decorate it with clove injections and cinnamon chunks to wean yourself away from the mindset of wicked politicians and HOA who tax people to fund their religious wrongs. You  can decorate a cucumber or potato to remind yourself we are still being oppressed by politicians though as in Egypt, cucumbers are available. Shove cloves, cinnamon sticks or other non-toxic spices into the vegetable and stick a candle in the top if you have secured it vertically in a glass tumbler or Moscow Mule copper cup enough that it will not topple, but make sure you eat it before it goes to sinful waste like the typical evergreen Christmas  decor does.  You also could inject it with 8 candles if the lengthy vegetable is set horizontally in a non-flammable dish such as a small bread pan if you are going to have a 9 Hole  Ring-necked Duck* Yssachar event  of or in Bevent, a Simeon Rice bowl.  Be military veteran tough with a potato  if you can, and decorate it with a purple heart or some military medal you received so you recall that it really doesn't take much courage to say no to wasteful Christmas traditions, but it does take an ability to refuse to follow the Roland Hendrikson crowd of Wittenberg swine eaters. Go ahead and be a bit flippant with your Dan Plante vegetable attraction as with the spirit of Elijah, but do not do anything to the cucumber, yam or potato that would make it inedible, since the order to till your tillable ground  at 4:3 is not a joke especially if you have known like my family how difficult it can be to till an area large enough to provide for your household with a garden hoe or garden fork.  (Tomatoes don't hold up well when subjected to spicy, infused decorations, but maybe a song named 'Yeo, Broccoli Tree' or 'Cauliflower Gurley' could pep up the band of locusts in progress if those are the best anti-evergreen options you can decorate and eventually eat. )

Chapter 6:25 is what has happened to many occupants of the earth. Some people have been ordered not to go outside and others choose such incarceration by working from the confines of their house or apartment as they try to deviate from Fauci's paid needle pushers ( hirelings) who might actually be trying to get you addicted to their non-placebo contents and their unclean intake mindset. The anti-Yahwehist who hosts 'Deep South Homestead' has claimed that there is a plot to poison our waterways, but that plot has been ongoing with the pushers of lawn fertilizers and lawns that look like funeral home landings in ritzy neighborhoods that have yet to till their own ground to sow non-GMO vegetables and instead intentionally and with knowledge cause toxic runoff into our waterways. That 'Danny' also lacks discernment since he has openly  rebelled against Yh-wh's meal plan.

Chapter 2:20-22   Have you ever been in a 2nd and 20 situation s a quarterback? If so, you understand a penalty takes you farther from the goal line after you failed to adhere to Moshe Ben Amram's 1st down with 10 commandments.  Look at the description of a whore, namely laying down under green trees.  Have you laid down presents under green trees so another can lay down to retrieve a freebie? Have you crawled around and down under outdoor evergreen areas to twist electrical lights around a green tree to impress your fellow anti-Yahwehists or the children who you took took get pierced with experimental concoctions approved by a wicked man who has been known to be unrepentant of torturing nice beagles? There is no need to rely solely on Chapter 10:2 like diffiCULT people such as Anders Lewis&Joyce Lewis of Wisconsin have done at the same time they willfully ignored the book of Leviticus instructions.

Maybe Snoopy  the beagle has to be recalled as a representative of a figure who would not want to be tortured with insect bites while in confinement.  As for those who choose to let their children become part of Fauci's experiment, you are not better than a person who chooses to have an abortion if your child suffers in some fort of bodily pain for no GOOD reason at all.

In a final exam, 'without recourse' become evident. This urgent message is dedicated to Rodger Sykes, Duane Derksen and Sean Hill, 3 of my favorite 1991 Wisconsin Badger  ice hockey athletes now part of their own middle ages.

 πŸ₯”πŸ   Regenerate your mind by beginning a 'no-oil' FAST for a month 71 closer.  Like Steve, BEGIN a  REAL, non-GMO vegetable decoration 8-day  project on December 30, 2021 AD to prevent yourself from laying down under a green tree that will not feed your flesh in a practical way! 

I may not have fulfilled a prophecy, but surely a thorn-zone flogged man did NOT meet the description of being unblemished, and thus do not omit the study of Leviticus chapter 22.

*Fowl month codes supplied by the Ottawa NWR, where Bauer's are sighted sooner than a Dodo.

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