Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Will You Approach Word 950like a Bear, a Bee, or a Bolt of Lightning?

Before I return to stalag  1, I'm interested in updating an orderly study related to passage of time and starting letter head symbolism viewed rather as starting  FEET and testing the flow of words used in Hebrew biblical texts:

 Under 1 year :  8th month of existence
             Your Panini legendary person is Nazem Kadri the 215th Maple Leaf
Under 2: day 568  Amariah ( Nehemiah 10:3)

Under 3:  day  949 Beit Yod Tsaddi Tsaddi, possibly translated worse than most to Boser since there is no resh in that name  ( 1st Sam 14:4)

Under 4: day 1307  Beit Resh Tav Yod, closer to 1335 than the  night #950 people who are described in Nahum 2:10 as 'void/ empty/ nothingness   ; I suspect the word 'B Li S S' is worse than the word 'VOID' since an empty area has more opportunity to rebuild than an area filled with apathy and corruption.   Michigan route 81 gets you to Bliss, Michigan. where Labatt's trailer BB79543 unloaded it's non-Frostie products instead of loading up Eric Lindros the 543rd ESPN figure head from Dallas to Toronto. ( My best Francis friends expect some flippant associations when numerology fails to depart from licensing and roadways. )

Under 5:  Word 1680 means to move slowly; interestingly enough, I purchased a turtle flag to gift to one of my very favorite young friends in Pennsylvania  ( Dalet Beit Beit)  This word follows the word for Bear which is NOT Greek #715 arktos!!!!   A bear does move slowly this time of year, carefully chosing a place to hole in for the winter, but the word for bear only has 1 B=Beit; a second B ( Beit) seems to indicate a 2 house system with 1 entrance at the Dalet, the 2nd 'house' being protected by an outer house.... exactly what the body of a turtle exhibits since it's skin and skeletal system is housing within a protective outer housing department!  ( looks like   2   2    4 in some  of digital recoding right to left reads from B B  D  and totals 8 )

Under 6: 2037      MVRH or Harom:  If what is left is more correct than what is right, do what is correct.   The Mackinac City school system, like most churches, has signage that does not properly discern between 'correct' and 'Wrong'; right and left are directions which even freemasons stuck at 17 might be confused with.  A word similar to 'herman' comes up at 2018, not Goetzville. Please Read Amos chapter 4, focusing on verse 3.

Word 2754 is only  my post-C day word of interest; D day for me was the day Shane David Hendrikson stated that he rather be dead than be married to me as he was recklessly driving on the interstate in Ohio and endangering both of our lives, as is a typical of man with no good shepherding skills in him.  A kind neighbor called me today for my ETA and it wasn't the 'French Dip sticker from Martin D Heres  France labeled' Christobel Huet' the 7th round Blackhawk who might be in a Bul pen somewhere out there in LaICH land.

The above disclosures are not what Julie Andrews wants her 'fans' to understand, but I am not ashamed of stalling my return to stalag 1 after once again needing to have a place of refuge while scattered and after letting many of my enemies 'play through' with there Barabbas image of Shane David Hendrikson, the liar and thief and anti-Yahweh lewd man of covetousness that his type chose to' party' with.

I learned more about the earth's surface along Michigan route 134 than I ever could have learned by being in a rush to get to the spirit of emptiness in Michigan. Peace and safety are a gift from Yahweh, not an entitlement from a corrupt government ruined by politicians and sluggards.

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