Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Dalton Young 36 Memo: Side by Side Teamwork, Beit before Resh

2nd Timothy 3:3...……. Matthew 10:21...….  Romans 1:31

Who is without natural affections now? Since I suspect what I have passed on with natural affection ought not be quenched like a the diary of a man with an adulterous plan at 1602 Mary Lane in Knowlton, I will share my response to another 36 year who claims he will be seeing me; that term is used in poker games that Las Vegas tourists are very familiar with to keep them in a financial game of chance that defiles their conscience and leads them away from good works ethics. Often the doors that open to 'Jesus' people lead them away from the 12 gate options connected to 12 tribe stone connections; when I trusted in the name 'Jesus', so many dangerous doors were opened to me I finally escaped to the name of the angel that lead Moshe through the desert with many unbelievers tagging along.

Where will the housing be and who is financially so able to provide you with  car? What will you be taking at Midstate and at what campus? I'm asking neutral answers and desire and honest answer. A door was opened to me at Sentryworld and once legally inside, I had the displeasure of seeing a couple who would have preferred me to be dead in Wisconsin than to be still unmarried and surviving in Michigan; those same people opened the door to each other when they shouldn't have and as a result, I was pressured out of Wisconsin which had been my home too and in my heart still is. For my safety, I left my home area as others have had to leave their home area in history; my grandmother left Poland between WWI and WWII  and her instincts were very admirable at times and very difficult to understand at other times.

I hang onto the words of the prophets, including Moshe, and there is no false hope in those words. I am not angry with you because I have not lost natural affection toward you and my grandchildren. Most church people, friends and non-blood associates of yours are incapable of understanding natural affection toward you since they are not your kindred. Pause and reread the (first) 3 sentences of this paragraph until you understand my position. 2nd Timothy 3, Matthew 10 and Romans 1:31 all warn against the losses of natural affections, so beware you are not steered away from me by unnatural affections. I am trying to meet you on your turf with those biblical reminders. There are plenty of people in your world who have no blood connection to you and your children, so it is with due diligence that I am trying to help you recall the days I was laughed at in courtrooms by Wisconsin people with no natural affection toward me, and such people are self-condemned by the deeds they have not repented of, as you should well know.

There were many times in the past when people provided things or places for me, but I did not know they were my enemies until the course of their plan unfolded in their venue. I also, before command-keeping was the desire of my heart, had provided things or places to people who should have rejected those things or places, and I have had to repent of those freebies to others of similar mindset. The qualifications for the church of Philadelphia is not that difficult to understand and is possible to achieve with the King of kings and Lord of lords. His ways are often hidden to the proud and unrepentant but not to the broken-hearted who have cried out 'How long' O Yehovah?' Today, the 224th day (within a couple days) of the calendar Yeshua observed, would be the middle of the 8th month, when a pregnant woman would feel it is getting more and more difficult with her task of housing her child. The urim is before Uriah, a man who was duty-bound, martyred and the sorrowful spouse of an unfaithful wife who opened her door  to David without a struggle. Such a lesson is not taught and  not recalled often enough in a world hell-bent around attorneys and lack of sobriety.

I hope by now you realize I am much more of a student of the Scriptures than I had been when I was tossed out of Wisconsin bible studies for believing in Moshe and Elijah, the sidearms of Yeshua in front of his apostle witnesses. If Uriah isn't the type of man you want to consider, than consider Pittsburgh's Curtis Martin ( I call him 'Purple Martin') and how he tried to solve a problem that his mother had with his father after they had divided their history into 2 pieces.

I anticipate getting a truthful answer to the initial reasonable questions any mother would have as such a time as this. I look forward to the time you and your family will be spending with me during your year in the USA and hope you set aside generous amounts of time for me to build a relationship with your children. You and I have a relationship that often seems too weak to hold together*. If I would be dishonest with you, it would prove I did not love you, so truth does indeed set people free to then consider what their next adult step is.

'Infants don't lie.' That seems to be a better slogan than 'Just do it.'    Smile if you can.

With natural affection, 

*What was implied but not written in my correspondence was that when a relationship seems to weak, it is because there is a lack of a 3rd party willing to strengthen it.  My son trusts in the name 'Jesus' and 'God' so who is playing God in his life with housing opportunities and a car? To whom credit is given, a face must be attached to eventually.  If he gets housed in Portage County rather than Marathon County, I suspect the outcome will have more hope than being housed by or near people who have no natural affection toward my son.  I have made good progress in Portage county, and do not intend to discontinue my method of chalk talk, no matter how near enemies, friends of kindred gather to observe the thoughts of a mother with natural affection for her grandchildren contrary to all the people who have intentionally hindered that important family connection.

Michael Clayton is so wrong about Yehovah not having a plan B that he can stay stuck at plan A with his Hashem people.  'My plans are not your plans.' 'Plans' is plural.  Even amateur architects make plans that temporarily shelter others and those unique and original plans should never be attributed to any other architect.

Levi Lind, #19, will be a person of interest to me after this sabbath comes to a conclusion, since the 8th seal is the tribe of Levi, not Zebulun.  What had been a laughing matter to immature adults conspiring to gain monetary advantages in courtrooms  was observed by a few to be a sorrowful, horrific anti-commandment disaster zone to others.

Now, I'll attempt a version of the 'Engine 2' plant-based plan without paying money into an electronic recipe fund, knowing deviations to it might slow down the healing process of my arteries for the next 5 months until the middle of the next pesach week is kept by the allies of  HVHY/YHWH.

It is not possible to display the vav or waw with an English typewriter, so indeed the number of my leader matters, and that number of Yod Hey Vav Hey is 26, not 3979.

What might be rejected by kindred could be accepted by the church of Philadelphia. The 12 hockey positions reflect the stones loosed on an ephod much better than 2 football teams, but what I want to conclude with is the lesson of Qeseth Charise I received not by trance, but by a dream:

When the older sibling of Richard Edwin Xavier was standing next to him in his little navy peacoat, when Richard stated he could not come into my house yet.....Qessth's facade still silent after I had regained natural affection toward the memory I had of her. I now believe she has something to teach my son and until she does, he most likely will be prevented from being part of a sealed tribe.  Bob Thiel did have an excellent reminder of all the fiscal damage that has occurred to the USA since abortion was deemed legal by humans but not by the holy angels of '26'. I recommended Bob Thiel to my favorite flower girl, whom I have natural affection for since she is my niece.  I now will advise her to consider G. Steven Simons approach against the church of England types who have  their anti-HVHY kings.

'The locusts have no king, yet they work in non-electric bands.' The USA does not a have a king system, but might have a lot of Chinese checkers.  Dalton Young has encouraged me many more times recently than the 'best man' listed on any of my failed marriage licenses. Dalton Young and I don't always wait for the door to open to us before our ice shift since we are still able to get over hockey walls easier than I could get over a 6 foot wall without a ladder company at the Milwaukee police academy over 33 years ago.

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