When my actual son is lacking proper etiquette and timely communication skills, I look around to see what other people his age are doing. I wonder is hockey or 61st century Christianity has broken up more families than it has saved or gathered together anywhere other than at funerals.
Here is a short list that David Jesus the Oshawa General could have compiled as easily as did in a state of boredom I considered the words of Jeremiah chapter 31:18-20 as Adam Fink has, the sign language of for 'god' includes the striking of the thigh, a motion mentioned regarding Ephraim. After I was instructed of how to use an EpiPen, I struck my thigh a few times too. Here's the list of interesting, possibly confusing unverified positions I noticed from a computer search:
A. Steven C. McGaver is now an attorney in Wisconsin, after graduating from UW-Madison and Marquette University; he played hockey and has remained close to home. Steven played hockey goalie for many years and is the son of Charlie McGaver, who I lost saw in 2004 at the Milwaukee Policeman's Ball. What would Steven McGaver do when a Marathon County deputy claimed they did not know how to investigate white collar crime and thus, they would let Shane David Hendrikson commit a felony against his employer.
B. Blake Coffey went to the The Cooler and the Geneva, NY convention and has been chosen by the Windsor Spitfires. I wonder is he drank any of the Point Root beer I gifted to his father in 2011.
C, James Lee Keepers died at the age of 80 in 2016 and where you find the Keepers is not where you find Charlie Rotromel and Martha Osterhaut. Coach Keepers was a much better influence on my son than attorneys,Lynn Snyder of Iola and Mrs. Cheryl Hendrikson, the current wife of Shane D. Hendrikson, since Coach Keepers always liked seeing children and their real parents getting along and spending time together while learning about TEAMWORK.
D. General Pulaski ended up having his body parts defiled and disrespected by casual disease interests groups when the decided to become bone collectors; His Catholic baptism records in Poland were not sufficient for curiousity seekers to believe he had a body abnormality. It is not as important as where we came from as where we are heading toward after our lifetime decisions are completed.
E. William Smith of Geneva NY connected with Hobart, but Billy Smith the Edmonton Oilers is NOT the same as William Smith, the self-proclaimed Christian who lost his temper when a bit of potable water spurted onto his fancy tie while working in the Sensitive Crimes Division with me in Milwaukee. William Smith, who graduated with me from the Milwaukee Police Academy in 1987 did not represent the spirit of Yahuah but did represent the spirit of haughtiness on many occasions.
F. Thomas Hendricks was also seen in 2004 near Charlie McGaver, and did mention to Shane David Hendrikson IN PERSON that if ever Shane ever hurt me, he would have to answer to Thomas Hendricks. I am still waiting for that event to occur and for Thomas Hendricks to live up to his reputation as being a defender of his friends even after they have had disease or sickness impose upon their mind or body. Shane David Hendrikson never took Thomas Hendricks words seriously, and eventually hurt me more than David Jesus of Oshawa ever could or ever will.
G. Jake Chelios got tempted by a Russian hockey team and was last seen wearing #77, not number 24 or 42 with the Detroit Redwings. I wonder if he is refusing to tell his mother some of the details of his lodging or basic educational interests if and when she cares enough to contact him while he is so far away and if he has connected and communicated with his mother and father more often than French missionaries not named 'Maurice' have connected with me OFFLINE, including when he opted to be a Charlotte Checker.
H. Hockey player Quentin Doll is still near home in Pewaukee after earning a business degree from UW-Madison. Quentin was very polite to me in person at Waukesha several years ago and was not afraid to have me observe his activity on ice for a couple hours.
Sometimes you do find out more about person after they take their final breath. James Lee Keepers coached wrestling, was a Milwaukee Admirals referee, taught driver's education at Franklin HS and compared the high school housing of my son to 'South Fork' in the 'Dallas series' not to a cockroach filled USA Air Force base in San Antonio.
I have heard Sidney Pottier expound to a man who was not his real father that a child owes a parent NOTHING for what a parent does to properly provide basic necessities for the child who could not choose his parents. Pottier was wrong, since the fact is that when a parent proves he or she DESIRED ( did not want to lose) the company by providing adequately for their needs , that child does not owe the parent a paycheck but DOES owe reciprocal kindness, etiquette, respect and concern for the true parent(s) that did desire to live up to their parental obligations together or alone as a single parent, ESPECIALLY after being baptized by choice as a Sunday 'Christian' at which point they should have started to head toward commandment keeping, not discarding of the rules and regulations prepared not only for Gd by Yod Hey Vav Hey, but also for Gd's sibling tribes and those who trust in Yeshua and Moshe Ben Amram !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Frank Finney actually LOST a battle that he thinks he won when he and his buddies tossed up their dead religious signs in an area that is not designated as a church, since he and his buddies LOST an opportunity to choose Yehovah's mark in their hand or forehead. Certainly, only a fool would object to non-Christmas orange LED light being chosen for my house security lighting perimeter since countering the typical anti-HWHY based Christianity religions being REPEATEDLY forced onto a subdivison, town or city is a cause for HIGH ALERT, not a time to sit back like an obese and obtuse Santa Claus figurehead of deception and leader of liars. Had Frank Finney abstained from adding the anti-Puritan symbols to our HOA walls and instead opted for a snowman or better yet, let the brick wall be seen as a crumbling brick wall, he would have won a battle against his own haughty spirit that imposed his religious belief on everyone LIKE A DICTATOR instead of hanging his religious beliefs on his little white dog or on his own housing.
Elal was the 588th answer to a intricate crossword puzzle with a rather heathen agenda included with it. You are well past your 1st year of night by night counting if you made it to the 588th of living life with the real saints starter motto of ' Be angry and sin not '. It takes much longer than 588 days to learn how to bless your enemies after being charged with the offesnse of NOT RESISTING EVIL .
Matthew chapter 5 records might in fact indicate that Yeshua had been observing his neighbors and followers NOT resisting evil and stated the fact that ' Ye do not resist sin~'. Resisting evil is a duty of the elect, isn't it?
In my next post, I will include instructions for Ghost Pinnocle, where 2 people can play and actually lose to NOBODY, the ghost.
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