A locust is designed to have balance on both sides, something the spirit of lawlessness lacks. Here are 2 real examples of couples who could not have been joined by a holy God, yet many around these couple supported both of them for quite awhile and even desired that they succeed.
Example I: Married man RMO felt the mother of his children was a danger to him ( smoking habit) and as a person that did not respect his own vows to her, he left his wife and got married to single woman MEX who claimed to be Catholic, not an Israelite. Single woman MEX got very sick after turning over her life to 'Jesus Christ' in a Kentucky Baptist church as MEO, and eventually the sickness and drug-related behavioral effects that caused RMO to seek his 2nd divorce. The people who cannot forgive MEO for giving her life to 'Jesus Christ' which led to the parting of a marriage HVHY never approved of should then view RMO as even more unforgivable in their sight.
Example II: Married man SDH had turned his life over to 'Jesus Christ' verbally after the mother of his children, woman LH wanted a divorce from him due to her attraction to single man JCJ. Married man SDH then pursued single woman MEO, who had full custody of her only son , who also professed trusting in Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior. Therefore, mentally MEO and SDH were spiritual equals in 1998 and equally yoked according to some viewpoints. Woman MEO became MEH, continued her walk of faith past Jesus Christ to his father, who declared himself not to be Yoshua, but to be the Elohim of Moshe Ben Amram and as Yod Hey Waw Hey (26). People who truly loved the person known as Jesus Christ should have desired that MEH and SDH succeed, but instead, single woman CB decided she did not want MEH and SDH to succeed, so she became similar to MEX in example I. However, MEX did care about the children of RMO, but CB did not care about the son of MEH. The people who willfully ejected themselves from the life of MEO when she continued past 'Jesus' to get to HVHY actually oppose the so called 'new testament' statement that their Jesus claimed, namely that their Jesus opens a door to HVHY and his instructions, not to the pope, the son of perdition or the door to protestant deviations from the path of those under Yod Hey Waw Hey. The same people who considered it best that RMO and MEO got divorced, IN ORDER TO PREVENT UNJUST SCALES and the label of hypocrisy, should also consider it best that CH and SDH of 5318 Lakeshore Drive in area 54401 get divorced, since that marriage was more unjust than RMO and MEX in example I based on the timing of SDH's adult baptism in the name of Jesus Christ.
A person with an IQ of 69 or higher than Fred Bengert should be able to do a flow chart with the initial component links as follows:
RMO= Robin M. Ortiz (714)
MEX= Marie E. Xavier (1532)
MEO = Marie E. Ortiz (1532)
HWHY= the entity whose rules and regulations were intended to be obeyed by Yeshua and Jesus Christ, and those names do not look identical ( going with the Geoffrey WAWRO method of revisiting battles)
SDH= Shane D. Hemdrikson
LH = Linda Hendrikson
JC= James Costa Jr.
MEH= Marie E. Hendrikson
CH= Cheryl Hendrikson, not the mother of Richard I. Hendrikson
CH often starts CHurch wars or CHarles tricks. MEO starts cat words such as MEOW.
After SDH is pressured into divorcing CH, a Cheryl he never should have hooked up with, he will become similar to RMO and can once again see if their Jesus Christ will let them make an approach shot toward the father of Yeshua the non-Jesuit, who obeyed unto death as a single man, so they can try to get requalified for sainthood. This is an extremely serious matter that will only be considered by a few, but indeed, it seem best that people like Shannon Wahl and Tom Wahl pray that SDH and CH get divorced with the hope that the 'Jesus' SDH had trusted gives SDH another chance to be cleansed from his own willful sins so he can be a better parent to whoever still calls him POPS.
SDH refused to go to marital counseling with MEH because of 'Cheryl'. LC refused to go to marital counseling with SDH because of JCJ, which makes SDH very similar to LC in their attitude toward marital vows.
If CH and SDH get divorced, there is a chance that MEH and SDH could forgive each other after proper restitution if made to MEH and restore peace between them for the sake of RIH, the real son of MEX. If CH and SDH remain married to each other, they only will secure their anti-HVHY position in historic record books alongside of Joel Breitzman and are no better than Anthony Wickersham or David Clarke or Marie Osmond.
Like the men in the Argonne, I might have some city gang mentality within me, and I do not desire to have the parents of my son hating each other. It is not good that a grown son would not try to be a mediator between his parents, but typical missionaries have been trained in grave ERROR to care more about strangers and less about the condition of their natural family. If indeed, my son's natural father would try to make peace with me before his court-ordered father would, then blessed be the peacemakers and I would go to spiritual war with my son's father against our hypocritical enemies. What sin a male does at age 20 might not be anything like what he would choose to do in his 50's IF his conscience has not been seared by choosing to come to a dead halt at the point he faced a character labeled by the Greeks as 'Jesus', due to lack of the letter 4th down letter, Shin, which happens to be in the word WaSHINgton.
I am going to try to live as a locust 6 days a week on a plant based diet, and live as a carnivore 1 day a week, maybe like Mumble the penguin with 'Happy Feet'. I write with a picture of my 3 smiling grandchildren on my right and I prepare meals with a picture of my daughter-in-law between my son and I.... with H removed from that trio and tossed away as a tare or chaff. What I test myself with is prayer, and I will pray that H and B get divorced, ideally with serious financial losses on both of their 'teams' of risky non-Philadelphia church associates.
FriendSHIP has a ship in it designed to prevent a person from drowning alone in the tears of grief. The mother of the Greek Jesus was not left alone when her son was pulverized with nails and whips, so how can you claim to represent 'Jesus' and not care about who or what will be sheltering your YShRALY mother during your absence? Examples of what should happen to single mothers are given in the older writings when Hagar was ejected from a 'blended' family nd the newer writings when the Greek Jesus was no longer capable of assisting or filling his mother's possible next 'wine into water' requests requests due to his pulverized condition.
The 4th commandment is a serious matter, not a laughing matter nor a deleted statute. Curtis martin did try to honor his parents, but woman such as Marie Osmond are now so reprobate and positioned as a strumpet that her companions are the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders in her non-home workplace.
The best cautions follow wise precautions. I;ve only completed 5 years of a hefty mortgage after previously being 'debt-free' due to my secretarial and budgeting skills. I now lack the incentive to pay my mortgage off early, since David Ramsey's allies seem to be as hypocritical as Jon Payne and Brian Berg, the highly paid hirelings of midstate Wisconsin.
YHWH (feminine form is implied with the Hey) , is justified, is righteous in seen and unseen activities and will prove to be rather intolerant of intentional sinning, unlike HGTV experiments or a huge fake bird with band # A54 on it's 'Happy Feet' illustration .
Real butterfly wings move a butterfly with strength, grace dignity and beauty. A tattoo is not a form of transportation, no matter how many eagle wings, butterfly wings or airplane wings you have tattooed on your body.
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