Sunday, October 1, 2017

Lack Of Faith In Instructions Is Troubling

What good does it do to have 48 hours of some Rosh Hashana festival and not properly discern Yom Kippur?  The below set of information is accurate and from a reliable site, and even an amateur musician knows that timing matters:

Date *
"New Year's Day" (only for reference)March 30, 2017
Passover/PesachApril 12, 2017
1st Day of Unleavened BreadApril 13, 2017
7th Day of Unleavened BreadApril 19, 2017
Pentecost/Weeks (Shavuot)June 4, 2017
Day of Trumpets (Yom Teruah/"Rosh Hashanah")September 22, 2017
Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur)October 1, 2017
Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot)October 6-12, 2017
Last Great Day (Shemini Atzeret)October 13, 2017

The following editorial report is my own commentary , not the viewpoint of Nathan Cooper, Spurgeon,  Watterson's fake 'Miss Wormwood' or Jerry Mather's actress labeled 'Miss Canfield'.

Another matter has come to mind regarding Isaiah Chapter 53. I did check 'The Continuing Church of God' videos and I was rather disheartened by his rabbinic style of 'pre-planning'  certain appointed times without waiting for barley news or new moon sightings. No one can know now when the new Hebrew year will start at this point in time if they actually have enough faith to follow the instructions for keeping appointments! Even Mark Biltz is extremely careless and like many others, went 'offiside' with his followers, as he tried to change a regular sabbath followed by a High Holy Sabbath into one day. This is a good article if you want to compare biblical faith regarding the start of a new month to scientific calculations relied on humans that prefer to be IN THE DARK since that do have have the proper heart to look UP for the new moon, and instead they look down at their own paperwork:

I read through through the above link after hearing the voice of person who did not have the heart of a shepherd, but did have the mind of an astrologer. I am not happy that so many people are relying on calendar's and NASA calculations, but I rather be correct and agree with Nehemia Gordon on the beginning of monthly cycle. Those who are trying to keep a sabbath are doing so like the typical Catholic somehow tries to keep 'Pentecost' without trusting Yehovah's instructions. When a Catholic 'Pentecost' dinner has a baked slab of swine for it's centerpiece, even if the Catholics got the day of Shavuot right, they didn't get the anti-abomination message or  heard it and rejected rejected it due to a hard-hearted stiff-necked anti-commandment mindset of any other being who does't trust Yehovah or the  writings of the Tanakh. 

The controversy regarding the book of Isaiah, chapter 53, is also worth examining on 'Yom Kippur' or any other day you want to consider  anti-adultery facts.

Since Isaiah's chapter 53 is almost always translated in the PAST tense, I reread the accounts of the death sentence David gave to Uriah in 2nd Samuel chapter 11. Could this be the '2 Eleven' in progress that resulted in one of the most serious felonies in history not covered by 'Adam-12' episodes? Getting drunk with military associates can get you numbered with the transgressors, and there is a strong possibility that Isaiah chapter 53 is referring to Uriah, who was smitten and  died because of David and Bathsheba's sins, noting that David's sins are part of Israel's sins just as much as John F. Kennedy's sins were part of the Catholic church sins. Indeed, for those many people who have rejected the person labeled 'Jesus Christ', have you also rejected the sacrifice that Uriah made for his wife that had gone astray?  There is no description of Uriah's physical appearance, but since Isaiah is clearly referring to a past tense occurrence of a person in Israel's military and community history,  many would have known what Uriah looked like and it is possible he wasn't as attractive as  David, so Bathsheba easily was lured away by David's seducing spirit. 

It isn't blasphemy to imply or consider the possibility that Isaiah may have been referring to Uriah in his writings, especially since Yeshua of Nazareth often did have large groups of 'admirers' and may have been very attractive .  I rather consider a more realistic historic past-tense option than not believe the reports about Uriah, even if all the information about Uriah has not been made available to me. 

In other word study news, it is possible that the Hebrew word for 'thumb' is the same as the word for  a person's big toe is that they seem to be very close to the same length on most humans.

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