Monday, October 16, 2017

Caution: Donald Trump's Christmas 'God' is Mythra

The wisest humans areen't going to be pulled back into 'merry christmas' lines by a  president who is anti-George Washington' not only in his method of operation but in his lack of debt control. A 'christmas tree' is not the tree of Life, and many people iihe United States USED to know that fact but the blloody Romans have pushed and preached their anti-Yehovah system of lawlessness for centuries with no good results in the world. Since the Truth should be told, the Vatican is a weak and beggarly system that the founding fathers of the United States did not embrace when they ejected themselves from the horrible world of heathen English king practices.

What's your Big 'D' sign?  If it is D=500, the end of the WORLD probably won't go well with you. If your Big 'D' is Delaware, at least you are keeping United States history in mind. If your Big 'D'  goes to money made in Cleveland, you can avoid becoming as ignorant  as Disney idiots who never learn what they need to become sanctified.

It is impossible to convince someone under Mythra that they lack the faith not only of gearge Wshington, but that they also lack the wisdom to seek a 'god' who is better at defense and much better at correcting horrible spending habits that currently still have every United States citizen in a form of slavery more wicked than a 6-year Israelite slavery program designed to get people OUT of debt they incurred by providence, by lack of caution or by stupidity and a gambling lifestyle of lawlessness.

Men like Daryl Iscykowski who seems to be tkeeping his wife Shirley fed and sheltered  might not be the biggest problem in the Jim Trempe/Marinette gambler traps on  earth, but when 'hospitality' becomes an issue, Catholic shurches keep begging for money and never make their own real 'Catholic'  fathers such as Theodire jackson pay up child support to the Catholic women they abandoned, there is no good reason to trust that system of apathy toward parents who remained faithful and finnancially responsible after their 'Catholic' spouse decided to disobey commandments  AND current national laws.

'Merry' is tied to the Hebrew word for 'rebellious', not a term tied to soberness and fear of the holiest proper ruler that was, is, or will come your way. Being anti-CHristmas is still a better George Washington way that aligning with the German druids and Molech plans that push deceptions and reject good, realistic systems of learning that leads to a true conversion from willful ignorance and evil to proper discernment when facing both good and evil forces. The wisest rulers will not want his people traveling in December to appease families who  have rejected the spirit of the United States in 1776.

I did do a spot inspection at 'St Francis Xavier' of Knowlton and left as soon as some little gorl pranced down the aisle with a replica of the hoorible anti-Israelite atrocity their Roman 'team' committed as they conspired with other sitizens who rekected the  renewed covenant system of sanctification delivered by Moses to a crowd that was ejected from anti anti-Yehovah system to be tried and tested in a  desert wilderness which still proved to work better than going to Las Vegas, Nevada or wasting your assets on a Tim McGraw show full of lies and delusions in or out of Miami.

Former sheriff David Clarke is a quitter by definition now and in my opinion deserted MIlwaukee County due to his own slefish desires elsewhere. Beware of people, especially men like David Clarke, who abandon the position they desired, for such men are as bad and unreliable as a man who deserts his household for a another female lure that leads him to break a covenant rather than reassure those who placed at least some trust in him.

Some people are forced into positions they never wanted because cowards have abandoned 'turf' they obviously never had repsect for in the first place.

Should there be an internaitonal ad that rreads : For sale to highest bidder: The United States of America'; acquisition of such a nation includes the transfer of all debt to the winning bidder and thankful gratitude if we still have the power to speak and read Hebrew by choice.'?????' Whcih decent nation on earth understands debt ration and is willing to try to fortify the land south of Canada and wisely is not afraid to start demolishing casinos to build something useful and good in society?

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