'Little Ceasar's Arena' is not going to be the answer to eliminating or even decreasing the amount of evil criminals in the Detroit area and certainly won't increase goodness and holiness in the Detroit area. The National Geographic channel revealed a lot of criminals and humans with less manners than a hungry rattlesnake ( a rattlesnake does not try to destroy it's own species) and Detroit has more year round demonic activity that reportedly increases on 'Halloween' than men like Timothy Severud ever could have because men like Timothy Severud are influenced by the biblical instructions not by video games and beasts recording vulgar anti-kindness presentations.
Watching the attirude of the Detroit police gang squads was better than watching the attitude of Army reserve women singing at a UW-Badger Men's hockey game. Singing a national anthem is not how tough battles are won on our own country's soil. The day we have a commander-in-chief who is willing to pull our military forces OUT of foreign nations with drug and gun problems and deploy them to fight gangs in our own USA cities will be a day to REJOICE, not fear our own military.
I contend that most men and women who are employed and trained by the USA military are more frightened of the USA street gangs than they are of getting stationed in Israel, which proves Israel doesn't need any USA forces on it's soil. Even on the worse day in Israel, it is safer than visiting Detroit, Chicago, Los Angelos, Las Vegas and almost any other USA city that is still being trampled with brute beasts who cherish their bullets, cuddle up with their guns and dogs and hate their NEIGHBORS and obviously hate any good 'God' that might be able to convert them to decent, healthy and good men who can lead families out of poverty instead of into constant danger.
I might not agree with everything Peter Salemi teaches, but I do agree that having the USA military in Israel when our own nation is out of control with thugs, bullies and anti-peace criminals is a shame, a disgrace and another pivotal point of horrible decisions made by the USA military leaders. Survival instincts improve when the most evil human activities are displayed on series such as those compiled by 'National Geographic' television crews, just as a wise person is more likely to try to encourage the St. Lawrence Saints than the New Orleans Saints based on observation of what real saints surround themselves with. The saints that went marching in and out of the 'Kohl Center' should not envy those under the reigns of Tony Granato, but should be thankful that they are unafraid to face a Goliath type in a venue that is no better than the Eble Ice rink. Real saints do not want to be surrounded with PROUD, haughty scantily clad females that intentionally lure and attract lesbians and unholy men, so real saints won't be wearing 'New Orleans Saints' NFL gear. Real, courageous saints might look exactly like the hockey team from St. Lawrence University who actually won 6 to 3 over the Tony Granato gang. Tony Granato did nothing to improve the CITY of Detroit when he there, and he will not do anything to improve the city of Madison. I chose to cheer for St. Lawrence before the game started, not after I saw the results of the battle. Just as Reuben was much different than his brother Judah, Tony Granato could be much different than Rob or Don Granato. I never considered Cammie Granato a 'good' influence' Family names can give some people a false sense of security, and a surname labels you but does not FORM you into what you are.
I didn't have any warm, 'fuzzy' feelings or some emotional breakdown when I returned to the Kohl Center in Madison. I know I have more friends in St.Clair, Michigan than I do in Madison and I just needed to do some 'back-checking' at Zirbel, Strobel and apparently 'Hurley' level. I already know that Herb Kohl is not a good name nor a name that I desire to have on my 'home ice'. What I did not know is how lukewarm tha UW-Badger fans have become compared to the Jeff Sauer years when the UW-Men's hockey program was run by a decent man with an excellent attitude which he carried on to helping disabled athletes. Too much nepotism can ruin a place of employment, and too little regard to hire people who already have settled in the area they when HIGH paying jobs arise in a community results in unstability in communities. The rich get richer and then move out as soon as a more lucrative offer arises or they withdraw from the community and then retreat to their expensive mansions and try to hide from regular disciples of Yeshua and irregular, decent folks who are tired of trying to survive living next to desperate single men who are criminals and rather live next to a humble leader of a family household that is well kept and SAFE in a nation. One Berry farm system is not going to prevent starvation in a nation, and a Berry is not part of the Tree of Life that is still protected for a reason. Names and words do influence others, even if the mean 'locust' or 'cricket' or 'carbuncle'.
From the small portion of evidence I witnessed of the Detroit Gang Squad, they were not prevented from praying before they went out to face demons with less force than we wasted going into France during World War II. I drove through a few of the streets of Detroit and never saw the following Murray-Hills alumni that reportedly went on to play college hockey:
Frank Xavier | Denver |
Tom Xavier | Denver |
Bob Young Meanwhile, I do know that there is a Bob Young who sells AAA insurance in Michigan and who is rather 'pushy', maybe due to his affection for uselss boating activities. I do remember Frank Zillner and Tom Pietrzak who went to UW-Madison but probably graduated and I do remember that going back to a suburb of Detroit is not 'heaven on earth', but that mu household and my flesh needs to remain to be a place suitable for the temple of the living Elohim if I am even going to have a chance to do good rather than evil works while on earth. I do not want to be anywhere near Detroit on October 31st ever again, and that is a desire of my spirit which influences my flesh. Drug sellers and drug buyers can destroy each other and remain as unjust as they are by CHOICE. Like Dustin Byfuglien, I hate Halloween and so will any good teacher, good principal , good police officer and good real saint who is interested in protecting those who trust him or her. |
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