Wednesday, October 25, 2017

The Actual Trouble At 'Hyatt Place' Starts At 'HBO'

The horrid, spiritually deranged and morally disgusting television channel options at the typical USA make the Minnesota Vikings cheerleaders look like the typical northern Catholic school graduates.  The FCC is actually party to all the crimes committed as a result of not FORBIDDING the cable companies from selling all their pornography to business that are actually supposed to protect and serve their customers rather than lead them into temptations the typical 'Christian' or non-atheist won't resisit even if they could resist the television porn if they tried with reasonable effort.

Complaining to hotel owners is like trying to make a formal complaint to Edward Flynn, since neither complaint is likely to get a response the HOly One of YShRAL would approve of. The best move the typical living saint can do is try to warn others of the danger and offer strategic advice for them to combat the ungoly Assyrian-type attacks that occur against United States citizens on a daily basis because the United States governing bodies do not really want the United States to succeed and win the war against any and all forms of SIN.

After getting 'surprised' by sightings of Jimmy Ortiz, Steve Wesolowski, Marlene Osse and Eileen Wolf, the conversations that occurred were very relevant and decent. I was able to remind Jimmy Ortiz how the cowardly Larry Mizewski us afraid of Bible codes and met Mrs. Jimmy Ortiz for the first time. Steve Wesolowski recognized me and claimed I was a copper, remembered I was a valedictorian and seemed far less grouchy than he was when I visited him in the hospital after the loss of one of his lower limbs. If he had gotten into legal troubles in the past 20 years, he didn't mention his past err and only mentioned he was Pulaski class of 1972. Marlene Osse seemed very concerned that whatever drugs she is relying on are covered by her health care and Eileen Wolf is still one of the most honest and  decent  human beings on earth.  All of the people mentioned in this paragraph are more considerate and reasonable than my daughter-in-law and her family when it comes to facing reality and discussing the facts of survival skills while we are still surrounded by very corrupt and unholy systems.

It's more difficult for me to 'skip' a drop-in hockey game to let a minor muscle strain recover than it is for me to properly describe 'HBO' channel as the Horrible Beast Offense channel or the Bureau of Barack Obama, who also does not really want the United States to e filled up with commandment-keeping pro-Abaddon or Pro-Moses tribulation saints.  While getting an overview of Isaiah chapters 54 and 55, i do not see that the abandoned woman is 'Israel' nor do I try to brush away facts of prophesy by trying to claim they are only an allegory. In order for something to be a clear allegory, there has to be a comparison between two identified  nouns similar in action or appearance but clearly not identical if set side by side.  When has 'Israel' ever been barren or abandoned by Yehovah? NEVER!!!!  The teachings of Moses have always been available in various forms since Moses TRIED to lead Israelites away from Egyptian gods with often disappointing results. Those who claim to be 'Jewish' abandoned Yehovah time and time again, with only a few actual scattered Israelited remainind true enough to form and function to be a light shining in the darkness of 'religious' Assyrian and Nazi types and political elected whorish men and women who create cruel burdens but never are able to offer and maintainn peace, truth, financial wisdom and safety to their neighborhoods.

If political paid 'mouthpieces' like Sarah Huckabee are too ignorant and spiritually depraved to invest in attire with modest, high necklines necklines,  is it because they ate too many candy bars labeled 'FLAKE' or 'BOUNTY'???  I realize that I need to be ashamed of many of my anti-good achievements in my past, but shame alone does not lead to proper repentance and ultimate forgiveness for past sins. Reading  or understanding correct audibles from the God who expects honesty, decency and righteous deeds from humans to PROVE they believe his WORD is what moves your inner spirit from shame to acts of grace with the power of Yehovah within you, not excluded from your household or tenporary dwelling,

29 years ago I incorrectly  thought I made a good decision when I became the wife of Robin Michael Ortiz but I eventually ended up a barren, abandoned woman, and that it not an allegory.  My name is not Israel, and it took many years of studying the Scriptures for be convinced that Yehovah is a God who never does abandon those who respect his authority and those who are willing to deliver his messages and obey his directions without hypocrisy to the best of their ability. I didn't feel like today was a good day to deliver any messages at Eble Ice Rink, but I will once again return to one of my favorite paces in Milwaukee, the Mitchell Park Domes, before a ignorant government officials waste money on  a streetcar system instead of preserving and protecting signs of life contained in desert, jungle and garden plants. MIlwaukee is still a violent city filled with political imbeciles and as a result, that only a few are even willing to try to protect and defend the city of Milwaukee. MOst fools are too bust trying to protect their remote control and their 'right' to prove they are perverted as they sit around and watch channels such as HBO instead of investing time and money into the Milwaukee County Park system.

Jeremiah might have spoke and even written in Arabic, but I am not Jeremiah. I relay what the Spirit of the Living Elohim allows from time to time to encourage myself and others to do good rather than evil. I, like a few others on earth,  also try to discourage sinners from continuing to believe or utter falsehoods while they claim to be part of a nation 'under God'.  If you try to discourage a person, you actually are trying to reverse some of their courage, and it is a fact not an allegory that humans often use their courage AGAINST actual holy angels and anti-Vatican real living saints, thereby using their courage in totally wrong ways.

'Anti-Shane David Hendrikson' Word #2016 : Hey Pey Kof (contrary, reverse)
Tribulation count up word #1303; Beit Resh Qoph Nun (briers, thorns)
Anti-strumpet Word #946: Beit Vav Nun Hey (discretion, not covert spyware stupidity)
Terrible Towel or Fred Rogers Headline Word #564: Aleph Mem Resh (talkative)

F-117's don't actually deliver very safe messages from the holy prophets.

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