Sunday, October 29, 2017

Don't Put Your Trust in 'The Gifted' Depraved Buffoons of FOX

I need to lighten my burden after the former 'heavyweight' post about Detroit and the UW-Badgers.

If you had a wonderful 'Feast of Booths' and were blessed by a few others while you were blessing Yehovah with your display of obedience, surviving the next 5 to 6 months away from the few who blessed an protected you can be discouraging, especially if you are a hot (98.6 degrees F) single saint or a cold angel named Abaddon in North America.  Try the following allegorical methods of natural operations to avoid getting stuck inside of the Milwaukee Police bus labeled 477 like a few others might be.

A) A locust is not born knowing it only has to survive 5 months in order to do it's duty. Locusts have no king and operate in bands, so make sure your music choices are holy and good, not evil and as unrealistic as the tunes from 'Paul Blart' forms of extremely unrealistic expectations.
B) A dragonfly survives one day and does good not evil during that 24 hour stretch. Try to be as good and useful to society as a dragonfly, and do not harm your own species unless they have become so anti-natural and full of lawlessness that your own species is trying to destroy you.
G) It should be emotionally difficult for a child who loves and honors their parent(s) to be away from them from long periods of time. Trust is actually a more useful word to use if you have in fact trusted some type of chosen Israelite as your personal Lord or Messiah. (Try to eliminate the word 'faith' from your language and use the word 'trust'. 'Trust without works to prove who you have trusted results in hypocrisy.' Do you hear and see the difference in my non-KJV? Keep in mind that an infant in the womb cannot SEE his or her parents for months but can actually hear them, so frequent telephone contact does help a child who loves their parents survive while they cannot SEE their parents face to face.
D) I certainly am not going to trust the Joy Street gangs or any other anti-good citizens who are clearly anti- Israelites to mentor me or lead my household, but I also know I either have to ignore them, fight them or counter-act their demonic spirits in order to prove who I have put my trust in. Be prepared to defend yourself against evil flesh as well as openly audibly rebuke demonic spirits emitted from television and radio productions whether you APPEAR to be alone in your home or are in a semi-public or public area.
H) The name 'KOSLOV' is not a joke, and you will decide what name or number you will wear if you are not an inmate or temporarily ensnared in professional sports team by recent history choices. Do not wear the name of a person you would not want following you or facing you in an adversarial eventually.  As in all sports jersey selections, never wear the name of your enemy of your back but always be prepared to see the names of your enemies in print and of course, always be prepared to try to accurately and truthfully CORRECT your enemies, which is a form of doing good.
V) I went to the MItchell Park Domes and the Show dome and Desert dome were ruined by political and anti-Moses forces. The Tropical dome still looks terrific, and be sure to check the 'game changer' legend that starts with barley as well as view the miracle of the date palm tree that is nothing like the 'Bramble' ship docked in Michigan. Even if you were never a valedictorian or a college dropout, a desire to keep learning facts and trust in the words of the book of Amos might actually save your flesh and your spirit sooner than Dean Cain's blabbing USA televised apostacy units.
Z) The goal if you are unable to see your parents face to face is to survive until the next passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread OR be prepared to accept your appointed to of death with grace, keeping yourself 'anti-sin' and pro-lawfulness in the process. Do not create or take away any of the existing laws that are intended for current Israelites who trust the Yod HeyVav Hey god who is, was and always will be aligned with a specific Elohim by Tanakh lines, not Tanabe lines.
C) Since its only the 9th day of the month of Asher, we do not know if there will be a month of Benjamin this year ( a 13th month). HIndsight is NOT 20/20, and good foresight is what men like Rob Steffans sometimes have had on golf courses. Chet Ulickey smoked cigarettes, which are strange fires not aligned with 'Jospeh is a Flame'  historic Calgary facts that at one time might have been thought to be only an allegory.
T) A reminder that defense expert Ezequiel Delfino and hockey athlete Ron Soreanu best represent the letter Tets should stop you from trusting Kershaw and Stafford combos, but what should occur is not the same as what SHALL occur.
Y) Y- men are not the same as X-men, so be cautious not careless on a 'Minute by MInute' basis. 'Oct' still suggests it is actually the 8th month, not TENTH!!!!!!!!!!!!
K) Special knitters and crochet experts might be able to bless you with an ALL BLUE hem  or knotted fringe to add to your Numbers 15:38 plan. Do not overpay and do not buy a 'tassle' or fringe with white in it, since the instructions are to have a BLUE line, not a blue and white line to remind you of your desire to be pro-commandment and a grafted in Israelite.

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