Monday, October 2, 2017

Every Intentional Felony Is A Terrorist Attack

Although I am not writing about Brian Wojtecki today, what I am thinking and what I have done today might matter to another angelic force. Since BBC News is intelligent enough to report that the United States has 30,000 murders annually. Even if that number is off a bit, a truthful person knows that the United States is at war within itself and has been for decades and because of that fact our nation is a disgrace, not an example of the perfect law of liberty ruling and reigning in society.

Today's reported 'car jacking' in Detroit, Michigan was  a terrorist attack and a hate crime, just as any intentional felony is an act of terrorism and an act of hatred.  Cities that revolve around casino areas are not ever going to be spiritually good or morally good areas, no matter how much the media, the police  and the politicians gather in them.  As soon as 'crime reporters'  and criminal investigation units do not try to make a lesser crime out of a burglary, a car jacking or adultery than a airplane hijacking in 2001 or the murder of 'Cheli's Chili Bar' restaurant employee several years ago, they might reduce the amount of hypocrisy in their utterances.  The crimes that are being committed in the United States are not my fault, and I do not intend to join along in Mark Biltz's group prayers asking for forgiveness for illegal or sinful actions I have not participated in. I am not a mediator who is able to intercede on behalf of an out-of-control violent and immoral nation, but I can and will pray for mercy and grace for those few who do act lawfully, and who deter themselves from obviously ungodly and unsafe gatherings.

As I considered the courageous acts of Uriah the Hittite while drinking a peach sangria and being served at 'The Olive Garden' by a young lady as kind as Colleen Jacoby, I was thankful I had a place to go other than some unsafe medical facility to be treated properly when feeling rather sad. I do have some extremely bad memories of the Olive Garden in Rib Mountain, Wisconsin because at that location I had tried to make a peaceful and fair settlement with divorce petitioner Shane Hendrikson, but he decided to be anti-peace, just like any other human who does not have a good mind.  Driving into Sterling Heights, Milwaukee police officer Roger Sterling comes to mind, and I try to exercise as much caution as I can in a very dangerous part of the world. While many people spend thousands of dollars putting up security cameras and alarms that actually don't prevent crimes as much as teaching citizens to believe biblical teachings would, I rely on angelic protection and do not feel frightened, even when I am sad and feeling lonely.

Shane David Hendrikson did commit an intentional act of domestic terrorism and felony theft against me, his former employer, and in contrast, I do not believe that Jim Staley had  malice in his heart and mind when he got involved in a financial business that ended up being corrupt. Jim Staley did not try to flee when charges were brought up against him, and in fact he had been doing many good works, much better works than the disgusting O.J. Simpson or Shane David Hendrikson ever did. I was able to laugh when I heard Jim Staley yell 'SNOOPY!' in  a 2014 video about 'Yom Kippur' , and I hope he has the strength to survive what I think was an overly harsh sentence considering Jim Staley had no signs of a violent nature.

As many United States citizens are acting lazier and more helpless after a hurricane than Polish Jews in the Warsaw ghetto during a Nazi invasion, laziness is a condition often exacerbated by reliance upon computers and other electronic devices.  FEMA isn't an omnipotent angelic force and the fact is that the bigger you build, the more you should be mentally and physically prepared to clean up your own post-hurricane, post flood or post-tornado mess.  Hiring out others is not always an option, and if it is an option you end up on a waiting list that gets very long when too many people are too lazy to do at least some of the hard post-disaster clean up work.  I once had a very long driveway, but now have a very short driveway so that if I am as healthy as my father, I have enough strength to shovel snow from it rather than rely on a mechanical snowblower. I built more than I needed  to have room for family when I had quite a bit more hope that my grandchildren would be near, and what a flood or storm hasn't taken away from me  the banking industry has taken away in interest on my building loan.  Sometimes you do have to 'get angry and sin not' in order to get things accomplished. I know that there are days I am very angry that my son is unwilling to help me in my times of need, unwilling to respond, and is less caring than the Cleveland Browns about my safety, but that anger inside of me causes me to prove to others that my GOD has not abandoned or deserted me and that sitting around and waiting for help from a person or entity that doesn't love me isn't going to do any good.

Ezequiel chapter 7 is worth reading, even if you never survived what I survived in October of 1994 in Milwaukee. Sailing into the Milwaukee harbor District #2 between Yom Kippur and Sukkot might be more emotional for me than the first time I set foot in Tel Aviv, Israel. The days of Fadia Campbell's bread and Moses studies in Saint Lucia will probably never be repeated in my lifetime, but respecting the news of the sliver of a  moon  seen in Jerusalem means I have not set myself against Jerusalem and that for some reason, Yehovah allowed me to survive another month and try to prepare properly for the next month.

I did wear pretty white cotton attire as I played the piano, took a nap and studied the Bible on Yom Kippur this year, but I know if and when I ever am blessed enough to be the wife of a holy man who loves me and who loves Yehovah, I will be wearing blue, not white when confirming our covenant. If I give up hope of being a good wife someday, it would be a sign that I do not believe Psalm 37. I'm thankful I never tried to rush into another romantic relationship or another marriage after surviving a horrible divorce from a cruel anti-commandment man, since being a single saint is better than being married to a spiritual hypocrite or a immoral master of deception.

 Yehovah never intended for any widow or unmarried mother  to live alone, but an anti-biblical culture of divorce proponents coupled with distant, uncaring children has resulted in many households that have only one elderly or  one female occupant who really rather not be struggling alone. My parents know if they need me, I will be there to help them or have room to shelter them because that is part of honoring them. I, like many others, am thankful for the ability I have even if I am much weaker than I used to be in the 1980's. Somehow, I just don't think that Yehovah would expect a woman who has been discarded by her son and her former husband to leave her shelter in order to try to clean up areas that a natural disaster has gone through and where the biblical instructions of Moses have been rejected in for decades or even centuries now.

My mind repaired much slower after serious injury than the 5 months it took for my broken humerus to mend  in the 1980's, but my many broken bones repaired much faster than most areas of Houston, Key West or Puerto Rico  will get repaired.  Most important message of the year: 'Don't get lazy and stay lawful if your spiritual day count is up to 1280.' 10 days from now, day 1290 might have some prophetic occurrences as it will be the end of the week of Sukkot. Starting the annual year at the 1st of Abib does affect when day 1290 arrives, and it usually arrives around the time of Sukkot.

Now, I will choose a photo for the beginning of this non-constitution article..... especially if it is only day 543 of trials and tribulations.  Bad news sometimes travels very slowly, and future good news might only be found in the Book of Revelations or in the closing statements of Moses regarding the remnant of YShRAL.

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