Friday, March 17, 2017

Take An Old&Cold Approach To ONe Through 66

Do not be ashamed to be harsh with people who are not good by SIGHT. Visual offense is not easy to combat, but it is possible to combat with reasonable use of facts.  Before I offer reasonable advice, let me share with you another 'Patrick Lebeau' problem. To my amazement, not only did I meet the Patrick Lebeau I wasn't looking for in the city of Hull, Quebec last spring, there also is a hockey player named 'Patrick Lebeau' listed on a hockey database as a person from Chicago who played for a school I attended, namely MIlwaukee School of Engineering! Is there a fictional hockey player on MSOE's roster? The Patrick Lebeau I was searching for was born in 1970, and started his 50th year of life today. Also of huge hockey interest is Don Granato's assigned number of Ten Four Three Seventeen (104317); Don Granato, one of my favorite UW Badger hockey players, looks quite a bit like Vladimir Putin now , and Don Granato got some messages  to the Detroit area on March17th. 10-4, March 17th??? Are there full size posters (similar to the super MIke and Mark Strobel brothers) of  the eloquent human masterpiece 'Don Granato' available so I can use my Mark Messier cardboard cutout as a doormat instead of as a privacy screen?  Now my favorite active coach, Don Granato, is running a serious red and white Berry farm system! Don Granato appears to be a perfect man and he seems to have as much class as Paul douglas Coffey. Am I being deceived my MSOE and the Patrick LeBeau trio spread across the northern hemisphere?  Will Paul Coffey and Don Granato start believing and obeying Moses and the prophets of Israel on this weekend that good Israelites have Elijah at Mount Carmel in mind? These questions and more might not be answered today, but eventually they will be answered. Now, let's move forward to equally serious matters of defense and offense tactics......

1. If  you see humans in 'Victoria's Secret Pink' wear, do not be afraid to say they are in the Tom Brady or Naomi Campbell err lines.  State of 'Pink'  lines might be clashing intentionally with PInk Iron Bear lines because of fools like John Payne and the pink Baptist churches. Try to resolve visual offense with reasonable use of verbal force opposing companies who push the 'despicable whorish demonic angel' spirit which is actually even worse than Jezebal and Ahab offense against saints and prophets.

2.   Actively seek out decent dining establishments where you get more for your money than you would at St. John Vianney Catholic church. 'Lucky's' in Almont is clearly a better choice than going to a Hooter's or a casino with a $20.00m budget. Make sure you exercise your right to be disgusted at the sight of pork or lobster, but do not try to prevent  the enemies of Moses from eating what they are willing to pay for.  This form of verbal sparring is no worse than openly objecting to an abortion in process even if you have legal ability to stop the anti-commandment actions of your fellow citizens.

3. Reasonable risk might have to be taken when Jehovah's Witnesses are clearly  misleading others. After going to a Bible study, I was invited to sit at a table with 6 people who claim to be 'Jehovah's witnesses'. The most obese, most arrogant male decided to reject Moses and then stiffed his face with baby back ribs with an attitude similar to Shane David Hendrikson . I warned him, saying he ordere the  Colonel Klink meal, but he did not decide to believe Jehovah.

4. Prior to the 'Chili's' dining experience, the Jehovah's Witnesses made some big plea for people to 'dress up' properly when going to their Kingdom Hall, citing a claim that they should consider how they woud dress if going before a judge'. I informed the people that judges are often their neighbors, and a person who dresses differently than he or she normally does just to try to sway a judge is often a deciever.  My 'Mike Singletary' jersey with full coverage blue jeans was good enough to wear to any circuit court if you are fortunate enough not to be in an orange jumpsuit, so it certainly is good enough to go into the 'Kingdom Hall' where they still refuse to discern the difference between the clean and the unclean while they keep accusing 'the Jews' of being disobedient 2000 years ago.

5. Deuteronomy chapter 16 is not as 'cut and dried' as Nehemia Gordon suggests. First if all, I know Jehovah would rather have me keep the feast of Passover in my house rather than assemble next to bellies thaat still might have pork chops in their intestines. The spirit of Jehovah might indeed propmt me to know that his name IS upon my household because I respect his laws in my household. I have no reason to believe that the name of JYehovah' is on any hotel that has been rented because people want others people to SEE them attempting to either lead many people to some form of Truth or worse, mislead them in a location that really does NOT have the name of Yehovah on it or in it. Michale Rood's assemblies typify gross negligence in expensive hotel areas for some reason, even if part of the messages he delivers are true.   Maybe Rood should set up a March Madness vs. Sarah Fadness meal and see which way the Simon Baker and Eric Close call boxers go at Storm, Thunder and Lightning slow dog food bowls end up.

6.  When an Air Force veteran only comes up with HIHOAg lines and says it is 'HiHo Silver', he is not even close to the first sighting of 'Goofy' in Wausau's  Marathon Park veteran's hockey lines. Ideally, a young man named Jaoob Masters willl start studying the letter 'nun' and the breastplate instead of ending up in Old eTestament apathy lines. Some Twinings bloke didn't seem to concerned that the letter Vav was excluded from the texts they are translating from in their version of Psalm 34.

7. Try to pull away from Genesis=1 and the Book of Revelations=66 and drift into the 66 chapters of Isaiah.  Whatever jersey you wear, if it is between 1 and 66, study the Isaiah chapter matching your jersey number. This avoids too many people trying to understand exactly what Paul was saying when he mentioned that men should not prophesy with their head covered, and for some reason stubborn men keep draping their head with scarfs like they are Roman or Greek philosophy puppets wrongly intrepreting a Benjamite's message on "Hebrew Roots Netwrok'.  Keep in mind that 2 female bears defended Elisha the prophet when he did not have his head covered and it was possible he was as bald as Jim Montgomery in the presence of many male youths. When I looked to Isaiah chapter 33, wearing my Patrick Roy#33 Montreal jersey, i was refreshed to see the word 'locusts' mentioned. Earlier on the 18th of Adar, I did ,mention to the obese pork eater that he should read Isaiah chapter 66, since he is not mature enough to handle any seal or foundation talk delivered by an atypical Benjamite.  Isaiah the prophet was a true saint, unlike any of the Catholic popes; be cautious as Polycard and DieTech lines, since some people might think 'Die Tech' means some iduits want Bradley Tech or Milwaukee Tech people to 'die' if they are spiritually wise enough to reject Christmas party lines pushed by Herb Brooks worshippers.

8. Keeping point 7 in mind, study Strong's word #2388 instead of focusing on Martin Van Buren too much. The United States is morally one of the weakest nations on earth, and immorality has increased since Christmas trees were dragged into the political and  presidential housing sections. As much as I don't approve of being forced into divorce in the past, I still have to be thankful I can enter an abused women's shelter that iI try to manage alone instead of desperately seeking  a household that has some for 'company'.  Talking yourself into a 'patiently enduring as a heterosexual single' is better than talking yourself out of your wedding vows in a reprobate, despicable attorney's office.

9. Don't be a 'Carla Derringer' Jackson Hle rule of foot: Howard JOnes is wrongwhen he claims that 'no one is to blame' when fleshly desires lead to real sin. Music, like the local libraries, is full of lies, denomic influence and anti-Truth marketing. Music without lyrics is usually your safest route if you are not spiritually strong enough to openly correct errors in lyrics. Avoiding music videos is as wise as refusing to go int any movie theatre in this century.

10. The USA Women's hockey team can go try to  get jobs at 'Sesame Street On Ice' or get maintenance jobs at 'The Suburban Ice Group' rinks in southern Michiga if they want to get paid more money to play games without a physical education degree.  Women's hockey can never represent the 12 tribes of israel properly and likewise can never be part of 'Ephod7' Gadite transition teams. Maybe they should call women's hocley teams 'Even Flo Progressive Nipple February 28th Insurance Suckers' and they can try to maintain some 'Kojak' type investigations.

11. Right now, I guess I am a physical education teacher with at least one regualar student.  Teaching various sports to one student is better than watching stupidity like "Law and Order' or Dan Patrick. Occassionally studying films of other athletes being trained by other coaches can be done if the film coverage is rated  no worse than 'PG'. 'PG' includes home games of the Chicago Bears, most hockey games, home games of the Pittsburgh Steelers and most baseball games.  Most basketball games have gone the way of 'Pink' trouble at the sidelines. Pompom and dance squads do not spiritually save lives, and only a few teams are wise enough to eliminate cheerleaders and dance teams completely.

12. Paper currency made in San Francisco is less dangerous to study than 'The Cincinnati Kid'. Once you see a film that is suitable for a vice squad unit but not suitable for children who are supposed to be watching examples of GOOD and HOLY leadership, you can always revert back to better made films such as 'The Narrow Margin', 'Leave It to Beaver', 'The Ten Commandments' or 'The Great Escape' when trying to get non-biblical perpsective on theories of evil versus good.  This is the final MIlwaukee tech Class of 1979 point of magnesium reference.

Time to rest, study, pray and talk to the dust mites in my D.A.R.E. bear that isn't featured  in 'The Hunt For Red October'.  The grouper meal I had was better than becoming a cannibal and eating Jim Fish filets pulled from a Waste Management garbage site.  The apostle Bartholomew is not opposed to my use or harsh contrast when trying to make a non-21 point.

My living room just turned into a Jim Montgomery ward! I am not Amish. I'll study Poolman and Poolman while I am wisely not eating Twizzlers , not in an outdoor Doughboy pool and while I am  not interested in buying Coca-Cola products. The US Border Patrol advertising looks very classy in the Joe Louis Arena, almost as classy as the advertising I posted in the Mosinee and Greenheck ice arenas over a decade ago.  Is Stuart Rottier going to  commit perjury again and claim that The US Border Patrol is 'nominal value'? Even the cowardly Richard Peterson of Mosinee Wisconsin would probably not be stupid enough to say a  Wisconsin S-Corp out of debt with hard assets of over $50,000 is not 'nominal value' if and when he ever makes it to a place below a judgment seat, even if the Peterson family was spiritually ignorant enough to align with a Nazi-type like Shane David Hendrikson in the past. It is a blessing that I do not know everything that is going on in the PRESENT, and I am not aligned with anyone named 'Hoffman', whether in deputy brown or on a Florida green span.

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