Saturday, March 25, 2017

Lindros Movers Or Best Movers?

The title I chose is only a comparison of  the expenses my family incurred after the Shane David Hendrikson family did not prevent him from hardening his face and proving his wickedness when he and his Nazi-types had a temporary financial advantage.  Best Movers kept their 'deal' moving me from Wausau,Wisconsin to Charlotte North Carolina in a better spirit than North American Van lines, who claimed to have moved Eric Lindros property from Dallas to Toronto.

Diplomatic exit strategies are not always possible when bad, evil or lying leaders take over an area, a district or a household.  Terry LaFrance and his wife Sharon are about as 'welcoming' as Richard and Nancy Peterson used to be to me when I loved and lived in Mosinee, Wisconsin. In both cases, their beliefs are set, they have heard truthful facts from me that they refuse to believe and as a result,  I would never trust them to be leaders in any church I intend to be affiliated with. To Lafrance's advangtage, he has not decided to be my enemy in or out of a court hearing.

Is it Caramagno truck#350 day or a slimy, dirty ESPN#350 Derien hatcher day in Michigan? Who's Havelid????? Unanswered questions are for research and old development checkers. Steve McNair can't respond even though he's listed at #733, and that's just an Andrew Brunette Point733 commentary for the Phosphorous first tennis point team after the Love is gone from Barry24's hands..

Terry LaFrance and Nancy Peterson are not atheists, but they became very uncooperative when I asked for help or for some additional insight to their perspective.  There is no longer any way to repair the link between me and the Richard Peterson family, but someone might be able to try to correct Terry LaFrance, a Navy veteran who made the following claims which caused me to reject him as a leader or an elder figure:

A)  The Continuing Church of God has some decent aspects, such as their collection of musical scores and their willingness to respect the sabbath. However, Terry LaFrance insists that we should trust a pre=calculated calender when it comes to noew moons and that the earth is billions of years old. He also might trust the French Mirage sooner than he would trust a carrier pigeon, to his disadvantage.

B) LaFrance insists that the United States is Ephraim, than France is Reuben and that England is Manessah, which is  irrational. Even so, when I pointed out that Esau is to be considered part of the brethren, he said that was 'old', discarded my warning, but had just got an earful of 'OLD' advice from the book of Proverbs from Robert Theil, who thinks that Laodacea is 'keeping the commandments' for some reason. My impression of the church of Laodacea is that they don't even care enough to study the commandments because they are too busy with banking and druggist games.

C) Robert Theil rightly stated the position of Islam does not cause him any fear, and that their anti- idolatry position has a proper place in the world to oppose the Vatican methodists. After LaFrance said Esau couldn't help him, I claimed Esau's descendents can help me, have helped me and that past good advice from Yehovah still must be trusted at times. He asked me who 'Esau' was and I said they are brethren according to the 2nd chapter of Deuteronomy, and are a different line than Ishmael. They might be as hidden and protected as Shadrach, Meshach and jungle bunnies.

D) I tried to ascertain just what LaFrance considers himself, and he said that he is a 'Christian' and that Islamics want to kill him. If I use basic self-defense, I will now avoid his turf because not only do I want to avoid being caught in some bad situtation if his claim is true, he also said the Germans are now plotting to burn Islamic people in ovens like the Jews were burned by the Nazis. It is my understanding that witches should be burned, and the Wizard of Oz didn't apply equal justice by letting the witch of the North deceive viewers.

E)  I told LaFrance I consider myself an Israelite (Caleb route) not a 'Christian', since Christianity is predominantly anti-Torah. I then asked LaFrance to make one decision, and tell me if he was more like Reuben because he is French or more like Ephraim because he is from the United States. He refused to align with either position, and that means he is more likely to reject the chosen leaders of Israel than I am if and when they show up to help guide him to safety somewhere. Compare E to M if you are follinwg the Club 10 and St. Batholmew 6ers.

F) LaFrance seems to think that sending a statue of Winston Churchill back to England was a form of rejecting Manessah, but Winston Churchill is not part of Manessah!  If he was, his diet would be more like a 'Jewish' person. Donald Trump can send the Statue of Liberty back to France and that doesn't mean he's rejecting the tribe of Reuben. As a matter of fact, the real tribe of Reuben should despise the huge idolatrous statues that crop up like stumbling block heads and ruin the view of the natural beauty of the earthlings and the earth.

G) As Theil said, it is best to try and be respectful to leaders in the community, and I tried to be respectful to Terry LaFrance, but LeFrance refused to be respectful of genuine tribe information not tied to any particular political entity like the United States, France or England. I suggested he listen to the British-Israeli Church of God to get another perspective.

H) If LaFrance insists he is part of the remnant church of Philadelphia, yet he did not even understand why I wore a Philadelphia Phillies visor, he is not very 'street wise' in to and fro situations. Yehovah is not going to build his church on a REMNANT.  The remnant has to locate a proper cornerstone and a Israel tribe leader to trust if they are at least serious enough to make the Abbadon unit or get sealed into a tribe before prophesied times of trouble.

I) I told LaFrance I would keep an eye on his neighbor's church on Thursdays, the Jehovah's Witnesses, and pray about whether or not I should return to hear Theil's preaching.  This is not a minor matter, just as feeding my enemies in Wisconsin was not a minor matter to follow through with when I was used, abused and treated cruelly by them when I never intended to harm them.

J) If you cannot stop claiming you are a 'Christian' and upgrade to Elisha, Elijah, Esau or Eldad's level of spiritual warfare, I suppose you might expect to be the enemy of anti-idolatry religions. I certainly do not want to be in the company of a person who states he is the target of Islamic forces since I know that he might be the target of Jesuits, Democrats,atheists any other person who is anti-Philadephia for some reason.  Without proof someone is trying to kill you, false claims can be dangerous, can be a sign of paranoia or a sign of lack of willingness to respect the ability of an enemy or an adversary to show mercy to a fellow God-fearing human.  I actually had proof and individual named Shane David Hendrikson was plotting evil me and because Wisconsin's Marathon County Sheriff did not care enough to warn him against committing a crime against me, Shane David Hendrikson DID commit felony crimes against me which shall not be forgiven due to lack of repentance.

J) Acquine Jackson's Badger basketball boys made it to Xavier Grimble and 83. Terry Lafrance is about as accurate in information delivery as Nigel Hayes is at the  free throw line. Terry LaFrance is hitting the proper target on occasion, but I don't think he is practicing enough in certain areas of expertise to lead his 'church' to a position of Triumph or BarFleur level in Collingwood Vice Admiral versions of mental and moral conflict solutions.

K) Bill Murray is not my idea of a good leader, so if Xavier Musketeers do not better than the Wisconsin Badgers, so what?  I'm not a Jesuit, and I'm a South Carolina fan. I only bouth a Xavier shirt for an' anti-Hendrikson' message to my 1986 classmates on the MIlwaukke Police Department. 'Xavier' did me less harm than the Slade and Shane Hendrikson family of anti-cops.

L) Neutral Last SYSCO LaPeer Legion 16 local memory recall perspective: Indiana trailer plate 2240543 has a urim up front (224) and a Lindros ESPN 543 on the end OR it has a Cinncinnati Kid 405 hotel room joke in the middle, not Malcom Morgan.  A 22 up front and a 43 on the end of a 405 might be more than a Ti and Tc indicator in Cleveland and Bush areas.

M) A CuTe (2952) 36 year old male,  'Just In', who claims he works with mentally disabled people in Michigan, had an intelligent conversations with me about hockey, theology and the Tree of Life in general. I asked him if he rather defend Simeon or Joseph after explaining the basic positional stones of Aaron's breastplate when applied to a hockey rink, and he had no problem making a decision to defend Simeon. I then said Simeon was jailed by Joseph for a bit, and that my tendency is to defend Joseph, like Benjamin or Zebulon.  I protected prisoners in the past with the authority I was given in Milwaukee. I suggested "Just IN' study sardius and Reuben, since he was not verbally afraid to align with those names, indicating that he had more natural courage and instinct to DEFEND people and certain positions.   Neither Redmond37, Crawford#50 nor Berry#1 were nearby to comment on our intelligent discussion of goalie areas.

N)' CuTe Just In' was wrong when he said we all had the same goal. Humans have different goals for a reason, namely in order to prevent the world from becoming lopsided in on area. When there are goal options, offense and defense are then maintained strategically for SIEVE and sifting purposes.

OO) Jack Sioux City Split: Terry LaFrance brought up Daniel's prophesy of clay and iron mixtures, and I brought up Solomon's bronze mixture of copper and tin, which seems like the O's of MIlwaukee Squad 50 metallurgy madness to some and a Boaz Tech contrast to  pillar students.  I suggested to LaFrance that we might be like iron and clay and thus cannot hold our positions together; LaFrance was dressed in scarlet  sweater, red as Georgia clay,  and I was overcovered with Uggla26 Iron grey Atlanta Braves jersey  and a Sudbury Brunette MInnesota Wild green vesture over a 'Xavier University' shirt not made from  Christopher Plummer's, Tara's or 12 Oaks curtains.   He sat on the northwest like Reuben, I sat on the Southeast like Dan or Simeon. I don't know what LaFrance learned in the Navy, but he has become very complacent when it comes to non-verbal communication skills, and I am not in the mood to train him up in the way he should go for FREE. Maybe Winston Churchill  or Teddy Roosevelt students can retrain the LaFrance Christians for free. No one had a 'Paris University' sweatshirt on to my knowledge, and plastic military tanks for tot toys were observed on site.

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