Sunday, March 5, 2017

35 Years:Theodore Reynaud Jackson Is Still A Disgrace

'Becher' could be the word of the day. 'Becher', a name in the Old Testament, means 'camel' in Hebrew and on the southside of Milwaukee, the Becher Street area is a tough area to survive in. In the 1970's, a historic football field used to be on Becher Street near south 8th street, but like many other historic  battleground areas, the football field is only a memory to many old Milwaukee survivors.

35 years ago, March 6, 1982 was a day I never realized that so many men would want the worst to become of Richard Isaiah Hendrikson. Richard Isaiah Hendrikson was fathered by Theodroe Reynaud Jackson, son of Donald and Jessie Jackson of Milwaukee, but the Jackson family wanted to hold onto their 'black' money rather than choose to be respectable paternal relatives. As a result, I did not have much of a chance to succeed as a perfect mother to Richard Edwin Xavier. He was delivered in Good Samaritan hospital by Ruth Palkans on June 14th, 1983, and I am quite sure that Ruth Palkans hoped for the best for baby 'Richard'. He is more real than 'Planet X'.

When the natural father of a boy tried and succeeded to escape his financial duty, he became a thief and a liar. Since the Roman Catholic church accepted Theodroe Reynaud Jackson as one of their flock,  I will say the Pope is party to the crimes committed by their recruits, especially since they never loved Richard or me, Richard's mother, enough to rebuke and disciple Richard's father. I had been a servant in the Catholic church for years like many others have been.  Milwaukee Countyand the vatican's  shame   is still the fact that there are so many males just like  Theodore Reynaud Jackson, later known as Todd Reynaud Xavier, who then went back to 'Jackson' for some reason.   'Do not try to recruit who you do not intend to properly control' might be a good motto for those who do not want to be party to the crimes of their 'rank and file' members and employees.

I did seek men who might have wanted the best life possible for my son Richard, but instead I chose men who only wanted what I had to offer them for some reason. Michael Robin Ortiz, another product of the uncaring Catholic system, did not get a houseful of cigarette smoke with me  nor did he try to get a way out of paying child support to the mother of his children. What he did do was find a way to make sure his step-son Richard had a even slimmer chance of being loved by a man who wanted the best for him, and I went on to waste many years serving Shane David Hendrikson, another disgrace to Wisconsin and to whatever 'church' he claims to be part of. Shane David Hendrikson has  also proved he does not want anything good to happen to my son Richard,  and Shane's ability to lie and steal have equaled if not surpassed the harm that Richard's natural father caused.  Even men like Doug Allord and Brian Berg actually desire the worst in the days ahead for Richard isaiah Hendrikson because none of them have had the courage to correct the errs of their ways, so they are incapable of getting any other person on a road to repentance. Don't confuse Danny Willett and Gary Woodland with hirelings, even though many politicians and corrupt church leaders play too much and do not yet know how to earn a source of honest income.

A good father would want his son to have a decent relationship with his mother,especially if the mother has been faithful to the father and did her best to provide for her household.  I know my father wants my son to have decent relationship with me, but my son actually hates  my father because he refuses to respect the good desire of my father's heart. Indeed, my 3  former spouses never wanted 'the best' for my son Richard Edwin Xavier, and unless Richard has the courage to break the pattern of deception and family evasion that his father has, my son has nothig but family disaster ahead of him because I know that my God does exist and that my God knows the tears I still have as an unloved mother. Since I know Ezekiel 33 is true, I also know that past 'good works' cannot compensate for current intentional sins  whether the sin is committed against parent, neighbor or their unseen 'god'. Amazingly, Ezekiel chapter 33 builds up like a mountain, and the pinnacle at verses 15 and 16 reveal  point of mercy grace that few choose to DO, even though opportunity is there. The entire chapter is a 'must read' to understand the motives and plans of a just and righteous God who does not ignore sin.

I am thankful I am a daughter, but I would be a liar if I said I was thankful to be a mother and a grandmother at this point in history. Actually, my son is teaching his children to be just as wicked and uncaring as his father and he is abusing his own children by not allowing them to get to know me, their pro-commandment grandmother, just as I am, rather than robbing his own children and me of an opportunity to behave as family should toward one another.  When male leaders not only fail, but intentionally corrupt and divide their own families, it is not a shame for a mother to cry out to an unseen Elohim, just as Psalm 35 suggests.

Fiction, useless and destructive as it often is, abounds on television and in books, but Truth is the only foundation that can possibly improve the course of history ahead. What has happened in the past 35 years cannot be changed. I love my parents too much to give up on life  like others have, and I love and understand 'Yehovah' too much to ever go back to living a sin-filled life. What I wonder today is if any of my enemies, even one of them, can choose to read and believe Ezekiel 33:15-16, and then start to live an anti-sin life after restoring what they have robbed from me or others?

As the 7th day of the 12th biblical month starts, it is not Pearl Harbor Day. Actually, the United States is worse than it was on Pearl harbor day, since sin and crimes have increased substantially since the 1940's.  I suspect it is a day when only a chosen few are really spiritually prepared for the events in the days, weeks and years ahead. Very few humans have a clear conscience because they prefer to try and conceal their sins and crimes rather than 'saint up' and take the necessary actions to actually be forgiven for their sins and crimes.

There might have been pills that could have erased or destroyed my memory of March 6, 1982 but I rather remember just who the enemies of  a true and just God and my enemies still are.  Fighting off past power plays by drug pushers in medical facilities has not been a simple task. The United States is a fiscal, moral  and a legal shame, because it has made it almost impossible for an honest citizen to get a proper and fair day in any court, especially at 'divorce time'. As bad as the United States is, Yehovah still wants some saints, maybe an angel or two and some people willing to prophesy to remain here so that the guilty will in no way be declared 'innocent' or acquitted, even though they might be comfortable temporarily.

What can I do know? I can pray for my enemies , maybe for the last time. After that, I can continue to resist sin one minute at a time for maybe another 35 years. I read aloud Psalm 68, Psalm 97 and Psalm 35; Psalm 35 is a plea for help against the wicked. Fighting an attitude of laziness is tough but necessary when you are 'not happy' and struggling with sadness caused by situations that seem impossible for me to correct, but not impossible for a very angry and righteous God to correct.

Could the prophet Jeremiah ever have felt as sick to his stomach as I do today? Of course prophets can get sick to their stomach when surrounded by evil rather than being  literally embraced by a good 'God'. Even a camel knows it is better to walk in solitude, sorrow and strength than be held in captivity by a cruel being and mistreated, eventually leading even a camel to the loss of a gentle spirit.

I am not as quick as a cricket, nor am I as quiet as a clam.  I think,  I recall, I pray, I study, I watch, I react and I wonder what the results of my hope and trust in Yehovah will be.

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