Putting trust in a system of 'justice' leads to tempatation battles. I will try to lead the typical Ephasus type past 'Artemis' thinking and over to head-covering issues. This is not as easy as putting on a 'Fruitful Living' show, but it might help you in an effort to cleanse your spirit if it still feels 'dirty'. The following are reasonable expectations based on human tendencies:
A) The typical married person will be tempted by other people in some way.
B) The typical single person might have mated with too many other humans too many times after getting baptized and has a seared conscience.
1. If you only got baptized as an infant and you think that 'counted', count the number of people you mated with during your lifetime and you failed to resist when tempted. Count any married people you mated with as a more serious offense, since adultery was committed.
2) If you got baptized as adult, count the number of people you mated with after your adult baptism into 'Chtristianity'. If you did not go through the proper steps of repentance after your sin, including telling your spouse they have the right to divorce you because you mated with another person, it is unlikely you are 'saved' due to lack of faith in your spouse's ability to forgive or your spouse's right to petition for divorce.
C) The typical sttrong delusion might be something as typical as the following:
1. A fit man is wearing a 'fire dept'' shirt, and unless you ask questions, you might be deceived and think he is part of a real fire department. ATOday, I asked a strong man if he was a fireman, and he said no, it was just a shirt he boutght in Maui. As a result, I was not deceived by the strong delusion, and it is probable I am part of the elect of HVHY.
2. Women and men who dress like strumpets in front of cameras for release to the 'public' are less likely to be forgiven for the continual sin of enticement than the married person who unintentionally attracts a nother human in real life.
3. Once a person unintentionally attracts another person, real tests occur. It is better to retreat from mutual attraction before any mating occurs, and a person with a conscience will be able to repent and desire to remain with their spouse. Whether or not they admit their lack of faithfulness to their spouse is either a 5th amendment problem or a wise natural instinct to cause no further harm to their household and strive to increase theiir ability to resisit tempttaion in the future.
D) Pigs cause less damage to the typical family than scantily dressed humans on television or in 'hot spots'. Sometimes, decent people or people who got 'saved' after marriage are attracted to others who dress more modestly because their own spouse is dressing to attract attention from their neighbors. If a person really is 'saved', they might lose their unsaved spouse to person who took the visual strumpet bait instead of finding their version of the nanny role in 'The Sound of Music' when seeking companionship..
E) It is reasonable to believe that actors and actresses who fake emotions and extend their bodies for fornication to others in the same occupation will never seek forgiveness for their form of prostitution and thus will never be forgiven for their lack of morality .
F) When it comes to 'head-coverings', guilty people might never 'tattle' on another guilty person, especially if they are hooked into the Catholic system and confessed their sin to their 'neighbor', the Catholic priest. Since I am not a judge, I cannot predict what happens when 2 guilty people do not 'tattle' on each other, and only seek religious counsel from some other non-atheist. This is known as the 'Artemis' trouble area for those who are trying to protect an equally weak fool in their past and who they do not expect to sin with again in the future.
G) Frank Martin revealed his lack of wisdom when he stated he listens to Dean Martin when attempting to sway his attitude. Dean Martin is not a good foundation to build a holy team mindset upon, and it is probably that Frank Martin is spiritually dead or very immature yet. The South Carolina Gamecock players are young enough to choose a hymn or a tune with no lyrics to counter Frank Martin's lack of wisdom.
H) Since I found out that peaceful Muslims can pray with or without head-coverings and that they still believe Moses is a 'good guy', there is a reasonable expectation of bad results when men who say they believe the apostle Paul choose to wear head coverings rather than believe the men of the books they chose to believe. I do not know why MOnte Judah wears a head covering, but I would suggest he stop doing so and see if his wife's disease reverses. It is true that if a man disrespects the rules of his chosen religion, his entire family is likely to suffer due to his improper leadership.
I) It is legal to turn over information about felony suspects to other citizens without getting a court order. Such actions are more likely to occur after hireling in law enforcement failed to get the proper results after you were the victim of a crime. It is also legal and sometimes very good therapy to cut family pictures up after your family is no longer 'intact'; today it was good to identify Shane Hendrikson and his maternal grandparents as corrupt sinners who still are not forgiven for their sins. Sadly, pictures of suspects sometimes must be retained by the victims of crimes, especially when deputies arrested the person (me) who was trying to prevent a felony and has not yet had the courage to correct their own serious moral and legal problem.
Now, time to try 'Fruitful Living' suggestions and try to purify my blood and detoxify. I only have an onld 'Ninja' to try, so I resisted the temptation to replace my family's Osterizer that I donated to my enemies.
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