Thursday, March 30, 2017

Aviv Day 2 Horizontal Word Study

Is Canada going to put a cannabis plant on their flag instead of of maple leaf now?  Marijuana legalization is not as bad as legalizing abortions but it is another step in the wrong direction for anyone who knows that clarity of mind is essential for making wise decisions. Sadly, many people in power do not want those under them to be clear-minded and alert.

A sound mind requires input of new information to filter through it. For instance, I saw a magazine headline in another person's hand that said 'Divorce Turns Ugly', but there is no such thing as a beautiful divorce. Al divorces are ugly and have deplorable and sometimes very dangerous results results.

Days since Shane David Hendrikson got the desire of his heart: via divorce 1807. Yes, even evil people sometimes get exactly what they want sooner than good people get the desires of their heart. I', still patiently waiting for the desires of my heart. I will refer to my anti-387783979 count as my 'orange series, keeping in mind my D,A.R.E. program team and the one orange Mary Hajec had when deploying herself to the United States from Poland between WORLD War I and World War II:

Orange 1807:, Hebrew Delilah    Orange 1807, Greek: 'to select'
I am not restarting a count back to word 2, I will only keep learning by comparing day by day counts from the past 3 pesach seasons I have honored. I will refer to the Keswick count as blue, to the London count as red and to the Ottawa count as purple, since that was the 4th year; pesach in charlotte, NC was kind of a 'yellow #1' year for me, and I didn't really start any consecutive word studies since I was pressured with legal and huge spiritual battles.

Hebrew:  Purple4 356: Elyon         Red3 739: Lion of God     Blue3 1096   Beltashazzar

Greek:      Purple 356: proportions   Red3 complete, perfect     Blue 2: 1096  'come to pass'

A look ahead to 1808 is : Dalet Lamed Lamed, which looks like ONE door with 2 forms of staffing leads to overworking those past the 'door', or the Dalet. If the 1st Lamed is held by a bad shepherd, it is a divided house past the 'Dalet'. If the 1st lamed is controlled by a good shephard and you go too far from the Door, you end up in control of a different shepherd who might be evil. The United States is actually weak and feeble because it has tried to mix 2 or more mindsets in Congress, and unity will never occur. GOvernment experimnets often do go wrong, but those who rely on the basic rules designed for Israel will not be divided and will not remain feeble and weak, especially if they remember the Red3 combo: Lion of God; complete and perfect, possible in the third year and just before the approach of another 1290 day of caution leading to a day 1335 of special interest to people who are aware of the times and the appointed seasons observed by the elect of Yehovah..

Colors mean things; numbers are often less clear than colors to discern.


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

It's the Gadish New Year!

There are some choice greetings you can try to deliver on March 30th to your neighbor. Try the following salutations:

A) Merry Manassah New Year!
B) Tis the season to eat chocolate rabbits that are not named 'Easter bunnies'.
G) Chocolate bunnies were developed to try to get Gentiles to stop eating actual rabbits in the flesh.
g) Check the ingredients to make sure you are buying a quality mock rabbit. Bar code #41236003, Palmer's 'Carrot Patch Pete' ,item #4600342 is an enemy of health and vital statistics, since it has yellow dye#5 in it and  various other anti-food additives.  Although I will not ask Meijers for a refund since the  unhealthy rabbit melted in it's own hotbox after I set it on my windowsill, I cannot recommend 'Palmer's' version of a chocalate Bunny to my friends. I do not intend to eat the chemical-infused Mizewski type candy rabbit  4600342. '342' is a number attached to 'enmity' in Jamers Strong's concordance, so  buyers, BEWARE of chocolate substitute sellers not up to Ambrosia or Hershey Bear standards!
D) Have a Bushy-tailed Benjamin New Year.
H) The Joyous Tribe of Joseph is starting a new year now.
V)  Happy Asher Aviv Day 1!
Z) Zealous Zebulun New Year has begun even without the 2nd amendment properly enforced
C)  Even though I don't know where Steve Begin is, the Israelite New Year has started up again for March Dombrowski.
T) If you don't want me to say 'Happy Israeli New Year' to you, I can say 'Have an extremely Sneezy spring' to you instead.
Y" Do you mind if I sing 'I'll be home for Shavuot'  or would you prefer to hear Pentecost HIghway patrol songs for the Bronson Vikings preparing to do a hard Omer count up to  the 5 0'Clock Gin sectionals?
K) The Erie Ephraim New Year has started.
L) Did you hear my shofar solo last night on the W.I.S.E.  AM airwaves?
M) It's  Naphtali New Year's Day, naturally.
N) Reuben Night shift observed a new annual cycle on March, 29th, 2017.
Sa) Interesting Issachar had a closer  the saved the old year on March 29th,2017. Stay sober, my friend.
P) Dandelion Dinah's 11th Division opened the new year on March 30th, 2017.
Ts) Did you see any Pittsburgh Penguins try and hide in Corey Crawford's net on the Gadish New Year?  ( This is a bottom shelf hockey questions equal to a doog hole in District 1 on a Milwaukee District 5 day.)
Q) HIgh Eye Q Israelites know its safer to drink kale shakes and drive on the Abib 1 that get caught down and drunk on January 1st.
R) I'm going R as in Robert and Roy's way, not Dean Martin's way this hoppy 1st month of the Danish Blue Stone Cold   'A as in Arby's'  Brisket Bunch.

Just a reminder that 'Veggie Tales' is all wrong and has perverted the Truth when it tries to prevent saints from buying chocolate rabbits; try to avoid buying the name 'Easter', not the name 'Black' , since 'Easter' is an unholy law firm in Michigan now. If you believe the Bible and Moses, you are not supposed to eat actual rabbits.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

The True Prodigal Doesn't 'Pay It Forward'

Movies can ruin the mindset of humans sooner than a cardboard puzzle palace.  The defined 'prodigal' goes into a state of rebellion when he took his money and 'paid it forward' toward anti-commandment enterprises. If the message of 'the prodigal son' is a prophetic scenario, the prodigal would have to start 'paying it backwards' after gaining proper employment and then returning money to people he might have swindled or stolen from while on his sinning spree. A prodigal concept is not limited to children who leave obedient Israelite homes  to raise pigs and associate with seductive cheerleaders, but can easily open up by 'prodigal' definition to wider areas of financial offenses against others that need correction. ONly by 'paying it backward' can a thief  still off of a wooden cross to receive forgiveness and restoration into a commandment-keeping family. Taking stolen money and forwarding to others in fake moves of 'charity' will never count as good works, and eventually can get the receivers of the stolen money in danger of some form of damnation.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Reasonable Expectations Of Temptation Battles

Putting trust in a system of 'justice' leads to tempatation battles. I will try to lead the typical Ephasus type past 'Artemis' thinking and over to head-covering issues. This is not as easy as putting on a 'Fruitful Living' show, but it might help you in an effort to cleanse your spirit if it still feels 'dirty'. The following are reasonable expectations based on human tendencies:

A) The typical married person will be tempted by other people in some way.
B) The typical single person might have mated with too many other humans  too many times after getting baptized and has a seared conscience.
 1. If you only got baptized as an infant and you think that 'counted', count the number of people you mated with  during your lifetime and you failed to resist when tempted. Count any married people you mated with as a more serious offense, since adultery was committed.
2) If you got baptized as adult, count the number of people you mated with after your adult baptism into 'Chtristianity'.  If you did not go through the proper steps of repentance after your sin, including telling your spouse they have the right to divorce you because you mated with another person, it is unlikely you are 'saved' due to lack of faith in your spouse's ability to forgive or your spouse's right to petition for divorce.
C) The typical sttrong delusion might be something as typical as the following:
1. A fit man is wearing  a 'fire dept'' shirt, and unless you ask questions, you might be deceived and think he is part of a real fire department. ATOday, I asked a strong man if he was a fireman, and he said no, it was just a shirt he boutght in Maui. As a result,  I was not  deceived by the strong delusion, and  it is probable I am part  of the elect of HVHY.
2. Women and men who dress like strumpets in front of cameras for release to the 'public' are less likely to be forgiven for the continual sin of enticement than the married person who unintentionally attracts  a nother human in real life.
3. Once a person unintentionally attracts another person, real tests occur. It is better to retreat from mutual attraction before any  mating occurs, and a person with a conscience will be able to repent and desire to remain with their spouse. Whether or not they admit their lack of faithfulness to their spouse is either a 5th amendment problem or a wise natural instinct to cause no further harm to their household and strive to increase theiir ability to resisit tempttaion in the future.
D) Pigs cause less damage to the typical family than scantily dressed humans on television or in 'hot spots'. Sometimes, decent people or people who got 'saved' after marriage are attracted to others who dress more modestly because their own spouse is dressing to attract attention from their neighbors.  If a person really is 'saved', they might lose their unsaved spouse to person who took the visual strumpet bait instead of finding their version of  the nanny role in 'The Sound of Music' when seeking companionship..
E) It is reasonable to believe that actors and actresses who fake emotions and extend their bodies for fornication  to others in the same occupation will never seek forgiveness for their form of prostitution and thus will never be forgiven for their lack of morality .
F) When it comes to 'head-coverings', guilty people might never 'tattle' on another guilty person, especially if they are hooked into the Catholic system and confessed their sin to their 'neighbor', the Catholic priest. Since I am not a judge, I cannot predict what happens when 2 guilty people do not 'tattle' on each other, and only seek religious counsel from some other non-atheist. This is known as the 'Artemis' trouble area for those who are trying to protect an equally weak fool in their past and who they do not expect to sin with again in the future.
G) Frank Martin revealed his lack of wisdom when he stated he listens to Dean Martin when attempting to sway his attitude. Dean Martin is not a good foundation to build a holy team mindset upon, and  it is probably that Frank Martin is spiritually dead or very immature yet. The South Carolina Gamecock players are young enough to choose a hymn or a tune with no lyrics to counter Frank Martin's lack of wisdom.
H) Since I found out that peaceful Muslims can pray with or without head-coverings and that they still believe Moses is a 'good guy', there is a reasonable expectation of bad results when men who say they believe the apostle Paul choose to wear head coverings rather than believe the men of the books they chose to believe. I do not know why MOnte Judah wears a head covering, but I would suggest he stop doing so and see if his wife's disease reverses. It is true that if a man disrespects the rules of his chosen religion, his entire family is likely to suffer due to his improper leadership.
I)  It is legal to turn over information about felony suspects to other citizens without getting a court order. Such actions are more likely to occur after hireling in law enforcement failed to get the proper results after you were the victim of a crime. It is also legal and sometimes very good therapy to cut family pictures up after your family is no longer 'intact'; today it was good to identify Shane Hendrikson and his maternal grandparents as corrupt sinners who still are not forgiven for their sins. Sadly, pictures of suspects sometimes must be retained by the victims of crimes, especially when deputies arrested the person (me) who was trying to prevent a felony and has not yet had the courage to correct their own serious moral and legal problem.

Now, time to try 'Fruitful Living' suggestions and try to purify my blood and detoxify. I only have an onld 'Ninja' to try, so I resisted the temptation to replace my family's Osterizer that I donated to my enemies.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Lindros Movers Or Best Movers?

The title I chose is only a comparison of  the expenses my family incurred after the Shane David Hendrikson family did not prevent him from hardening his face and proving his wickedness when he and his Nazi-types had a temporary financial advantage.  Best Movers kept their 'deal' moving me from Wausau,Wisconsin to Charlotte North Carolina in a better spirit than North American Van lines, who claimed to have moved Eric Lindros property from Dallas to Toronto.

Diplomatic exit strategies are not always possible when bad, evil or lying leaders take over an area, a district or a household.  Terry LaFrance and his wife Sharon are about as 'welcoming' as Richard and Nancy Peterson used to be to me when I loved and lived in Mosinee, Wisconsin. In both cases, their beliefs are set, they have heard truthful facts from me that they refuse to believe and as a result,  I would never trust them to be leaders in any church I intend to be affiliated with. To Lafrance's advangtage, he has not decided to be my enemy in or out of a court hearing.

Is it Caramagno truck#350 day or a slimy, dirty ESPN#350 Derien hatcher day in Michigan? Who's Havelid????? Unanswered questions are for research and old development checkers. Steve McNair can't respond even though he's listed at #733, and that's just an Andrew Brunette Point733 commentary for the Phosphorous first tennis point team after the Love is gone from Barry24's hands..

Terry LaFrance and Nancy Peterson are not atheists, but they became very uncooperative when I asked for help or for some additional insight to their perspective.  There is no longer any way to repair the link between me and the Richard Peterson family, but someone might be able to try to correct Terry LaFrance, a Navy veteran who made the following claims which caused me to reject him as a leader or an elder figure:

A)  The Continuing Church of God has some decent aspects, such as their collection of musical scores and their willingness to respect the sabbath. However, Terry LaFrance insists that we should trust a pre=calculated calender when it comes to noew moons and that the earth is billions of years old. He also might trust the French Mirage sooner than he would trust a carrier pigeon, to his disadvantage.

B) LaFrance insists that the United States is Ephraim, than France is Reuben and that England is Manessah, which is  irrational. Even so, when I pointed out that Esau is to be considered part of the brethren, he said that was 'old', discarded my warning, but had just got an earful of 'OLD' advice from the book of Proverbs from Robert Theil, who thinks that Laodacea is 'keeping the commandments' for some reason. My impression of the church of Laodacea is that they don't even care enough to study the commandments because they are too busy with banking and druggist games.

C) Robert Theil rightly stated the position of Islam does not cause him any fear, and that their anti- idolatry position has a proper place in the world to oppose the Vatican methodists. After LaFrance said Esau couldn't help him, I claimed Esau's descendents can help me, have helped me and that past good advice from Yehovah still must be trusted at times. He asked me who 'Esau' was and I said they are brethren according to the 2nd chapter of Deuteronomy, and are a different line than Ishmael. They might be as hidden and protected as Shadrach, Meshach and jungle bunnies.

D) I tried to ascertain just what LaFrance considers himself, and he said that he is a 'Christian' and that Islamics want to kill him. If I use basic self-defense, I will now avoid his turf because not only do I want to avoid being caught in some bad situtation if his claim is true, he also said the Germans are now plotting to burn Islamic people in ovens like the Jews were burned by the Nazis. It is my understanding that witches should be burned, and the Wizard of Oz didn't apply equal justice by letting the witch of the North deceive viewers.

E)  I told LaFrance I consider myself an Israelite (Caleb route) not a 'Christian', since Christianity is predominantly anti-Torah. I then asked LaFrance to make one decision, and tell me if he was more like Reuben because he is French or more like Ephraim because he is from the United States. He refused to align with either position, and that means he is more likely to reject the chosen leaders of Israel than I am if and when they show up to help guide him to safety somewhere. Compare E to M if you are follinwg the Club 10 and St. Batholmew 6ers.

F) LaFrance seems to think that sending a statue of Winston Churchill back to England was a form of rejecting Manessah, but Winston Churchill is not part of Manessah!  If he was, his diet would be more like a 'Jewish' person. Donald Trump can send the Statue of Liberty back to France and that doesn't mean he's rejecting the tribe of Reuben. As a matter of fact, the real tribe of Reuben should despise the huge idolatrous statues that crop up like stumbling block heads and ruin the view of the natural beauty of the earthlings and the earth.

G) As Theil said, it is best to try and be respectful to leaders in the community, and I tried to be respectful to Terry LaFrance, but LeFrance refused to be respectful of genuine tribe information not tied to any particular political entity like the United States, France or England. I suggested he listen to the British-Israeli Church of God to get another perspective.

H) If LaFrance insists he is part of the remnant church of Philadelphia, yet he did not even understand why I wore a Philadelphia Phillies visor, he is not very 'street wise' in to and fro situations. Yehovah is not going to build his church on a REMNANT.  The remnant has to locate a proper cornerstone and a Israel tribe leader to trust if they are at least serious enough to make the Abbadon unit or get sealed into a tribe before prophesied times of trouble.

I) I told LaFrance I would keep an eye on his neighbor's church on Thursdays, the Jehovah's Witnesses, and pray about whether or not I should return to hear Theil's preaching.  This is not a minor matter, just as feeding my enemies in Wisconsin was not a minor matter to follow through with when I was used, abused and treated cruelly by them when I never intended to harm them.

J) If you cannot stop claiming you are a 'Christian' and upgrade to Elisha, Elijah, Esau or Eldad's level of spiritual warfare, I suppose you might expect to be the enemy of anti-idolatry religions. I certainly do not want to be in the company of a person who states he is the target of Islamic forces since I know that he might be the target of Jesuits, Democrats,atheists any other person who is anti-Philadephia for some reason.  Without proof someone is trying to kill you, false claims can be dangerous, can be a sign of paranoia or a sign of lack of willingness to respect the ability of an enemy or an adversary to show mercy to a fellow God-fearing human.  I actually had proof and individual named Shane David Hendrikson was plotting evil me and because Wisconsin's Marathon County Sheriff did not care enough to warn him against committing a crime against me, Shane David Hendrikson DID commit felony crimes against me which shall not be forgiven due to lack of repentance.

J) Acquine Jackson's Badger basketball boys made it to Xavier Grimble and 83. Terry Lafrance is about as accurate in information delivery as Nigel Hayes is at the  free throw line. Terry LaFrance is hitting the proper target on occasion, but I don't think he is practicing enough in certain areas of expertise to lead his 'church' to a position of Triumph or BarFleur level in Collingwood Vice Admiral versions of mental and moral conflict solutions.

K) Bill Murray is not my idea of a good leader, so if Xavier Musketeers do not better than the Wisconsin Badgers, so what?  I'm not a Jesuit, and I'm a South Carolina fan. I only bouth a Xavier shirt for an' anti-Hendrikson' message to my 1986 classmates on the MIlwaukke Police Department. 'Xavier' did me less harm than the Slade and Shane Hendrikson family of anti-cops.

L) Neutral Last SYSCO LaPeer Legion 16 local memory recall perspective: Indiana trailer plate 2240543 has a urim up front (224) and a Lindros ESPN 543 on the end OR it has a Cinncinnati Kid 405 hotel room joke in the middle, not Malcom Morgan.  A 22 up front and a 43 on the end of a 405 might be more than a Ti and Tc indicator in Cleveland and Bush areas.

M) A CuTe (2952) 36 year old male,  'Just In', who claims he works with mentally disabled people in Michigan, had an intelligent conversations with me about hockey, theology and the Tree of Life in general. I asked him if he rather defend Simeon or Joseph after explaining the basic positional stones of Aaron's breastplate when applied to a hockey rink, and he had no problem making a decision to defend Simeon. I then said Simeon was jailed by Joseph for a bit, and that my tendency is to defend Joseph, like Benjamin or Zebulon.  I protected prisoners in the past with the authority I was given in Milwaukee. I suggested "Just IN' study sardius and Reuben, since he was not verbally afraid to align with those names, indicating that he had more natural courage and instinct to DEFEND people and certain positions.   Neither Redmond37, Crawford#50 nor Berry#1 were nearby to comment on our intelligent discussion of goalie areas.

N)' CuTe Just In' was wrong when he said we all had the same goal. Humans have different goals for a reason, namely in order to prevent the world from becoming lopsided in on area. When there are goal options, offense and defense are then maintained strategically for SIEVE and sifting purposes.

OO) Jack Sioux City Split: Terry LaFrance brought up Daniel's prophesy of clay and iron mixtures, and I brought up Solomon's bronze mixture of copper and tin, which seems like the O's of MIlwaukee Squad 50 metallurgy madness to some and a Boaz Tech contrast to  pillar students.  I suggested to LaFrance that we might be like iron and clay and thus cannot hold our positions together; LaFrance was dressed in scarlet  sweater, red as Georgia clay,  and I was overcovered with Uggla26 Iron grey Atlanta Braves jersey  and a Sudbury Brunette MInnesota Wild green vesture over a 'Xavier University' shirt not made from  Christopher Plummer's, Tara's or 12 Oaks curtains.   He sat on the northwest like Reuben, I sat on the Southeast like Dan or Simeon. I don't know what LaFrance learned in the Navy, but he has become very complacent when it comes to non-verbal communication skills, and I am not in the mood to train him up in the way he should go for FREE. Maybe Winston Churchill  or Teddy Roosevelt students can retrain the LaFrance Christians for free. No one had a 'Paris University' sweatshirt on to my knowledge, and plastic military tanks for tot toys were observed on site.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Marquette University: Dressed For Failure

Uniform divisions are not always 'Fun to Watch'.  Just as Gamma Epsilon is not a golden eagle, Catholic Schools no longer provide holy warriors.  It was no that long ago when I sought a small sign of encouragement and drove from Charlotte to Columbia,SC, just to see where Sidney Rice played college football. In 2012, I was hated and uncared for by my own son, and a few tokens of past good memories even got rightly divided in Columbia. Left behind in gamecock turf: 1 Michael Bennett MInnesota Viking bobble head with nickelback coverage. Some person picked up the bobble head, just as comeone picked up the other complete bobblehead at the Alliant Energy Center in Madison, also left behind in a real trail of tears.  Unholy law schools like Marquette produce spiritual buffoons like Stuart Rottier, and they do not produce good fruits eveb though they had the opportunity.

The Marquette Basketball program has obvious moral flaws that any angelic being can see:
1. The 'Nike' Michael Jordan sign is NOT a good logo. Every sign and symbol matters, and MIchael Jordan is as nasty as LeBron James.   An eagle is an unclean fowl, just to remind the Jesuits of their continuing anti-Moses Dagon beast problems.
2. The Marquette cheerleaders look like a Barbara Eden Offensive primary example of immodest belly flops.  The 'public' school of Gamecocks ( a clean chicken, by the way) had cheerleading outfits just a bit more revealing (slightly shorter skirts) than my Saint Matthew's Greyhound cheerleading companions wore in 1975.
3.  10Four88 is not a joke, but is a real non-secret number, just like saying 'HI' might be One 53 in a fishy chemical transition to a 153 historic apostle fish count, but really migt be a 'code 54' to people who know Waupaca routes. I noticed the 88 point score over Duke before I saw 'Notice 10' on a basketball court. I do not gamble, but there are more ways than passing a Torah scroll around to communicate messages to other angelic forces.
4. The 'Adidas' logo and the 'Underarmor' logos are better than Michael Jordan and Pkayboy logos; take the wrong 'mark' in the checkout lane and you might disqualify yourself from more than just an opportunity to save money.
5. Duke was #26 according to Forbes, but in Navy history, the BB South Carolina was #26.  26 is still a serious number, especially if you already understand Psalm 25.
6. The Oregon Ducks #5Dorsey and #1Bell do not represent the spirit of Milwaukee squad 50, nor can they pretend they are Anaheim Ducks. Use caution if you are on some sort of 'favorite animal' trail at Jesse Smith, Wisconsin Avenue and Jesse Raczek splits in local acts of 'charity' examinations.  Sometimes ignorant teams recruit players just for their 'name' games, rather than because they sought out the most deserving student for a team position.
7. Strong's word 1086 is tied to 'failure'. It remains to be seen if Eric Manlow, ESPPN#1086, is a failure or just an initial part of a 'SIEVE EM" line. Lake Eland in South Africa may have had a stupid serpent who died after swallowing a porcupine, just as the Eland school in Shawano County may have produced ignorant students who do not understand self-defense because they rejected and insulted intelligent step-parents who had been volunteering in their classrooms .

Indeed, it might be too late to compare Chris Silva the athlete to Ricardo Silva, the South American musician who got deceived by hirelings like Doug Allord at 'Woodlands Church' in Hauser#10 turf. If Chris Silva is a legal citizen of the United States playing the bottomless pit battles, he's better off than an illegal immigrant on a protestant church stage without a truthful coach in sight or an unloving son who intentionally ignores his struggling mother while he plays anti-commandment church games in France.

Because wings matter, a Boulton Paul Defiant design is better than Marquette University trends in their attempts to hold their unholy female parts and liberal farts department in the palm of their male cheerleader's hands..

Remember Ronnie Bass#12?

Saturday, March 18, 2017

The Position of Satan Moves

Three areas of interest and intrique occur after a certain prophet was tempted in the wilderness by a angel named 'Satan'. Eventually, three other scenarios arise, and if yuo do not know the difference between a traitor and a betrayer you will be in more trouble than Judas Iscariot ever was in or will be in.

A) Today, Terry LaFrance insisted that Satan never occupied the person of 'Peter' the apostle. If LaFrance is correct, then Satan is Yeshua's back-up angel when non-angelic beings try to go against the will of Yehovah. If Satan actually got behind Yeshua  in some sort of formation and did not stab Yeshua in the  back with a #3979 dagger, it seems that Satan understands authority better than Peter did, at least at that point in history. Satan and Yeshua versus Peter became a genuine 2 on 1 situtation in earthly power plays IF LaFrance's assumption is correct.

B) When Satan's spirit entered Judas Iscariot, Judas became very obedient to the command of Yeshua to IDENTIFY him to those plotting to kill him.  Judas Iscariot's natural spirit might have  disobeyed Yeshua, especially if indeed he was a faithful servant who wanted to stay at the meal. I pointed out to LaFrance that the Messiah of Israel would never instruct a person to go out and sin, so Judas Iscariot's actions could not have been 'sin', but a necessary action to prove the wicked intentions of Rome and the irrupted church.  If Satan could 'enter' Judas Iscariot, he also could have 'entered Peter, as in 'A'.

C) When the Benjamite Paul turned  certain followers 'over to Satan' so they learn not to blaspheme, could it be that Satan was either allowed to offend the blasphemers OR to correct the blasphemers by revealing the truth to them? I don't have a concrete answer for paul's turnovers.

D) It was not easy listening to the 'Continuing CHurch of God' video services. When I arrived at my mission site, the internet was not working; I mentioned Elijah and the southern tribes and the internet started to work properly. LaFrance denied the possibility that my presence made a difference, so I will not feel guilty if I can shed some light into the dark world of the Jehovah's Witnesses, who seem to be a bit more appreciative of my presence, even if I am not a member of their non-secret society. i was saddened to hear LaFrance say that he did not believe that Catholics or Jehovah Witnesses would be getting a prophets sent unto them, but I suspect they will get warnings or flickers of true Light sent their way so that a few might escape relgious mytholgy and front slide to a better foundation of one of the 12 tribes if Israel.

E) LaFrance seemed to have a good grasp of the feast of Unleavened Bread and is not afraid to hear differing opinions, so he is not as bad as the typical hireling or  Joel Breitzman who have no interest in being spared since they openly reject the commandments. It is better to misinterpret a commandment from God than to intentionally disobey, intentionally ignore or intentionally try to eliminate commandments.

F) When going to gatherings of non-atheists struggling with the Truth, how they respond to peaceful visitors and to insiders who bring in accurate 'outside' information does matter, especially if you keep the Rahab incident in mind. LaFrance insisted he would be judging angels at some point, but I highly doubt that he will be put into a 'judgment seat' position, especially if he insists he part of the tribe of Reuben.  He said we also might be entertaining angels 'unaware' of their presence, and that is a point we agreed on as we departed in peace today.

G) I highly recommend the chicken or beef tamales with mole sauce at 'LaFonda's Mexican restaurant for a late oneg. LaFonda's is a better option than Catholic church wafers on a Saturday, especially if there is no venison chili offered in th basement of the Catholic church after the 'blah' cracker is handed over to you.

H) LaFrance, like many other  humans I know, seems to study 'Star Trek' and 'Star Wars' type of fiction a bit too much, especially when he could be studying a bit more of the pure Hebrew language.  Overall, I guess I avoided doing what 'my pleasure' would have been today in order to avoid forsaking the assembling of myself with some other anti-Nazi group. This is one evening I might have liked to go the Joe Louis Arena to study Don Granato, but maybe someday a righteous and fit man will want to study what I do in real mental, physical and spiritual battle situations

I'm going to avoid a 'Minneapolis' point today for the sake of 'Tav Resh Shin Yod Shin' footings and the Shannon to Lenox to Preston English vessel sequence.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Take An Old&Cold Approach To ONe Through 66

Do not be ashamed to be harsh with people who are not good by SIGHT. Visual offense is not easy to combat, but it is possible to combat with reasonable use of facts.  Before I offer reasonable advice, let me share with you another 'Patrick Lebeau' problem. To my amazement, not only did I meet the Patrick Lebeau I wasn't looking for in the city of Hull, Quebec last spring, there also is a hockey player named 'Patrick Lebeau' listed on a hockey database as a person from Chicago who played for a school I attended, namely MIlwaukee School of Engineering! Is there a fictional hockey player on MSOE's roster? The Patrick Lebeau I was searching for was born in 1970, and started his 50th year of life today. Also of huge hockey interest is Don Granato's assigned number of Ten Four Three Seventeen (104317); Don Granato, one of my favorite UW Badger hockey players, looks quite a bit like Vladimir Putin now , and Don Granato got some messages  to the Detroit area on March17th. 10-4, March 17th??? Are there full size posters (similar to the super MIke and Mark Strobel brothers) of  the eloquent human masterpiece 'Don Granato' available so I can use my Mark Messier cardboard cutout as a doormat instead of as a privacy screen?  Now my favorite active coach, Don Granato, is running a serious red and white Berry farm system! Don Granato appears to be a perfect man and he seems to have as much class as Paul douglas Coffey. Am I being deceived my MSOE and the Patrick LeBeau trio spread across the northern hemisphere?  Will Paul Coffey and Don Granato start believing and obeying Moses and the prophets of Israel on this weekend that good Israelites have Elijah at Mount Carmel in mind? These questions and more might not be answered today, but eventually they will be answered. Now, let's move forward to equally serious matters of defense and offense tactics......

1. If  you see humans in 'Victoria's Secret Pink' wear, do not be afraid to say they are in the Tom Brady or Naomi Campbell err lines.  State of 'Pink'  lines might be clashing intentionally with PInk Iron Bear lines because of fools like John Payne and the pink Baptist churches. Try to resolve visual offense with reasonable use of verbal force opposing companies who push the 'despicable whorish demonic angel' spirit which is actually even worse than Jezebal and Ahab offense against saints and prophets.

2.   Actively seek out decent dining establishments where you get more for your money than you would at St. John Vianney Catholic church. 'Lucky's' in Almont is clearly a better choice than going to a Hooter's or a casino with a $20.00m budget. Make sure you exercise your right to be disgusted at the sight of pork or lobster, but do not try to prevent  the enemies of Moses from eating what they are willing to pay for.  This form of verbal sparring is no worse than openly objecting to an abortion in process even if you have legal ability to stop the anti-commandment actions of your fellow citizens.

3. Reasonable risk might have to be taken when Jehovah's Witnesses are clearly  misleading others. After going to a Bible study, I was invited to sit at a table with 6 people who claim to be 'Jehovah's witnesses'. The most obese, most arrogant male decided to reject Moses and then stiffed his face with baby back ribs with an attitude similar to Shane David Hendrikson . I warned him, saying he ordere the  Colonel Klink meal, but he did not decide to believe Jehovah.

4. Prior to the 'Chili's' dining experience, the Jehovah's Witnesses made some big plea for people to 'dress up' properly when going to their Kingdom Hall, citing a claim that they should consider how they woud dress if going before a judge'. I informed the people that judges are often their neighbors, and a person who dresses differently than he or she normally does just to try to sway a judge is often a deciever.  My 'Mike Singletary' jersey with full coverage blue jeans was good enough to wear to any circuit court if you are fortunate enough not to be in an orange jumpsuit, so it certainly is good enough to go into the 'Kingdom Hall' where they still refuse to discern the difference between the clean and the unclean while they keep accusing 'the Jews' of being disobedient 2000 years ago.

5. Deuteronomy chapter 16 is not as 'cut and dried' as Nehemia Gordon suggests. First if all, I know Jehovah would rather have me keep the feast of Passover in my house rather than assemble next to bellies thaat still might have pork chops in their intestines. The spirit of Jehovah might indeed propmt me to know that his name IS upon my household because I respect his laws in my household. I have no reason to believe that the name of JYehovah' is on any hotel that has been rented because people want others people to SEE them attempting to either lead many people to some form of Truth or worse, mislead them in a location that really does NOT have the name of Yehovah on it or in it. Michale Rood's assemblies typify gross negligence in expensive hotel areas for some reason, even if part of the messages he delivers are true.   Maybe Rood should set up a March Madness vs. Sarah Fadness meal and see which way the Simon Baker and Eric Close call boxers go at Storm, Thunder and Lightning slow dog food bowls end up.

6.  When an Air Force veteran only comes up with HIHOAg lines and says it is 'HiHo Silver', he is not even close to the first sighting of 'Goofy' in Wausau's  Marathon Park veteran's hockey lines. Ideally, a young man named Jaoob Masters willl start studying the letter 'nun' and the breastplate instead of ending up in Old eTestament apathy lines. Some Twinings bloke didn't seem to concerned that the letter Vav was excluded from the texts they are translating from in their version of Psalm 34.

7. Try to pull away from Genesis=1 and the Book of Revelations=66 and drift into the 66 chapters of Isaiah.  Whatever jersey you wear, if it is between 1 and 66, study the Isaiah chapter matching your jersey number. This avoids too many people trying to understand exactly what Paul was saying when he mentioned that men should not prophesy with their head covered, and for some reason stubborn men keep draping their head with scarfs like they are Roman or Greek philosophy puppets wrongly intrepreting a Benjamite's message on "Hebrew Roots Netwrok'.  Keep in mind that 2 female bears defended Elisha the prophet when he did not have his head covered and it was possible he was as bald as Jim Montgomery in the presence of many male youths. When I looked to Isaiah chapter 33, wearing my Patrick Roy#33 Montreal jersey, i was refreshed to see the word 'locusts' mentioned. Earlier on the 18th of Adar, I did ,mention to the obese pork eater that he should read Isaiah chapter 66, since he is not mature enough to handle any seal or foundation talk delivered by an atypical Benjamite.  Isaiah the prophet was a true saint, unlike any of the Catholic popes; be cautious as Polycard and DieTech lines, since some people might think 'Die Tech' means some iduits want Bradley Tech or Milwaukee Tech people to 'die' if they are spiritually wise enough to reject Christmas party lines pushed by Herb Brooks worshippers.

8. Keeping point 7 in mind, study Strong's word #2388 instead of focusing on Martin Van Buren too much. The United States is morally one of the weakest nations on earth, and immorality has increased since Christmas trees were dragged into the political and  presidential housing sections. As much as I don't approve of being forced into divorce in the past, I still have to be thankful I can enter an abused women's shelter that iI try to manage alone instead of desperately seeking  a household that has some for 'company'.  Talking yourself into a 'patiently enduring as a heterosexual single' is better than talking yourself out of your wedding vows in a reprobate, despicable attorney's office.

9. Don't be a 'Carla Derringer' Jackson Hle rule of foot: Howard JOnes is wrongwhen he claims that 'no one is to blame' when fleshly desires lead to real sin. Music, like the local libraries, is full of lies, denomic influence and anti-Truth marketing. Music without lyrics is usually your safest route if you are not spiritually strong enough to openly correct errors in lyrics. Avoiding music videos is as wise as refusing to go int any movie theatre in this century.

10. The USA Women's hockey team can go try to  get jobs at 'Sesame Street On Ice' or get maintenance jobs at 'The Suburban Ice Group' rinks in southern Michiga if they want to get paid more money to play games without a physical education degree.  Women's hockey can never represent the 12 tribes of israel properly and likewise can never be part of 'Ephod7' Gadite transition teams. Maybe they should call women's hocley teams 'Even Flo Progressive Nipple February 28th Insurance Suckers' and they can try to maintain some 'Kojak' type investigations.

11. Right now, I guess I am a physical education teacher with at least one regualar student.  Teaching various sports to one student is better than watching stupidity like "Law and Order' or Dan Patrick. Occassionally studying films of other athletes being trained by other coaches can be done if the film coverage is rated  no worse than 'PG'. 'PG' includes home games of the Chicago Bears, most hockey games, home games of the Pittsburgh Steelers and most baseball games.  Most basketball games have gone the way of 'Pink' trouble at the sidelines. Pompom and dance squads do not spiritually save lives, and only a few teams are wise enough to eliminate cheerleaders and dance teams completely.

12. Paper currency made in San Francisco is less dangerous to study than 'The Cincinnati Kid'. Once you see a film that is suitable for a vice squad unit but not suitable for children who are supposed to be watching examples of GOOD and HOLY leadership, you can always revert back to better made films such as 'The Narrow Margin', 'Leave It to Beaver', 'The Ten Commandments' or 'The Great Escape' when trying to get non-biblical perpsective on theories of evil versus good.  This is the final MIlwaukee tech Class of 1979 point of magnesium reference.

Time to rest, study, pray and talk to the dust mites in my D.A.R.E. bear that isn't featured  in 'The Hunt For Red October'.  The grouper meal I had was better than becoming a cannibal and eating Jim Fish filets pulled from a Waste Management garbage site.  The apostle Bartholomew is not opposed to my use or harsh contrast when trying to make a non-21 point.

My living room just turned into a Jim Montgomery ward! I am not Amish. I'll study Poolman and Poolman while I am wisely not eating Twizzlers , not in an outdoor Doughboy pool and while I am  not interested in buying Coca-Cola products. The US Border Patrol advertising looks very classy in the Joe Louis Arena, almost as classy as the advertising I posted in the Mosinee and Greenheck ice arenas over a decade ago.  Is Stuart Rottier going to  commit perjury again and claim that The US Border Patrol is 'nominal value'? Even the cowardly Richard Peterson of Mosinee Wisconsin would probably not be stupid enough to say a  Wisconsin S-Corp out of debt with hard assets of over $50,000 is not 'nominal value' if and when he ever makes it to a place below a judgment seat, even if the Peterson family was spiritually ignorant enough to align with a Nazi-type like Shane David Hendrikson in the past. It is a blessing that I do not know everything that is going on in the PRESENT, and I am not aligned with anyone named 'Hoffman', whether in deputy brown or on a Florida green span.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Rude Veterans Are A National Problem Not a treasure

Military veterans often speak before thinking for some reason. Since I have personally observed the totally wrong type of training results at Fort Leonard Wood, it should not be a shock when simply wearing an Ottawa Senators jersey prompts an ignorant female Army veteran to call me an 'ass hole'.
Such women are not deserving of a bit of grace  since they do not know how to behave like ladies no matter what uniform they put on.

There are several ways to respond to an ignorant Army veteran who is weak at mind and even weaker in physical form. I showed the woman who calls herself 'Kat' mercy when I did not physically put a spoonful of Pedigree dog food into her untrained mouth. After being called an 'ass hole' just for choosing to play with an Oakland Grizzly rather than with her 'area 51' team, referring to her as a 'bitch' was  following 'a tooth for a tooth' rule. After that, constructing a new Arnold Palmer course extension with a special 'Ass Hole' seemed like a good way to coach myself into good laugh after being verbally assaulted by a human unworthy of any blessings.

The most obvious sign of terrible training was when the Army 'nurse' said it as confusing to have an Ottawa player on the north team playing with other white people. She said I was 'dark' and I corrected her and told her I am 'white', regardless of the color of my 'Heatley 15' jersey. Maybe if I had 'Hoffman' on my jersey she might have had more of a reason to be confused, but real teams in a war, whether spiritual or physical, do not always get divided by the color of their jerseys.

The conduct of many veterans is appalling and disgusting; thankfully there are a few veterans such as my Uncle Andrew Biene and my old Milwaukee neighbor William Taylor that are wonderful citizens to have taking up space on United States soil. I followed my own medical advice after being verbally assaulted without good reason by the improperly trained female 'Kat', and proceed to 'Nacho's' where I hoped they would treat a guest better than 'Kat' does. Indeed, I was treated well at the Nacho Ramirez diner, and noticed Rocky Ramirez, Donald Joseph, some  Cardenas#10 athlete and Nancy Schultz in a few frame jobs.  A few sombrero questions and the 'Ned and Dusty' amigo effect led me toward Lucky's Steak House. At Lucky's, I was wise enough not to drink all the Jagermeister that was poued into the tumbler set before me, and once again I may have avoided 'entrapment' into a drunken driving situation. Maybe I disappointed the typical Deomcratic ass known as Anthony Wickersham  types, who probably rather see me drunk and in handcuffs, heading toward a county bullpen.   I'm quite sure that Axel the LaPeer dog and the  Michigan State Troopers were thankful I left behind about 50% of the liquor poured out for me. I never want to end up out of control like Linda Maria Meyer Hendrikson Costa, and I certainly don't want to have my Allstate Insurance go up due to an accident I might be able to prevent by staying sober.

Anyone heard from Don Rasmussen lately? I'm not a bad reporter, even though I do report attacks against me rather than popping anti-depressants into my angelic mouth hole  to alleviate stress.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Try To Cure Your Head Covering Problem

I know it foolish for any human being to complain about another human being wearing a scarf on their head in most cases. Consider the following facts:

H) A Catholic nun during and before the 1970's wore head coverings very similar to what people claim 'Muslim' females wear now. The Catholic nuns used to be treated with much respect from most people even though they were shrouded like a conservative Muslim woman, so it is high time scarfed women, whether Muslim or  not, to say they are trying to attain the 'vintage nun' look !!!

He) My extremely Polish grandmother wore scarfs on her head for many reasons, such as to prevent her hair from getting tangled and wind-blown in summer or covered with snow in the winter. Her scarfs were part of her particular fashion preferences, not a threat to anyone else's security.

Li) In is reasonable to expect a scarf to be 'searched' when going through security check-points, just as any other head covering or jacket might be checked. If women do not want their scarf checked, they should not try to travel through international border lines and stay near to the household or government system that doesn't worry about the area covered by a head scarf.

Be) It is pompous and arrogant of any judge or area to expect anyone to keep a decent head covering off their head after it has been checked and is found to be safe.  Decent head coverings include hockey helmets, football helmets, silly Vatican papal hats, old-fashioned Catholic nun veils, baseball hats and wigs as long as they do not have obscene designs on them.

B) Golf visors are technically not head coverings. If keeping your hair in order and protecting your face from sunburn is your goal, stick with a golf visor with  or without a thin scarf over your hair and under the visor; this is known as the ' new school Charlie Brown Christmas shepherd look' typified by the Linus character.  Unless you have really big ears, it is too hard to keep a rope around your forehead to obtain your Peanuts shepherd look with a scarf, so the golf visor is a more comfortable option.

C) Use a better name for a scarf on over your head and neck area such as 'non-toxic deer fly protection' or fashionable non-aerosol anti-mosquito system approved by Jewish and Catholic statues of 'Mary'.

N) Come up with a better reason than  religious tradition to wear a scarf on your head, such as 'I want to prevent my medium brunette color from fading to sun-bleached dark blonde.' This is a terrific international RATIONAL statement to counteract the bigger irrational dangers on earth such as fake blondes who have created a strong delusion which are eventually revealed when the darker hair 'skunk line' appears above the fake blonde area. Weak delusions might occur when humans are only trying to cover their 'grey' rather than completely despise their parent-given genetics.

O) A terrific look for any and all humans who want more protective head coverings is to buy a thin flag of your national preference, fold it to a reasonable 'towel size' and anchor it to your head with a baseball hat tilted whatever the purgatory way you want! This is better than drenching your hair with 'Loreal'  hair coloring products and tattoing a flag of the 'USA', 'Canada'  or 'Germany' on your back.

F) Covering your face to conceal your identity is what cowards do and what mentally unstable people in 'Easter Bunny' or 'Santa Claus' suits do; covering your face in extreme cold to prevent frost bite is what seasoned winter survivors do when temperatures drop below 10 degrees Fahrenheit.

Ne) For those of us who do not want to wear dead animal skins such as mink or raccoon hats on our heads , topping ourselves with a thin national flag or even a USA Confederate flag under a golf visor or baseball hat could be called an' international non-bride angelic force veil' that is an improvement over the Catholic bishop or 'Darth Vader' look but is still not as fashionable as the typical sombrero.

Na) A thin solid colored scarf  ( to cover the neck area) under a beautiful sombrero is the best look to avoid becoming too much of a Middle Eastern 'crowd follower', refusing to evolve into an  Irish Setter and go for the better Sombrero option to become a Middle Western trend setter.

I hope I have now cured you of fear of wearing scarf or thin flags in public or fear of seeing 'scarfed humans' in public whose faces are showing.

Expanded Version of Poolman3 vs. Poolman6

I am part of Bowling Team#3'Just 4 Exercise', which I will now call 'Poolman3'. Technically, I have been a pool woman many times.  Today's opponent was Bowling Team #6, arrogantly named 'We 4 Kings', but none of the team #6 members are actually  good king material. Try to Read24 this with a Larry Hovis 'Bullfrog' North Dakota' Crane clan accent.

Rat Pack Split: 'Joe Z.' is my only remaining teammate left, but today he did not want to bowl against Team 6 so he scheduled a medical appointment for himself. Joe is a typical USA citizen who has been married and divorced a couple times, but he is blessed enough to be sharing a household with family members rather than being deserted by his children after he got divorced.  'Joe Z.' left me with a deficit of 10 points per game and '124' points per game went into the bowling records. WI license plate 'CIB124' is not in any bowling records, but keep in mind that '124' is the Strong's number for 'sardius'. Joe's total absentee score was 372, which is still interesting when comparing Eric Lindros to Dany Heatley in goal totals. Lindros was accused of sinning with a married woman but served no jail time for that allegation; Dany Heatley committed vehicular homicide and served  a small amount of jail time for it; I suspect that Dany Heatley   is forgiven for his past sin because he did not DENY the offense that he committed against his friend while operating a motor vehicle. Lastly, ESPN 'Fun and Games' additions know that Sean Hill is labeled as #372 in their code system and Messiah University has been listed at #372 by those who know that Marquette has been listed at 157 by Forbes Magazines. Sean Hill committed drug crimes and to my knowledge served no jail time for it, but he might have been in jail at some point. In any DARE officer error line, Sean Hill did the least damage to his 'neighbor' if the allegations against Eric Lindros are true, and correcting a drug abuse problem is much easier than trying to repair a marriage to an adulterous wife or trying to raise a '20 pointer' from the dead after a car accident.

Spots 3 and 4 on my team are now 'vacant'  and scores of 140,140,140 get plopped into the bowling system, totaling 420. If 420 reminds you of April 20th, you are like me. I don't like "April 20th' in history,  and I really don't care that spots 3 and 4 are vacant now since it doesn't stop me from continuing bowling battle strategies.

I bowled a 151, a 150 and 148, which was just about my average.  Being assigned to lane 1 this week, I won 2 points by taking game 3 by 8 pins, so the  Poolman3 team has now won 75 points, is still in 13th place, so consider that up to something like a Brett Lindros Islander line. Poolman 6 team won 5 points today, and is still in first place in our bowling league. Those 5 points mean about as much to a gambler as a Johnny Bench jersey, and I don't care about losing 5 points when I was outnumbered 4 to 1. Now, let me try to explain where Poolman6, similar to the 'Mark Sanchez6' team is in trouble:

Alphonse called 'Craig' his savior. Both Alphonse and Craig have military experience but are not spiritually healthy. 'Craig' had once seemed to be a decent citizen with reasonable etiquette, much like the bartender  I had talked to several times at an Olive Garden in Rib Mountain, Wisconsin. The bartender proved he was an imbecile and a buffoon when he called me 'shithead' and his speech counteracted his willingness to move a table for me; the bartender became my enemy when I was trying to gain a friend. Likewise, 'Craig' had moved the same table for me several weeks ago, but today decided to become my adversary when he called me a 'beast'. I rejected that verbal language and said he is a beast or that he can call Marcello a beast. 'Craig' then lied and said it was a compliment to call a person a beast, but because I am not a spiritual imbecile, I know it was blasphemy to call me a beast. Alphonse cannot be spiritually redeemed  or made holy by people like Craig, even if Alphonse called him his 'savior'.  Ultimately, 'Craig' became just like Linda Costa to me, and he no longer is anyone I would want to associate with nor will I be able to call him a friend; he is only an adversary who does not know what it means to be holy and pure in heart and it looks like he spent way too much time tanning right up to an 'Ernie Hudson' point of darkness. 'John' was the only member of Poolman#6 team that I shook hands with after our conflict, since I do not want to pretend that I get along with Marcello when I don't. Faking friendship is like bearing false witness; angels of Yehovah don't bother pretending to be allies with people that mistreat them or verbally abuse them.

'Craig' had plenty of other options rather than choosing to be verbally abusive to me today. He could have called me 'Backstrom', agent 32, agent 68 or 'Jagr' since I had my Jagr Penguins jersey on, in which case  he would have been at least as wise as Michael Redmond. He could have called me 'Marie' or a strong Trojan without offending me, but calling a person a 'beast' is not proper unless they have seriously abused you. There are many attorneys who are beasts, many criminals who are beasts, many politicians who are beasts and every lieteral swine is actually a beast. Lack of proper verbal communications can easily start a war that no one anticipated. In the past, my former teammate called me 'Four eyes' when I showed up with glasses, but he later apologized and we are not enemies now. 'Craig', just like the bartender buffoon, did not even bother to apologize and just pretended as though he did nothing seriously wrong. Thankfully, I did not start any kind of physical relationship with the Olive Garden bartender or 'Craig', who is more suited in a POF bowl for a woman like LInda Maria Meyer Hendrikson Costa than for someone like me who expects better conduct and intelligent verbal skills from an adult male over the age of 30.

I had quite of bit of defensive stonewear on today instead of a shirt which said 'God, Guns and Trump'. My 'Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem' shirt was more respectable than a Snickers commercial and more intelligent than a Buick commercial. I was well covered by  non-idol symbols of Benjamin, Zebulon, Joseph, Issachar, Simeon and Gad, and thankfully was weighted down by an idiotic crown on my head. I did consider the struggles of Patrick Cantlay, and admired his ability to overcoe adversity and behave like a saint rather than like a beast. Tempers exhibited last year are no always as easy to conquer in private as they are to cover up in public. Winning a Valspar tournament is better for the environment than driving around in circles like a Truex or Menard madman, but who knows if NASCAR drivers have better control over their temper than the typical golf pro?

Poolman #6 is now at 126 points, which I as a clever chemist can designate as the F.U.C.K. Chemistry Total Atlanta F6 troop. Poolman#3 is more like a Red Billiard ball team at mind even if I am like a C3 Philadelphia Hamilton 10 code saint at method of operation. Next week, Team 3 plays Team 10!

Make sure you don't confuse Jamie Sharper ( The Zayin team) with Jamie Little who might be as bright as an octopus launched onto the Detroit Redwings ice surface before they lost to J.T. Miller's Rangers without a boat squad in sight. 'Jamie Little', NASCAR commentator, is not part of any of my teams, but Bryan Little, the huge Badger, still is.  Indeed, it has been almost 20.83 years since I exited 2970 South Delaware Street in Milwaukee, but on most days that seems like about 1/2 an hour ago since my memory is intact and improved since  I intentionally decreased prescription drug use and used safer, less toxic methods to try to prevent asthmatic exacerbations.

Anyone with any sense of history knows that Russell Kempka has better 'Super P' Day  536.9 communication sense than Jamie Little. Consider a quote for fans of 'Axel', the Lapeer Dog Bowl leader:

'It is easier to get a dog to obey a woman than it is to get a man to obey the God of Issachar.'

I have wrongly heard from the lips of Terry LaFrance that 'Hendrickson' is part of Issachar, but you cannot attribute a surname to a tribe. Initially a remnant of Issachar might have been launched to Finland like a Srixon heading toward a Molitor line fringed with Golden Gophers, but at this point in history, remembering your father's and your mother's name and treating both of them decently becomes a serious commandment matter. LaFrance claimed he was part of Reuben because his family was from France, but flesh lines cannot get you sealed into the 144,000. Terry LaFrance served in the USA Navy and let me get by him before I was able to get this to YOU. He also has a wife, Sharon, sharp enough to claim she would reject the intake of pork even if it is offered to her by a neighbor' and I suspect it is because Sharon fears the God of Israel and does not want to take unreasonable health risks to appease an atheist or some other anti-Moses representative. Terry LaFrance claimed he would rather defile his bodily temple than offend an unbelieving Gentile and as a result, Terry LaFrance  is not anything like the true church of Philadelphia YET. If a household is divided on small matters, it is not time to rely on the time of Reuben but time to look to a stronger tribe for leadership and guidance. The dietary laws for Israelites are some of the EASIEST laws to understand and uphold when compared to the concept of 'keeping the Sabbath holy'.

If Poolman 6 is now like a Muslim month calender boy rather than 'Mr. June' and' Poolman 3' is like a Gregorian Calendar boy rather than like Sheldon Souray and the strange Gimel unit, then who might be a decent Adar calandar boy? I  would choose Mr. Lamed, namely Robert Scott Smith of Minnesota Vikings '32' TD historic Line changes or Sergei Krivokrasov, 1st round 12th Chicago Blackhawk non-guitar pick to be a typical decent 'Mr. Adar'. Surely,  a good, wise and holy' Mr. Adar' representative should not end up as deranged and morally despicable as Stuart Rottier, Lawencia Bembenek or Tom Brady.  Sergei Krivokrasov is a much wiser leader of men than anyone on 'The 4 Kings' bowling team based on my personal contacts.

Beit Lamed.....scarcely.... a narrow margin with a total value of 32. Don't forget the Franco Harris rule and the Southern Steelers hockey team in Canada! 'Stella' still only a stupid Mr. Slade Hendrikson dog who is incapable of defeating Axel of Lapeer.

Helly Hansen Math and anti-Molech engineering analogy for 'Maxwell Dumb' Bell26 Spartan classes:

Beet It: Garth Snow and Miroslav Satan (I-81 of the Eastern Seaboard Transportation Codes) > Jimmy Howard's Santa Claus helmet in reality checks and principality clashes. Not all bears are good enough to become Chicago Bears, and even fewer bears have been tough enough to defend Elisha the prophet against verbally abusive youth gangs.

'Mike Cherry Red Team 3'& 'Punchy the Rocky Balboa Dog team6' on Lanes1&2 could have been confusing to the Local 21 and Local 228 eyes based on the rejection of the Truex  format in favor of the X=shower stall Kohler Club format, so here is a non-confusing 'Xavier Musketeer' additions to the X and A teams especially for Argonauts( Team 18) that have to move on from 1873 and Pizza73  to stronger options such as the Curtis Shayne Joseph Unit( yellow billiard Badger ball and Titleist teams) or  Joseph Nathan's Beef Hotdog ( Klement's Beef Rib It!) Great Escape Baseball Gang ( aka 'Team Krypton' and flashlight bulbs) with a minor emphasis on basic Captain Kangaroo strategies:

Alternate Poolman3 Captain: Frank Zillner (UW Badgers), Engineering
 Alternate Poolman6 Captain: Robert Skaradzinski, Milwaukee 'anti-Donald Jackson' Wise Lifeguard
Alternate Pulaski Pool Dive Team: 'Swedowski'

Sunday, March 5, 2017

35 Years:Theodore Reynaud Jackson Is Still A Disgrace

'Becher' could be the word of the day. 'Becher', a name in the Old Testament, means 'camel' in Hebrew and on the southside of Milwaukee, the Becher Street area is a tough area to survive in. In the 1970's, a historic football field used to be on Becher Street near south 8th street, but like many other historic  battleground areas, the football field is only a memory to many old Milwaukee survivors.

35 years ago, March 6, 1982 was a day I never realized that so many men would want the worst to become of Richard Isaiah Hendrikson. Richard Isaiah Hendrikson was fathered by Theodroe Reynaud Jackson, son of Donald and Jessie Jackson of Milwaukee, but the Jackson family wanted to hold onto their 'black' money rather than choose to be respectable paternal relatives. As a result, I did not have much of a chance to succeed as a perfect mother to Richard Edwin Xavier. He was delivered in Good Samaritan hospital by Ruth Palkans on June 14th, 1983, and I am quite sure that Ruth Palkans hoped for the best for baby 'Richard'. He is more real than 'Planet X'.

When the natural father of a boy tried and succeeded to escape his financial duty, he became a thief and a liar. Since the Roman Catholic church accepted Theodroe Reynaud Jackson as one of their flock,  I will say the Pope is party to the crimes committed by their recruits, especially since they never loved Richard or me, Richard's mother, enough to rebuke and disciple Richard's father. I had been a servant in the Catholic church for years like many others have been.  Milwaukee Countyand the vatican's  shame   is still the fact that there are so many males just like  Theodore Reynaud Jackson, later known as Todd Reynaud Xavier, who then went back to 'Jackson' for some reason.   'Do not try to recruit who you do not intend to properly control' might be a good motto for those who do not want to be party to the crimes of their 'rank and file' members and employees.

I did seek men who might have wanted the best life possible for my son Richard, but instead I chose men who only wanted what I had to offer them for some reason. Michael Robin Ortiz, another product of the uncaring Catholic system, did not get a houseful of cigarette smoke with me  nor did he try to get a way out of paying child support to the mother of his children. What he did do was find a way to make sure his step-son Richard had a even slimmer chance of being loved by a man who wanted the best for him, and I went on to waste many years serving Shane David Hendrikson, another disgrace to Wisconsin and to whatever 'church' he claims to be part of. Shane David Hendrikson has  also proved he does not want anything good to happen to my son Richard,  and Shane's ability to lie and steal have equaled if not surpassed the harm that Richard's natural father caused.  Even men like Doug Allord and Brian Berg actually desire the worst in the days ahead for Richard isaiah Hendrikson because none of them have had the courage to correct the errs of their ways, so they are incapable of getting any other person on a road to repentance. Don't confuse Danny Willett and Gary Woodland with hirelings, even though many politicians and corrupt church leaders play too much and do not yet know how to earn a source of honest income.

A good father would want his son to have a decent relationship with his mother,especially if the mother has been faithful to the father and did her best to provide for her household.  I know my father wants my son to have decent relationship with me, but my son actually hates  my father because he refuses to respect the good desire of my father's heart. Indeed, my 3  former spouses never wanted 'the best' for my son Richard Edwin Xavier, and unless Richard has the courage to break the pattern of deception and family evasion that his father has, my son has nothig but family disaster ahead of him because I know that my God does exist and that my God knows the tears I still have as an unloved mother. Since I know Ezekiel 33 is true, I also know that past 'good works' cannot compensate for current intentional sins  whether the sin is committed against parent, neighbor or their unseen 'god'. Amazingly, Ezekiel chapter 33 builds up like a mountain, and the pinnacle at verses 15 and 16 reveal  point of mercy grace that few choose to DO, even though opportunity is there. The entire chapter is a 'must read' to understand the motives and plans of a just and righteous God who does not ignore sin.

I am thankful I am a daughter, but I would be a liar if I said I was thankful to be a mother and a grandmother at this point in history. Actually, my son is teaching his children to be just as wicked and uncaring as his father and he is abusing his own children by not allowing them to get to know me, their pro-commandment grandmother, just as I am, rather than robbing his own children and me of an opportunity to behave as family should toward one another.  When male leaders not only fail, but intentionally corrupt and divide their own families, it is not a shame for a mother to cry out to an unseen Elohim, just as Psalm 35 suggests.

Fiction, useless and destructive as it often is, abounds on television and in books, but Truth is the only foundation that can possibly improve the course of history ahead. What has happened in the past 35 years cannot be changed. I love my parents too much to give up on life  like others have, and I love and understand 'Yehovah' too much to ever go back to living a sin-filled life. What I wonder today is if any of my enemies, even one of them, can choose to read and believe Ezekiel 33:15-16, and then start to live an anti-sin life after restoring what they have robbed from me or others?

As the 7th day of the 12th biblical month starts, it is not Pearl Harbor Day. Actually, the United States is worse than it was on Pearl harbor day, since sin and crimes have increased substantially since the 1940's.  I suspect it is a day when only a chosen few are really spiritually prepared for the events in the days, weeks and years ahead. Very few humans have a clear conscience because they prefer to try and conceal their sins and crimes rather than 'saint up' and take the necessary actions to actually be forgiven for their sins and crimes.

There might have been pills that could have erased or destroyed my memory of March 6, 1982 but I rather remember just who the enemies of  a true and just God and my enemies still are.  Fighting off past power plays by drug pushers in medical facilities has not been a simple task. The United States is a fiscal, moral  and a legal shame, because it has made it almost impossible for an honest citizen to get a proper and fair day in any court, especially at 'divorce time'. As bad as the United States is, Yehovah still wants some saints, maybe an angel or two and some people willing to prophesy to remain here so that the guilty will in no way be declared 'innocent' or acquitted, even though they might be comfortable temporarily.

What can I do know? I can pray for my enemies , maybe for the last time. After that, I can continue to resist sin one minute at a time for maybe another 35 years. I read aloud Psalm 68, Psalm 97 and Psalm 35; Psalm 35 is a plea for help against the wicked. Fighting an attitude of laziness is tough but necessary when you are 'not happy' and struggling with sadness caused by situations that seem impossible for me to correct, but not impossible for a very angry and righteous God to correct.

Could the prophet Jeremiah ever have felt as sick to his stomach as I do today? Of course prophets can get sick to their stomach when surrounded by evil rather than being  literally embraced by a good 'God'. Even a camel knows it is better to walk in solitude, sorrow and strength than be held in captivity by a cruel being and mistreated, eventually leading even a camel to the loss of a gentle spirit.

I am not as quick as a cricket, nor am I as quiet as a clam.  I think,  I recall, I pray, I study, I watch, I react and I wonder what the results of my hope and trust in Yehovah will be.