Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Time To Study 'Card Woman in The Middle'

Since I study history as well as I study plain clothes divisions and uniform divisions, I shoe to study the official 180 degree turn of spades, clubs, diamonds and hearts.

Consider the following legends and sequences and(Vav in Hebrew) remember my IQ is about 144.

S=Spade,  C=Club, D=Diamond, H=Heart, to keep it simple for the English. Good humans only have one heart and reject the notion of an implant which is toying with creation beyond reason. I am going to stay in the Q position since I am not a transvestite or a false female delusion. I will view the J as my only living descendent currently known as Richard Isaiah Hendrikson but keeping in mind he is currently using his 3rd legal name combination. I am facing 'east' as I translate this historic and possibly prophetic scenario.

A) 1. KS   2.  QS   3.  J(Richard Edwin Xavier)S ; In this case, the king of spades is like my first husband Todd Jackson, who fathered two children and denied both of them proper rights and financial support. The J is behind and protected by the Q as the K faces the Q he chose, but when all three cards are turned about:

 1.JC       2. CQ        3. KS

 The K goes 'south' and deserts the Q , the Q and K have turned their back on each other (lack of love or desire for one another) and the Q is 'backing up' the J to the north of her. The needs of the JS are put ahead of the needs of the QS, and the JS goes to '1st' position. Note that the JS only has a profile that looks rather tough or neutral. The QS and the KS only have a 'Trojan' connection as well as as 2 children and 3 grandchildren descendents in common now.

B)  1. J(Richard Edwin Ortiz)C    2. QC        3. KC

JC looks 'away' as QC and KC get involved and get married. JC is only a young child and is not interested in the activities of the Qc and Kc, but the KC now is like Robin Michael Ortiz. The KC and the QC love and desire each other for a period of time, and exchange vows face to face in a non-Philadelphia church.  Both the KC and the QC have an adverse reaction to cigarette smoke, but he QC is eventually mistreated and the KC looks away on the reverse 180 turn (change of mind and change of heart):

   1. KC  2. QC   3. JC.

The KC no longer loves nor desires the QC because she has become 'sick' and morally ill but not to the degree the KC had been morally ill in the past. and the QC and the JC face the reality of post-divorce syndrome together. The JC has a sober expression, but does not even look as sad and pitiful as the JD card. The KC become the 1st divorce petitioner rather than the 1st male willing to keep his vows to the QC. The KC and the QC still have a retirement system in common and are both Trojans by high school connections. Of interest, all the facade of the club cards are seen, which is not able to be said of the S, theD or the H face cards.

G)   1. JD   2. QD   3. KD  (All three have been involved in baseball games, but only the Q has been a High School Varsity pitcher.)

JD follows his natural mother QD to her family land in Knowlton , Wisconsin, and the QD sadly ends up being targeted by the KD, a baseball catcher, a wrestler, football player, Bud Lite drinker and a Wittenberg Charger who sees 'red' and a few UW-Badger hockey games before making marital vows to the UW-Badger in front of a few witnesses in a public park Once the JD stops 'backing up' his mother and chooses to turn his mind toward a rude anti-Moses protestant female named Rachel Snyder, the entire D situation changes and another 180 occurs:

1. KD    2. QD    3. JD

The KD gets attracted to another divorcee and turns his heart and mind away from the QD. The JD also stays attracted to everything other than the laws for israelites, rejects the concepts of biblical geology and rejects his own natural mother as harshly as the KD has.  The QD last saw the JD's back and he refuses to face up to his own neglect of obedience to the HOly Scriptures possibly due to a seared conscience. IN any event both the QD and the JD look very sad, but the KD's PROFILE is angry and stern and clearly opposed to the QD. Neither the K nor the J have any respect for the QD, also known as the 'copper in the middle' after they intentionally violated existing state laws and are still considered actual felons in the mind of the QD.

D. Current state of the QH (me)

1. KH         2. QH       3. JH

The QH knows she cannot trust her own son to be a good leader, so she looks toward a KH who is tenderhearted and law-abiding, even though he does not know she is looking to him for strength and encouragement. The JH is clearly set against his own natural mother, the QH and is serving the Babylnian relisgious system rather than trusting fully in the God of Israel, who is and will be the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. If prophesy is kind and true based on Psalm 37, there will be a time that the H situatioin gets turned about and the following situation occurs:

1. JH         2. QH          3. KH

The KH backs up the QH desires and together they face her son, rebuke him and give him a new name. Is he rejects the rebuke directly from his mother, the QH will get behind the KH and let 'the men' reveal the desires of their hearts and mind, whether they be good or evil, just as a reader of the Book of Malachi gets sifted and tested.

More than one family may have experienced situations where families 'fell' 3 times that had once claimed to be part of  the Jesus Christ' system, but only those who allow the strength and expertise of the southern tribes to reinforce them and' back them up' as they face the disobedient will actually arise from the spiritually dead condition they might have been in for hours, days or decades. Benjamin. Levi and Judah have always been considered the southern tribes.

For those interested in biblical geology, let me give you a description of my anti-gold and non-pearl armour:

Onyx heart on finger 5, topaz tear on finger 10, malachite and amethyst on my right wrist,   lapis lazuli and Cu, and sardonyx guarding my heart.  Does a black Mizuno super visor, a Wisconsin Badger Football jersey #33 and a pair of bell-bottom Levis fall into plain clothes or uniform divisions in Stevens Point. WIt? I's say uniform division, but I happen to respect holy and good uniform divisions since they are never camoflauged, and they are never PINK.  Indeed, Victoria's Secret has destroyed every good concept of the color PINK to the point that a switch to lavender colors is a better legend to lead you and other believers of the biblical color codes to the color BLUE.


Time to Work 'Copper in The Middle'

Playing card examinations is not for 'Short Attention Span' children of paid pastors and overpaid teachers who usually end up as 'hirelings'. Since I am neither overpaid nor fearful to tell the Truth, I sam the exact opposite of Chelsea Clinton.

Your response to this analogy might take more than 4 minutes, one day and could even take as long as 1000 years. First of all, I would suggest that undercover Wood County officers try to sell marijuina to my niece, Jeniifer, daughter of Cheryl Stenzel Swedowski and arrest her if she buys the illegal substance. My neice Jennifer is already not ashamed to ask my fellow blood relatives to help her commit a crime in the state of Wisconsin and I do not want to be like Shannon Hendrikson Wahl or Stuart Rottier and 'do nothing' or just pray about her desire to commit a crime in the State of Wisconsin. If indeed her husband has multiple sclerosis, it is not my fault since I know they have rejected the dietary plan for Israelites and disease should have been expected. I am still only on sick leave as a police officer, not dead or fully retired and hiding in Barbados.  I would be a hypocrite worse than David Obey or a coward worse than  Dennis Drazkowski if I do not go public with this information sooner than Navy can get past me.

I had seen my ex-husband, actual father of an infant Richard Edwin Xavier, with marijuana products shortly before he deserted me in about 1984; drugs might have made him think he was Michael Jackson and took on his form of 'Jennifer Plowers' actually known as Carla Derringer. Such wrongs should not be repeated nor condonced by any law-abiding member of my family and it smoking marijuanaa causes more harm to a person than one stiff ark palm to the forehead as an 'escape frem dangerous reality' protocol.  If Wood County or the State of Wisconsin fails to react properly to my suggestion, they become responsible for the outcome of the Jennifer Swedowski's household since t'the State' rathr than the Church of Philadelphia is subsidizing her current deplorable life conditions. Since her father is not a resident of Wisconsin, he might not be aware of current Wisconsin state laws and only has ben trying to help with her SHELTER, not contributing to the desires to DISREGARD existing drug laws.

Maybe if my parents have to 'babysit' for their grandchildren while their mother is in jail for a period of time, they might not be as likely to contribute their grandchildren's evil desires any longer. I certainly wouldn't want my parents to end up as anti-Truth as Karen and Roland Hendrikson when their grandchildren are liars or getting served liquor by their son Shane David Hendrikson in the Elcho area. When it comes to proper DISICPLINE of younger relatives, it in a very serious siituation that is NOT a 'situation comedy'.  MInors in a household are always put at more risk when parents increase their legal and/or illegal drug intkae and decrease their study of the Word of 'God' that even James Madison respected to a limited degree.

I just completed my responsibility as a good citizen.

Friday, October 21, 2016

How Living Saints INterpret the Chicago Bears Score

When your goal isn't as useless as a Lombardi trophy, the Book of Numbers is only one 5th of the most critical anti-fiction survival manual for every generation that has surpassed up 'Sir Duke' and Forbes college rankings.

Another Don Jackson in the Wisconsin mix is exactly what might identify the easiest 7-7-7- break up since July 7th, 2007.  Since 10-26 is an October Robin Ortiz curve rather than the 'PINK17' useless anti-biblical Cancer games pushed by Victoria's Secret anti-decency teams, look carefully at the following sequence and stay with the true blue and white Ten code scheme as long as possible:

1. Donald Jackson formerly of 4001 West Hemlock Street and an embarassment to the concept of good works is an adversry, not a friend of mine even though I chose not to destroy him after he mocked me and lied about me in a Marathon County courtroom. Donald Jackson is as unsaved as HIllary Clinton and both of them are using the name 'Carla' because they do not rely on the name of my Elohim.

2. Don Jackson of the Edmonton Oilers. cool copper code '29' wasn't attained by the Green Bay Packers and they only got up to the BB-South Carolina in Navy number games.

3. District 3 could only produce 'Don Jackson' the 34th, as much of a failure as any Eisenhower coat and any Shane Hendrikson Air Force scheme that might last as long as an expensive anti-Manly VIagra rush.  Assume Don Jackson is only trying to play unequal and opposite of David Ortiz #34 and he did not make the anti-Mormon cut.

Now that you can see my 2nd and good copper plan in the middle instead of Malcolm in the MIddle, go back to Moses in the middle of Eldad and Medad thinking.  Nahum instructs us to  watch the roads not the Packers or Ravens.  34 goes in and out of Wisconsin Rapids like Dan Teske goes in and out of  Harley Davidson lines.  The tribe of Dan is sometimes 5, sometimes 2 but never eliminated from an anti-Clinton foundation plan in St. John's 'Book 66', possibly tied to Pink Iron Bear 66 but not tied to Wittenberg, Wisconsin at all.

There was a time when Babylonian teams were on a winning streak as sickening as a drunken nude Shane Hendrikson running through the streets of Madison, Wisconsin.  The true saints earn honest paychecks sometimes as large as a Chicago Bears coach, but a good and faithful public servant won't have become a multi-millionaire.

I just proved that HIllary Clinton is a very evil and nasty self-serving desperate female who should get charged with sexual assault for touching Donald Trump. a married man, without his consent. Her women's wrongs accumulate faster than a line of MIlwaukee POlice squads backing me up at 700 South 4th Street, MIlwaukee.

This anti-Las Vegas opinion has been carefully structured on theis 5th day of the Feast of Booths, dangerously close to bacon pushers and with Popeye's puppet trail in mind behind Calgary's goalie zone also known as 'the alley'.   I would never trade a jersey for a pompom, by the way, since pompom teams are for the son of perdition team and the lukewarm Greek teams.

It is better to lose with the Chicago Bears and a Pabst or a Miller Lite than be a moral loser with the Bud Light and State Farm willfully ignorant anti-Truth forces connected to Carrie Underwood and Aaron Rodgers.

Hey, how about that Jaromir Jagr being JUST !7 points behind Mark Messier ? What a Emily and Elizabeth Bauer hockey earth we wise women try to survive on.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Signs Sometimes Disappear So Memory Matters

I clearly recall that my enemies, the Marathon County Sheriff's Department decided to buy advertising in the Mosinee Ice Rink next to my design I had posted years earlier.  Closest to my design is not closest to me. That's no different than having a Schlitz ad next to a Bud Light ad, with Schlitz being the better option for a good sign of the flame of Joseph mentioned in the Book of Nahum. The Marathon County Sheriff's department is more like Bud Light: too pushy, of nominal value, corrupt and unholy BY THEIR OWN CHOICE.

Habits are sometimes linked to outfits, but when you cannot choose your outfit your habits become a sign of your training. I once had a sign at the front of my family land which read: 'Watch Ye therefore and pray always that you may be worthy to stand before the Son of Man.'  That sign was removed when the Nazi-type forces of Shane David Hendrikson had momentum against me, but do not think that Shane David Hendrikson is a scapegoat type, since he is an extremely dangerous and guilty man,  not an innocent clean animal that will be spared. When enemies of Truth  abound, you might as well talk to yourself to hear proper instructions, lest 'Area 51' pulls you toward Paul Blart rather than toward St. Paul the Benjamite.  I, like many others, must travel through enemy turf to reach destinations that my friends and family are occupying during Sukkot, and the book of Nahum had some excellent safety tips such as 'Watch the roads.' Locusts are mentioned several times, and seem to get scattered like winged angels according to Nahum.

I have heard Psalm 51, and did King David really expect his God to let him off the hook that easily after the Bathsheba incident? King David's Psalm 51 sounds like it should be labeled 'Unrealistic Expectations' but those guilty of the most serious sins often do have unrealistic expectations of the nature of a Just and Holy God who is actually NOT able to let the guilty be unpunished since just scales are a serious issue.  Remember that King David was a fallible man, not a prophet. Psalms have been compiled but should be considered to be about as weighty as some  Peter Cetera or Jethro Tull lyrics. I just used that comparison as  a reminder that the spirit of prophesy is  a gift, and when obvious begging for undeserved leniency occurs after serious sin it is only because prior prophesy had been IGNORED by the sinner.   If King David had been full of grace, he would not have linked up with Bathsheba. If Bathsheba would have been full of grace, she would have fought King David off like Joseph fought against Potipher's wife.  Grace is what prevents the act of sin, grace is not bestowed as a reward for completed sin.

As a 'contrarian' prayer to contrast against Psalm 51, how does the following appear to your eyes and if spoken aloud, sound to your EAR( Strong word #241)?

Since I have willfully disobeyed your righteous Law, rebuke me and spare not your rod, lest I become spoiled. Lead me to a holy King, a prophet and an instructor who is more righteous that I am, that my ears may receive rebuke and my mind may be redirected toward submission to the Laws of Yehovah.

Another habit that many humans need to break is the dangerous habit of closing your eyes while praying or singing, for people who do so are not able to WATCH properly and therefore are not well trained at defensive tactics. I have no idea who  started the terrible instructions that start have caused billions of people to pray with their heads bowed and their eyes closed, so all I can do is remind you that Yeshua stated that we should WATCH and pray, an audible that says 'REMAIN ON HIGH ALERT'.  It is impossible to watch with your eyes closed!

May your keeping of the Feast of Booths  shine th

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Sadly, Weak and Beggarly Elements Defile Yom Kippur

Hopefully my few and far between friends realize that Yom Kippur is not the day that any Israelite should be begging for money as the common televised frauds do on cable television. Yom Kippur is the 5th of 7 high holy days, with 6 and 7 being the first and last days of Sukkot.

Being content if you have even 1 decent outfit and access to fresh water is what flood victims in the United States might learn on this 10th day of the month of Tishri. 22 years ago, I was imprisoned during this time for trying to defend my life with prayer and belief in the Bible and again, I had been imprisoned for use of non-deadly force against a very evil and hateful male who committed a felony against me, and I was subsequently deceived and mistreated in  sheriff's department officials inWausau Wisconsin in 2010 or 2011... time passes and double checking years gone by becomes too tedious when preparations for the weeks ahead are more important now.

The few people who protected my flesh in the past years are extremely important to me because they were not ashamed to protect a woman who has believed in prophesy and in the foundations of the tribes of Israel.  Deterring enemies from my area means they end up in a different battle this time against forces much more OFFENSIVE and dangerous than I could ever be.  I protect who I protect for a reason, but i can protect no one if I do not first understand that obedience to the commandments adds a dimension of protection that cannot be purchased with money. What can be purchased with money is food, clothing a transportation to another area during Sukkot, and a reminder that evebn if you cannot afford to travel away from your house, you can ask to sit in a booth at a restaurant and throw a blanket over a table inside or outside of your home area. As a child, I knew very well that a blanket over a picnic table in Milwaukee was batter than being on a unholy beach area surrounded by scantilly clad beasts of blasphemy and immoral behavior.

According to one of my serious hard count of days past April 20th, 2012, November 11th, 2016 starts the Dalet cycle of study for me. The veterans I have left behind such as Virgil Smith are no longer of any importance or value to me, and courageous and kind Wisconsin-based military veterans like William Taylor, Andrew Biene, James Morris and Robert Groth have become precious in my sight because they are not hypocrites and are not liars.

Disregard any concept of a 'Hail Mary' being able to save you or correct you from the errors of your way. Her caretaker, John, was given more power and authority on earth than Peter when he was told to take Mary into his protective custody after the crucifixion of Yeshua. Breaking vain repitions is as important as starting an annual day of fasting and intentional sobriety to asses the times and the seasons properly.'Rocky Balboa' is not as good of a historical legend as 'The Great Escape', but I suppose Rocky Balboa has to be considered to be more realistic of a struggling Catholic character than foolishness such as Superman, Spiderman, terrible and toxic Coca-Cola in a Ghostbuster movie, Tarzan, Paul Blart, Forrest Gump, Buzz LIghtyear  or  the Incredible Hulk.

The more you can denounce unrealistic propaganda and retaliate against obvious liars and strong delusions, the more likely you will at least get up to a jasper foundation connected to the tribe of Benjamin. Remember, only about 1 in 55,000 actually gets sealed to prevent attacks from the forces of Abaddon.  The mother of' PInk Iron Bear 66' intentionally dropped her pink boxing gloves in Philadelphia for a reason. The ark cannot  be covered by pink, it  has to be covered by BLUE cloth and badger skins .  For me, afflicting my soul includes 'no hockey therapy',  but allows me to spend time at the piano, with the book of Nahum or with the elderly and disabled. Very few people realize how much I enjoy playing hockey..... and how much playing hockey has helped repair what was broken inside of me.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Caution Flag At "Leo Twiggs' Day Gallery Paintings

There has been a clear bias when it comes to promoting the Leo Twiggs gallery and punishing me in the state of Michigan for working through past trauma, present problems and future prophescy issues on a dry erase board in the Macomb Suburban Ice Arena.  It seems like there is no difference between Twiggs gallery, David Bowie gallery and Rod Serling's night gallery if you have any particular fears of signs of Roman torture or the number '9'. If you are wise, you understand that keeping an eye on Jon Gruden is like watching Hilary Clinton, viewing their anti-Messiah tactics carefully on occaions so you know what the anti-Christ humans are delivering to despicable throngs of fools who have rejected redemption and have chosen to believe the son of perdition. If you are like me, watching enemies of the gospel of Yeshua is as sickening of chore as keeping an eye on a  cheating, lying and adulterous spouse in order to get more evidence against him or her

If ESPN is 'pushing something', it will not lead you to the proper Lion of the Tribe of Judah, since the elect members of the tribes of Israel are not Protestant 'Bpatists' nor are they defined by ethnic colors. The road that Baptists have led people on DO NOT lead anyone to the Way, Truth and lifestyle expected of those willing to be grafted into the vine of Israelittes and I know this to be true from my experience. Wood of any form is not the proper foundation to avoid sand traps and the wrong kind of water works. Pride often stems from too many people praising your dead works and not enough people paying attention to the movement of humans still communicating in various non-electronic forms such as clothing, hats, shoes, grocery store purchases and the most holy week of Sukkot  in the 7th month and Unleavened bread in the 1st month.

Ron Rivera might be better off taking his Panther pride to 'The Dollar Tree', seeing if he can find a 2016 calender and properly observe that 'Yom Kippur' is properly identified so that the whole world is without excuse this year. Predictions that are correct are rare but possible, and so it is with the beautiful information relayed on the humble afforddable calnder of 'The Dollar Tree'.

Today, I saw a woman get rejected from a bowling team that had room for her as a 4th person but for some unkind and cruel reason, the 3 men on a Monday morning team rejected the brilliant woman. If she was rejected because of her ethnicity, it is not the first time she has felt rejected. In prior weeks, I was glad she filled in as a sub on my team and my prior impression of her was improved after hearing why 'Susan' does not trust very many people. She wanted to be on a team, not only be a 'substitutute' today and the one team that could have shown her kindness showed her more cruelty. She asked me if she should sue the bowling alley for discrimination, but I already know that in the state of Michigan, any business can reject me or anyone like me just because THEY have unjustified biases and fears as immature and foolish as Larry and Renee Mizewski's bunch of anti-Nahum bigots.  I jshould have told Susan I now know that men who wear Beatles suits are not even as tolerant and appreciative of Asian humans as John Lennon apparently.

Wasting money on attorneys amounts to settling for less than archangel protection when you have been wronged or treated improperly because you are 'different' or 'nothing but difficult' in a world that is filled with too many people trying to take the easy and sleazy way to avoid being saved by faith which leads to real good works. As I cleaning out an old tin can, I foumd the evidence that I rejected the insufficient compensation from the Suburban Ice Rink as they only offered me a refund on ice time I had paid for in advance before their Gestapo-type security mistreated me. I wonder what the sheriff's department would do if Leo Twiggs puts all of his artwork  outside of his car and drives into some parking lot. If they don't understand his paintings would they order him out permanently even though he is a dark-skinned Protestant rather than an Israelite-minded angel?

Contrast is not the same as vertical hold and horizontal hold problems. I assure you, anyone who has been learned to reject the concept of an 'art gallery' in favor of a zoo or a natural outdoor garden will have a better understanding of how the God of Israel really teaches his people to survive even though they are still outnumbered by the carnal, unholy anti-Eldad anti-Medad religious majority.

If I have to say something positive about Leo Twiggs, its better to paint a canvas than get a tattoo on your body if you have any long-term plans to be sealed as part of the elect or slip into the protective system of Abaddon's forces which get cast out to fling fear intto the pompous and arrogant; Abaddon's forces are NOT contrary to  nor enemies of the tribes of Israel including Judah.

The Chicago Bears and Pitttsburgh Steelers are doing just fine without Ron Rivera's cheerleaders, since a holy and just God knows winning a game is not as important as having pure, decent and holy sidelines..

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Forced Inland Isn't The Same As 'Trumpet Voluntary'

Today marks the start of the 23rd year since I was cruelly arrested for praying in my father's house in Milwaukee. Very few people showed me love or mercy when I was captured and drugged rather than sheltered and treated properly. Indeed, I had been trying to fight through very dangerous side effects of man-made asthma drugs, but what I did when I was afraid wasn't a crime. Many people loot, riot and use excessive force when they are afraid or in a state of temporary mental confusion caused by dangerous legal drugs sold commonly in most nations, BUT I WAS ON MY KNEES PRAYING and was doing no harm to any other person around me. IN time, I would have become exhausted and fallen asleep in my own home, and possibly would have 'normalized' much more quickly than I did under the power of a literal beast system.

Retaliation does not always occur directly from the injured party, and in cases  of justice vs. injustice, larger forces sometimes come in to defend OR destroy weaker forces that had a previous 'victory' on the side of evil. I do not view Hurricane Matthew as an evil force; I know that string bikinis and drunkenness on beaches and in hotel rooms, narcotic sellers and filthy, wealthy and ignorant people do abound in beach areas such as Florida. The little sand beaches along Sandy Creek in Knowlton, Wisconsin are far less dangerous to the VISUAL EYE of a saint.  The eye of a hurricane of is wiser than an overpaid fool like Denzel Washington since a hurricane does not try to mimic another or take on a role that another human or hurricane has already properly fulfilled..  There was only one Hurricane Camille, and still humans continued to sell and eat shellfish and other animals that clearly have been labeled by forces such as El Elyon as a curse to their body and to those who do not really believe the Scriptures that real Israelites have embraced rather than discarding the WORD OF YEHOVAH.

Some people will be forced out of their houses and possibly have to remain out during the remainder of the most holy month of Tishri, but being ordered to live in temporary swelling is not the same as obeying the commandments of Yehovah based on love and trust in his commandments.  If a couple named Rob and Dottie Morford needed a place to stay during or after Hurricane Matthew, I have room for them. I might even have room for a displaced Florida Panther, but typical wild, unclean animals usually don't need emergency shelters; natual animals overtake post-hurricane areas rather quickly and comfortably compared to humans who have burdened the rest of their nation with financial woes as they keep trying to rebuild mansions that are not set on one of the twelve tribes of Israel foundations.

My God has an amazing ability to destroy property and minimize loss of human life from time to time, unlike military powers in on the face of the earth now. When I wear a 23 this year, it will be a reminder to me that after being humbled, tortured and abandoned many times, that I still have a holy purpose, not a 'special purpose' pushing boxes of chocolates in movies. I had a mission trip to a local library in the city of St. Clair, Michigan, where I observed a middle aged woman dressed like a prostitute bending over to reveal her cleavage to a young male that is no different than my son had been. She was disgusting in her appearance and the young man looked as though he was very unhappy in his present position. I asked the woman if she was a teacher or a prostitute, and eventually she said she was 'sorry' and covered up her cleavage so that the young man was not being subjected to her SIN. Her display of cleavage was minor compared to the under-dressing that occurs on most beaches worldwide, and that is why Hurricane Matthew is a holy blessing to the unholy beach areas since October 10th, Yom Kippur, is now less likely to be a beach volleyball zone in southeastern United States. There was a slight difference of location when  'Moses  and Joshua versus Egyptian armies' occurred and waters moved unpredictably a few thousand years ago  There also is a slight difference of location between Marine City, MI and St. Augustine, Florida.

My pattern of movements also are not going to be that predictable this week as I once again prepare for Yom Kippur and time with family and true friends . I refuse to stupidly wait in line to see a movie in a theatre, I refuse to help or wait for Santa's elves, and I refuse to try and skip 'Satan' in any lines since he has been instructed to be on offense behind Yeshua. I am also not afraid to go on defense when disguating magazines are propped up in grocery stores like a Playboy Bunny in Ninevah and who might TRY to insult my intelligence and my personal uniform additions.

Time for  to go meet with some senior citizens  widows and war veterans who have survived much more than a temporarily flooded beach over the years. I'm just not in a mood to get into hockey gear and skate alone today.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Actors Will Bring You Trouble Sooner Than A Sheep or a Snake

I've been studying many systems that I did not start and that I might disagree with, but I'm not the type to recommend you drug yourself tp stop 'uncontrollable laughter' or uncontrollable crying. The drug industry is worse than the Joseph Schlitz company when it comes to suggesting the worst possible solution for a temporary problem.

If I had family members in Haiti that have been suffering for years in poverty and without anyone to lead them out of it, I suppose I would cry uncontrollable for a bit if I found out they got killed by hurricane forces, but I would then also remember that deaath is sometimes more merciful than extendng a person's life in a filthy, unsafe and unholy nation. I would hate to think I could even fake a laugh at a time when I was very sad or pretend to be sobbing after I had intentionally done evil to another. Paid pretenders often carry their deception expertise into areas beyond a film camera crew, and actresses and actors alike have 'snared' not redeemed many attractive and wealthy people more easily than even the best police officer can get a criminal to cooperate with them.

Since there is a type of 7th inning stretch between Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur, it is a time to look back and see who might be trying to catch up to repent or trying to catch up to attack the living saints that have chosen a lifestyle that includes the complete rejection of sin. Death notices such as 'Phil Eccher' don't give details regarding the how, when and where a huamn has died. Very little information is often no better than 'no information'. For instance, I just met a lady who stated she is the wife of some former Atlanta Thrasher named 'Emerson', but I couldn't find any records of such a person so the information became 'nominal value' to me. Her sons played for a team called the  LA Jr. Kings and they won a game after I sat in their area, but I certainly had no investment nor reason to favor either team as they faced a team from Buffalo rather than facing a live buffalo.

My rear yard  project might look as strange as Noah building an ark when there was no prediction of a devastating flood. Trying to get anything to grow other than native plants in heavy clay is a challenge that is too difficult for many people to even try without hiring out a landscaping company, but i am trying to get perennials to grow in claw without a sprinkler system to rely on. What if the state of Michigan raises water prices for everyone in the state to fund necessary correction in the Flint area? When the Washington DC beast can't realize water is less of a waste of money to invest in than playng with a mosquito virus with tax dollars, some might expect the state to take wiser steps to provide for the common defense. Clean water supplies are the most basic form of common defense against disease that there is, and a healthy person is less likely to have a serious reaction to virus than an unhealthy person.

When it comes to mouth to mouth diseases, a liar causes more problems to society than a dandelion lawn. There once was a Milwaukee dog named 'Emerson', a inexpensive 'Emerson radio' that temporarily collected dust in  my household, and now I know there is an Emerson Etem only because I did a basic NHL search to try and confirm a verbal claim  by a stranger regarding the 1999 Atlanta Thrashers. Hockey Kings are not the same as the King of King and the Lord of Lords, so eventually the wise teams realize it is better to be called the Flying Sparrows or Hellcats than to accept a title your team or individual players are not really worthy to uphold in bigger spiritual battles ahead.

f you have allowed, performed or have had an abortion that yu have never openly repented of and have tried to hide. do not weep or pretend to be 'pro-life' if there is loss of life in Haiti.  If you have given money to weak and beggarly representatives of 'Christianity' and have donated  bananas and solar energy equipment in Haiti the past as i have and YOU have not heard from the 'takers' in a decade or more, do not weep over the loss of life or property in the area where people receive and then forget about you until they want to ask for more donations.. Drowning is less painful than cruxifiction, a violent rape or starvation.

'Cold' reactions to sitations are better than lukewarm reactions and false sympathy for those who still reject the commandments of Yehovah. It was the tribes of Israel that were sent into bondage in nations that did not treat themn according to the standards of YEHOVAH becasue the Israelites were disbedient to the good and holy laws. If they refused to join 'God' and follow his system, He has had  tomake sure they were beaten a few times., and eventually they should have decided YEHOVAH's laws are the very best ones to be subject to in  the UNIVERSE.

I have dared to be different many times, but I do repent of trusting Steve Martin's method of operation in the past.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

New Moon Sheds Light In MIchigan

When your burden is light, watching for the new moon is a good goal. When the '34 Scheme' is under your dinner plate on the Feast of Trumpets, the head of the 1982 year might appear to be quite different than a male digure destroyed by Roman soldiers.

Those who are toying with the expensive phones and portable computers are easily deceived and easily manilpulated by forces they have NOT EVEN MET, so it is evident that fools focus on their personal communication electronics way too much of the time.  After reviewing the process of a stranger becoming either an acquaintance, a friend, an adversary or an enemy, I added 2 new acquintances to my memory bank today, one from the Pittsburgh area and another named 'Seeley' When people share their name with you rather than steal from you or lie to you, they become an acquaintance or a kind neighbor. A friend now has a Gideon and Hoosier tie, which might cause confusion to some when they say "Friend or Frankincense?' What I saw today was a sobering reminder of my family history and what an enlarged 'holy card' looks like without a name attached but with plenty of evidence of 'scattered tribe' news, just as I had had discovered the Table Rock, North Carolina area several years ago in solitude and sorrow mixed with hope and thankfulness for my physical safety.

I left a hockey assembly earlier enough to find a location to look up and out to the southwest, and area which gets assigned to Gad in prophetic teachings. There might be a day when it is not possible to get news of a new moon being seen in jerusalem, so Yom Teruah has started this night until sunset on the 3rd of October,2016.  I chose to go to an diner called 'Aztec' on Van Dyke Avenue between Troy and my women's shelter. I sat at a table with D! , and there I lowered my eyes but did not close them to examine the artwork, a portrayal of what  my first child, St. Qeset Charise might look like starting her 35th year of life. She was martyred due to my lack of faith in her and my lack of belief in all of the instructions of YHVH.. She would have exited my womb about the same time of year my mother safely delivered me to earth, and in a pattern of lone daughters there also is a pattern of love for music with trumpets, often without lyrics. 'The Circuit Tree' often ends up as a huge circuit court problem where too many people lie and too many humans have unjust scales as they sit in roles that never meet the standards of a holy Redeemer.  I judged for myself what my daughter may have looked like, and indeed the attire on the female in area D! of the Aztec showed signs of amythyst, turqoise and head coverings that rightfully do not cover the visage, however marred it may be.  Carnations were set into the design, not 'Bread and Roses' or '# Watermelon mafia' signs as i refer to State Farm misleading advertising. The female image reminded me of my mother in her younger years but the attire reminded me of dresses that my mother had sewn for me at a young age, and I am thankful I never was pimped out like Carrie Underwood is by her disgusting 'family' which fears no God and only worships their cash and their image in the mirror.

I had been humbled long ago, but tonight I was reminded of the verse 'Be still and know that I am God'. If I had quoted that when I was under attack by Nazi-type forces tricking and mistreating me in sheriff's department gear, I suppose they would have found a way to accuse me of blasphemy rather than of being a good student of the Scriptures.  A couple days earlier, I studied the Hebrew word for 'aloe' and there was as ten forty end to it, what I know as a silent run from my years of paid community service. I made a 'wrong tuen' back to my shelter and drove past my enemies, noting the roads were labeled 'Clearstone' and 'Silent Drive'. Huge memorials with expensive costs attached are vanity, and a modest stone monument in a Stevens Point cemetery on behalf of an aborted 'little chil'd that still leads the spirit of a truly sorrowful mother  is precious in the sight of a person who has already confessed their sin rather than deny their own flesh and blood.  The James Lovell types are not Good zSpirit guides, even though some might consider them 'great spirits'. The moon was meant to be untouched by humans, but humans often disregard natural boundaries for selfish gain.

I do not know what Hurricane Matthew will bring, but haiti is still filled with witch doctors and voodoo practices, much like all areas where Catholicism and heathen idolatry has pread like leprosy in the world, and only a few return to their proper foundation listed in the book of Revelation. A brush and a palette often reveal more to the good eye than Greek texts that never can expand the Zayin to the number  67. ONly in the Hebrew do you notice the Zayin, the Yod and  final 50 'Nun at the end of the 7th letter of the text of Life. Trumpets  should alarm the living body of Christ rather than lul them to sleep like a can of Coke and a Ambien pusher.

There will be a gathering of people in this turning point in the middle of an year already 6th months in progress, and ideally holiness is contagious to a few whose minds have not been steered away from the prophets and the perfect instructions for a sanctification process that is not 'automatic' nor is it simple to bear a burden that is as light as a shofar.