'Pending' until Blogger stops misbehaving and restores my 5th stone or until I rewrite my anti-Denzel Washington report. If I post what I know before the Minnesota Vikings season is completed, maybe I'd sway oddsmakers and conniving unholy, ungodly Jewish people would use my revelation about the true 'rod of correction' incorrectly.
I will supply this information: 'FANDUEL is so ignorant they don't even know who no longer resides at my house. In the interim, make sure you refuse to accept mail that is not addressed to you or a member of your current household.
Michelle Glover is like Wisconsin, but Harry Glover is like Michigan; some areas of Michigan and some areas of Wisconsin are still better than Danny's extremely fake, nasty violent movies. Travis Glover popped into the Green Bay Packers lineup like a variable sliced out of 3979.
Whether the 5th stone in Exodus 28 represents דן or זבולון , both eventually had knowledge of waterways. I suggest you not claim to be with a tribe but refer to yourself an onyxist or an amethystian temporarily to avoid being lured by a 'Purple King' and getting caught up on a fly fishing pole before getting beheaded, scaled and fried to a crisp like a brook trout.
Is the name Brook Lopez causing more trouble than Robin Lopez now in FANDUEL insanity?
The Rockets I've been watching launch basketballs, and those tough high school Rockets in Nike gear weren't bursting in air as if they were under too much pressure from some Titans in Underarmour gear. I don't recall seeing any of the high school athletes I've been watching displaying tattoos, though they might have been covered by attire. Unlike Marquette University, maybe there is a good regulation against tattoo 'showtime' in some school districts athletic participation rules.
Endorsements are lucrative and often 'signed' by extremely misguided athletes. Georgetown Hoyas led Marquette University 38 to 29 at half time in early January of 2025, not in early autumn. The ESPN person said Georgetown is 'In Control'; substitute the words 'In Control' to Team Nicholos Hallas' who is an electrician that departed from 7th day Saturday keeping to return to Sunday sabbath and the epistles of Paul as infallible doctrine. Thus, marketing as 'In Control', Nicholas Hallas is getting quite a bit of audibles as the father of daughter he named Torah, the sister of Erustus. I would say Nicholas Hallas fell away from יהוה , and I freely departed from Paul's epistles which is not contrary to יהוה. Maybe lazy Dennis Drazkowski needs to now equate Marquette University to 'Shane's Interior Department' , also a Wisconsin sanctioned business, although it was set up by Shane David Hendrikson without his wife's knowledge nor consent using stolen assets from a competing company which I had been registered and been stockholder of. When public officials don't follow through with complaints and reports of a felony, the victim doesn't have to quit using other resources to have someone far stronger than the victim 'corner' a guilty person who never repented and liked to 'LOL' as he was ignoring the existence of יהוה .
I don't yet know what the final score of the David Joplin game was, but I do know that David Joplin doesn't look anything like Howard Joplin or Scott Joplin because David Joplin loaded his body with tattoos, which is also a form of marketing and endorsements.
All of the above could really be compared to a hard ball in baseball field #1, a hard ball in baseball field #2 and a soft ball in baseball field #5 and it might as well be as far as Mr. Wickersham, as a jeweler or a sheriff, can pretend to be Joe Mannix.
Does Travis Glover want to represent Au or be anti-39 to avoid being part of SS#'s that include 3979? I was never the wrestler, baseball catcher or football player that thought divorce was a laughing matter and that 'Christians' should love going to Las Vegas to gamble.
What say ye, mother of Torah Hallas? Is Sid Hallas still a Minnesota Viking fan? 🔌
What a shame former friends chose to become my enemies, though I had made some attempts to try to reconnect with only a few of my former friends.
'Falling away' easily describes divorce and intentional sin. Lying, stealing, belittling your parents, committing adultery, disregarding official signals from יהוה such as keeping of pesach week in the spring and coveting another wife's house or a car that belongs to another person's husband all qualify as 'falling away'.
Your guilt be with you, Mark Slade was a name used by an actor who played 'Eddie' on 'Gomer Pyle.
What's 'log jam' now? 🎱 Is it cellulose mixed with water, sugar and gelatin from Weston Knox? When Cucumber 428 AKA' Mickey Redmond' speaks, Fanduel addicts listen with less intelligence than a bottle of Point beer. ReNFReW 231 is an early Ted Lindsay matter of tricky mathematics. Yes, Ted Lindsay and Mickey Redmond spoke to me more times than Bob Hope ever did. Meanwhile, Captain Chelios vs. Captain Zetterberg is in progress as the right battle of 'About 40' continues with only some teams from Troy, Michigan are aware of the huge Little or small Krivokrasov game within the battle.
Maybe some ex-Marine would call the following word deployment 'The Brunette Hill Incident' .
There once was a Carter called Vincent
Who weighed in at 167
Then Gomer weighed in
174 wasn't thin
As the pheasant and fish not in heaven.
Chris Osgood, who I assigned the letter O to because he seemed objective, gave the Green Bay Packers sign, which is a Door County, Wisconsin right hand 'thumbs up' between periods 2 and 3 during his 'Chelios vs. Zetterberg' intermission trip. The left hand thumb is a Lexington, Michigan thumb that is indicative of glove vs. glove' rather than mitten vs. mitten. Add in the fact that a person has to dial 7 for Russia or 40 for Hungary, 34 is Spain , 39 is Italy and goalie numbers matter . Endorsement time? Meijer's endorsed the Detroit Redwings and Belle Tire endorsed the Chicago Blackhawk. I sometimes watch hockey as if I were in Mosinee ice rink, and the away team is closest to the sign I had designed with an Isaiah 43:11 message. This 'Mosinee' rink perspective known as is known as 'expanding גד'. If I'm in a good mood, I'll watch NHL hockey as if I'm in the K.B. Willett Arena and the 'home team switches sides to the J as in the Pavelski& Arnott section. This is known as the literal switcheroo instead of dangerous virtual reality.
The Chicago Blackhawks pulled 'Spain 34', not Mrazek. Like a puck with a passport, I did legally get into Spain, but never into Italy. That is the backspin perspective with a Nita Talbot white Russian squint. Past church perspective had my son donned in Chicago Blackhawks gear, not Blues or Badgers or Panthers during a late 1990's Immanual Baptist Church ( Rib Mountain, WI) photo ; now living in the UK, my son Richard I. Hendrikson, used to have a Chelios 7 Blackhawk jersey that Robin Michael Ortiz didn't want, but I don't think Richard nor Robin has a Zetterberg jersey. What I purchase legally seemingly is not a private matter anymore.
Invest in sidewalk chalk, not cigarettes; don't be as anti-D.A.R.E. as Michigan's lousy yet famous near Seattle , Phillip Arreola the extremely unholy man. 🚭
" Now the Redwings are 'inn' control. '" - Michael Redmond, January 10, 2025 9:07 PM.
That statements allows the Georgetown Hoyas can still represent Nicholas Hallas and 'In Control', since Michael Redmond could not possibly know what I just typed. The computer program keeps trying to override 'Hallas' with 'Kallas', and there is no good reason for a programmed computer to do that since both are only surnames not misspelling of English words.
An "inn" , as inhospitable and unwelcoming as some inns seem to be, still requires licensing, and that is something the parents of Torah Hallas are familiar with. I know I could go to a Detroit Redwings game if I wanted to, but I don't like supporting 'Fanduel' pushers. 'Inn' control now is represented by Captain Henrik Zetterberg who also has had Swedish military experience, but do not forget that Captain Chris Chelios is familiar with USA tavern-keeping licenses and has been affected by homicide in his tavern and Olympic nastiness in Munich. Recall your own lifetime disasters and explain how you endured them or were somehow disabled by them, no longer able to do what you had been able to do prior to the disaster,
Never trust 'Ray Romano' figures or Doris Roberts version of 'Marie'. I don't care if churches, businesses or households that have unwelcome me fail from within, are destroyed with double destruction or merely go out of business.
" I shall cause your enemies to flee from you...". Those are indeed seldom heard words yet encouraging words from my Ruler, יהוה.
What religion am I now? I'll ne an Ioliteist, not a Titleist. ⛵ I think I'll watch 'Gomer Pyle, USMC' because ex-Marine Rodney Weary and current friend of mine said 'Gomer Pyle, USMC' actually contained helpful training material. Officer Weary and I were never impressed and were more often offended by Marquette University students' Milwaukee behavior.
Were the Marquette Golden Eagles more offensive than Georgetown Hoyas in 2025? Both teams are propping out Michael Jordan, a male who shoved his sordid strumpets labeled 'NBA dancers' into Charlotte.. I dislike any team slopping 'Air Jordan' onto their uniform, so ask so ask Wausau West Warrior Andy Brandt or NLB veteran Prince Fielder what their perspective was after the game was tied at 48 @ 11:11 in the 2nd half. There might be a team at the 63rd Silver Stick competition that is worth watching on the 7th day of rest in the left thumb area of Michigan.
If the Mormon's Jesus fulfills 'He Gets Us'. I'd rather be I or We, and not part of the Mormon's 'Us' who advertise heavily at the Milwaukee's fiserv forum. 'He Gets Us' is merely a competitor against UWM.ORG, neither of which I would recommend to a person seeking a refuge from lies and false assumptions.
Reprobate Silver is entrenched in the NBA; be careful at West bend, Wisconsin. A silver exterior is needed to evade the excessive 'silver lining' propaganda pushed by Nevada . I'd say James Reimer or Brian Strait might be a decent silver exterior when wearing their #47.
Need a 'Love Hurts' break from Nazareth? CHaAtTaNOOGa CHoO CHoO isn't Christopher CHU; certainly the fowl line could now be Cornelius, North Carolina to avoid becoming another uniparty victim of Keith Kellogg;s sordid anti-Russian doctrine money-grabbing schemes. .
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