Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Mormon: twisters 'He Gets Us' is endorsing lawlessness and chaos at USA borders

 The Mormons 'He Gets Us'  and  'Jesus gets us' ads don't accurately depict the temporary departure from  Bethlehem family turf during Herodian rule.  Supposedly, Mary and Joseph left their homeland to flee to another nation based upon death threats to the all young  male babies.  If that was the case, fleeing to the USA, home of Planned Parenthood's promotion of infant killers doesn't seem like a justifiable destination for Mexicans, Latin Americans  or South American to shove themselves into 'for their child's safety'.  The Mormons are conniving business people, not accurate historians advocating lawfulness.  

Where are the writings indicating that Mary and Joseph and their baby boy Jesus entered Egypt illegally and without Egyptian government permission?  Of course they didn't enter Egypt illegally but it was reported by ancient media that they did leave King Herod's turf temporarily until Herod's imminent danger had been eradicated.  I understand seeking safety elsewhere and fleeing an area where my life had been threatened by a Knowlton resident who openly declared he preferred me dead so that he could get all of our marital property.   Yup, I fled, and the man who threatened me multiple times continued to have his Sunday Jesus as his overly-permissive lord.

Russians that were abiding in Ukraine, many of whom might have had flocks to tend to, with or without their flocks surely have fled to zones not currently under Zelensky's Herodian-style of dictatorship. Yet, once Zelensky has been disposed of and a man who does not have such hatred in mind toward Russia and Russians  might bring in a sane, honest government leader into the run now referred to as Ukraine I suspect those who fled legally into neighboring nations might want to return...or be forced to return.

The Mormons are very guilty of twisting current events of chaos and lawlessness that Kamal Harris orchestrated and encouraged.   If those who entered the USA illegally return to the country which they fled from, not because of death threats but because of a lousy economy or to commit crimes against USA working, legal  taxpayers, then maybe they'll admit they never were anything like Mary and Joseph when they invaded the USA without temporary permission from a honest, humble host.

I'm sure Miroslav Satan is not a Mormon. 

I'm not as vague as Bill Marriott nor wealthy as Conrad Hilton      

No one has paid me to warn a couple dozen people about Mormon's distortion of  'Mary and Joseph''s temporary, lawful exile out of Herodian turf..

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