Thursday, January 23, 2025

Palmer Luckey disorder: White House's plague of profiting from violence

Unpleasant tasks are necessary to eradicate a plague;  Lady יָעַל managed to do an unpleasant task by hammering a spike into the head of an arrogant Simeonite who wouldn't say no to entertaining his own desires as reported in Judges chapter 4&5.   It not that unpleasant to admit my  ex-husband who didn't take away my food, clothing or shelter looked more like dapper Dick York than like deplorable Dick Peterson.  Unlike 'Ice-T' , I know when loyalty is no longer required to excessively cruel companions.  Comparison studies often lead to the  Brian Daly Doublemint league. The human being that corrected an error in my insurance records wasn't built with $500 billion in stolen assets, she was born to a mother and was fathered by a male.  She spoke respectfully to me by telephone as though she never knew I had suffered from serious brain trauma many years ago and that brain trauma wasn't corrected by a Gates-style injection, it was repaired by a strategic physical plan intended to subject me to non-toxic doses of external  hockey rink pressure.   I can handle external pressures now without becoming as irrational as Donald J. Trump or Palmer Luckey, but I can skate much better than an 'Air Jordan' figure.  

Maybe today I finally understand how pulmonologist Stephen Baldwin felt when he tried to do what he could to help a patient have periods of relief  in between severe asthmatic attacks that were caused by  workplace secondhand cigarette smoke exposures .  Oxygen depravation does cause confusion, anxiety and can cause damage to the brain which is why if you feel flu symptoms are hindering your breathing, it is a good does of outdoor exercise that might improve your mental clarity and assist your bodily recovery plan.  

Dr.  Stephen Baldwin eventually had to be replaced by Dr. Stephen Kream and Dr. Steven Brown who helped me get repaired enough to speak to be consistent, be active, and  now with cognitive skills and decision making skills much more reliable  and reasonable than Donald J. Trump or Bill Gates I'm able to speak a human on the telephone about serious details that a computer never would even think to change on their own.  How pathetic is it that a repugnantly wealthy  people are so attached to social media  that  Facebook is being advertised on the rear of Macomb County, Michigan sheriff squads!   It has been a terrific doctor in Michigan that assisted me safely through COVID symptoms and like the Supreme Court justices who now have lost their minds, I was not forced to get an extremely risky,  morally tainted injection that was deployed by Donald J. Trump's regime.   Dr. Stephen Baldwin realized that the side effects of new drugs often do more harm than good. John Karfonta's mother died from an asthma attack after John Karfonta made it as difficult as he could for me to remain on duty as a Milwaukee Police officer in any meaningful capacity.

Sow what?  Sow vegetables seeds, sow fruit tree seeds, sow wild flower seeds. Stop sowing computer chips into your household; stop purchasing and investing in upgrades to the tools of insanity.  

Palmer Luckey typifies an immoral person who was likely raised playing violent computer games and now thinks that real war would be as simple , entertaining and profitable as a computer game rated M for moribund.   Different faces, but still the same nasty dog shit is  emerging, more  demonic wizardry and chemical warfare coming out of the Pentagon and the White House .  The US Army is using psychics and who with any spiritual sense could possibly believe the United States of America's  military is worth saluting, funding, working with or defending anymore?   Democrat senators rolled in the same toxic mud as Republican senators, so don't be too impressed with the Democrat you opted for.   

Palmer Luckey is as disgusting and morally depraved as Marco 'narco boy' Rubio and the immoral heathens now demanding 'Stargate' and OPENAI offenses.  Maybe it was Rubio's brother-in-law that was supplying Hunter Biden with cocaine.  The USA government is beyond sick, it's  political body and military employees are putrid and rancid with a mixture of hatred, arrogance, love of money and a desire to be entertained by wars that they instigate.  Not even 1 peacemaker is within  in the United States senate to vote against Marco Rubio.  

Ben Norton and Brian Berletic have both recently  warned those who have ears to hear how unbearably heathen and self-serving the cabinet members of Donald J. Trump actually are. How much more discerning I must now be in where I go, whom I dine with and what I say or write. The chronic disease of Trump supporters is that they refuse to admit when he is doing more harm than good to his fellow Americans and then they become as faithful to him as Himmler was to Hitler.  Yes, except conditions in your community to go from bad to worse unless you have some sort of proper לָחַם to protect you and to counter the attacks from computer-crazed heathens stacking their billions into their own computerized terrorist rolls.

Night 2856, year 8; it's time to seal up myself somehow with the defenses received from יהוה against the insanity of Palmer Luckey, the maniac-status of Marco Rubio, the insanity of Elon Musk, the criminal mind of Bill Gates and the wickedness of Donald Trump's  self-imposed arrogance.  The window of opportunity to be forthright and free to expound on serious matters has closed;  the timeframe to try to lead others in a safe direction toward trust in אלעליון has expired.

After wheat is gleaned, a mixture of chaff and broken wheat remain together on the threshing floor, grain specks not worth the effort to scoop up or divide from the chaff. 'Stargate' is more proof that ploy boy Trump does not fit the definition of 'good' nor 'reasonable'.  My computer is running out of memory, and Tim Cook isn't going to increase it's electronic memory and thus if I enter more into this site, I might lose access to other rather touchy venues.

If you've never comprehended what I have written or  understood why I have reported or offered opinions for the past several years, it's due to your lack of comprehension and lack of understanding. Let the 'Stargate' demons lead their own kind to their own destruction, though during the process many will become more destitute, increasingly apathetic and void of natural defenses.

I truly can't explain to anyone the prerequisites for obtaining a  protective חָתַם  .   What I can tell you rather than spewing off my military identification number like a French actor staring at Werner Klemperer, is  that when I feel so congested or nauseated  that I decide to take olive leaf, charcoal or plantain leaf,  I certainly shouldn't be attending a public school basketball game or partaking in a bowling hobby since I  actually do care about disease prevention and plague control, unlike pharmaceutical makers and sellers.

I should be noticing improvements in my low-alert symptoms by the time Cole Caufield reports for duty in Detroit's Little Ceasar's Arena of washed hog pizza slices tonight.  Would it really make any difference if I went to watch Lakeview high school Huskies instead of Romeo Bulldogs this evening? Actually, it might have if I wore a Chris Chelios  Chicago jersey, but sometimes 'I thinks it best' that there be no difference from one public high school to another. Yes, uniforms do influence others.

Would you like my approximate pre-symptom bowling scores while I pre-bowled for Daunte Culpepper and Jordan Fader's birthday party?  Look; listening won't help this time. 

Gallstone pass :121

Trojan four Pointer:  425 series

Number 36 Joshua 10: somewhere between a 404 and a 425 series

CJ Frost Purple K :  somewhere between a 400 and 424 series

Quick draw Hensler:122

CHArGe 57:  139 


The Bear Tooth Pass is not as difficult as the gallstone pass , the Landgraf #34 Renegade pass or the kidney stone pass.

                             🜄       📗   <. Can you see any Apocrypha in that 'book'?   🦦 🚰

One more post for the sidewalk.... Catholics, beware!

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